Order of 3 March 1999

Document Number
Document Type
Incidental Proceedings
Date of the Document
Document File
Bilingual Document File












ORDONNANCE DU 3 MARS 1999 Officia1cita:ion
LaGrand (Germuny v. United Stutes of America),
Provisionul Meusures, Or3eMarch 1999,
I.C.J. Reports p.99,

Mode officiel de c:tation
mesures conservatoires, ordonnunce du 3 nzars 1999,
C.I.J. Recueil 1999, p. 9

salemumber 720 1
ISSN 0074-4441 Node vente:
ISBN 92-1-070789-3 3 MARCH 1999







3 MARS 1999


1999 YEAR 1999
3 March
GeneralList 3 March1999
No. 104





Presen: Vice-President WEERAMANTRA Y,ting Preside;tPresident

The International Court of Justice,

Composed as above,

After deliberation,
Having regard to Articles 41 and 48 of the of the Court and to
Articles 73, 74 andof the Rules of Court,

Having regard to the Application filed in the Registry of the Court
at 7.30.m. (The Hague time) on 2 March 1999, whereby the Federal
Republic of Germany (hereinafter "Germany") instituted proceedings
against the United States of America (hereinafternited States")
for "violations of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations [of
24 April 19631"(hereinafter the "Vienna Convention") allegedly com-
mitted by the United States,1O LAGRAND (ORDER 3 III 99)

Makes thefollowing Order
1. Whereas, in its aforementioned Application, Germany bases the
jurisdiction of the Court on Article 36, paragraph 1,of the Statute of the
Court and on Article 1of the Optional Protocol concerning the Compul-

sory Settlement of Disputes, which accompanies the Vienna Convention
on Consular Relations ("the Optional Protocol");

2. Whereas, in the Application, it is stated that in 1982the authorities
of the State of Arizona detained two German nationals, Karl and Walter
LaGrand; whereas it is maintained that these individuals were tried and
sentenced to death without having been informed, as is required under
Article 36, subparagraph 1 (b), of the Vienna Convention, of their rights
under that provision; whereas it is specified that that provision requires
the competent authorities of a State party to advise, "without delay", a
national of another State party whom such authorities arrest or detain of
the national's right to consular assistance guaranteed by Article 36;
whereas it is also alleged that the failure to provide the required notifica-
tion precluded Germany from protecting its nationals' interests in the
United States provided for by Articles 5 and 36 of the Vienna Conven-

tion at both the trial and the appeal level in the United States courts;

3. Whereas, in the Application, Germany states that it had been, until
very recently, the contention of the authorities of the State of Arizona
that they had been unaware of the fact that Karl and Walter LaGrand
were nationals of Germany; whereas it had accepted that contention as
true; however, during the proceedings before the Arizona Mercy Com-
mittee on 23 February 1999,the StateAttorney admitted that the authori-
ties of the State of Arizona had indeed been aware since 1982 that the
two detainees were German nationals;

4. Whereas, in the same Application, Germany further states that Karl
and Walter LaGrand, finally with the assistance of German consular
officers, did claim violations of the Vienna Convention before the federal
court of first instance; whereas that court, applying the municipal law
doctrine of "~rocedural default". decided that. because the individuals in

question had not asserted their 'rights under the Vienna Convention in
the previous legal proceedings at state level,they could notassert them in
the federal habeas corpus proceedings; and whereas the intermediate fed-
eral appellate court, last means of legal recourse in the United States
available to them as of right, affirmed this decision;

5. Whereas, the Federal Republic of Germany asks the Court to
adjudge and declare:

"(1) that the United States, in arresting, detaining, trying, convict-
ing and sentencing Karl and Walter LaGrand, as described inII LAGRAND (ORDER 3 III99)

the preceding statement of facts, violated its international legal
obligations to Germany, in its own right and in its right of dip-
lomatic protection of its nationals, as provided by Articles 5
and 36 of the Vienna Convention,

(2) that Germany is therefore entitled to reparation,
(3) that the United States is under an international legal obligation
not to apply the doctrine of 'procedural default' or any other
doctrine of national law, so as to preclude the exercise of the
rights accorded under Article 36 of the Vienna Convention;
(4) that the United States is under an international obligation to
carry out in conformity with the foregoing international legal

obligations any future detention of or criminal proceedings
against any other German national in its territory, whether by
a constituent, legislative, executive, judicial or other power,
whether that power holds a superior or subordinate position
in the organization of the United States, and whether that
power's functions are of an international or interna1character;

and that, pursuant to the foregoing international legal obligations,

(1) the criminal liability imposed on Karl and Walter LaGrand in
violation of international legal obligations is void, and should
be recognized as void by the legal authorities of the United
(2) the United States should provide reparation, in the form of
compensation and satisfaction, for the execution of Karl
LaGrand on 24 February 1999 ;
(3) the United States should restore the stutus quo unte in the case
of Walter LaGrand, that isre-establish the situation that existed
before the detention of, proceedings against, and conviction
and sentencing of that German national in violation of the
United States' international legal obligation took place; and

(4) the United States should provide Germany a guarantee of the
non-repetition of the illegal acts";
6. Whereas, on 2 March 1999,after having filed its Application, Ger-
many also submitted an urgent request for the indication of provisional
measures in order to protect its rights, pursuant to Article 41 of the Stat-
ute of the Court and to Articles 73. 74 and 75 of the Rules of Court:
7. Whereas, in its request for the indication of provisional measuies,
Germany refers to the basis of jurisdiction of the Court invoked in its
Application, and to the facts set out and the submissions made therein;
and whereas it affirms in particular that the United States has violated its

obligations under the Vienna Convention;12 LAGRAND (ORDER 3 III 99)

8. Whereas, in its request for the indication of provisional measures of
protection, Germany recalls that Karl LaGrand was executed on 24 Feb-
ruary 1999, despite al1 appeals for clemency and numerous diplomatic
interventions by the German Government at the highest level; whereas
the date of execution of Walter LaGrand in the State of Arizona has been
set for 3 March 1999; and whereas the request for the urgent indication
of provisional measures is submitted in the interest of this latter indi-
vidual; and whereas Germany emphasizes that :

"The importance and sanctity of an individual human lifeare well
established in international law. As recognized by Article 6 of the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, every human
being has the inherent right to life and this right shall be protected
by 1aw7*;

and whereas Germany adds the following:
"Under the grave and exceptional circumstances of this case, and

given the paramount interest of Germany in the life and liberty of its
nationals, provisional measures are urgently needed to protect the
life of Germany's national Walter LaGrand and the ability of this
Court to order the relief to which Germany is entitled in the case of
Walter LaGrand, namely restoration of the status quoante. Without
the provisional measures requested, the United States will execute
Walter LaGrand - as it did execute his brother Karl - before this
Court can consider the merits of Germany's claims, and Germany
will be forever deprived of the opportunity to have the status quo
ante restored in the event of a judgment in its favour";

