Amended Application instituting proceedings submitted by the Government of Paraguay

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DU PARAGUAY 'Onbehalfd theRepubticfParaguayad iuaccordancwithAnkle40,
gngbI, ofthehlnteof h CWrt aod Aniclc of thRulesof&rut,
r mW this Am4adod licalitoElkaccountd thetwttotls
d theUB~& Stateof Amria wp rpspectoAn@ FrancismBrad bl-
lowiq the€ast&utinfh and tk wnck of thisourt's
oftheintdwaluw ~Wieplionowdl lohragaay bylfsUnltdrStateTbeow
CourtbasJWktb puntant tArtida1oftheDpriomlPmtd concern-
in th -ry Wkmmt of-!# to$kcVimna Cdoli onCoa-

1-Articl36,subpmgnaph1 {b)of tbeVma CooytnrioaonConsular
Relativm(doneon24 April1%3) (th"VIM Conwntioa"r)equimsthe
compmt autboritof aStatpartytoadvia"withoutdelayamatianolf
anotheStatepprrlywhowrehauthorilkarrarorddn of than;ttionnI's
righ[aeumdar asristansarantedbyM 36:
ht soregwry themm-1 liutboriorethePcceiviState
widmr May, tim msuhr pl oftheacndimgStarif,
witbia ioodr distrr,nationaloIM Gtateimated orcommit-
ted tog&om or tocustodypQoidhgtriaorisdetain4in anyotha
rn3Mtr. (Jbkl)
2.Asth Gowrnmun otf [Umtd States& iiu Mtmoriainthe
conamha UMd StuttsDI@bmalicmrsI wrsukr W h Th :
'a *pel hctioaof hecoasutPfrle~ b to rwadewing kindof
armaanc eonationahorik SU~+ &rib* nucn th.ha-
nd ofaommunicatiobetma ~~ andm&& mustatallw
-in op. Id&, au& don inso tothaxereiof
tstab1'itGtofC O ~itFdationkArtWd36~~wdngtm rightnotoaly
ah of t#rsdingStawwho am asaid a- to oo&r o b and
thFwghrfiwl otbtr (l"d P-, p I74[mf- amiW.)
3.L 1992,thmauthoritoT thaammon~~#~Ito hfVI QUCof the
rC&rata dDer comprisithe Udwi SWq dc4aid a bgwyan eih
named Fmncisohrd. Wnhauia- Mr.Brard ofhisrightlo
coaslrZasdsunc ornot- Paquayan consulnoffii ofb detention,
as raqd byth Vwnna Comt+, suchaufltoriWk aadmmWd
Mr. Brwrd4 =at& himtobtb.

ht~grw: themwo&~l
byethConwatioa. mtihtiaa andpermib emah; asdstancquid 11998th~Corn hued wprovisionl msyresOrdindiw
tb5.0n9Y nitdStab ibuld takalmlastms atitdim toensue iha
Angd PraDdscBmrd isnot acu~tedpdhg thofinaddon inthewpm
6.h spitOf theCorur'Order or~ond measurrs, nited&ate~
Mr.Bred.kThy bdtakspmwdd la texecuMr.dhrdmmwithut evehadug
acrflwhimofhisne tocomu1a rsistaaeorprrwiddParaen witbaqy
mdnghl oppmuarlytowedst Itrightder Artide5 ars36 d !ha
vim# Convuuh.
7. Thscwdtlaof theUdted Statcs'ML Brrard's indudin8 its
&IS sha 3ApriI 1998violattheobligatioowd by theUdwd Staw
!t- - to~undsrtIaeY1mm~ntlba,Tkaetioss~3 rll1998ak
violad&a obligatioitbsUnitedStam tocomplywitth?o ourt's
sioadmaww W, Finally,IIIW actionsab violatatheo&Upiion
oraggmmk rhedispuk
8Aa arerultf theseb m andinlighofthehpmibiliiy ofwra.
tiooftbs szamquomta, kapay i~entit leadddamtioaof the Unitd
&ah' liabili,mordeof noa--dim ofsud~q andrqarrliwinthc
formofmxrmpmatio andsatisfaction.

