ORDER OF 17 DECEMBER1997 Mode officiel de citation:
Application de la conilention pour lu prévention et la rkpression
du crime de gbnocide, demandes reconventionnelles.
ordonnance du 17 décembre 1997,C.I.J. Rep. 2431997,
Officia1citation :
Applicution of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishrnent
of the Crime of GIC.J. Reports 1p. 243ms, Order of 17 Decemher 1997,
ISSN 0074-4441 No de'.'"te:693 1
ISBN 92-1-070758-3 Sales number 17 DÉCEMBRE 1997
17 DECEMBER 1997
YEAR 1997 17December
General List
17 December1997 No.91
Prrsent: PrrsidrnSCHWEBEL ;ice-PrrsidenWEERAMANTR Yudges
Judges ad hoc LAUTERPACHK T, ECA;Regi.~traVALENCIA-
The International Court of Justice,
Composed as above,
After deliberation,
Having regard to Articl48 of the Statute of the Court and to
Article31,44, 45 and 80 of the Rules of Court,
Mukrs tlir ,folloit!ing:Order
1. Whereas, on20 March 1993, the Government of the Republic of
Bosnia and Herzegovina (hereinafter called "Bosnia and Herzegovina")
filed in the Registry of the Court an Application instituting proceedings
against theovernment of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (herein- APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 17XII 97) 244
after called "Yugoslavia") in respect of a dispute concerning alleged vio-
lations of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the
Crime of Genocide (hereinafter called "the Genocide Convention"),
adopted by the General Assembly ofthe United Nations on 9 December
1948, as well as various matters which Bosnia and Herzegovina claims
are connected therewith; whereas, in its Application, Bosnia and Herze-
govina invoked Article IX of the Genocide Convention as the basis of the
jurisdiction of the C'ourt;and, whereas at the end of its Application, it set
out its claims as follows:
"Accordingly, while reserving the right to revise, supplement or
amend this Application, and subject to the presentation to the Court
of the relevant evidence and legal arguments, Bosnia and Herze-
govina requestn the Court to adjudge and declare as follows:
(a) that Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro)has breached, and is
continuing to breach, its legal obligations toward the People
and State of Bosnia and Herzegovina under Articles 1,II (u),
II(b), II (c), II (d), III (u), III (b), II(c),III id), III(el,
IV and V of the Genocide Convention;
(b) that Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) has violated and is
continuirig to violate its legal obligations toward the People
and State of Bosnia and Herzegovina under the four Geneva
Conventions of 1949,their Additional Protocol 1of 1977, the
customary international laws of war including the Hague Regu-
lations on Land Warfare of 1907,and other fundamental prin-
ciples of international humanitarian law; \
(c) that Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) has violated and
continues to violate Articles 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26 and 28 of the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights with respect to the
citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina;
(d) that Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro), in breach of its
obligations under general and customary international law,
has killetl, murdered, wounded, raped, robbed, tortured, kid-
napped, illegally detained, and exterminated the citizens of
Bosnia and Herzegovina, and is continuing to do so;
(r) that in its treatment of the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) has violated, and is con-
tinuing to violate, its solemn obligations under Articles 1 (3),
55 and 56 of the United Nations Charter;
(f) that Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) has used and is con-
tinuing to use force and the threat of force against Bosnia and
Herzegovina in violation of Articles 2(l), 2 (2), 2 (3), 2 (4),and
33 (l), of the United Nations Charter; APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER17 XII 97) 245
(g) that Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro), in breach of its
obligations under general and customary international law,
has used and is using force and the threat of force against
Bosnia and Herzegovina ;
lh) that Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro), in breach of its
obligations under general and customary international law,
has violated and is violating the sovereignty of Bosnia and
Herzegovina by :
- armed attacks against Bosnia and Herzegovina by air and
land ;
- aerial trespass into Bosnian airspace;
- efforts by direct and indirect means to coerce and intimi-
date the Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina;
(i) that Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro), in breach of its
obligations under general and customary international law.
has intervened and is intervening in the interna1 affairs of
Bosnia and Herzegovina ;
(j) that Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro). in recruiting, train-
ing, armrng, equipping, financing, supplying and otherwise
encouraging, supporting, aiding, and directing military and
paramilitary actions in and against Bosnia and Herzegovina by
means of its agents and surrogates, has violated and is violat-
ing its express charter and treaty obligations to Bosnia and
Herzegovina and, in particular, its charter and treaty obliga-
tions under Article 2 (4) of the United Nations Charter, as well
as its obligations under general and customary international
law :
(k) that under the circumstances set forth above, Bosnia and Herze-
govina has the sovereign right to defend Itself and its People
under United Nations Charter Article 51 and customary inter-
national law, including by means of immediately obtaining
military weapons, equipment, supplies and troops from other
(1) that under the circumstances set forth above, Bosnia and Herze-
govina has the sovereign right under United Nations Charter
Article 51 and customary international law to request the
immediate assistance of any State to come to its defence,
including by military means (weapons. equipment, supplies,
troops, etc.);
(nz) that Security Council resolution 71 3(1991), imposing a weapons
embargo upon the former Yugoslavia, must be construed in a
manner that shall not impair the inherent right of individual or
collective self-defence of Bosnia and Herzegovina under the
terms of United Nations Charter Article 51 and the rules of
customary international law; APPLI(:ATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER17 XII 97) 246
that al1subsequent Security Council resolutions that refer to or
reaffirm resolution 713 (1991) must be construed in a manner
that shall not impair the inherent right of individual or collec-
tive self-defence of Bosnia and Herzegovina under the terms of
United hations Charter Article 51 and the rules of customary
international law ;
(O) that Security Council resolution 713 (1991) and al1subsequent
Security Council resolutions referring thereto or reaffirming
thereof must not be construed to impose an arms embargo
upon Bosnia and Herzegovina, as required by Articles 24 (1)
and 51 of the United Nations Charter and in accordance with
the customary doctrine of ultru vires;
(pj that pursuant to the right of collective self-defence recognized
by United Nations Charter Article 51, al1other States parties
to theCharter have the right to come to the immediate defence
of Bosnia and Herzegovina - at its request - including by
means of immediately providing It with weapons, military
equipmerit and supplies, and armed forces (soldiers, sailors,
airpeople, etc.) ;
that Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) and its agents and
surrogates are under an obligation to cease and desist immedi-
ately from its breaches of the foregoing legal obligations, and
is under ,aparticular duty to cease and desist immediately:
- from its systematic practice of so-called 'ethnic cleansing'
of the citizens and sovereign territory of Bosnia and Herze-
- from the murder, summary execution, torture, rape, kid-
napping, mayhem, wounding, physical and mental abuse,
and detention of the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina;
from the wanton devastation of villages, towns, districts,
cities.,and religious institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina;
from the bombardment of civilian population centres in Bos-
nia and Herzegovina, and especially its capital, Sarajevo;
from continuing the siege of any civilian population centres
in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and especially its capital, Sara-
jevo ;
from the starvation of the civilian population in Bosnia
and Herzegovina ;
from the interruption of, interference with, or harassment
of humanitarian relief supplies to the citizens of Bosnia
and IHerzegovina by the international community ; API>LICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 17 XII 97) 247
- from al1use of force - whether direct or indirect, overt or
covert - against Bosnia and Herzegovina, and from al1
threai s of force against Bosnia and Herzegovina;
from al1 violations of the sovereignty, territorial integrity
or political independence of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
including al1intervention, direct or indirect, in the interna1
affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina;
-- from al1support of any kind - including the provision of
training, arms, ammunition, finances, supplies, assistance,
direction or any other form of support - to any nation,
group, organization, movement or individual engaged or
planning to engage in military or paramilitary actions in or
against Bosnia and Herzegovina;
(r) that Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) has an obligation to
pay Bosnia and Herzegovina, in its own right and as purcns
putriar for its citizens, reparations for damages to persons and
property as well as to the Bosnian economy and environment
caused by the foregoing violations of international law in a
sum to be determined by the Court. Bosnia and Herzegovina
reserves the right to introduce to the Court a precise evaluation
of the damages caused by Yugoslavia (Serbia and Monte-
negro)" ;
2. Whereas, on 20 March 1993, immediately after the filing of its
Application, Bosnia and Herzegovina submitted a request for the indica-
tion of provisional measures under Article 41 of the Statute; whereas, on
1 April 1993, Yugoslavia submitted written observations on Bosnia and
Herzegovina's request for provisional measures, in which, in turn, it rec-
ommended the Court to order the application of provisional measures to
Bosnia and Herzegovina; and whereas. by an Order dated 8 April 1993,
the Court indicated. certain provisional measures with a view to the pro-
tection of rights iinder the Genocide Convention; and whereas, on
27 July 1993. Bosnia and Herzegovina submitted a new request for the
indication of provisional measures; whereas, on 1OAugust 1993, Yugo-
slavia also submitted a request for the indication of provisional meas-
ures; and whereas, the Court, by an Order dated 13 September 1993,
reaffirmed the measures indicated in its Order of 8 April 1993 and
declared that those measures should be immediately and effectively imple-
mented ;
3. Whereas, on 15 April 1994, within the time-limit laid down, as
extended by Order of the Vice-President of the Court on 7 October 1993,
Bosnia and Herzegovina filed its Memorial at the end of which it pre-
sented its submissions as follows: APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 17 XII 97) 248
"On the basis of the evidence and legal arguments presented in
this Memorial, the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Requests the Iriternational Court of Justice to adjudge and declare,
1. That the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Mon-
tenegro), directly, or through the use of its surrogates, has violated
and is violating the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment
of the Crime of Genocide, by destroying in part, and attempting to
destroy in whole, national, ethnical or religious groups within the,
but not limited to the, territory of the Republic of Bosnia and Herze-
govina, including in particular the Muslim population, by
- killing members of the group;
- causing deliberate bodily or mental harm to members of the
- deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated
to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
- imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
2. That the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Mon-
tenegro) has violated and is violating the Convention on the Preven-
tion and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide by conspiring to
commit genocide, by complicity in genocide, by attempting to com-
mit genocide and by incitement to commit genocide;
3. That the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Mon-
tenegro) has violated and is violating the Convention on the Pre-
vention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide bv aidingu and
abetting indivitluals and groups engaged in acts of genocide;
4. That the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Mon-
tenegro) has violated and is violating the Convention on the Preven-
tion and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide bv virtue of having. u
failed to prevent and to punish acts of genocide;
5. That the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Mon-
tenegro) must immediately cease the above conduct and take imme-
diate and effective steps to ensure full compliance with its obliga-
tions under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of
the Crime of Cienocide;
6. That the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Mon-
tenegro) must ,wipeout the consequences of its international wrong-
ful acts and must restore the situation existing before the violations
of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime
of Genocide were committed;
7. That. as a result of the international res~onsibilitv incurred for
the above violations of the Convention on the Prevention and Pun-
ishment of the Crime of Genocide, the Federal Republic of Yugo-
slavia (Serbia and Montenegro) is required to pay, and the Republic APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 17 XII 97) 249
of Bosnia and IHerzegovinais entitled to receive, in its own right and
as purens putricïrfor its citizens, full compensation for the damages
and losses caused, in the amount to be determined by the Court in a
subsequent phase of the proceedings in this case.
The Republiis of Bosnia and Herzegovina reserves its right to sup-
plement or amend its submissions in the light of further pleadings.
The Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina also respectfully draws
the attention ol'the Courtto the fact that it has not reiterated, at this
point, several of the requests it made in its Application, on the for-
mal assumptioii that the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and
Montenegro) has accepted the jurisdiction of this Court under the
terms of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the
Crime of Genocide. If the Respondent were to reconsider its accept-
ance of the jurisdiction of the Court under the terms of that Conven-
tion -- which it is, in any event, not entitled to do - the Govern-
ment of Bosnia and Herzegovina reserves its right to invoke also al1
or some of the other existing titles ofjurisdiction and to revive al1or
some of its previous submissions and requests";
4. Whereas, on 26 June 1995, within the time-limit laid down for the
filing of the Counter-Memorial, as extended by Order of the President of
the Court dated 21 March 1995,Yugoslavia, referring to Article 79, para-
graph 1,of the Rul~:sof Court, raised preliminary objections concerning,
respectively, the admissibility of the Application and the jurisdiction of
the Court to hear the case ; and whereas, by its Judgment dated 11 July
1996,the Court disinissed these preliminary objections and found, on the
one hand, that on the basis of Article 1X of the Genocide Convention it
had jurisdiction to adjudicate upon the dispute and, on the other hand,
that the Application was admissible;
5. Whereas, on 22 July 1997, within the new time-limit laid down by
Order of the President of the Court dated 23 July 1996, Yugoslavia filed
its Counter-Memorial; whereas in the introduction to that Counter-
Memorial, Yugoslavia indicated that it "included counter-claims"; and,
whereas at the end of the Counter-Memorial, it presented its submissions
as follows:
"The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia requests the International
Court of Justice to adjudge and declare:
1. In view of the fact that no obligations established by the 1948
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of
Genocide have been violated with regard to Muslims and Croats
since the acts alleged by the Applicant have not been committed
at all, or not to the extent and in the way alleged by the Appli-
- if some have been committed, there was absolutely no intention
of committing genocide, andlor
they have not been directed specifically against the members of
one ethnic or religious group, i.e., they have not been committed
against individuals just because they belong to some ethnic or
religious group,
consequently, they cannot be qualified as acts of genocide or other
acts prohibited by the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Pun-
ishment of the Crime of Genocide, andlor
2. In view of the fact that the acts alleged by the Applicant in its
submissions cannot be attributed to the Federal Republic of Yugo-
since they have not been committed by the organs of the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia,
since they have not been committed on the territory of the Fed-
eral Republic of Yugoslavia,
since they have not been committed by the order or under con-
trol of the organs of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia,
since there is no other grounds based on the rules of interna-
tional law to consider them as acts of the Federal Republic of
therefore the CIourt rejects al1claims of the Applicant, and
3. Bosnia and Herzegovina is responsible for the acts of genocide
coinmitted against the Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina and for
other violations of the obligations established by the 1948 Conven-
tion on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide,
- because it has incited acts of genocide by the 'Islamic Declara-
tion', and in particular by the position contained in it that 'there
can be no peace or coexistence between "Islamic faith" and
"non-Islaniic" social and political institutions',
because it has incited acts of genocide by the Novi Vox, paper of
the Muslinl youth, and in particular by the verses of a 'Patriotic
Song' which read as follows:
'Dear mother, I'm going to plant willows,
We'll hang Serbs from them.
Dear mother, I'm going to sharpen knives,
We'll soon fiIl pits again.'
because it has incited acts of genocide by the paper Zmaj od
Bosne, ancl in particular by the sentencein an articlepublished in
it that 'Each Muslim must name a Serb and take oath to kill
because public calls for the execution of Serbs were broadcast on
radio 'Hajai.' and thereby acts of genocide were incited;
- because the armed forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as
other organs of Bosnia and ~ei4egovina have committed acts of
genocide and other acts prohibited by the 1948 Convention on
the Prevention and Punishment of theCrime of Genocide, against
the Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which have been stated in
Chapter Seven of the Counter-Memorial;
- because Bosnia and Herzegovina has not prevented the acts of
genocide and other acts prohibited by the 1948 Convention on
the Prevention and Punishment of theCrimeof Genocide, against
the Serbs on its territory, which have been stated in Chap-
ter Seven of the Counter-Memorial.
4. Bosnia and Herzegovina has the obligation to punish the per-
sons held responsible for the acts of genocide and other acts prohib-
ited by the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of
the Crime of Genocide.
5. Bosnia and Herzegovina is bound to take necessary measures
so that the said acts would not be repeated in the future.
6. Bosnia and Herzegovina is bound to eliminate al1consequences
of the violatiori of the obligations established by the 1948 Conven-
tion on the Prt:vention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide
and provide adequate compensation" ;
6. Whereas, by a letter dated 28 July 1997, the Deputy-Agent of Bos-
nia and Herzegovina informed the Registrar that "the Applicant [was] of
the opinion that th,? Counter-Claims submitted by the Respondent . . .
[did] not meet the 1:riterion of Article 80, paragraph 1, of the Rules of
Court and should therefore not be joined to the original proceedings";
and the Deputy-Agent specified that, when the President of the Court
met theAgents of the Parties under Article 31 of the Rules of Court, Bos-
nia and Herzegovina would ask for "an early date to hear the Parties
according to Article 80, paragraph 3, of the Rules of Court";
7. Whereas, on ;!2September 1997, the President of the Court held a
meeting with the Agents of the Parties in order to ascertain their views as
to the further proci:edings in the case; whereas the two Agents accepted
that their respective Governments submit written observations on the
question of the admissibility of the Yugoslav counter-claims; and whereas
they contemplated that their Governments then be heard orally on the
question ;
8. Whereas, by a letter dated 26 September 1997,on the instructions of
the Court, the Reg,istrar invited the Government of Bosnia and Herze- APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 17 XII 97)
govina to specify in writing, not later than 10 October 1997, the legal
basis on which it maintained that the counter-claims made by the Respon-
dent did not meet the criterion laid down in Article 80, paragraph 1,of
the Rules of Court; and whereas, in that letter, the Registrar specified
that the Yugoslav Government would in turn be invited to submit its
views on the question within two weeks of Bosnia and Herzegovina filing
its observations; and whereas the Registrar sent a copy of that letter to
Yugoslavia the sami: day;
9. Whereas, by a letter from its Deputy Agent dated 9 October 1997
and received in the Registry on 10 October 1997, Bosnia and Herze-
govina submitted its observations on the Respondent's counter-claims to
the Court; and whereas, by a letter dated 10 October 1997, the Registrar
communicated a copy of those observations to the Yugoslav Govern-
ment advising it that it might make known its own observations on the
question within a time-limit expiring on 24 October 1997; and whereas
on the same day the Registrar informed the Government of Bosnia and
Herzegovina of this;
10. Whereas, in its written observations, Bosnia and Herzegovina
maintains that "the alleged 'counter-claim' presented by Yugoslavia is
not in accordance with the provisions of Article 80 of the Rules of
Court"; and whereas it specifies that, although the counter-claim was
presented in the Counter-Memorial and cornes within the jurisdiction of
the Court, conversely, it is not "directly connected ... with the subject-
matter of the initial proceedings";
11. Whereas, in cirder to establish the absence of such a connection in
this case, Bosnia and Herzegovina invokes first the structure and content
of Yugoslavia's Counter-Memorial; whereas it argues that the Counter-
Memorial is divided into two completely autonomous parts, one in which
Yugoslavia "attempts to reply to the accusations made in the Memorial
of Bosnia and Herzegovina" and the other in which "Yugoslavia claims
that Bosnia and Herzegovina itself is responsible for violations of the
Genocide Convention"; whereas it argues that "the facts put before the
Court by Yugoslavia, in the form of its 'counter-claim', are totally dif-
ferent from those or1which the initial claim of Bosnia and Herzegovina is
based" and whereas "the examination of each of the two sets of facts
would be of no help in the judicial analysis of the other set and could not
affect its outcome in any way whatsoever"; and whereas it asserts that,
since Yugoslavia does not ask the Court, in its submissions in its Coun-
ter-Memorial, to find that there is any "kind of relationship, a legally sig-
nificant one" to be established between the two claims, it recognizes in
reality that "the jutlicial outcome of the one cannot determine or influ-
ence the outcome of the other in any manner whatsoever";
12. Whereas Bosnia and Herzegovina observes that, moreover, given
the specific nature of the obligations embodied in the Genocide Conven-
tion, Yugoslavia could not have adopted any other position; whereas it APPI-[CATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 17 XII 97) 253
points to the evgu omnrs and non-reciprocal nature of those obligations;
and whereas it infers from this that, within the system of the Convention,
"no place remains for the logic of reciprocity", so that
"it cannot be envisaged that the judicial finding of a violation of the
Convention conimitted by a State could in the event be influenced by
the fact that a second violation - of which the State in question is
allegedly the victim - had been perpetrated";
13. Whereas, for the purposes of confirming that its contentions are
well founded, Bosnia and Herzegovina refers to scholarly opinion and
infers from it that i.he counter-claim must, on the one hand, aim "to
'counter' the principal claim, i.e., to oppose it in order to block it or to
reduce its effects" and, on the other hand, claim "something more", in
particular "a judgment against the applicant in the principal proceed-
ings"; and whereas it submits that this is not the case as regards the
Yugoslav "counter-claim" since, even if the allegation set out therein
against Bosnia and Herzegovina were founded, "this could not in any
way result in the total or partial dismissal (or 'neutralization') of Bosnia
and Herzegovina's original claim, nor - of course - in 'something
more' ";
14. Whereas Bosriia and Herzegovina refers also to the jurisprudence
of the Court and of its predecessor; whereas it indicates that "a study of
what happens in practice reveals no case of a counter-claim which did not
have the objective of countering the principal claim, either to make it fail,
or to reduce its scope and effects" and it submits that
"Yugoslavia's so-called 'counter-claim' is not really one at all: in
submitting its counter-claim the other Party does not counter the
initial claim, but formulates a second, autonomous dispute relating
to other facts, the settlement of which could in no way influence
the solution of the first dispute brought before the Court by Bosnia
and Herzegovina";
15. Whereas, Bosnia and Herzegovina also maintains that when, as is
the case here, a "counter-claim" raises a question which is independent of
the initial claim, ariy joinder of these claims must be avoided on the
grounds that this could have detrimental effects, on the one hand, on
equality of the parties - since the Applicant could only respond once in
writing, in its Reply, to the counter-claim - and, on the other hand, on
the rights and interests of third States - since those third States would
not be informed of the counter-claim;
16. Whereas at the end of its written observations Bosnia and Herze-
govina argues that "the 'counter-claim' submitted by Yugoslavia in its
Counter-Memorial is therefore not admissible, since any direct connec-
tion with the subject-matter of Bosnia and Herzegovina's original claim APP1.ICATION l3F GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 17 XII 97) 254
is totally lacking" whereas, it "requests the Court to decide - having
heard the Parties as provided for in Article 80, paragraph 3, of the Rules
of Court - that the 'counter-claim' in question should not be joined to
the principal claim"; and whereas it "recognizes that Yugoslavia, should
it so desire, may always submit to the Court an application instituting
proceedings through the normal channels";
17. Whereas, by a communication from its Agent dated 23 October
1997 and received in the Registry on 24 October 1997, Yugoslavia sub-
mitted to the Court its observations on the admissibility of the counter-
claims set out in its Counter-Memorial, taking account of the observa-
tions submitted by Bosnia and Herzegovina; and whereas, by a letter
dated 24 October 1997, the Registrar sent a copy of the observations of
the Yugoslav Government to the Government of Bosnia and Herze-
govina, informing it that, on the one hand, the Court would decide the
remainder of the procedure on the basis of the documents presently before
it and. on the other hand. that the Agents of the Parties would be advised
of that decision in due course; and whereas, on the same day, the Regis-
trar transmitted the same information to the Yugoslav Government;
18. Whereas, in its written observations, Yugoslavia points out that
the original claim and the counter-claim are based on the same legal
ground, that is to sa,ythe Genocide Convention and the general rules of