9. Whereas, Germany asks that, pending final judgment in this case,
the Court indicate that :

"The United States should take al1 measures at its disposa1 to
ensure that Walter LaGrand is not executed pending the final deci-
sion in these proceedings, and should inform the Court of al1 the
measures which it has taken in implementation of that Order";

and whereas it asks the Court moreover to consider its request as a mat-
ter of the greatest urgency "in viewof the extreme gravity and immediacy
of the threat of execution of a German citizen";
10. Whereas, on 2 March 1999, the date on which the Application
and the request for provisional measures were filed in the Registry, the
Registrar advised the Government of the United States of the filing of
those documents and sent it forthwith a certified copy of the Applica-
tion, in accordance with Article 40, paragraph 2, of the Statute of the
Court and Article 38, paragraph 4, of the Rules of Court, together with
a certified copy of the request for the indication of provisional measures,
in accordance with Article 73, paragraph 2, of the Rules of Court;13 LAGRAND (ORDER 3 III 99)

11. Whereas, by a letter dated 2 March 1999,the Vice-President of the
Court addressed the Government of the United States in the following
terms :

"Exercising the functions of the presidency in terms of Articles 13
and 32 of the Rules of Court, and acting in conformity with Ar-
ticle74, paragraph 4,of the said Rules, 1 hereby draw the attention
of-[the]Government [of the United States] to the need to act in such
a way as to enable any Order the Court will make on the request for
provisional measures to have its appropriate effects" ;

and whereas a copy of that letter was transmitted forthwith to the Ger-
man Government ;
12. Whereas, on 3 March 1999, at 9.00 a.m. (The Hague time), the
Vice-President of the Court received the representatives of the Parties in
order to obtain information from them with regard to the subsequent
course of the proceedings; whereas the representative of the German
Government stated that the Governor of the State of Arizona had
rejected a recommendation by the Mercy Committee that the execution
of Walter LaGrand should be stayed, so that the latter would in conse-
quence be executed this same day at 3.00p.m. (Phoenix time); whereas he
emphasized the extreme urgency of this situation ; and whereas, referring
to the provisions of Article 75 of the Rules of Court, he asked the Court

to indicate forthwith, and without holding any hearing, provisional meas-
ures proprio motu; and whereas the representative of the United States
pointed out that the case had been the subject of lengthy proceedings in
the United States, that the request for provisional measures submitted by
Germany was made at a very late date and that the United States would
have strong objections to any procedure such as that proposed only that
very morning by the representative of Germany which would result in the
Court making an Order proprio motu without having first duly heard the
two Parties;

13. Whereas, on a request for the indication of provisional measures

the Court need not, before deciding whether or not to indicate them,
finally satisfy itself that it has jurisdiction on the merits of the case, but
whereas it may not indicate them unless the provisions invoked by the
Applicant appear, prima facie, to afford a basis on which the jurisdiction
of the Court might be founded;

14. Whereas, Article 1 of the Optional Protocol, which Germany
invokes as the basis of jurisdiction of the Court in this case, is worded as
follows:14 LAGRAND (ORDER 3 III 99)

"Disputes arising out of the interpretation or application of the
Convention shall lie within the compulsory jurisdiction of the Inter-
national Court of Justice and may accordingly be brought before the
Court by an application made by any party to the dispute being a

Party to the present Protocol";
15. Whereas, according to the information communicated by the
Secretary-General of the United Nations as depositary,Germany and the
United States are parties to the Vienna Convention and to the Optional
Protocol ;

16. Whereas, in its Application Germany stated that the issues in dis-
pute between itselfand the United States concern Articles 5 and 36 of the
Vienna Convention and fa11within the compulsory jurisdiction of the
Court under Article 1of the Optional Protocol; and whereas it concluded
from this that the Court has thejurisdiction necessary to indicate thepro-
visional measures requested;
17. Whereas, in the light of the requests submitted by Germany in its
Application and of the submissions made therein, there exists prima facie
a dispute with regard to the application of the Convention within the
meaning of Article 1of the Optional Protocol;
18. Whereas, the Court has satisfied itselfthat, prima facie, it has juris-
diction under Article 1 of the aforesaid Optional Protocol to decide the
dispute between Germany and the United States.

19. Whereas, the sound administration ofjustice requires that a request
for the indication of provisional measures founded on Article 73 of the
Rules of Court be submitted in good time;
20. Whereas, Germany emphasizes that it did not become fully aware
of the facts of the case until 24 February 1999and that since then it has
pursued its action at diplomatic level;
21. Whereas, under Article 75, paragraph 1,of the Rules of Court, the
latter "may at any time decide to examine proprio motu whether the cir-
cumstances of the case require the indication of provisional measures

which ought to be taken or complied with by any or al1of the parties";
whereas a provision of this kind has substantially featured in the Rules of
Court since 1936,and whereas, if the Court has not, to date, made use of
the power conferred upon it by this provision, the latter appears none-
theless to be clearly established; whereas the Court may make use of this
power, irrespective of whether or not it has been seised by the parties of
a request for the indication of provisional measures; whereas in such a
case it may, in the event of extreme urgency, proceed without holding
oral hearings; and whereas it is for the Court to decide in each case if, in
the light of the particular circumstances of the case, it should make use of
the said power;
22. Whereas the power of the Court to indicate provisional measures15 LAGRAND (ORDER 3 III 99)

under Article 41 of its Statute is intended to preserve the respective rights
of the parties pending its decision, and presupposes that irreparable
prejudice shall not be caused to rights which are the subject of a dispute
in judicial proceedings; whereas it follows that the Court must be con-

cerned to preserve by such measures the rights which may subsequently
be adjudged by the Court to belong either to the Applicant, or to the
Respondent; and whereas such measures are only justified if there is
urgency ;
23. Whereas the Court will not order interim measures in the absence
of "irreparable prejudice . . . to rights which are the subject of dis-
pute . . ." (Nuclear Tests (Australia v. France), Interim Protection,
Order of 22 June 1973, 1.C.J. Reports 1973, p. 103; United States Diplo-
matic and Consular Staff in Tehran, Provisional Measures, Order of
15 December 1979,I.C.J. Reports 1979, p. 19, para. 36; Application of
the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment ofthe Crime of Geno-
cide, Provisional Measures, Order of 8 April 1993, 1.C.J. Reports 1993,
p. 19,para. 34); Vienna Convention on Consular Relations (Paraguay v.
United States of America), Provisional Measures, Order of 9 April1998,
p. 257, para. 36);
24. Whereas the execution of Walter LaGrand is ordered for 3 March
1999; and whereas such an execution would cause irreparable harm to
the rights claimed by Germany in this particular case;