9On 1 Scpimlxr 1992lawedommmt authoritiesofViFpin ard
Mr. Baard on ampidOD d mudex Although marc d & Bd's
Paraguayanatiodty,theauthoritatnotimthhmed Mr. Bd orMs
tstoco~~anauadcr~36,snb~ 1 (b).d&
?ma C4nwmtion. ordidhe authoritCP~Madvh hqpayea wmhr
oilbm d Mr.Bruard'sckatioa.Uaawamofand nothaviih appried
oftbtsrighgMr. Breadadd notand&d notamisc them befoIdstrial
10Had MI:B~rd ken pmpedy informeofhistightundecb6Vitalwl
tanmpmvidadforin Artic36.InturnParaguaywouIdhvkbFFndsrsthat
11.TbefaiaithprovidthenoWmtim quid by tbeVr Comtn-
tlothuspdudd Paraguafmm prolhg itintemu intheUniteStatbo
aspmidd Ibr inArticles5 a36ortbeVima -tion. Amoag ootaer
thiags,Pmguey couldnocontactilnationaassisIn the defmof its
nation(asdescribdaparagraphI2throughI4Mow), monitothu~di-
lions ofnaaationlttaatloorensuetbatinternahaabl normstmre
-e12TBciiah~ to~rovldctherwPirnotificaoinlmmdudtdl.Pare~ua-~
fmm pmwhg itskhndk inkts in rbeUnitedst& asprovidef&

arm@ forMr.Bd to lxrep-tad by court-appohtd who
wm ndmiliPrwitParaguay cunlluandwiththapconmptiom am- have.euimjnaljmt ystemthaaParallua patonal k ex- to
13.As areguloftht lacor cmmdsr Mr.hrd made a
ambar ofo w limmmda d8Cih Mag theciimid paceding
qpinrthim , kb cmdudd whhoa amddon. kt nwbly.h
to acettk authoririofir ofliie pismiinklrcbaalorhis
pleadiagguillo ths&- hcd, Mr.Bm& &ltPfon rirrkj ah
nndcmdkhngad demountinhim mbinatdw aGat.Mr.
Baaerlook1- highlydskhatalstepbeans - inthabcc ofadvice
bawaeathe ahid- jm~icsyawwmpdatheUnikdhStaheroddmy.
WhsmssMr.Bmrdbtlirwsbhddw muddmmdationW kmke th
mw of the Arwbn courtas ha undemtoodtky wbdd a courtin
FarapyIinrtalitg adr duly asi& Mr. htd's mdvictioadd
p mdld inhishtB senmea
1 14.Colrsul.shtrrawodd be imhhd advioa ahral andI+ dif-
fetrtnbetwlaPsaaguayndt)rsniteSmta id- thedeJimbjioT
acceptior g pleaMeroin liptofthostMulea-; ap"P""
mwnhtiwho couldprwidaaaOistaaadainlodon;idsupplyimrdap

thmult ortheariminl - qpht Mr. Brcardi,ncludanyowr-
ma impad.
1993hn24 JucowlhpodrB.adeathmtenctmMr.BW's direct2apphst
of thconvictaad ssn- wcm&kd, aswas his periltothestate
Id.laApd 1% my, witha M1t of idomationfromtbe
authritkd Vbghh andtBtUnited fha&y teatMr.B~rd
wasiqrbd m thUnW Stataad awahiqtxmitlon.hmdhlclyupon
entiruamm d b5rrigh undertheVI -don.
Lu 1 17.i)nM~l996,withtht~ofh~d~Mr.
tcaoeyflinsap#ihto thfederalcooffa -ha writofkbem
#pw.k~mtimE,Mr.Bd&imalviolscionsdd#Y~~tloa76 VIEMNACQNVEPJLlQ ON CONSULARRELATIONS [s-'I