State responsibility; whereas it submits that:
"The disputed facts of the claim and counter-claim are the facts of
the same tragic conflict, i.e., civil war in Bosnia and Herzegovina,
which happened in a single territorial and temporal setting, based on
the same historical background and within the framework of the
same political development";
and from this it infers "al1 relevant facts which form the basis of claim
and counter-claim are interrelated in such a way as to make a factual and
legal connection relevant to the issue";
19. Whereas Yugoslavia maintains that "there is a direct connection
between Part Two of the Counter-Memorial, i.e., the counter-claim, and
Part One of the Counter-Memorial, the defence of the Respondent";
whereas the counter-claim and the subject-matter of the claim "are
directly connected"; whereas
"the facts on which the counter-claim is based and which are con-
tained in Part Two . . . of the Counter-Memorial are of crucial
importance to answer the question of attribution to the Respondents
of acts alleged by the Applicant";
and whereas the facts on which the counter-claim is based "are also rele-
vant for qualification of the acts alleged by the Applicant as crimes of
20. Whereas. in its written observations, Yugoslavia, refers, inter uliu,
"some identical facts . .. presented as a basis for denying the allega-
tion of the Applicant which are, according to its view relevant for
attribution of alleged acts to the Respondent and as a basis for the
counter-claim" ;
and whereas it explains in particular that "acts of direct and public incite-
ment to commit genocide against the Serbs" for which it asks the Court
to establish the responsibility of Bosnia and Herzegovina, operate also as
a defence against the accusation made in the principal claim, in so far as
such acts "strongly influenced the attitude of the Serb people in Bosnia
and Herzegovina" and "are very relevant for deciding on whether the
Serb people acted under the orders of the Yugoslav authorities . . . or
spontaneously to protect itself';
21. Whereas Yugoslavia moreover Statesthat it "agrees with the Appli-
cant that a breach of the GenocideConvention cannot serve as an excuse
for another breach of the same Convention", but "the two Parties are in
dispute over existence of a breach of the GenocideConvention, Le., geno-
cide against the Muslim and non-Serb population"; whereas it note; that
"for different reasons, the Respondent denies the existence of crimes of
genocide against the Muslim and non-Serb population" and specifiesthat
"one of the very relevant reasons is the absence of intent to commit geno-
cide"; it maintains that
"the facts presented by Part Two .. . of the Counter-Memorial,
which constitute the basis for the counter-claim, Le., crimes of geno-
cide committed against the Serb people in Bosnia and Herzegovina
are part and parcel of the circumstances of the situation"
and are relevant "for identifying the motives and intentions of individuals
who committed crimes vis-à-vis Muslims"; and whereas it submits that
these facts, for which it asks the Court to establish the responsibility of
Bosnia and Herzegovina, "served for proper qualification of the acts
alleged by the Applicant";
22. Whereas Yugoslavia alleges moreover that the Applicant, when it
"referred to positions doctrinulc~.a~nd lujuri.sprudenc~einternutionulr
regarding the direct connection between the counter-claim and sub-
ject-matter of the claim . . . failed to reach the end of development of
the construction of Article 80, paragraph 1,of the Rules of Court";
whereas it submits that "careful study of the practice of the Court reveals
an important development of understanding of the said paragraph", the
Court having "departed from this [original] position" according to which
"a counter-claim is directly connected with the subject-matter of the APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 17XII 97) 256
claim of the other party when it serves for a rejection of the claim and for
obtaining a judgment on the responsibility of the other party"; and
whereas it notes that academic writings have after al1 emphasized "the
lack of rigidity" which characterizes the treatment of counter-claims;
23. Whereas Yugoslavia also observes that "it seems that the Appli-
catit is of the opinion that a counter-claim has to be limited exclusively to
facts presented in [the main] claim"; whereas in order to establish that
"this opinion is not based on the law", it invokes Article 49, paragraph 2,
of the Rules of Court according to which "[the] Counter-Memorial shall
cotitain . . . any additional facts, if necessary"; whereas it infers from this
that "if the Respondent is entitled to submit new facts by a Counter-
Memorial, it can ceriainly do it by a counter-claim"; and whereas it notes
that in the present case, the additional facts invoked as a basis for the
counter-claim are, iri any event, "relevant for rejection of [the] claim";
24. Whereas at the end of its written observations Yugoslavia submits
that "the counter-claim is directly connected with the subject-matter of
the claim and the counter-claim meets the conditions of Article 80, para-
graphs 1 and 2, of the Rules of Court"; and whereas it accordingly
requests the Court "to reject al1requests of Bosnia and Herzegovina sub-
mitted by its letter of9 October 1997";
25. Whereas, having received full and detailed written observations
from each of the Parties, the Court is sufficiently well informed of the
positions they hold with regard to the admissibility of the claims pre-
sented as counter-claims by Yugoslavia in its Counter-Mernorial; and
whereas, accordingly, it does not appear necessary to hear the Parties
otherwise on the subject ;
26. Whereas it is now necessary to consider whether the Yugoslav
claims in question constitute "counter-claims" within the meaning of
Article 80 of the Rules of Court and, if so, whether they fulfil the condi-
tions set out in that provision;
27. Whereas it is established that a counter-claim has a dual character
in relation to the claim of the other party; whereas a counter-claim is
independent of the principal claim in so far as it constitutes a separate
"claim", that is to Say an autonomous legal act the object of which is to
submit a new claim to the Court. and. whereas at the same time. it is
linked to the principal claim, in so fa; as, formulated as a ''counter"
claim. it reacts to it: whereas the thrust of a counter-claim is thus to
widen the original subject-matter of the dispute by pursuing objectives
other than the mere dismissal of the claim of the Applicant in the main
proceedings - for example, that a finding be made against the Appli-
cant; and, whereas in this respect, the counter-claim is distinguishable
from a defence on the merits; APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 17XII 97) 257
28. Whereas, in Article 80 of its Rules, the Court did not confer a dif-
ferent meaning on the expression "counter-claim"; whereas the inclusion
of Article 80 in Section D ("Incidental Proceedings") of Part III ("Pro-
ceedings in Contentious Cases") of the Rules of Court, and the provi-
sions set out in that Article show that it does not apply to mere defences
on the merits which the Court must hear in the normal exercise of its
functions to decide the Applicant's claims; and whereas the need to dif-
ferentiate between counter-claims and defences in the scheme of the
Rules of Court is moreover sufficiently clear from the jurisprudence of
the Court:
"Whereas, moreover, if the Iranian Government considers the
alleged activities of the United States in Iran legally to have a close
connection with the subject-matter of the United StatesApplication,
it remains open to that Government under the Court's Statute and
Rules to present its own arguments to the Court regarding those
activities either by way of defencein a Counter-Memorial or by way
of a counter-claim filed under Article 80 of the Rules of Court . .."
(Uniterl Stutes Diplornatic und Consulur Staff in Tehran, Provisionul
Measurrs, Order of 15 December 1979, 1. C.J. Reports 1979, p. 15,
para. 24);
29. Whereas in the present case, although Submissions 1 and 2 in the
Counter-Memorial cjfYugoslavia relate exclusivelyto the dismissal ofthe
claims of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Submissions 3 to6, on the contrary,
set outseparate clairnsseeking relief beyond the dismissal of the claims of
Bosnia and Herzegovina; and whereas such claims constitute "counter-
claims" within the meaning of Article 80 of the Rules of Court;
30. Whereas, however, a claim should normally be made before the
Court by means of an application instituting proceedings; whereas,
although it is permitted for certain types of claim to be set out as inci-
dental proceedings, that is to Say, within the context of a case which is
already in progress, thisismerely in order to ensure better administration
of justice, given the specificnature of the claims in question; whereas, as
far as counter-clailî-isare concerned, the idea is essentially to achieve a
procedural economy whilst enablingthe Court to have an overview of the
respective claims of the parties and todecide them more consistently; and
whereas the admissibility of the counter-claims must necessarily relate to
the aims thus pursued and be subject to conditions designed to prevent
abuse ;
31. Whereas the Respondent cannot use a counter-claim as a means of
referring to an international court claims which exceed the limits of its
jurisdiction as recognized by the parties; and whereas the Respondent
cannot use that means either to impose on the Applicant any claim it
chooses, at the risk of infringing the Applicant's rights and of compro-
mising the proper administration of justice; and whereas it is for that
reason that paragraph 1of Article 80 of the Rules of Court requires that
the counter-claim "cornes within the jurisdiction of the Court" and "that APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 17XII 97) 258
it is directly connected with the subject-matter of the claim of the
other party";
32. Whereas in the present case it is not disputed that the Yugoslav
counter-claims were "made in the Counter-Memorial of the party pre-
senting it, and . ..appear as part of the submissions of that party", in
accordancr with Article 80, paragraph 2, of the Rules of Court; and
whereas, although Bosnia and Herzegovina recognizes that these claims
meet the jurisdictional requirement set out in paragraph 1 of that Article,
it denies that they rneet the requirement of being directly connected with
the subject-matter of the claim, also set out in that Article;
33. Whereas the Rules of Court do not define what is meant by
"directly connected"; whereas it is for the Court, in its sole discretion, to
assess whether the counter-claim is sufficiently connected to the principal
claim, taking accourit of the particular aspects of each case; and whereas,
as a generril rule, the degree of connection between the claims must be
assessed both in fact and in law;
34. Whereas, in the present case, it emerges from the Parties' submis-
sions that their respective claims rest on facts of the same nature;
whereas they form part of the same factual complex since al1those facts
are alleged to have occurred on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina
and during the same period; and whereas Yugoslavia States, moreover,
that it intends to rely on certain identical facts in order both to refute the
allegations of Bosnia and Herzegovina and to obtain judgment against
that State;
35. Whereas Bosnia and Herzegovina was right to point to the ergu
ornnes character of the obligations flowing from the Genocide Conven-
tion (see Applicution of the Conv~ntionon the Prevention und Punishment
oj' thc Crime of (;enocide, Preliminary Ohjectiorzs, Jtrdgtnent, I.C.J.
Reports 1996, pp. 615-616, para. 31), and the Parties rightly recognized
that in no case could one breach of the Convention serve as an excuse for
another;and whereas, however, the argument drawn from the absence of
reciprocity in the scheme of the Convention is not determinative as
regards the assessment of whether there is a legal connection between the
principal claim and the counter-claim, in so far the two Parties pursue,
with their respective claims, the same legal aim, namely the establishment
of legal responsibility for violations of the Genocide Convention;
36. Whereas in iis Orders of 8 April and 13September 1993,the Court
considered the reqiiests for the indication of provisional measures made
by each of the Parties; and whereas, in its Order of 13September 1993,it
stated, inter uliu, as follows:
"45. Whereas the measure requested by Yugoslavia would be
appropriate to protect rights under the Genocide Convention, which
are accordingliy within the prima fàcie jurisdiction of the Court;
whereas, on the evidence and information available to it, the Court APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER17 XII 97) 259
must also recognize the existence of some risk to the persons whose
protection Yugoslavia seeks; whereas however the question for the
Court is whether the circumstances are such as to 'require' the indi-
cation of proviiiional measures, in accordance with Article 41 of the
46. Whereas by paragraph 52 A of its Order of 8 April 1993 the
Court, having indicated that Yugoslavia should take al1 measures
within its power to prevent genocide, indicated what 'in particular'
were the appropriate measures to be taken by Yugoslavia in the cir-
cumstances of i.hecase, where the risk was of genocide not on Yugo-
slav territory but in Bosnia-Herzegovina; whereas furthermore, as
the Court noted in paragraph 45 of its Order of 8 April 1993, both
Yugoslavia and Bosnia-Herzegovina are under a clear obligation to
do al1in their power to prevent the commission of any acts of geno-
cide, and by paragraph 52 B of that Order the Court indicated that
both Bosnia-Herzegovina and Yugoslavia should not take any action
and should ensure that no action is taken which might aggravate or
extend the existing dispute over the prevention or punishment of the
crime of genocide, or render it more difficult of solution; whereas
the Court does not find that the circumstances, as they now present
themselves to the Court, are such as tu require a more specific indi-
cation of measures addressed to Bosnia-Herzegovina so as to recall
to it both its undoubted obligations under the Genocide Conven-
tion, and the rieed to refrain from action of the kind contemplated
by paragraph 52 B of the Court's Order of 8 April 1993" (1.C. J.