25. Whereas the issuesbefore the Court in this case do not concern the

entitlement of the federal states within the United States to resort to the
death penalty for the most heinous crimes; and whereas, further, the
function of this Court is to resolve international legal disputes between
States, inter alia when they arise out of the interpretation or application
of international conventions, and not to act as a court of criminal appeal;

26. Whereas, in the light of the aforementioned considerations, the
Court finds that the circumstances require it to indicate, as a matter of
the greatest urgency and without any other proceedings, provisional
measures in accordance with Article 41 of its Statute and with Article 75,
paragraph 1, of its Rules;
27. Whereas measures indicated by the Court for a stay of execution
would necessarily beprovisional in nature and would not in any way pre-
judge findings the Court might make on the merits; and whereas such
measures would preserve the respective rights of Germany and of the
United States; and whereas it is appropriate that the Court, with the co-
operation of the Parties, ensure that any decision on the merits be

reached with al1possible expedition;16 LAGRAND (ORDER 3 III 99)

28. Whereas the international responsibility of a State is engaged by
the action of the competent organs and authorities acting in that State,
whatever they may be; whereas the United States should take al1meas-
ures at its disposal to ensure that Walter LaGrand is not executed pend-
ing the final decision in these proceedings; whereas, according to the
information available to the Court, implementation of the measures indi-
cated in the present Order falls within the jurisdiction of the Governor of
Arizona; whereas the Government of the United States is consequently
under the obligation to transmit the present Order to the said Governor;
whereas the Governor of Arizona is under the obligation to act in con-
formity with the international undertakings of the United States;

29. For these reasons,


1.Indicates the following provisional measures:

(a) The United States of America should take al1measures at its dis-
posai to ensure that Walter LaGrand is not executed pending the
finaldecision in these proceedings, and should inform the Court of
al1the measures which it has taken in implementation of this Order;

(b) The Government of the United States of America should transmit
this Order to the Governor of the State of Arizona.

II. Decides that, until the Court has given its final decision, it shall
remain seised of the matters which form the subject-matter of this Order.

Done in English and in French, the English text being authoritative, at
the Peace Palace, The Hague, this third day of March, one thousand nine
hundred and ninety-nine, in three copies, one of which will be placed in
the archives of the Court and the others transmitted to the Government
of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the United

States of America, respectively.

(Signed) Christopher G. WEERAMANTRY,

(Signed) Eduardo VALENCIA-OSPINA,
Registrar.17 LAGRAND (ORDER 3 III 99)

Judge ODAappends a declaration to the Order of the Court.

PresidentSCHWEBE appends a separate opinion to the Order of the

(Initialled) C.G.W
(Initialled) E.V.O.

Bilingual Content












ORDONNANCE DU 3 MARS 1999 Officia1cita:ion
LaGrand (Germuny v. United Stutes of America),
Provisionul Meusures, Or3eMarch 1999,
I.C.J. Reports p.99,

Mode officiel de c:tation
mesures conservatoires, ordonnunce du 3 nzars 1999,
C.I.J. Recueil 1999, p. 9

salemumber 720 1
ISSN 0074-4441 Node vente:
ISBN 92-1-070789-3 3 MARCH 1999







3 MARS 1999


1999 YEAR 1999
3 March
GeneralList 3 March1999
No. 104





Presen: Vice-President WEERAMANTRA Y,ting Preside;tPresident

The International Court of Justice,

Composed as above,

After deliberation,
Having regard to Articles 41 and 48 of the of the Court and to
Articles 73, 74 andof the Rules of Court,

Having regard to the Application filed in the Registry of the Court
at 7.30.m. (The Hague time) on 2 March 1999, whereby the Federal
Republic of Germany (hereinafter "Germany") instituted proceedings
against the United States of America (hereinafternited States")
for "violations of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations [of
24 April 19631"(hereinafter the "Vienna Convention") allegedly com-
mitted by the United States, COUR INTERNATIONALE DE JUSTICE

ANNÉE 1999 1999
3 mars
3 mars1999 Rôno104néral





Présents: M. WEERAMANTR vic,-présidentf,aisant fonction deprésident
en l'affaire;SCHWEBEpL r,ésidentde la Cour; MM. ODA,

La Cour internationale de Justice,

Ainsi composée,

Après délibéen chambre du conseil,
Vu les articles 41 et 48 du Statut de la Cour et les articles 73, 74 et
de son Règlement,

Vu la requêteenregistréeau Greffe de la Cour le99à,19h 30
(heure de La Haye), par laquelle la Républiquefédéraled'Allemagne (ci-
après dénomméel'«Allemagne») a introduit une instance contre les
Etats-Unis d'Amérique (ci-aprèsdénommésles «Etats-Unis») en raison
de(<violationsde la convention de Vienne [du 24 avril 19631sur les rela-
tions consulaires» (ci-après dénomméela ((convention de Vienne)))qui
auraient été commisespar les Etats-Unis,1O LAGRAND (ORDER 3 III 99)

Makes thefollowing Order
1. Whereas, in its aforementioned Application, Germany bases the
jurisdiction of the Court on Article 36, paragraph 1,of the Statute of the
Court and on Article 1of the Optional Protocol concerning the Compul-

sory Settlement of Disputes, which accompanies the Vienna Convention
on Consular Relations ("the Optional Protocol");

2. Whereas, in the Application, it is stated that in 1982the authorities
of the State of Arizona detained two German nationals, Karl and Walter
LaGrand; whereas it is maintained that these individuals were tried and
sentenced to death without having been informed, as is required under
Article 36, subparagraph 1 (b), of the Vienna Convention, of their rights
under that provision; whereas it is specified that that provision requires
the competent authorities of a State party to advise, "without delay", a
national of another State party whom such authorities arrest or detain of
the national's right to consular assistance guaranteed by Article 36;
whereas it is also alleged that the failure to provide the required notifica-
tion precluded Germany from protecting its nationals' interests in the
United States provided for by Articles 5 and 36 of the Vienna Conven-

tion at both the trial and the appeal level in the United States courts;

3. Whereas, in the Application, Germany states that it had been, until
very recently, the contention of the authorities of the State of Arizona
that they had been unaware of the fact that Karl and Walter LaGrand
were nationals of Germany; whereas it had accepted that contention as
true; however, during the proceedings before the Arizona Mercy Com-
mittee on 23 February 1999,the StateAttorney admitted that the authori-
ties of the State of Arizona had indeed been aware since 1982 that the
two detainees were German nationals;