134F.M615{4rhCirl. W8)).Mr.Btard'sapp icinkmoedikTcdemI~
latcourtwas(helameans d legremum inth UniteStam mjl9bIetohim
18.Xnligllafthefederal court'flmaaa of~ht federaltrial
coun'sdmd ofh4r . ard's iion,theVbgimimim-tthatscnmQbd
Mr. Bred setaaexccuiisn April 199The authorizinstatute
mud forofiicidof Vuginio~tlrd date,abseaniutemcnk~gcouroPdcl.
to thepisonetunder of deathtok elactrocrrdrinjded
withaMa1 substameuntilheisdadn (Ya ,tat.Ann#53,l-234).
19.By piition fawritofcwftoml,Mr. Bwrd ~equ~tcdthattheUnited
Stat%Supreme Cwrt ex& its dimrlanary authonlto revjathelower
thall&' &ions againsthimandpnt a sta).his examtionpcndiag

20. On 16September996theRepublioofPamy filediown civilaw
suith afederacour tffirsinstan ageinstIhmdupl M&als repod-
aiibfbrMr.Bmrd"s mt, mviccion,wdbing imprbnmeata, d pending
execution,llqing,viohioaof the VienaaComtbn. -pay sought,
mag otherrdief,m wdw vaafiag Mt. Bmrd's convictiou,barringrbt
mrmicipd offid&fm takinganyhtm acthasbased(M that wnvictioa,
includindm from puttinMr. Bmrd to &b, and requirintbw
olkids tofiordParquay itrig%&underthu60nwntioa inanyfunm pro-
ceedingshoul Virginhaw sought,asParaguay wouldk them~,
to promuteMT. Bmrd ancw.
21.Paragua&d notwk fromW federalwunof firsrinstancearelid
barringthecompetenauluthoriiftheUnitd Stes fmm drcing itscrim-
inallawor,spif~lly~+ng Mr.Bd. Away dididtend,howmq
thatthewm ent authoritsfthe UniteStatas roquirttoenfarce
thc UniteStamb11theVhahatConvention.ththeobliptionsundwtakenby
2. On 27 Nmmber 1996,witbout having mmidefed thcmeritsof
Paraguay'elaimthefdeml courtoffiat hWct Bddthatit dd not rake
jurisdictal theca~ becausiewasbrd M amddpl dodfine mdd-
uq smrtign jmrnutli10 thew.vsral thatcompristk ~aitJStster
(Paragu aAllen948 F,Su9p 1269(ED. Va.199633.araguaa
decisiowhichwas sflimed (Paraguv. Alh,134F.3d622(4thC r"15%))
Duringtheappuatc pdings, theUnitedSratqthroughancrmXctrcsur&
brieflookhe positithatdtbou theViema Conventioaiof-1 impor-
tance tUnitmiStatestahaalsa?road,thehue of its ownviolstofnthe
Convendw waxnotjusticiabkithcourtsofrbe UnhedStam in anation
brought anurkerStukpert? tothe Conwmtioto.
23.Paraguayhl a petition Tawritor wrlbmri intheUnitedSlat&
Supme Court seakingmview02 thappbte decision,
24.h additiontitsehns to bm It9dalrnheardinrhccourtsof the
UnitedStatesParagua WylSO ingtheflatofiI&fbra&ofaithVtnna
CbnvtntioaInaletterdated1Dmmhr 1B6,theAmbasador of Paraguay
sou@t thegd ofices oftheUoiledStah bpartment ofSme,

*ina& [hata newtrialmalxgrant4 Paraguayaci1W AngelB&
wiahinthei'tarnewrof constitutional gwuanlms properdefense againatdm1 don &we0w thst* fwlnllum.f tht Stipu-
latioofhmmti~bal rmtk Wg adsofswhmure."
Ina mpaw ddWd 3June1997tbtUnksdStam mpmwdd- Bmmsnc
withRn& k&alpadtioandfled noassism-to-%&
% IkrigbundetheTmtk TheUnitdStattsrd Ihi paaih ia
ktk drhd 7Idy1997Furdmatmaptat adiplomamobtion todtlace
inthewdcs Wort tdata&duM foMr.Bmrd'sexeation.