Reports 1993, pp. 346-347);
37. Whereas in the light of the foregoing. the Court considers that the
counter-claims submitted by Yugoslavia are directly connected with the
subject-matter of Bosnia and Herzegovina's claims; and whereas, as
counter-claims, they are therefore admissible and form part of the present
proceedings ;
38. Whereas a decision given on the admissibility of a counter-claim
taking account of the requirements of Article 80 of the Rules of Court in
no way prejudges any question with which the Court would have to deal
during the remainder of the proceedings;
39. Whereas in order to protect the rights which third States entitled
to appear before the Court derive from the Statute, the Court instructs
the Registrar to transmit a copy of this Order to them;
40. Whereas when, in accordance with the provisions of its Rules, the
Court decides, in the interests of the proper administration of justice, to APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER17 XII 97) 260
rule on the respective claims of the Parties in a single set of proceedings,
it must not, for al1that. lose sight of the interest of the Applicant to have
its claims decided within a reasonable time-period;
41. Whereas, during the meeting which the President of the Court held
on 22 September 1997 with the Agents of the Parties (see paragraph 7
above), the Agent of Bosnia and Herzegovina indicated that his Govern-
ment requested that the case be decided as soon as possible, was opposed
to any further exchange of written pleadings on the merits and asked the
Court immediately to set a date for the opening of the oral proceedings;
whereas the Agent of Yugoslavia, conversely, made it known that, if the
proceedings were to go forward, his Government wished to have a sec-
ond round of written pleadings on the merits; whereas the two Agents
were invited to express their views as tosuitable time-limits to be fixed for
the filing of further pleadings in the event that the Court decided that
their submission was necessary; and whereas the Agent of Bosnia and
Herzegovina specified, inter dia, that his Government would be in a
position to present a Reply six months from the date of filing of the
Counter-Memorial of Yugoslavia - that is, no later than 23 January
1998 - whether or not the Reply had to respond to the counter-claims
made by Yugoslavia in its Counter-Mernorial;
42. Whereas, takïng into account the conclusions it has reached above
regarding the admissibility of the Yugoslav counter-claims, the Court
considers that it is riecessary for Bosnia and Herzegovina to file a Reply
and for Yugoslavia to file a Rejoinder relating to the claims of both
Parties; and whereas it is necessary moreover, in order to ensure strict
equality between the Parties, to reserve the right of Bosnia and Herze-
govina to present its views in writing a second time on the Yugoslav
counter-claims, in an additional pleading which may be the subject of a
subsequent Order;
43. For these reasons,
(A) By thirteen votes to one,
Finds that the counter-claims submitted by Yugoslavia in its Counter-
Memorial are admissible as such and form part of the current proceed-
IN FAVOUR :President Schwebel ;Judges Oda, Bedjaoui,Guillaume,Herczegh.
Shi, Fleischhauer, Koroma, Vereshchetin,Parra-Aranguren, Kooijmans:
Judges ad hoc L.auterpacht,Kreca;
(B) By thirteen votes to one,
Directs Bosnia and Herzegovina to submit a Reply and Yugoslavia to
submit a Rejoinder relating to the claims of both Parties and fi.xesthe
following dates, accepted by the Parties, as time-limits for the filing of
these pleadings :
For the Reply of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 23 January 1998;
For the Rejoinder of Yugoslavia, 23 July 1998;
IN FAVOUR:Presidorit Schwebel;Judges Oda, Bedjaoui,Guillaume,Herczegh,
Shi. Fleischhauei-,Koroma. Vereshchetin,Parra-Aranguren, Kooijmans;
Jutlgcs ad hoc Lauterpacht, Kreca;
AGAINST: Vice-P~wident Weeramantry ;
Reserves the subsequent procedure for further decision.
Done in French and in English, the French text being authoritative, at
the Peace Palace, l'he Hague, this seventeenth day of December, one
thousand nine huntlred and ninety-seven, in three copies, one of which
will be placed in the archives of the Court and the others transmitted to
the Government of'the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the
Government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, respectively.
(Signed) Stephen M. SCHWEBEL,
(Signed) Eduardo VALENCIA-OSPINA,
Judge uclhoc KRI:~.Aappends a declaration to the Order of the Court.
Judge KOROMAand Judge ud hoc LALJTERPACH aTpend separate
opinions to the Order of the Court.
Vice-President WEERAMANTRY appends a dissenting opinion to the
Order of the Court.
(Initiulled) SM .S.
(Initiulled) E.V.O.
ORDER OF 17 DECEMBER1997 Mode officiel de citation:
Application de la conilention pour lu prévention et la rkpression
du crime de gbnocide, demandes reconventionnelles.
ordonnance du 17 décembre 1997,C.I.J. Rep. 2431997,
Officia1citation :
Applicution of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishrnent
of the Crime of GIC.J. Reports 1p. 243ms, Order of 17 Decemher 1997,
ISSN 0074-4441 No de'.'"te:693 1
ISBN 92-1-070758-3 Sales number 17 DÉCEMBRE 1997
17 DECEMBER 1997
1997 ANNÉE 1997
17 décembre
Rôle général
no91 17décembre1997
Présents:M. SCHWEBEL ,rksiden; M. WEERAMANTRY Vice-Pr6si-
La Cour internationale de Justice,
Ainsi composée,
Après délibéen chambre du Conseil,
Vu l'articledu Statut de la Cour et lesarticles 31,44, 45 et 80 de son
Rend IOrdonnunce suivun:e
1. Considérant que, 20mars 1993, le Gouvernement de la Répu-
blique de Bosnie-Herzégovine(dénomméeci-après lasnie-Herzégo-
vine)))a déposéau Greffe de la Cour une requête introductive d'instance
contre le Gouvernement de la République fédérativede Yougoslavie INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE
YEAR 1997 17December
General List
17 December1997 No.91
Prrsent: PrrsidrnSCHWEBEL ;ice-PrrsidenWEERAMANTR Yudges
Judges ad hoc LAUTERPACHK T, ECA;Regi.~traVALENCIA-
The International Court of Justice,
Composed as above,
After deliberation,
Having regard to Articl48 of the Statute of the Court and to
Article31,44, 45 and 80 of the Rules of Court,
Mukrs tlir ,folloit!ing:Order
1. Whereas, on20 March 1993, the Government of the Republic of
Bosnia and Herzegovina (hereinafter called "Bosnia and Herzegovina")
filed in the Registry of the Court an Application instituting proceedings
against theovernment of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (herein-244 APPLICATION DE CONVENTION GENOCIDE (ORD.17 XII 97)
(dénomméeci-après la «Yougoslavie») au sujet d'un différend concer-
nant d'une part une sériede violations alléguéesde la convention pour la
prévention et la répression du crime de génocide(dénomméeci-après la
((convention sur le génocide))), adoptée par l'Assembléegénéraledes
Nations Unies le 9 décembre1948,et d'autre part diverses questions liées,
selon la Bosnie-Herzégovine, à ces violations; que, dans sa requête,la
Bosnie-Herzégovine a invoqué comme base de compétence de la Cour
l'articleIX de la convention sur le génocide; et, qu'au terme de sa
requête,elle a formulé les demandes ci-après:
«En conséquence, tout en se réservant le droit de reviser, complé-
ter ou modifier la présente requête, et sousréservede la présentation
à la Cour des preuves et arguments juridiques pertinents, la Bosnie-
Herzégovine prie la Cour de dire et juger:
a) que la Yougoslavie (Serbie et Monténégro)a violé,et continue
de violer, ses obligations juridiques i l'égarddu peuple et de
1'Etatde Bosnie-Herzégovineen vertu des articles premier, II u),
II h), II c), 11d), 111u), IIIh), III c), IIId), IIIe), IV et V
de la convention sur le génocide;
b) que la Yougoslavie (Serbie et Monténégro)a violé etcontinue
de violer ses obligations juridiques à l'égard du peuple et de
1'Etatde Bosnie-Herzégovine envertu des quatre conventions de
Genève de 1949, de leur protocole additionnel 1 de 1977, du
droit international coutumier de la guerre, et notamment du
Règlement de La Haye de 1907concernant la guerre sur terre, et
d'autres principes fondamentaux du droit international humani-
taire :
c) que la Yougoslavie (Serbie et Monténégro)a violé etcontinue
de violer les dispositions des articles 2,3,4, 5,6, 7,8, 9, 10,11,
12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,21, 22, 23, 2526 et 28 de la Décla-
ration universelle des droits de l'homme vis-&-visdes citoyens de
la Bosnie-Herzégovine;
d) que la Yougoslavie (Serbie et Monténégro),en violation de ses
obligations en vertu du droit international généralet coutumier,
a tué,assassiné,blessé, violév, olé,torturé, enlevé,détenuilléga-
lement et exterminé des citoyens de la Bosnie-Herzégovine, et
continue de le faire:
e) qu'en traitant ainsi les citoyens de la Bosnie-Herzégovine, la
Yougoslavie (Serbie et Monténégro)a violéet continue de violer
lesobligations qu'elle a solennellement assuméesen vertudu para-
graphe 3 de l'article I et des articles 55 et56 de la Charte des
Nations Unies;
f) que la Yougoslavie (Serbie et Monténégro)a employé et conti-
nue d'employer la force et de recourir à la menace de la force
contre la Bosnie-Herzégovine en violation des paragraphes 1, 2,
3 et 4 de l'article 2 et du paragraphe1de l'article 33de la Charte
after called "Yugoslavia") in respect of a dispute concerning alleged vio-
lations of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the
Crime of Genocide (hereinafter called "the Genocide Convention"),
adopted by the General Assembly ofthe United Nations on 9 December
1948, as well as various matters which Bosnia and Herzegovina claims
are connected therewith; whereas, in its Application, Bosnia and Herze-
govina invoked Article IX of the Genocide Convention as the basis of the
jurisdiction of the C'ourt;and, whereas at the end of its Application, it set
out its claims as follows:
"Accordingly, while reserving the right to revise, supplement or
amend this Application, and subject to the presentation to the Court
of the relevant evidence and legal arguments, Bosnia and Herze-
govina requestn the Court to adjudge and declare as follows:
(a) that Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro)has breached, and is
continuing to breach, its legal obligations toward the People
and State of Bosnia and Herzegovina under Articles 1,II (u),
II(b), II (c), II (d), III (u), III (b), II(c),III id), III(el,
IV and V of the Genocide Convention;
(b) that Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) has violated and is
continuirig to violate its legal obligations toward the People
and State of Bosnia and Herzegovina under the four Geneva
Conventions of 1949,their Additional Protocol 1of 1977, the
customary international laws of war including the Hague Regu-
lations on Land Warfare of 1907,and other fundamental prin-
ciples of international humanitarian law; \
(c) that Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) has violated and
continues to violate Articles 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26 and 28 of the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights with respect to the
citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina;
(d) that Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro), in breach of its
obligations under general and customary international law,
has killetl, murdered, wounded, raped, robbed, tortured, kid-
napped, illegally detained, and exterminated the citizens of
Bosnia and Herzegovina, and is continuing to do so;
(r) that in its treatment of the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) has violated, and is con-
tinuing to violate, its solemn obligations under Articles 1 (3),
55 and 56 of the United Nations Charter;
(f) that Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) has used and is con-
tinuing to use force and the threat of force against Bosnia and
Herzegovina in violation of Articles 2(l), 2 (2), 2 (3), 2 (4),and
33 (l), of the United Nations Charter;245 APPLICATION DE CONVENTION GÉNOCIDE (ORD. 17 XII 97)