4. Whereas, in the same Application, Germany further states that Karl
and Walter LaGrand, finally with the assistance of German consular
officers, did claim violations of the Vienna Convention before the federal
court of first instance; whereas that court, applying the municipal law
doctrine of "~rocedural default". decided that. because the individuals in

question had not asserted their 'rights under the Vienna Convention in
the previous legal proceedings at state level,they could notassert them in
the federal habeas corpus proceedings; and whereas the intermediate fed-
eral appellate court, last means of legal recourse in the United States
available to them as of right, affirmed this decision;

5. Whereas, the Federal Republic of Germany asks the Court to
adjudge and declare:

"(1) that the United States, in arresting, detaining, trying, convict-
ing and sentencing Karl and Walter LaGrand, as described in LACRAND (ORDONNANCE 3 III99) 1O

Rend l'ordonnance suivante:

1. Considérant que, danssa requête susmentionnéel,'Allemagne fonde
la compétencede la Cour sur le paragraphe 1 de l'article 36du Statut de
la Cour et l'article premier du protocole de signature facultative concer-
nant le règlement obligatoire des différendsqui accompagne la conven-
tion de Vienne sur les relations consulaires (ci-aprèsdénomméle ((proto-
cole de signature facultative)));
2. Considérant que, dans cette requête,il est indiqué qu'en 1982 les
autoritésde I'Etat de l'Arizona ont arrêtdeux ressortissants allemands,
MM. Karl et Walter LaGrand; qu'il est soutenu que ceux-ci ont été jugés
et condamnés à la peine capitale sans avoir étéinformés,comme l'exige
l'alinéab) du paragraphe 1de l'article 36 de la convention de Vienne, de
leurs droits aux termes de cet alinéa;qu'il est précisque ladite disposi-

tion oblige les autorités compétentes d'un Etat partie à avertir «sans
retard)) un ressortissant d'un autre Etat ~artie aue lesdites autorités ont
arrêtéou placé endétention de son droit à bénéficierde l'assistance
consulaire que garantit l'article 36; qu'il est également allégéue le fait
que la notification requise n'ait pas été faite a empêchél'Allemagne de
protégerles intérêtdse ses nationaux aux Etats-Unis,comme le prévoient
les articles et 36 de la convention de Vienne, devant les tribunaux des
Etats-Unis tant en première instance qu'en appel;
3. Considérant que, dans ladite requête, l'Allemagne expose que, jus-
qu'à très récemment, les autorités de 1'Etat de l'Arizona affirmaient
qu'elles n'avaient pas eu connaissance du fait que MM. Karl et Walter
LaGrand étaient des ressortissants allemands; qu'elle avait accepté
comme véridiqueladite affirmation; mais que toutefois, au cours de la

procédurequi s'est dérouléele 23 février1999devant la commission des
grâces de l'Arizona, le procureur (State Attorney) a admis que les auto-
ritésde 1'Etat de l'Arizona savaient depuis 1982que les deux prévenus
étaient des ressortissants allemands;
4. Considérant que, dans la mêmerequête,l'Allemagne préciseen
outre que MM. Karl et Walter LaCrand, finalement assistéspar des
agents consulaires allemands, ont effectivement allégué des violations de
la convention de Vienne devant la juridiction fédéralede première ins-
tance; que cettejuridiction, en se fondant sur la doctrine de droit interne
dite de la «carence procédurale)) (procrdural default), a décidé,étant
donnéque les intéressésn'avaient pas fait valoir les droits qu'ils tenaient
de la ~~nvention de Vienne lors de la procédureantérieureau niveau de
l'Etat, qu'ils nepouvaient lesinvoquer dans la procédurefédéraled'habeas

corpus; et que la cour d'appel fédéralede niveau intermédiaire, dernière
voie de recoursiudiciaire qui leur était ouvertede droit aux Etats-Unis, a
confirmé cette décision; -
5. Considérant que l'Allemagne prie la Cour de dire et juger que:

«1) en arrêtant,détenant,jugeant, déclarant coupables et condam-
nant Karl et Walter LaCrand dans les conditions indiquéesII LAGRAND (ORDER 3 III99)

the preceding statement of facts, violated its international legal
obligations to Germany, in its own right and in its right of dip-
lomatic protection of its nationals, as provided by Articles 5
and 36 of the Vienna Convention,

(2) that Germany is therefore entitled to reparation,
(3) that the United States is under an international legal obligation
not to apply the doctrine of 'procedural default' or any other
doctrine of national law, so as to preclude the exercise of the
rights accorded under Article 36 of the Vienna Convention;
(4) that the United States is under an international obligation to
carry out in conformity with the foregoing international legal

obligations any future detention of or criminal proceedings
against any other German national in its territory, whether by
a constituent, legislative, executive, judicial or other power,
whether that power holds a superior or subordinate position
in the organization of the United States, and whether that
power's functions are of an international or interna1character;

and that, pursuant to the foregoing international legal obligations,

(1) the criminal liability imposed on Karl and Walter LaGrand in
violation of international legal obligations is void, and should
be recognized as void by the legal authorities of the United
(2) the United States should provide reparation, in the form of
compensation and satisfaction, for the execution of Karl
LaGrand on 24 February 1999 ;
(3) the United States should restore the stutus quo unte in the case
of Walter LaGrand, that isre-establish the situation that existed
before the detention of, proceedings against, and conviction
and sentencing of that German national in violation of the
United States' international legal obligation took place; and

(4) the United States should provide Germany a guarantee of the
non-repetition of the illegal acts";
6. Whereas, on 2 March 1999,after having filed its Application, Ger-
many also submitted an urgent request for the indication of provisional
measures in order to protect its rights, pursuant to Article 41 of the Stat-
ute of the Court and to Articles 73. 74 and 75 of the Rules of Court:
7. Whereas, in its request for the indication of provisional measuies,
Germany refers to the basis of jurisdiction of the Court invoked in its
Application, and to the facts set out and the submissions made therein;
and whereas it affirms in particular that the United States has violated its

obligations under the Vienna Convention; LAGRAND (ORDONNANCE 3 III 99) 11

dans l'exposé desfaits qui précède,les Etats-Unisont violé leurs
obligations juridiques internationales envers l'Allemagne, en
son nom propre et dans l'exercicedu droit qu'elle a d'assurer la
protection diplomatique de ses ressortissants, ainsi qu'il est
prévuaux articles 5 et 36 de la convention de Vienne;
2) l'Allemagne a en conséquencedroit a réparation;
3) les Etats-Unis ont l'obligation juridique internationale de ne pas
appliquer la doctrine dite de la ((carence procédurale» (proce-

dural default), ni aucune autre doctrine de leur droit interne,
d'une manièrequi fasse obstacle à l'exercice desdroits conférés
par l'article 36 de la convention de Vienne; et
4) les Etats-Unis ont l'obligation internationale d'agir conformé-
ment aux obligations juridiques internationales susmentionnées
dans le cas où ils placeraient en détentiontout autre ressortissant
allemand sur leur territoire ou engageraient une action pénale à
son encontre a l'avenir, que cet acte soit accompli par un pou-
voir constitué, qu'il soit législatif, exécutif, judiciaireou autre,
que ce pouvoir occupe une place supérieure ou subordonnée
dans l'organisation des Etats-Unis ou que les fonctions de ce
pouvoir présentent uncaractère international ou interne;

et que, conformément aux obligationsjuridiques internationales sus-
mentionnées :
1) toute responsabilitépénale quiait étéattribuée à Karl et Walter
LaGrand en violation d'obligations juridiques internationales
est nulle et doit être reconnue comme nulle par les autorités
légales desEtats-Unis;