25lkausea petitioncertimiea mrtlcrothaSupremCotlnPis-
aim andismEy grant&md bc~wt diplomatflorts hadbeonofno

provIsjd- ofprotection.
t e -at.on7~dlr~W&PPraguayMd&eUnitcdStrt~~tdd~t.nal
dona1- OrderInits OrdtheCourtfd tsatheexecmiooT
Mr.Bd woulmndmit im+bk totheCourttoordehe relieat
"""% Cowt therefcrdcd thUniteStam Lo"taballrnmLPat
bdhprllO.MU.*.l Fmh Bmnl b no& ding the
finalMria im pm3' m'' &UP pera41e)).

mcasum1OrderntheUmtsd&am tedpyoftheprovisional
30On 10April 199Mt*hrd su lcmmtehis slappliaionthen
Ebr gmm~b foor 4 -tion. uliocsTM an arig~ actibr a
31Ah on 10Ap 1991,Rnysy suppkmmedits rq . lpriab
rm~rthcuniltd ~~~~~n4ah~~hiiaathe -tion.On 13
hnpuyshsubmitwtotbrsup- bn mmd to- to%m 1ori-
did again atmcallaa.
32.Ahaon 13Apri1996Faragmwrotea htttoah SoticiGaeral
of thUnited&m (whomprae~rtbaUniteSW wort rn Supptaaw
vrs) andib UnitStat#kdorhhisCoua)crrbgupoathUMStatStam
measum tostoth~atcutiothcomptat NAah d theUoitoSm did
34.On13April 1% hfary d b4ackMmK. Albrigwrotsa
buer tothe QoveraofVirginwary Albrighd M tbbCourt'sOrd# ad explai hadfbeUniteStab hadoppod Pamguy'sreqw for
provisionln- Whik SeuctarAlbrighlsue [batthe-or
ritveoMr.Bd'S don, she&dw ehmcmkd tbt
Gtaeras ow-Wing".
35.Ah on 13April1998,LhaSowor GeneraofthtUnimdStat*joiDod
by thsAm oftk UnikdStam in Beispd- submittadbridtothe
Sum €uwt, opping Mr. Breard'sand Patalplay'snqw thattbs
SuprwncCwrt 've&ecttothCourt'~onal masum Orderandarp
4 dw ib. Or& ~s not+in& Tbw, nth ha^ * affirmat--e
sum rosen~~complmnc mtth theOW, thSaU&or Wtd andthe Agent
md rtbAgmt Softhe nitcd Stab costonthat!kcwary&right%mluter
wasW onIymns ofeom tyinwithtbtOrdtrad rW theSupremCourt
shouldnotgraaMr.Bm 39orPamguayS qumt for astay.
37.That-& a! , ' My8 m,tbeunitsdstahSuprcm Cow
i d r smuy dwZqg .UtL ptitiom qwsts forrcrc~nlsd
by Mr.Br#udand byFaragualr(Brcadv. &me118S.Q. 1352(1998)).
38. Lutcr lbat c\atap mximtely 10paa, cbaGownorofVi
publiclannounced&athedddinul to-t areprim andor*nd ibll
thedon ofMr.Bmmd btcarrioat.Parfromgivinefctclotbapro-
visionamtasor Ordw,taeGoint~iam.atd~c ~tad:iotodenyMguay

"Shouldthe brcmationaCowt rssdvethiamatt# h hraguayb
favou,t wouldbdifkulhwhg delayethe-tion sothathelaw
mtbal Courtauld considetheat* tothen--out tbejury'sm.
39.Atapprmrimnttl0.3pm. on14April 199, irgiofiiaaltxaeutcd
Mr. Bmrd bylethalinjection.