g) que la Yougoslavie (Serbie et Monténégro),en violation de ses
obligations en vertu du droit international généralet coutumier,
a utilisé et utilise laforce et la menace de la force contre la Bos-
nie-Herzégovine ;
h) que la Yougoslavie (Serbie et Monténégro).en violation de ses
obligations en vertu du droit international généralet coutumier,
a violé et viole la souveraineté de la Bosnie-Herzégovine du
fait :
- d'attaques armées contre la Bosnie-Herzégovine par air et
par terre;
- de la violation de l'espace aériende la Bosnie-Herzégovine;
- d'actes directs et indirects de coercition et d'intimidation à
l'encontre du Gouvernement de la Bosnie-Herzégovine;
i) que la Yougoslavie (Serbie et Monténégro), en violation des
obligations que lui impose le droit international généralet cou-
tumier, est intervenue et intervient dans les affaires intérieures
de la Bosnie-Herzégovine;
j) que la Yougoslavie (Serbie et Monténégro),en recrutant, entraî-
nant, armant, équipant. finançant, approvisionnant et en encou-
rageant, appuyant, aidant et dirigeant des actions militaires et
paramilitaires en Bosnie-Herzégovine ou contre celle-ci par le
moyen de ses agents et de ses auxiliaires, a violéet viole ses obli-
gations fondamentales et conventionnelles expresses à l'égardde
la Bosnie-Herzégovine et, en particulier, ses obligations fonda-
mentales et conventionnelles expresses en vertu du paragraphe 4
de l'article2 de la Charte des Nations Unies, de mêmeque ses
obligations en vertu du droit international généralet coutu-
k) que, vu les circonstances exposées ci-dessus,la Bosnie-Herzégo-
vine possède le droit souverain de se défendreet de défendreson
peuple en vertu de l'article 51 de la Charte des Nations Unies et
du droit international coutumier, y compris en se procurant
immédiatement auprès d'autres Etats des armes, des matérielset
fournitures militaires ainsi que des troupes;
1) que, vu les circonstances exposées ci-dessus, la Bosnie-Herzégo-
vine possède le droit souverain en vertu de l'article 51 de la
Charte des Nations Unies et du droit international coutumier de
demander à tout Etat de l'assister immédiatement en se Dortant
à son secours, y compris par des moyens militaires (armes, maté-
riels et fournitures militaires, troupes, etc.);
m) que la résolution 713 (1991) du Conseil de sécuritéimposant un
embargo sur les livraisons d'armes à l'ex-Yougoslavie doit être
interprétéed'une maniére telle qu'elle ne porte pas atteinte au
droit naturel de légitimedéfense,individuelle ou collective, de la
Bosnie-Herzégovine en vertu de l'article 51 de la Charte des
Nations Unies et des règlesdu droit international coutumier; APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER17 XII 97) 245
(g) that Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro), in breach of its
obligations under general and customary international law,
has used and is using force and the threat of force against
Bosnia and Herzegovina ;
lh) that Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro), in breach of its
obligations under general and customary international law,
has violated and is violating the sovereignty of Bosnia and
Herzegovina by :
- armed attacks against Bosnia and Herzegovina by air and
land ;
- aerial trespass into Bosnian airspace;
- efforts by direct and indirect means to coerce and intimi-
date the Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina;
(i) that Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro), in breach of its
obligations under general and customary international law.
has intervened and is intervening in the interna1 affairs of
Bosnia and Herzegovina ;
(j) that Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro). in recruiting, train-
ing, armrng, equipping, financing, supplying and otherwise
encouraging, supporting, aiding, and directing military and
paramilitary actions in and against Bosnia and Herzegovina by
means of its agents and surrogates, has violated and is violat-
ing its express charter and treaty obligations to Bosnia and
Herzegovina and, in particular, its charter and treaty obliga-
tions under Article 2 (4) of the United Nations Charter, as well
as its obligations under general and customary international
law :
(k) that under the circumstances set forth above, Bosnia and Herze-
govina has the sovereign right to defend Itself and its People
under United Nations Charter Article 51 and customary inter-
national law, including by means of immediately obtaining
military weapons, equipment, supplies and troops from other
(1) that under the circumstances set forth above, Bosnia and Herze-
govina has the sovereign right under United Nations Charter
Article 51 and customary international law to request the
immediate assistance of any State to come to its defence,
including by military means (weapons. equipment, supplies,
troops, etc.);
(nz) that Security Council resolution 71 3(1991), imposing a weapons
embargo upon the former Yugoslavia, must be construed in a
manner that shall not impair the inherent right of individual or
collective self-defence of Bosnia and Herzegovina under the
terms of United Nations Charter Article 51 and the rules of
customary international law;246 APPLICATION DE CONVENTION GÉNOCIDE (ORD.17 XII 97)
n) que toutes les résolutions ultérieures du Conseil de sécuritéqui
se réfèrent à la résolution 713 (1991) ou la réaffirment doivent
être interprétées d'une manière telle qu'elles ne portent pas
atteinte au droit naturel de légitime défense, individuelleou col-
lective, de la Bosnie-Herzégovine en vertu des dispositions de
l'article 51 de la Charte des Nations Unies et des règlesdu droit
international coutumier;
O) que la résolution 713 (1991) du Conseil de sécuritéet toutes les
résolutions ultérieures du Conseil de sécuritéqui s'y réfèrent
ou la réaffirment nedoivent pas êtreinterprétéescomme impo-
sant un embargo sur les livraisons d'armes à la Bosnie-Herzégo-
vine, conformément aux dispositions du paragraphe 1 de I'ar-
ticle 24 et de l'article 51 de la Charte des Nations Unies et au
principe coutumier d'ultru vires;
p) qu'en vertu du droit de légitimedéfensecollective reconnu par
l'article 51 de la Charte des Nations Unies tous les autres Etats
parties à la Charte ont le droit de se porter immédiatement au
secours de la Bosnie-Herzégovine - à sa demande - y compris
en lui fournissant immédiatement des armes, des matérielset des
fournitures militaires, et des forces armées (soldats, marins,
aviateurs, etc.);
q) que la Yougoslavie (Serbie et Monténégro),et ses agents et auxi-
liaires, sont tenus de mettre fin et de renoncer immédiatement à
leurs violations susmentionnéesde leurs obligations juridiques, et
ont le devoir exprèsde mettre fin et de renoncer immédiatement:
à leur pratique systématique de la ((purification ethnique))
des citoyens et du territoire souverain de la Bosnie-Herzégo-
à l'assassinat, à l'exécutionsommaire, à la torture, au viol, à
l'enlèvement,à la mutilation, aux blessures, aux sévicesphy-
siques et psychologiques et à la détention des citoyens de la
à la dévastation sauvage et aveugle de villages, de villes, de
districts, d'agglomérations et d'institutions religieuses en
au bombardement de centres de population civile en Bosnie-
Herzégovine,et spécialement de sa capitale, Sarajevo;
à la poursuite du siège de centres de population civile de
Bosnie-Herzégovine, et spécialement de sa capitale, Sara-
jevo ;
- à la privation de nourriture de la population civile de Bos-
- aux actes ayant pour effet d'interrompre, d'entraver ou de
gênerl'acheminement des secours humanitaires envoyéspar
la communauté internationale aux citoyens de Bosnie-Her-
that al1subsequent Security Council resolutions that refer to or
reaffirm resolution 713 (1991) must be construed in a manner
that shall not impair the inherent right of individual or collec-
tive self-defence of Bosnia and Herzegovina under the terms of
United hations Charter Article 51 and the rules of customary
international law ;
(O) that Security Council resolution 713 (1991) and al1subsequent
Security Council resolutions referring thereto or reaffirming
thereof must not be construed to impose an arms embargo
upon Bosnia and Herzegovina, as required by Articles 24 (1)
and 51 of the United Nations Charter and in accordance with
the customary doctrine of ultru vires;
(pj that pursuant to the right of collective self-defence recognized
by United Nations Charter Article 51, al1other States parties
to theCharter have the right to come to the immediate defence
of Bosnia and Herzegovina - at its request - including by
means of immediately providing It with weapons, military
equipmerit and supplies, and armed forces (soldiers, sailors,
airpeople, etc.) ;
that Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) and its agents and
surrogates are under an obligation to cease and desist immedi-
ately from its breaches of the foregoing legal obligations, and
is under ,aparticular duty to cease and desist immediately:
- from its systematic practice of so-called 'ethnic cleansing'
of the citizens and sovereign territory of Bosnia and Herze-
- from the murder, summary execution, torture, rape, kid-
napping, mayhem, wounding, physical and mental abuse,
and detention of the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina;
from the wanton devastation of villages, towns, districts,
cities.,and religious institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina;
from the bombardment of civilian population centres in Bos-
nia and Herzegovina, and especially its capital, Sarajevo;
from continuing the siege of any civilian population centres
in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and especially its capital, Sara-
jevo ;
from the starvation of the civilian population in Bosnia
and Herzegovina ;
from the interruption of, interference with, or harassment
of humanitarian relief supplies to the citizens of Bosnia
and IHerzegovina by the international community ;247 APPLICATION DE CONVENTION GÉNOCIDE (ORD.17 XII 97)
- à toute utilisation de la force - directe ou indirecte, ma-
nifeste ou occulte - contre la Bosnie-Herzégovine, et à
toutes les menaces d'utilisation de la force contre la Bos-
- à toutes les violations de la souveraineté, Je l'intégrité
territoriale ou de l'indépendance politique de la Bosnie-
Herzégovine, y compris toute intervention, directe ou in-
directe, dans les affaires intérieures de la Bosnie-Herzégo-
- à tout appui de quelque nature qu'il soit - y compris I'en-
traînement et la fourniture d'armes, de munitions, de fonds, de
matériels. d'assistance.d'instruction ou toute autre forme de
soutien - àtoute nation ou groupe, organisation, mouvement
ou individu se livrant ou se disposant à se livrer à des ac-
tions militaires ou paramilitaires en Bosnie-Herzégovineou
contre celle-ci;
r) que la Yougoslavie (Serbie et Monténégro)est tenue de payer à
la Bosnie-Herzégovine, enson propre nom et en tant que purms
purriue de ses citoyens, des réparations pour les dommages subis
par les personnes et les biens ainsi que par l'économieet I'envi-
ronnement de la Bosnie à raison des violations susviséesdu droit
international, dont le montant sera déterminépar la Cour. La
Bosnie-Herzégovine se réserve le droit de présenter à la Cour
une évaluation précisedes dommages causéspar la Yougoslavie
(Serbie et Monténégro)» ;
2. Considérant que, le 20 mars 1993,dèsaprès le dépôt de sa requête,
la Bosnie-Herzégovine a présentéune demande en indication de mesures
conservatoires en vertu de l'article 41 du Statut; que, le 1"'avril 1993, la
Yougoslavie a présentédes observations écritessur la demande de me-
sures conservatoires de la Bosnie-Herzégovine, dans laquelle elle a à son
tour recommandé i la Cour d'indiquer des mesures conservatoires à
l'adresse de la Bosnie-Herzégovine; et que la Cour, par ordonnance en
date du 8 avril 1993, a indiqué certaines mesures conservatoires à l'effet
de protéger des droits conféréspar la convention sur le génocide; et