2) les Etats-Unis devraient accorder réparation, sous la forme
d'une indemnisation ou de satisfaction, pour l'exécutionde Karl
LaGrand le 24 février 1999;
3) les Etats-Unis doivent restaurer lestatu quo ante dans le cas de
Walter LaGrand, c'est-à-dire rétablir la situation qui existait
avant les actes de détention, de poursuite, de déclaration de
culpabilité et de condamnation de ce ressortissant allemand
commis en violation des obligations juridiques internationales
des Etats-Unis;
4) les Etats-Unis doivent donner a l'Allemagne la garantie que de
tels actes illicites ne se reproduiront pas»;

6. Considérant que, le 2 mars 1999, après avoir déposésa requête,
l'Allemagne a égalementprésentéune demande urgente en indication de
mesures conservatoires à l'effet de protéger ses droits, en se référantà
l'article 41 du Statut et aux articles 73, 74et 75 du Règlementde la Cour;
7. Considérant que,dans sa demande en indication de mesures conser-
vatoires,l'Allemagnese réfère à la base dejuridiction de la Cour invoquée
dans sa requête, ainsiqu'aux faits qui y sont exposés etaux conclusions
qui y sont formulées;et qu'elle réaffirme en particulierque les Etats-Unis
ont manqué a leurs obligations en vertu de la convention de Vienne;12 LAGRAND (ORDER 3 III 99)

8. Whereas, in its request for the indication of provisional measures of
protection, Germany recalls that Karl LaGrand was executed on 24 Feb-
ruary 1999, despite al1 appeals for clemency and numerous diplomatic
interventions by the German Government at the highest level; whereas
the date of execution of Walter LaGrand in the State of Arizona has been
set for 3 March 1999; and whereas the request for the urgent indication
of provisional measures is submitted in the interest of this latter indi-
vidual; and whereas Germany emphasizes that :

"The importance and sanctity of an individual human lifeare well
established in international law. As recognized by Article 6 of the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, every human
being has the inherent right to life and this right shall be protected
by 1aw7*;

and whereas Germany adds the following:
"Under the grave and exceptional circumstances of this case, and

given the paramount interest of Germany in the life and liberty of its
nationals, provisional measures are urgently needed to protect the
life of Germany's national Walter LaGrand and the ability of this
Court to order the relief to which Germany is entitled in the case of
Walter LaGrand, namely restoration of the status quoante. Without
the provisional measures requested, the United States will execute
Walter LaGrand - as it did execute his brother Karl - before this
Court can consider the merits of Germany's claims, and Germany
will be forever deprived of the opportunity to have the status quo
ante restored in the event of a judgment in its favour";

9. Whereas, Germany asks that, pending final judgment in this case,
the Court indicate that :

"The United States should take al1 measures at its disposa1 to
ensure that Walter LaGrand is not executed pending the final deci-
sion in these proceedings, and should inform the Court of al1 the
measures which it has taken in implementation of that Order";

and whereas it asks the Court moreover to consider its request as a mat-
ter of the greatest urgency "in viewof the extreme gravity and immediacy
of the threat of execution of a German citizen";
10. Whereas, on 2 March 1999, the date on which the Application
and the request for provisional measures were filed in the Registry, the
Registrar advised the Government of the United States of the filing of
those documents and sent it forthwith a certified copy of the Applica-
tion, in accordance with Article 40, paragraph 2, of the Statute of the
Court and Article 38, paragraph 4, of the Rules of Court, together with
a certified copy of the request for the indication of provisional measures,
in accordance with Article 73, paragraph 2, of the Rules of Court; LAGRAND (ORDONNANCE 3 III99) 12

8. Considérant que, dans sa demande en indication de mesures conser-
vatoires, l'Allemagne rappelle que M. Karl LaGrand a étéexécutéle
24 février 1999 en dépit de tous les appels à la clémence et desnom-
breuses interventions diplomatiques effectuéesau plus haut niveau par
le Gouvernement allemand; que la date de l'exécutionde M. Walter
LaGrand dans 1'Etatde l'Arizona a étéfixéeau 3 mars 1999; et que la
demande en indication de mesures conservatoires est présentéedans
l'intérêdte ce dernier; et considérant que l'Allemagne souligneque:

((L'importance et le caractère sacré dela vie humaine sont des
principes bien établis du droit international. Comme le reconnaît
I'article du pacte international relatif aux droits civilset politiques,
le droità la vie est inhérenà la personne humaine et ce droit doit
être protégépar la loi»;

et qu'elle ajoute ce qui suit:

((Etant donné les circonstances graves et exceptionnelles de la
présente affaire et eu égardà l'intérêpt rimordial que l'Allemagne
attacheà la vie eà la libertédeses ressortissants, il est urgent d'indi-
quer des mesures conservatoires pour protégerla vie du ressortissant
allemand Walter LaGrand et sauvegarder lepouvoir de la Cour d'or-
donner la mesure à laquelle l'Allemagne a droit s'agissant de Walter
LaGrand, à savoir le rétablissementdu statu quo antr. Si lesmesures
conservatoires demandées ne sont pas prises, les Etats-Unis exécute-

ront Walter LaGrand - comme ils ont exécutéson frère Karl -
avant que la Cour puisse examiner le bien-fondé desprétentions de
l'Allemagne et celle-ci seraàjamais privéed'obtenir le rétablisse-
ment du statu quo ante si la Cour venait à se prononcer en sa