40.UnderArlk 36,psmpph 1, d theSmuts of thCow,
tmhwioandeonmtbnatrafor&... al&ttePsswty prwidad
41.AsMsmbero rfth UnitedNatiowParapayendtheUnitedStatam
rtiatotbii Cmb Stalute,tb Viema Cornlion, apdtoitOptid
toodh&ng theCompehry SettlemenorDinpuw Inthehaamble
'tthewimd Protoco,hepan&:

anydiqmtarisioutofhrin loretatiota him di[htheConwtiwf
ttBscamp~sory~uiaa of lnternaTnCWUt ofmrn

venrio&alllioihh thecorn ry@Won ofthcInt#aationaI
CourtofJusticenfllaam P m@ybebmqght wort rbtCourtbyan
appWon made byrayprly tothdisputbQia eRrty tothev t
Rot090I."andtheUnitai&teaoaa&edmlttin Paragay'sclaiiewithiLktampul-
sur urididiw of thCourt.

44.The-nt ofth RepublicfParaguaclaim tha;
(HIPurausatoA* 36oubprtmgrap1(b),oftlwViennComtbn, tbc
UnitedStatewasundertheintmatlonsllkgdigation to Paraguay,
StalcPattpo thCodon, tainform%hut delayany Faquayan
national, asMr. Bd, whoisanmid or aomiltd topmmor
tomdy pending trialoisdttainInan otbwmaand" d hiarights
dr ihu w~ragmfi. ~bc zi~ltsin4ucL:
wmpetentmthorith d {hedvlw Swe insom tb 1-1 wmlar
psiof thdiw Stasthatthat Stanationhasbeo lrmed or
mmmiltcd top- or to wtdy poa61aga1 or&kinad in any
(iitherightohawtbe cosapsmtat8odtb orthe ding Statfor-
wardany ownmuzticpti'addmwd to tho consularpofrom the
persomtcd, inpkn, wskodp ordtiontio...withoudelay".

The UniabStateviolamrhtIbrqpiagobliioao,
(b) hmmt tArticl36aubpmp?~ f(b),ortheVI- Co.n*bn, Ihc
nationaloPPmguayn8,06i8Fk 136rbntoid-o mhim"witkwtakywd
of hisrightsmdetha subparagrahhas righ laclu:e

m t auhrilierofthereceivi&ateidom she locamlar
04kmmaenw;prison ortocualodymlng triordetainediaany
(i tlmfghttohPwth amporcotauthdtk oftbemcehbg Statfor-
wrd anycmmuPieation-- toth m~~ fmmthe
p ~ t I&, inprim, mdy 01dMbn. ..wig delay".

The Unitd Stam rriokd thehrqgoingobwm withmpa to
Mr. Bd.
(cJunckrtb inmtiwde36logaobligatitommrsbnthat -yhd eascorn-
mudwewithmdpmvids aorsPu wialpce toa &aid ~tionaprior
toubL Itafabm topmvidothaaoMtcationequid by Artide36sub

UniladSum viola thedbqpiry oblipb.
Id) Ruswatto~36,ptagrapll2,dthe~~,thtUai#d
Statisuadtarnhttmrtiwal bgarlobligatoemurn &atitsmuniu-
~~d#imder~36.TheUdiadStrWapp JJ-tLmuni&pd- htwdoctrimofgnudud defaulttobarMr.Bmtcd'dTorttoobtainthe
befit d Pamgmpn oomular adsmce duringandbefoea lriof the
0 u- fowhichtherightsmdtAniols36wereinMdad.
(8)hrswntdtoaslomar;yin€unalio~lla[heUnJtodStab maynotdm
gatefromitkmmahmd legaoblipfiato holdLbeVma Conm~~-
tio- upon iemanicip~w dmrim azrulc* norupontk w
thathe actindeFbgariarctha ofa subordinaerganordiwnt
orjudicialm.ByBybgand lyin
m1ddadt,BsUnitsdStm~rrioa the?regoingo
m Rumant to 94 (1)ofthe UDisbd
CuurtbStet* andmswmry ittwational la~k UniteStatesis
ofpki~~~lmmmmlionI'yf"ilingtofaacdl~~mtasurtoro rtywt
Mr. Bnud* -(im ..d by* out Ih.-tia on 11April
1998,&e UnitadStam Mkd torn IJwitbthiCourt's9
Orderosprovisionl ea- nc 7 mtbdStam violat4 Toregoio~
obligitiwhichwas owd dinctlytP-, asthe Stawfiw ri&ts
theOrdernpmdy was intendeto
(8) c amanq iocCmatiom=c Stam h un&r an
diceanyeventuadoeioliaaocsworotbewka rmte tbatptadipdis--
ptk Itsexecutiof Mr.Bread interfewrihthtWg ofthir%un
to granhlieffectiFcliinrbbaotioad seriw agpwted the6s-
put*The UnitadStatVioIatethfortgoingoMgat101~