considérant que, le 27juillet 1993, la Bosnie-Herzégovine a présenté une
nouvelle demande en indication de mesures conservatoires; que, le
10 août 1993, la Yougoslavie a égalementprésentéune demande en indi-
cation de mesures conservatoires; et que la Cour, par ordonnance en date
du 13 septembre 1993,a réaffirméles mesures indiquéesdans son ordon-
nance du 8 avril 1993 et a déclaréque ces mesures devraient êtreimmé-
diatement et effectivement mises en Œuvre;
3. Considérant que, le 15 avril 1994, dans le délaifixéà cet effet, tel
que prorogé par l'ordonnance du Vice-Président de la Cour en date du
7 octobre 1993, la Bosnie-Herzégovine a déposéson mémoire au terme
duquel elle a présentéles conclusions ci-apres: API>LICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 17 XII 97) 247
- from al1use of force - whether direct or indirect, overt or
covert - against Bosnia and Herzegovina, and from al1
threai s of force against Bosnia and Herzegovina;
from al1 violations of the sovereignty, territorial integrity
or political independence of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
including al1intervention, direct or indirect, in the interna1
affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina;
-- from al1support of any kind - including the provision of
training, arms, ammunition, finances, supplies, assistance,
direction or any other form of support - to any nation,
group, organization, movement or individual engaged or
planning to engage in military or paramilitary actions in or
against Bosnia and Herzegovina;
(r) that Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) has an obligation to
pay Bosnia and Herzegovina, in its own right and as purcns
putriar for its citizens, reparations for damages to persons and
property as well as to the Bosnian economy and environment
caused by the foregoing violations of international law in a
sum to be determined by the Court. Bosnia and Herzegovina
reserves the right to introduce to the Court a precise evaluation
of the damages caused by Yugoslavia (Serbia and Monte-
negro)" ;
2. Whereas, on 20 March 1993, immediately after the filing of its
Application, Bosnia and Herzegovina submitted a request for the indica-
tion of provisional measures under Article 41 of the Statute; whereas, on
1 April 1993, Yugoslavia submitted written observations on Bosnia and
Herzegovina's request for provisional measures, in which, in turn, it rec-
ommended the Court to order the application of provisional measures to
Bosnia and Herzegovina; and whereas. by an Order dated 8 April 1993,
the Court indicated. certain provisional measures with a view to the pro-
tection of rights iinder the Genocide Convention; and whereas, on
27 July 1993. Bosnia and Herzegovina submitted a new request for the
indication of provisional measures; whereas, on 1OAugust 1993, Yugo-
slavia also submitted a request for the indication of provisional meas-
ures; and whereas, the Court, by an Order dated 13 September 1993,
reaffirmed the measures indicated in its Order of 8 April 1993 and
declared that those measures should be immediately and effectively imple-
mented ;
3. Whereas, on 15 April 1994, within the time-limit laid down, as
extended by Order of the Vice-President of the Court on 7 October 1993,
Bosnia and Herzegovina filed its Memorial at the end of which it pre-
sented its submissions as follows:248 APPLICATION DE CONVENTION GENOCIDE (ORD.17 XII 97)
«Sur la base des élémentsde preuve et des arguments juridiques
exposésdans le présent mémoire,la Bosnie-Herzégovine
prie la Cour de dire et juger:
1. Que la République fédérativede Yougoslavie (Serbie et Mon-
ténégro), directementou par le truchement de ses auxiliaires, a violé
et continue de violer la convention pour la prévention et la répres-
sion du crime de génocide,en détruisant partiellement, et en tentant
de détruire totalement, des groupes nationaux, ethniques ou reli-
gieux, notamment mais non exclusivement sur le territoire de la
République de Bosnie-Herzégovine, en particulier la population
musulmane, en se livrant aux actes suivants:
- meurtre de membres du groupe,
- atteinte grave à l'intégritéphysique ou mentale de membres du
- soumission intentionnelle du groupe à des conditions d'existence
visant à entraîner sa destruction physique totale ou partielle,
- imposition de mesures aux fins d'entraver les naissances au sein
du groupe;
2. Que la République fédérativede Yougoslavie (Serbie et Monté-
négro) avioléet continue de violer la convention pour la prévention
et la répressiondu crime de génocide ense rendant coupable d'entente
en vue de commettre le génocide,de complicitédans le génocide,de
tentative de génocideet d'incitation Licommettre le génocide;
3. Que la République fédérativede Yougoslavie (Serbie et Mon-
ténégro)a violéet continue de violer la convention pour la préven-
tion et la répressiondu crime de génocide enaidant et encourageant
des individus et des groupes se livrant à des actes de génocide;
4. Que la République fédérativede Yougoslavie (Serbie et Mon-
ténégro)a violé et continue de violer la convention pour la pré-
vention et la répression du crime de génocide en manquant à son
obligation de prévenir et de punir les actes de génocide;
5. Que la République fédérativede Yougoslavie (Serbie et Mon-
ténégro)doit immédiatement mettre fin aux actes susmentionnés
et prendre des mesures immédiates et efficaces pour s'acquitter plei-
nement de ses obligations aux termes de la convention pour la
prévention et la répression du crime de génocide;
6. Que la République fédérativede Yougoslavie (Serbie et Mon-
ténégro)doit effacer les conséquences de ses actes internationale-
ment illicites et rétablir la situation qui existait avant que les viola-
tions de la convention pour la prévention et la répression du crime
de génocidene fussent commises;
7. Que, sa responsabilité internationale étantengagéeà raison des
violations susmentionnées de la convention pour la prévention et la
répressiondu crime de génocide,la République fédérativd ee Yougo-
slavie (Serbie et Monténégro)est tenue de payer à la Bosnie-Herzégo- APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 17 XII 97) 248
"On the basis of the evidence and legal arguments presented in
this Memorial, the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Requests the Iriternational Court of Justice to adjudge and declare,
1. That the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Mon-
tenegro), directly, or through the use of its surrogates, has violated
and is violating the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment
of the Crime of Genocide, by destroying in part, and attempting to
destroy in whole, national, ethnical or religious groups within the,
but not limited to the, territory of the Republic of Bosnia and Herze-
govina, including in particular the Muslim population, by
- killing members of the group;
- causing deliberate bodily or mental harm to members of the
- deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated
to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
- imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
2. That the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Mon-
tenegro) has violated and is violating the Convention on the Preven-
tion and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide by conspiring to
commit genocide, by complicity in genocide, by attempting to com-
mit genocide and by incitement to commit genocide;
3. That the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Mon-
tenegro) has violated and is violating the Convention on the Pre-
vention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide bv aidingu and
abetting indivitluals and groups engaged in acts of genocide;
4. That the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Mon-
tenegro) has violated and is violating the Convention on the Preven-
tion and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide bv virtue of having. u
failed to prevent and to punish acts of genocide;
5. That the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Mon-
tenegro) must immediately cease the above conduct and take imme-
diate and effective steps to ensure full compliance with its obliga-
tions under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of
the Crime of Cienocide;
6. That the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Mon-
tenegro) must ,wipeout the consequences of its international wrong-
ful acts and must restore the situation existing before the violations
of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime
of Genocide were committed;
7. That. as a result of the international res~onsibilitv incurred for
the above violations of the Convention on the Prevention and Pun-
ishment of the Crime of Genocide, the Federal Republic of Yugo-
slavia (Serbia and Montenegro) is required to pay, and the Republic249 APPLICATION DE CONVENTION GÉNOCIDE (ORD.17 XII 97)
vine, et cette dernière est fondéeà recevoir, en son propre nom et en
tant que purens putriae de sescitoyens, pleine réparation pour lesdom-
mages et les pertes causés,réparation dont le montant sera déterminé
par la Cour lors d'une phase ultérieurede la procédureen l'instance.
La République de Bosnie-Herzégovine seréservele droit de com-
pléterou de modifier ses conclusions dans le cadre d'autres piècesde
La République de Bosnie-Herzégovine appelle égalementrespec-
tueusement l'attention de la Cour sur lefait qu'elle n'a pas réitéréà,
ce stade, plusieurs des demandes qu'elle avait formulées dans sa
requête,partant du postulat formel que la République fédérativede
Yougoslavie (Serbie et Monténégro)a accepté la compétence de la
Cour en vertu de la convention pour la prévention et la répression
du crime de génocide.Si le défendeur devait revenir sur son accepta-
tion de la compétencede la Cour en application de ladite convention
- ce qu'en tout étatde cause iln'est pas autorisé à faire- le Gou-
vernement de la Bosnie-Herzégovine se réservele droit d'invoquer
toutes les autres bases de compétenceexistantes, ou certaines d'entre
elles, et de formuler de nouveau toutes les conclusions et demandes
qu'il a déjàprésentées,ou certaines d'entre elles));
4. Considérant que, le 26 juin 1995,dans le délaifixépour le dépôtdu
contre-mémoire, tel que prorogé par I'ordonnance du Président de la
Cour en date du 21 mars 1995, la Yougoslavie, se référantau para-
graphe 1 de l'article 79 du Règlement, a présentédes exceptions prélimi-
naires portant, respectivement, sur la recevabilitéde la requêteet sur la
compétencede la Cour pour connaître de l'affaire; et considérant que, par
arrêten date du 11juillet 1996, la Cour a rejetéces exceptions prélimi-
naires et a dit, d'une part, qu'elle a compétence,sur la base de l'articleIX
de la convention sur le génocide,pour statuer sur le différendet, d'autre
part, que la requêteest recevable;
5. Considérant que, le 22 juillet 1997, dans le nouveau délai fixéà cet
effet par I'ordonnance du Présidentde la Cour en date du 23juillet 1996,
la Yougoslavie a déposé soncontre-mémoire; qu'elle a indiqué, dans
l'introduction ë ce contre-mémoire, que celui-ci ((contient des demandes
reconventionnelles»; et que, au terme dudit contre-mémoire, elle a pré-
sentéles conclusions ci-après:
«La République fédérativede Yougoslavie prie la Cour interna-
tionale de Justice de dire et juger:
1. Attendu qu'aucune des obligations crééespar la convention de
1948pour la prévention et la répressiondu crime de génociden'a été
violéeà l'encontre de Musulmans ou de Croates
- puisque les actes alléguéspar le demandeur soit n'ont nullement
été commis,soit n'ont pas eu l'ampleur et la forme alléguéespar
of Bosnia and IHerzegovinais entitled to receive, in its own right and
as purens putricïrfor its citizens, full compensation for the damages
and losses caused, in the amount to be determined by the Court in a
subsequent phase of the proceedings in this case.
The Republiis of Bosnia and Herzegovina reserves its right to sup-
plement or amend its submissions in the light of further pleadings.
The Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina also respectfully draws
the attention ol'the Courtto the fact that it has not reiterated, at this
point, several of the requests it made in its Application, on the for-
mal assumptioii that the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and
Montenegro) has accepted the jurisdiction of this Court under the
terms of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the
Crime of Genocide. If the Respondent were to reconsider its accept-
ance of the jurisdiction of the Court under the terms of that Conven-
tion -- which it is, in any event, not entitled to do - the Govern-
ment of Bosnia and Herzegovina reserves its right to invoke also al1
or some of the other existing titles ofjurisdiction and to revive al1or
some of its previous submissions and requests";
4. Whereas, on 26 June 1995, within the time-limit laid down for the
filing of the Counter-Memorial, as extended by Order of the President of
the Court dated 21 March 1995,Yugoslavia, referring to Article 79, para-
graph 1,of the Rul~:sof Court, raised preliminary objections concerning,
respectively, the admissibility of the Application and the jurisdiction of
the Court to hear the case ; and whereas, by its Judgment dated 11 July
1996,the Court disinissed these preliminary objections and found, on the
one hand, that on the basis of Article 1X of the Genocide Convention it
had jurisdiction to adjudicate upon the dispute and, on the other hand,
that the Application was admissible;
5. Whereas, on 22 July 1997, within the new time-limit laid down by
Order of the President of the Court dated 23 July 1996, Yugoslavia filed
its Counter-Memorial; whereas in the introduction to that Counter-
Memorial, Yugoslavia indicated that it "included counter-claims"; and,
whereas at the end of the Counter-Memorial, it presented its submissions
as follows:
"The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia requests the International
Court of Justice to adjudge and declare:
1. In view of the fact that no obligations established by the 1948
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of
Genocide have been violated with regard to Muslims and Croats
since the acts alleged by the Applicant have not been committed
at all, or not to the extent and in the way alleged by the Appli-
- puisque, si certains de ces actes ont été commis,ils l'ont été
en l'absence de toute intention de commettre un génocide,
- puisque ces actes n'étaient pas spécifiquement dirigéscontre les
membres d'un groupe ethnique ou religieux, c'est-A-dire qu'ils
n'ont pas été commiscontre des individus pour la seule raison
qu'ils appartenaient à un groupe ethnique ou religieux donné,
en conséquence, ces actes ne sauraient êtrequalifiésd'actes de géno-
cide ou d'autres actes prohibés par la convention de 1948 pour la
prévention et la répression du crime de génocide,etlou
2. Attendu que les actes alléguéspar le demandeur dans ses pièces
ne peuvent pas être attribuésà la République fédérativede Yougo-
- puisqu'ils n'ont pas été commispar les organes de la République
fédérativede Yougoslavie,
- puisqu'ils n'ont pas été commissur le territoire de la République
fédérative de Yougoslavie,
- puisqu'ils n'ont pas été commissur ordre ou sous le contrôle des
organes de la République fédérativede Yougoslavie,
- puisqu'il n'existe aucun autre motif fondésur les règlesde droit
international de les considérercomme des actes de la République
fédérativede Yougoslavie,
que la Cour rejette en conséquence toutes les demandes du deman-
deur et que
3. La Bosnie-Herzégovine est responsable des actes de génocide
commis contre les Serbes en Bosnie-Herzégovine et d'autres viola-
tions des obligations établies par la convention de 1948pour la pré-
vention et la répression du crime de génocide
parce qu'elle a incité à la perpétration d'actes de génocidedans
la ((déclaration islamique)) et, en particulier, dans le passage sui-
vant: ((11ne peut y avoir de paix ou de coexistence entre la «foi
islamique» et les institutions sociales et politiques «non isla-
miques » ;
parce qu'elle a incitéà la perpétration d'actes de génocidedans
la revue NoviVO.Y destinéeà la jeunesse musulmane et, en par-
ticulier, dans les paroles d'un «chant patriotique)):
((Chère maman, je m'en vais planter des saules,
Auxquels nous pendrons les Serbes.
Chère maman, je m'en vais aiguiser les couteaux,
Bientôt les fosses seront pleines a nouveau));
- parce qu'elle a incitéà la perpétration d'actes de génocidedans le
journal Zmaj od Bosne et, en particulier, dans la phrase suivante
tirée d'un article qui y a étépublié: «chaque Musulman doit
désignerun Serbe et faire serment de le tuer»; APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER17 XII 97) 250
- if some have been committed, there was absolutely no intention
of committing genocide, andlor
they have not been directed specifically against the members of
one ethnic or religious group, i.e., they have not been committed
against individuals just because they belong to some ethnic or
religious group,
consequently, they cannot be qualified as acts of genocide or other
acts prohibited by the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Pun-
ishment of the Crime of Genocide, andlor
2. In view of the fact that the acts alleged by the Applicant in its
submissions cannot be attributed to the Federal Republic of Yugo-
since they have not been committed by the organs of the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia,
since they have not been committed on the territory of the Fed-
eral Republic of Yugoslavia,
since they have not been committed by the order or under con-
trol of the organs of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia,
since there is no other grounds based on the rules of interna-
tional law to consider them as acts of the Federal Republic of
therefore the CIourt rejects al1claims of the Applicant, and
3. Bosnia and Herzegovina is responsible for the acts of genocide
coinmitted against the Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina and for
other violations of the obligations established by the 1948 Conven-
tion on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide,
- because it has incited acts of genocide by the 'Islamic Declara-
tion', and in particular by the position contained in it that 'there
can be no peace or coexistence between "Islamic faith" and
"non-Islaniic" social and political institutions',
because it has incited acts of genocide by the Novi Vox, paper of
the Muslinl youth, and in particular by the verses of a 'Patriotic
Song' which read as follows:
'Dear mother, I'm going to plant willows,
We'll hang Serbs from them.
Dear mother, I'm going to sharpen knives,
We'll soon fiIl pits again.'
because it has incited acts of genocide by the paper Zmaj od
Bosne, ancl in particular by the sentencein an articlepublished in
it that 'Each Muslim must name a Serb and take oath to kill
him' ; - parce que des appels publics à l'exécutionde Serbes ont étédif-
fusés sur Radio-Hajat, ce qui constitue une incitation à com-
mettre des actes de génocide;
- parce que les forces arméesde la Bosnie-Herzégovine, de même
que des autres organes de la Bosnie-Herzégovine, ont commis
des actes de génocideet d'autres actes prohibés par la convention
de 1948pour la prévention et la répressiondu crime de génocide
à l'encontre de Serbes en Bosnie-Herzégovine, actes qui ont été
exposésdans le chapitre VI1 du contre-mémoire;
- parce que la Bosnie-Herzégovine n'a pas empêchéla perpétra-
tion, sur son territoire, d'actes de génocideet d'autres actes pro-
hibéspar la convention de 1948 pour la prévention et la répres-
sion du crime de génocideà l'encontre de Serbes, actes qui ont
étéexposésdans le chapitre VI1 du contre-mémoire;
4. La Bosnie-Herzégovine a l'obligation de punir les personnes
responsables des actes de génocideet d'autres actes prohibés par la
convention de 1948 pour la prévention et la répression du crime de
5. La Bosnie-Herzégovine esttenue de prendre les mesures néces-
saires pour que de tels actes ne se reproduisent pas à l'avenir.
6. La Bosnie-Herzégovineest tenue de supprimer toutes les consé-
quences de la violation des obligations crééespar la convention de
1948 pour la prévention et la répression du crime de génocideet de
verser une juste indemnité));
6. Considérant que, par lettre du 28 juillet 1997, l'agent adjoint de la
Bosnie-Herzégovine a fait savoir au Greffier que «le demandeur esti-
m[ait] que les demandes reconventionnelles présentéespar le défendeur ...
ne rempliss[ai]ent pas le critère du paragraphe 1de l'article 80 du Regle-
ment et qu'elles ne devraient donc pas êtrejointesà l'instance initiale));et
que l'agent adjoint a préciséque, lorsque le Président de la Cour ren-
contrerait les agents des Parties en application de l'article 31 du Règle-
ment, la Bosnie-Herzégovine solliciterait <<latenue à bréve échéance
d'une audience, conformément au paragraphe 3 de l'article 80 du Regle-
ment n;
7. Considérant que, le 22 septembre 1997, le Président de la Cour a
tenu une réunion avec les agents des Parties aux fins de se renseigner
auprès d'eux sur la suite de la procédure en l'affaire; que les deux agents
ont acceptéque leurs gouvernements respectifs déposentdes observations
écritessur la question de la recevabilitédes demandes reconventionnelles
yougoslaves; et qu'ils ont envisagéque leurs gouvernements présentent
ensuite des observations orales sur cette question;
8. Considérant que, par lettre en date du 26 septembre 1997, le Gref-
fier, sur les instructions de la Cour, a invitéle Gouvernement de la Bos- APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 17 XII 97) 251
because public calls for the execution of Serbs were broadcast on
radio 'Hajai.' and thereby acts of genocide were incited;
- because the armed forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as
other organs of Bosnia and ~ei4egovina have committed acts of
genocide and other acts prohibited by the 1948 Convention on
the Prevention and Punishment of theCrime of Genocide, against
the Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which have been stated in
Chapter Seven of the Counter-Memorial;
- because Bosnia and Herzegovina has not prevented the acts of
genocide and other acts prohibited by the 1948 Convention on
the Prevention and Punishment of theCrimeof Genocide, against
the Serbs on its territory, which have been stated in Chap-
ter Seven of the Counter-Memorial.
4. Bosnia and Herzegovina has the obligation to punish the per-
sons held responsible for the acts of genocide and other acts prohib-
ited by the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of
the Crime of Genocide.
5. Bosnia and Herzegovina is bound to take necessary measures
so that the said acts would not be repeated in the future.
6. Bosnia and Herzegovina is bound to eliminate al1consequences
of the violatiori of the obligations established by the 1948 Conven-
tion on the Prt:vention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide
and provide adequate compensation" ;
6. Whereas, by a letter dated 28 July 1997, the Deputy-Agent of Bos-
nia and Herzegovina informed the Registrar that "the Applicant [was] of
the opinion that th,? Counter-Claims submitted by the Respondent . . .