9. Considérant que l'Allemagne prie laCour d'indiquer, en attendant
l'arrêtdéfinitif en l'instance,que:
«Les Etats-Unis prennent toutes les mesures en leur pouvoir pour
que Walter LaGrand ne soit pas exécuté enattendant la décision
finale en la présenteinstance, et qu'ils informent la Cour de toutes

les mesures qu'ils ont prises pour donner effetcette ordonnance));
et qu'elle prie en outre la Cour d'examiner sa demande avec la plus
grande urgence «eu égard à l'extrêmegravité et à l'imminence de la
menace d'exécutiond'un citoyen allemand));
10. Considérant que, le 2 mars 1999, date à laquelle la requêteet la

demande en indication de mesures conservatoires ont été déposéeasu
Greffe, le greffier a aviséle Gouvernement des Etats-Unis du dépôtde ces
documents et lui a immédiatement remis une copie certifiéeconforme de
la requête,en application du paragraphe 2 de l'article 40 du Statut et du
paragraphe 4 de l'article 38 du Règlement, ainsi qu'une copie certifiée
conforme de la demande en indication de mesures conservatoires, en
application du paragraphe 2 de I'article 73 du Règlement;13 LAGRAND (ORDER 3 III 99)

11. Whereas, by a letter dated 2 March 1999,the Vice-President of the
Court addressed the Government of the United States in the following
terms :

"Exercising the functions of the presidency in terms of Articles 13
and 32 of the Rules of Court, and acting in conformity with Ar-
ticle74, paragraph 4,of the said Rules, 1 hereby draw the attention
of-[the]Government [of the United States] to the need to act in such
a way as to enable any Order the Court will make on the request for
provisional measures to have its appropriate effects" ;

and whereas a copy of that letter was transmitted forthwith to the Ger-
man Government ;
12. Whereas, on 3 March 1999, at 9.00 a.m. (The Hague time), the
Vice-President of the Court received the representatives of the Parties in
order to obtain information from them with regard to the subsequent
course of the proceedings; whereas the representative of the German
Government stated that the Governor of the State of Arizona had
rejected a recommendation by the Mercy Committee that the execution
of Walter LaGrand should be stayed, so that the latter would in conse-
quence be executed this same day at 3.00p.m. (Phoenix time); whereas he
emphasized the extreme urgency of this situation ; and whereas, referring
to the provisions of Article 75 of the Rules of Court, he asked the Court

to indicate forthwith, and without holding any hearing, provisional meas-
ures proprio motu; and whereas the representative of the United States
pointed out that the case had been the subject of lengthy proceedings in
the United States, that the request for provisional measures submitted by
Germany was made at a very late date and that the United States would
have strong objections to any procedure such as that proposed only that
very morning by the representative of Germany which would result in the
Court making an Order proprio motu without having first duly heard the
two Parties;

13. Whereas, on a request for the indication of provisional measures

the Court need not, before deciding whether or not to indicate them,
finally satisfy itself that it has jurisdiction on the merits of the case, but
whereas it may not indicate them unless the provisions invoked by the
Applicant appear, prima facie, to afford a basis on which the jurisdiction
of the Court might be founded;

14. Whereas, Article 1 of the Optional Protocol, which Germany
invokes as the basis of jurisdiction of the Court in this case, is worded as
follows: LAGRAND (ORDONNANCE 3 III 99) 13

11. Considérant que,par lettre du 2 mars 1999,le vice-présidentde la
Cour s'est adresséau Gouvernement des Etats-Unis dans les termes sui-

vants :

((Exerçant la présidencede la Cour en vertu des articles 13et 32
du Règlementde la Cour, et agissant conformément auxdispositions
du paragraphe 4 de l'article74 dudit Règlement,j'appellepar la pré-
sente l'attention [du]Gouvernement [desEtats-Unis] sur la nécessité
d'agir de manièreque toute ordonnance de la Cour sur la demande
en indication de mesures conservatoires puisse avoir les effets vou-

et considérantque copie de cette lettre a immédiatement été transmisa eu
Gouvernement allemand ;

12. Considérant que,le 3 mars 1999, à 9 heures (heure de La Haye), le
vice-présidentde la Cour a reçu les représentants des Parties pour se ren-
seigner auprès d'eux sur la suite de la procédure; considérant que le
représentantdu Gouvernement allemand a indiquéque le gouverneur de
1'Etat de l'Arizona avait rejeté unerecommandation de la commission
des grâces tendant a ce qu'il soit sursis à l'exécutionde M. Walter
LaGrand, et que celui-ci serait en conséquence exécuté le 3 mars 1999 à
15 heures (heure de Phoenix); qu'il a souligné l'extrême urgencd ee la
situation; et que, se référantaux dispositions de l'article 75 du Règle-
ment, il a priéla Cour d'indiquer avant toute audience et sans délai des
mesures conservatoires d'office; et considérant que le représentant des
Etats-Unis a indiqué que l'affaire avait été longuement examinép ear les
tribunaux aux Etats-Unis, que la demande de mesures conservatoires

présentéepar l'Allemagne était tardive et que les Etats-Unis auraient de
fortes objections contre toute procédure, telleque celle évoquée seule-
ment lematin mêmepar le représentant del'Allemagne,qui conduirait la
Cour a rendre une ordonnance d'office sans avoir dûment entendu les
deux Parties au préalable;

13. Considérant qu'en présenced'une demande en indication de me-
sures conservatoires la Cour n'a pas besoin, avant de décider d'indiquer

ou non de telles mesures, de s'assurer d'une manière définitive qu'ellea
compétencequant au fond de l'affaire, mais qu'elle ne peut cependant
indiquer ces mesures que si lesdispositions invoquéespar le demandeur
semblent prima facie constituer une base sur laquelle la compétencede
la Cour pourrait êtrefondée;
14. Considérant que l'article premier du protocole de signature facul-
tative, que l'Allemagne invoque comme basede la compétencede la Cour
dans la présente affaire, est ainsi libellé:14 LAGRAND (ORDER 3 III 99)

"Disputes arising out of the interpretation or application of the
Convention shall lie within the compulsory jurisdiction of the Inter-
national Court of Justice and may accordingly be brought before the
Court by an application made by any party to the dispute being a

Party to the present Protocol";
15. Whereas, according to the information communicated by the
Secretary-General of the United Nations as depositary,Germany and the
United States are parties to the Vienna Convention and to the Optional
Protocol ;

16. Whereas, in its Application Germany stated that the issues in dis-
pute between itselfand the United States concern Articles 5 and 36 of the
Vienna Convention and fa11within the compulsory jurisdiction of the
Court under Article 1of the Optional Protocol; and whereas it concluded
from this that the Court has thejurisdiction necessary to indicate thepro-
visional measures requested;
17. Whereas, in the light of the requests submitted by Germany in its
Application and of the submissions made therein, there exists prima facie
a dispute with regard to the application of the Convention within the
meaning of Article 1of the Optional Protocol;
18. Whereas, the Court has satisfied itselfthat, prima facie, it has juris-
diction under Article 1 of the aforesaid Optional Protocol to decide the
dispute between Germany and the United States.