45Pbr~hmemaom, thesubmisionoftheGovcmmntof the Republof
May It the#urr
(a)toadjwlp andWre that!hWaitedStateviolateitsinlcnra~bnd
kgal&li LionstoParaguay,iiisown righandin Lht ofits
wt ofZPiomaticprotectionin omiou~ under~nida 5 and
of IheViennaC30nwntioaby adng, Mi& trymg ,oavicling.
scnlcQciaand cxeeutmqAnd FranciscoBrcardwithou providins
Parquaytn comularoffti the opportunityprovidedkdiw aris-
(b)toadjudgeand daclarttat the UniSbtm violatedits inttrnatjoml
legaobligatinnderArth 36(2)of thYicnn Conventiobyapmng
themuaicip*Mawdoctrineof proaaduldault tbarAngplFrendsco
Breardfromraisinhisdaimunderthe VitnnCowentionand thereby
failito givefueffech UniteSratmmunkipl law totheprwisimas
ofArt& 36;
(c)toadjudp andd&rc that tUniled Sw violatsitsintamationd
legaoMwtion tocan I with thprovisionml aesumOrdaissuedby
ensurth1 A~gd Frahb bBreardwasnotaecuted; anditdipoDallo
(d)toadjudgead dcclarthathe United% violateits intcmational
legaobligadonnottoundtrtakemy actionlhat mighpmjudia any tmtd daeis iitahast oraggmntetbcdispukbyfaililohalttht
excation of AugclhcisBreard;
d, inlighoftbefoqgohgvioktions,
and *re thattbtUnitedSrattJsunderan inttmatiod
(e) to baguy agumntw thatthe UnitedStasas
a* bul willcarroutincdodty with fie
fortgoiMwd kpl obwtimq anyfuturdelankiof oairpi-
ad prrwraediag aq Perquayannationin itthory, wbtk
bya coastimtn,vk, -ti% judiciaorotheKm8 "I*
thur Bddsa suptrior aaubordimtt ownmmri
d me Unid Suns,ad hhr tbt &Zd."B am 01anin&-
mthl w bmmllcha*;
(/3todjud Bndddm Wl Parqmy waseatitltowtl~utth brt-
p thUnited&at=am exmutedMr.sBxsar;ionofthemu qw ma M
(g)toWdge aod*re thath ii&toftheUaiu Suttsactim m-
ItImpsib ChttheCorxtrtdda thm of~lItu110 inbrlegnrm,
hragnq,inits~wnrightaainthed "ro diplomatpmkdon of
itsnational,ismtiro bythe Wed Stam inanamounlto
k detmnhd by &tCourtkra subsquatpmding, oT(I)corn--
tion,+d# moral asmtigfadon;
(h}to aaddwhe W& asn aedy fortBeURitedStam'breachof
theprovidmdmemame Osdarandof la halid kpl obliptioa
nuttouedslzaanyactha tbati@ prejudianyewntu+ deoa in
thase orm e thdkiputqtheRepubliofPI1 ay cn~rtlto
&nantinrnsubqumt pmaadi%ina01(11empmstim,mimci(2)bythe
~ a r ~ & .

46.In awrdtncewith thepew of Miele 31of tbeStarw and
AnMe 35,pmpph I,of tk theRepubliofPansusy declaresits
intentitod itsrightnameajdgc adha.

Document Long Title

Amended Application instituting proceedings submitted by the Government of Paraguay