19. Whereas, the sound administration ofjustice requires that a request
for the indication of provisional measures founded on Article 73 of the
Rules of Court be submitted in good time;
20. Whereas, Germany emphasizes that it did not become fully aware
of the facts of the case until 24 February 1999and that since then it has
pursued its action at diplomatic level;
21. Whereas, under Article 75, paragraph 1,of the Rules of Court, the
latter "may at any time decide to examine proprio motu whether the cir-
cumstances of the case require the indication of provisional measures

which ought to be taken or complied with by any or al1of the parties";
whereas a provision of this kind has substantially featured in the Rules of
Court since 1936,and whereas, if the Court has not, to date, made use of
the power conferred upon it by this provision, the latter appears none-
theless to be clearly established; whereas the Court may make use of this
power, irrespective of whether or not it has been seised by the parties of
a request for the indication of provisional measures; whereas in such a
case it may, in the event of extreme urgency, proceed without holding
oral hearings; and whereas it is for the Court to decide in each case if, in
the light of the particular circumstances of the case, it should make use of
the said power;
22. Whereas the power of the Court to indicate provisional measures LAGRAND (ORDONNANCE 3 III 99) 14

((Les différends relatifà l'interprétation ouà l'application de la
convention relèvent de la compétence obligatoire de la Cour inter-
nationale de Justice, qui, ce titre, pourra êtresaisie par une requête
de toute partie au différendqui sera elle-mêmepartie au présentpro-

15. Considérant que, selon les informations communiquées par le
Secrétaire généradle l'organisation des Nations Unies en tant que dépo-
sitaire, l'Allemagne et les Etats-Unis sont parties à la convention de
Vienne et au protocole de signature facultative;
16. Considérant que, dans sa requête, l'Allemagnea exposéque les
questions en litige entre elle-même etles Etats-Unis concernent les ar-

ticles 5et 36 de la convention de Vienne et relèventde la compétenceobli-
gatoire de la Cour en vertu de l'article premier du protocole de signature
facultative; et qu'elle en a conclu que la Cour dispose de la compétence
nécessairepour indiquer les mesures conservatoires demandées;
17. Considérant qu'au vu des demandes formulées par l'Allemagne
dans sa requête,et des conclusions qu'elle y a présentées,il existe prima
facie un différend relatifà l'application de la convention de Vienne au
sens de l'article premier du protocole de signature facultative;
18. Considérant que la Cour est parvenue à la conclusion qu'elle a
prima fucie compétence en vertu de l'article premier du protocole de
signature facultative susmentionné pour connaître de l'affaire;

19. Considérantqu'une bonne administration de lajustice exigequ'une
demande en indication de mesures conservatoires fondée sur l'article 73
du Règlement de la Cour soit présentée entemps utile;
20. Considérant que l'Allemagne a souligné qu'elle n'aeu pleinement

connaissance des faits de l'espèceque le24 février1999et qu'elle a depuis
lors poursuivi ses démarchesdiplomatiques;
21. Considérant qu'aux termes du paragraphe 1 de l'article 75 du
Règlement de la Cour celle-ci «peut à tout moment décider d'examiner
d'office si les circonstances de l'affairexiuent l'indication de mesures
conservatoires que les parties ou l'une d'elles devraient prendre ou exé-
cuter)); qu'une telle disposition figure en substance dans le Règlement
depuis 1936et que, si la Cour n'a pas,à cejour, fait usage du pouvoir que
cette disposition lui confère,celui-ci n'en apparaît pas moins bien établi
que la Cour peut user de ce pouvoir qu'elle ait ou non été saisiepar les

parties d'une demande en indication de mesures conservatoires; qu'en
pareille hypothèseellepeut, en cas d'extrême urgencep , rocéder sanstenir
d'audience; et considérant qu'il appartient à la Cour de décider dans
chaque cas si, au vu des particularités de l'espèce,elle doit faire usage
dudit pouvoir;

22. Considérant que le pouvoir d'indiquer des mesures conservatoires15 LAGRAND (ORDER 3 III 99)

under Article 41 of its Statute is intended to preserve the respective rights
of the parties pending its decision, and presupposes that irreparable
prejudice shall not be caused to rights which are the subject of a dispute
in judicial proceedings; whereas it follows that the Court must be con-

cerned to preserve by such measures the rights which may subsequently
be adjudged by the Court to belong either to the Applicant, or to the
Respondent; and whereas such measures are only justified if there is
urgency ;
23. Whereas the Court will not order interim measures in the absence
of "irreparable prejudice . . . to rights which are the subject of dis-
pute . . ." (Nuclear Tests (Australia v. France), Interim Protection,
Order of 22 June 1973, 1.C.J. Reports 1973, p. 103; United States Diplo-
matic and Consular Staff in Tehran, Provisional Measures, Order of
15 December 1979,I.C.J. Reports 1979, p. 19, para. 36; Application of
the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment ofthe Crime of Geno-
cide, Provisional Measures, Order of 8 April 1993, 1.C.J. Reports 1993,
p. 19,para. 34); Vienna Convention on Consular Relations (Paraguay v.
United States of America), Provisional Measures, Order of 9 April1998,
p. 257, para. 36);
24. Whereas the execution of Walter LaGrand is ordered for 3 March
1999; and whereas such an execution would cause irreparable harm to
the rights claimed by Germany in this particular case;

25. Whereas the issuesbefore the Court in this case do not concern the

entitlement of the federal states within the United States to resort to the
death penalty for the most heinous crimes; and whereas, further, the
function of this Court is to resolve international legal disputes between
States, inter alia when they arise out of the interpretation or application
of international conventions, and not to act as a court of criminal appeal;

26. Whereas, in the light of the aforementioned considerations, the
Court finds that the circumstances require it to indicate, as a matter of
the greatest urgency and without any other proceedings, provisional
measures in accordance with Article 41 of its Statute and with Article 75,
paragraph 1, of its Rules;
27. Whereas measures indicated by the Court for a stay of execution
would necessarily beprovisional in nature and would not in any way pre-
judge findings the Court might make on the merits; and whereas such
measures would preserve the respective rights of Germany and of the
United States; and whereas it is appropriate that the Court, with the co-
operation of the Parties, ensure that any decision on the merits be

reached with al1possible expedition; LAGRAND (ORDONNANCE 3 III99) 15

que la Cour tient de l'article 41 de son Statut a pour objet de sauvegarder
le droit de chacune des parties en attendant qu'elle rende sa décision,et
présupposequ'un préjudiceirréparable ne doit pas être causé auxdroits
en litige dans une procédure judiciaire; qu'il s'ensuitque la Cour doit se
préoccuper de sauvegarder par de telles mesures les droits que l'arrêt
qu'elle aura ultérieurement à rendre pourrait éventuellementreconnaître,
soit au demandeur, soit au défendeur; et considérant que de telles me-
sures ne sont justifiéesque s'il a urgence;
23. Considérant que la Cour n'indiquera pas des mesures conserva-
toires siccunpréjudiceirréparable [n'est pas] causéaux droits en litige))

(Essais nucléaires(Australie c. France), mesures conservatoires, ordon-
nance du 22 juin 1973, C.I.J. Recueil 1973, p. 103; Personnel diploma-
tique et consulaire des Etats-Unis à Téhéran, mesures conservatoires,
ordonnance du 15 décembre 1979, C.I.J. Recueil 1979, p. 19, par. 36;
Application de la conveniion pour la prévention etlu répressiondu crime
de génocide,mesures conservatoires, ordonnunce du 8 avril 1993, C.I.J.
Recueil 1993,p. 19,par. 34; Convention de Viennesur les relations consu-
luires (Paraguay c. Etats-Unis d'Amérique), mesures conservutoires,
ordonnance du 9 avril 1998, p. 10, par. 36);
24. Considérant que l'ordre d'exécutionde M. Walter LaGrand a été
donné pour le 3 mars 1999; et qu'une telle exécutionporterait un préju-
dice irréparable aux droits revendiquéspar l'Allemagne au cas particu-

25. Considérant que les questions portées devant la Cour en l'espèce
ne concernent pas le droit des Etats fédéréq sui composent les Etats-Unis
de recourir a la peine de mort pour les crimes les plus odieux; et consi-
dérant en outre que la fonction de la Cour est de régler des différends
juridiques internationaux entre Etats, notamment lorsqu'ils découlentde
l'interprétation ou de l'application de conventions internationales, et non
pas d'agir en tant que cour d'appel enmatière criminelle;

26. Considérant que, compte tenu des considérations susmentionnées,
la Cour conclut que les circonstances exigent qu'elle indique de toute

urgence et sans autre procédure des mesures conservatoires, conformé-
ment a l'article 41de son Statut et au paragraphe 1de l'article 75de son
Règlement ;
27. Considérantque des mesures indiquéespar la Cour aux finsd'obte-
nir un sursis à l'exécution prévue seraient nécessairemend te nature
conservatoire et ne préjugeraient en rien les conclusions auxquelles la
Cour pourrait aboutir sur le fond; et que de telles mesures préserveraient
les droits respectifs de l'Allemagne et desEtats-Unis; et considérantqu'il
convient que la Cour, avec la coopération des Parties, fasse en sorte que
toute décisionsur le fond soit rendue avec la plus grande célérité pos-
sible;16 LAGRAND (ORDER 3 III 99)

28. Whereas the international responsibility of a State is engaged by
the action of the competent organs and authorities acting in that State,
whatever they may be; whereas the United States should take al1meas-
ures at its disposal to ensure that Walter LaGrand is not executed pend-
ing the final decision in these proceedings; whereas, according to the
information available to the Court, implementation of the measures indi-
cated in the present Order falls within the jurisdiction of the Governor of
Arizona; whereas the Government of the United States is consequently
under the obligation to transmit the present Order to the said Governor;
whereas the Governor of Arizona is under the obligation to act in con-
formity with the international undertakings of the United States;

29. For these reasons,


1.Indicates the following provisional measures:

(a) The United States of America should take al1measures at its dis-
posai to ensure that Walter LaGrand is not executed pending the
finaldecision in these proceedings, and should inform the Court of
al1the measures which it has taken in implementation of this Order;

(b) The Government of the United States of America should transmit
this Order to the Governor of the State of Arizona.

II. Decides that, until the Court has given its final decision, it shall
remain seised of the matters which form the subject-matter of this Order.

Done in English and in French, the English text being authoritative, at
the Peace Palace, The Hague, this third day of March, one thousand nine
hundred and ninety-nine, in three copies, one of which will be placed in
the archives of the Court and the others transmitted to the Government
of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the United

States of America, respectively.

(Signed) Christopher G. WEERAMANTRY,

(Signed) Eduardo VALENCIA-OSPINA,
Registrar. LACRAND (ORDONNAN3 CEIII 99) 16

28. Considérant que la responsabilité internationale d'un Etat est
engagéepar l'action desorganes et autorités compétentsagissant dans cet
Etat, quels qu'ils soient; que les Etats-Unis doivent prendre toutes les
mesures dont ils disposent pour que M. Walter LaGrand ne soit pas exé-
cutétant que la décision définitive en lprésente instancen'aura pas été
rendue; que, selon les informations dont dispose la Cour, la mise en
Œuvre des mesures indiquées dans la présente ordonnance relèvede la
compétencedu gouverneur de 1'Etatde l'Arizona; que le Gouvernement
des Etats-Unis est par suite dans l'obligation de transmettre la présente
ordonnanceaudit gouverneur; et que le gouverneur de l'Arizona est dans
l'obligation d'agir conformément aux engagements internationaux des


29. Par ces motifs.

à l'unanimité,

1. Indique àtitre provisoire les mesures conservatoires suivantes:

a) les Etats-Unis d'Amérique doiventprendre toutes les mesures dont ils
disposent pour que M. Walter LaGrand ne soit pas exécutétant que
la décision définitien la présente instancen'aura pas étérendue, et
doivent porter à la connaissance de la Cour toutes les mesures qui
auront étéprises en application de la présenteordonnance;
b) le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amériquedoit transmettre la pré-
sente ordonnance au gouverneur de 1'Etatde l'Arizona.

II. Décideque, jusqu'à ce que la Cour rende sa décision définitive,
elle demeurera saisie des questions qui font l'objet de la présenteordon-

Fait en anglais et en français, le texte anglais faisant foi, au Palais de la
Paix, à La Haye, le trois mars mil neuf cent quatre-vingt-dix-neuf, en
trois exemplaires, dont l'un restera déposéaux archives de la Cour et les
autres seront transmis respectivement au Gouvernement de la Répu-
blique fédéraled'Allemagne et au Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amé-


Le vice-président,
(Signé) Christopher G. WEERAMANTRY.

Le greffier,

Judge ODAappends a declaration to the Order of the Court.

PresidentSCHWEBE appends a separate opinion to the Order of the

(Initialled) C.G.W
(Initialled) E.V.O. LAGRAND (ORDONNAN3 CIII 99)

M. ODA,juge, joint une déclaratiànI'ordonnance.

M. SCHWEBEp Lr,ésident de la Cour, joàI'ordonnance l'exposéde
son opinion individuelle.

(Paraphé) C.G.W.

(Paraphé) E.V.O.

ICJ document subtitle

Request for the Indication of Provisional Measures

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Order of 3 March 1999