[did] not meet the 1:riterion of Article 80, paragraph 1, of the Rules of
Court and should therefore not be joined to the original proceedings";
and the Deputy-Agent specified that, when the President of the Court
met theAgents of the Parties under Article 31 of the Rules of Court, Bos-
nia and Herzegovina would ask for "an early date to hear the Parties
according to Article 80, paragraph 3, of the Rules of Court";
7. Whereas, on ;!2September 1997, the President of the Court held a
meeting with the Agents of the Parties in order to ascertain their views as
to the further proci:edings in the case; whereas the two Agents accepted
that their respective Governments submit written observations on the
question of the admissibility of the Yugoslav counter-claims; and whereas
they contemplated that their Governments then be heard orally on the
question ;
8. Whereas, by a letter dated 26 September 1997,on the instructions of
the Court, the Reg,istrar invited the Government of Bosnia and Herze-nie-Herzégovine à spécifierpar écrit, le 10 octobre 1997 au plus tard,
les motifs juridiques sur lesquels il s'appuyait pour soutenir que les de-
mandes reconventionnelles formulées par le défendeur ne remplissaient
pas le critère du paragraphe 1 de l'article 80 du Règlement; et que, dans
cette mêmelettre, le Greffier a préciséque le Gouvernement yougoslave
serait à son tour invitéà présenter ses vues sur la question dans les deux
semaines suivant le dépôt des observations de la Bosnie-Herzégovine; et
considérant que copie de cette lettre a étéadressée à la Yougoslavie le
mêmejour par le Greffier;
9. Considérant que, par communication de son agent adjoint datée du
9 octobre 1997 et reçue au Greffe le 10octobre 1997, la Bosnie-Herzégo-
vine a fait tenir à la Cour ses observations sur les demandes reconven-
tionnelles du défendeur; et considérant que, par lettre en date du 10 oc-
tobre 1997, le Greffier a communiqué copie desdites observations au
Gouvernement yougoslave en l'avisant de ce qu'il pourrait à son tour
faire connaître ses vues sur la question dans un délaivenant aexpiration
le 24 octobre 1997; et que le Gouvernement de la Bosnie-Herzégovine en
a été informéle mêmejour par le Greffier;
10. Considérant que, dans ses observations écrites,la Bosnie-Herzègo-
vine soutient que «la prétendue «demande reconventionnelle» présentée
par la Yougoslavie n'est pas conforme aux prescriptions de l'article 80 du
Règlement de la Cour»; et qu'elle préciseque, si ladite demande a bien
été présentéd eans le contre-mémoire et relève de la compétence de la
Cour, en revanche, elle n'est pas en relation de ((connexité directe ...
avec l'objet de l'instance initiale));
11. Considérant que, aux fins d'établir l'absence d'un tel lien de
connexitéen l'espèce, laBosnie-Herzégovineinvoque d'abord la structure
et le contenu du contre-mémoire de la Yougoslavie; qu'elle expose que
ledit contre-mémoire est diviséen deux parties complètement autonomes,
I'une dans laquelle la Yougoslavie ((essaie de répondre aux accusdtions
formulées dans le mémoire de la Bosnie-Herzézovine") et l'autre dans
laquelle «la Yougoslavie prétend que la Bosnie-Herzégovine serait res-
ponsable elle-mêmede violations de la convention sur le génocide));
qu'elle fait valoir que «les faits soumis à l'attention de la Cour par la
Yougoslavie, au moyen de sa «demande reconventionnelle)), sont totale-
ment différents de ceux sur lesquels est baséela demande initiale de la
Bosnie-Herzégovine))et que ((l'étudede chacune des deux sériesde faits
ne serait d'aucune aide dans l'analyse judiciaire de l'autre série etne sau-
rait en influencer les résultats de quelque manière que ce soit)); et qu'elle
affirme que, la Yougoslavie ne proposant pas à la Cour, dans les conclu-
sions de son contre-mémoire, de dire qu'une ((relation quelconque, juri-
diquement significative)), serait à établir entre les deux demandes, elle
reconnaît en réalitéaue «le sort iudiciaire de l'une ne saurait condition-
ner ou influencer le sort de l'autre de quelque façon que ce soit));
12. Considérant que la Bosnie-Herzégovine fait par ailleurs observer
qu'en tout état de cause, vu la nature particulière des obligations consa-
crées dans la convention sur le génocide, la Yougoslavie n'aurait pu APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 17 XII 97)
govina to specify in writing, not later than 10 October 1997, the legal
basis on which it maintained that the counter-claims made by the Respon-
dent did not meet the criterion laid down in Article 80, paragraph 1,of
the Rules of Court; and whereas, in that letter, the Registrar specified
that the Yugoslav Government would in turn be invited to submit its
views on the question within two weeks of Bosnia and Herzegovina filing
its observations; and whereas the Registrar sent a copy of that letter to
Yugoslavia the sami: day;
9. Whereas, by a letter from its Deputy Agent dated 9 October 1997
and received in the Registry on 10 October 1997, Bosnia and Herze-
govina submitted its observations on the Respondent's counter-claims to
the Court; and whereas, by a letter dated 10 October 1997, the Registrar
communicated a copy of those observations to the Yugoslav Govern-
ment advising it that it might make known its own observations on the
question within a time-limit expiring on 24 October 1997; and whereas
on the same day the Registrar informed the Government of Bosnia and
Herzegovina of this;
10. Whereas, in its written observations, Bosnia and Herzegovina
maintains that "the alleged 'counter-claim' presented by Yugoslavia is
not in accordance with the provisions of Article 80 of the Rules of
Court"; and whereas it specifies that, although the counter-claim was
presented in the Counter-Memorial and cornes within the jurisdiction of
the Court, conversely, it is not "directly connected ... with the subject-
matter of the initial proceedings";
11. Whereas, in cirder to establish the absence of such a connection in
this case, Bosnia and Herzegovina invokes first the structure and content
of Yugoslavia's Counter-Memorial; whereas it argues that the Counter-
Memorial is divided into two completely autonomous parts, one in which
Yugoslavia "attempts to reply to the accusations made in the Memorial
of Bosnia and Herzegovina" and the other in which "Yugoslavia claims
that Bosnia and Herzegovina itself is responsible for violations of the
Genocide Convention"; whereas it argues that "the facts put before the
Court by Yugoslavia, in the form of its 'counter-claim', are totally dif-
ferent from those or1which the initial claim of Bosnia and Herzegovina is
based" and whereas "the examination of each of the two sets of facts
would be of no help in the judicial analysis of the other set and could not
affect its outcome in any way whatsoever"; and whereas it asserts that,
since Yugoslavia does not ask the Court, in its submissions in its Coun-
ter-Memorial, to find that there is any "kind of relationship, a legally sig-
nificant one" to be established between the two claims, it recognizes in
reality that "the jutlicial outcome of the one cannot determine or influ-
ence the outcome of the other in any manner whatsoever";
12. Whereas Bosnia and Herzegovina observes that, moreover, given
the specific nature of the obligations embodied in the Genocide Conven-
tion, Yugoslavia could not have adopted any other position; whereas it253 APPLICATION DE CONVENTION GENOCIDE (ORD. 17 XII 97)
adopter une autre position; qu'elle souligne le caractère ergu ornnes et
non synallagmatique de ces obligations; et qu'elle en déduit que, dans le
système de la convention, «aucune place n'est laissée a la logique de la
réciprocité)),si bien
((qu'on ne saurait envisager que la constatation judiciaire d'une vio-
lation de la convention commise par un Etat puisse êtreéventuelle-
ment influencéepar le fait qu'une seconde viblation - dont I'Etat en
question aurait étéla victime - a étéperpétrée));
13. Considérant qu'aux fins de confirmer le bien-fondéde ses thèsesla
Bosnie-Herzégovine seréfèreaux travaux de la doctrine et en infère que
la demande reconventionnelle doit, d'une part, avoir pour but «de
(<contrer» la demande principale, c'est-a-dire de s'y opposer afin d'en
bloquer ou d'en réduire les effets)) et, d'autre part, tendre a ((quelque
chose de plus)), en particulier à obtenir ((condamnationcontre le deman-
deur [a] l'action principale)); et qu'elle conclut que tel n'est pas le cas de
la ((demande reconventionnelle» yougoslave car, mêmesi les allégations
qui y sont formuléescontre la Bosnie-Herzégovineétaient fondées,«ceci
ne pourrait causer en aucun cas, ni le rejet total ou partiel (ou la ((neu-
tralisation~) de la demande initiale de la Bosnie-Herzégovine, ni - bien
entendu - ((quelque chose de plus));
14. Considérant que la Bosnie-Herzégovine se réfère égalementà la
jurisprudence de la Cour et de sa devancière; qu'elle indique que ((l'étude
de la pratique ne révèleaucun cas de demande reconventionnelle qui n'ait
pas étéprésentéedans le but de contrer la demande principale, soit pour
la faire échouer, soit pour en réduire la portée et les effets)); et qu'elle
conclut que
«la prétendue ((demande reconventionnelle)) de la Yougoslavie n'en
est pas une en réalité [car]par cette demande la Partie adverse ne
s'oppose pas à la demande initiale, mais soulève un second différend
autonome et relatif à d'autres faits, dont le règlement ne pourrait
influencer d'aucune façon la solution du premier différend dont la
Cour a étésaisie par la Bosnie-Herzégovine));
15. Considérant que la Bosnie-Herzégovine soutient encore que lors-
que, comme c'est le cas en l'espèce. une ((demande reconventionnelle))
soulève une question autonome par rapport a la demande initiale, il y a
lieu d'évitertoute jonction de ces demandes en raison des effets préjudi-
ciables qu'une telle jonction aurait, d'une part, quant à l'égalitédes
parties - puisque le demandeur ne pourrait répondre qu'une seule fois
par écrit,dans sa réplique,à la demande reconventionnelle - et, d'autre
part, quant aux droits et intérêts desEtats tiers - puisque ceux-ci ne
seraient pas informésde la demande reconventionnelle;
16. Considérant qu'au terme de ses observations écrites la Bosnie-
Herzégovineconclut que «la ((demande reconventionnelle» présentéepar
la Yougoslavie dans son contre-mémoire n'est donc pas recevable, sa
connexité directe avec l'objet de la demande initiale de la Bosnie-Herzé- APPI-[CATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 17 XII 97) 253
points to the evgu omnrs and non-reciprocal nature of those obligations;
and whereas it infers from this that, within the system of the Convention,
"no place remains for the logic of reciprocity", so that
"it cannot be envisaged that the judicial finding of a violation of the
Convention conimitted by a State could in the event be influenced by
the fact that a second violation - of which the State in question is
allegedly the victim - had been perpetrated";
13. Whereas, for the purposes of confirming that its contentions are
well founded, Bosnia and Herzegovina refers to scholarly opinion and
infers from it that i.he counter-claim must, on the one hand, aim "to
'counter' the principal claim, i.e., to oppose it in order to block it or to
reduce its effects" and, on the other hand, claim "something more", in
particular "a judgment against the applicant in the principal proceed-
ings"; and whereas it submits that this is not the case as regards the
Yugoslav "counter-claim" since, even if the allegation set out therein
against Bosnia and Herzegovina were founded, "this could not in any
way result in the total or partial dismissal (or 'neutralization') of Bosnia
and Herzegovina's original claim, nor - of course - in 'something
more' ";
14. Whereas Bosriia and Herzegovina refers also to the jurisprudence
of the Court and of its predecessor; whereas it indicates that "a study of
what happens in practice reveals no case of a counter-claim which did not
have the objective of countering the principal claim, either to make it fail,
or to reduce its scope and effects" and it submits that
"Yugoslavia's so-called 'counter-claim' is not really one at all: in
submitting its counter-claim the other Party does not counter the
initial claim, but formulates a second, autonomous dispute relating
to other facts, the settlement of which could in no way influence
the solution of the first dispute brought before the Court by Bosnia
and Herzegovina";
15. Whereas, Bosnia and Herzegovina also maintains that when, as is
the case here, a "counter-claim" raises a question which is independent of
the initial claim, ariy joinder of these claims must be avoided on the
grounds that this could have detrimental effects, on the one hand, on
equality of the parties - since the Applicant could only respond once in
writing, in its Reply, to the counter-claim - and, on the other hand, on
the rights and interests of third States - since those third States would
not be informed of the counter-claim;
16. Whereas at the end of its written observations Bosnia and Herze-
govina argues that "the 'counter-claim' submitted by Yugoslavia in its
Counter-Memorial is therefore not admissible, since any direct connec-
tion with the subject-matter of Bosnia and Herzegovina's original claim254 APPLICATION DE CONVENTION GENOCIDE (ORD. 17 XII 97)
govine faisant radicalement défaut)); qu'elle «prie partant la Cour de
bien vouloir décider - après avoir entendu les Parties, comme le prescrit
l'article 80, paragraphe 3, du Règlement - que la «demande reconven-
tionnelle)) en question ne doit pas êtrejointe a la demande principale)); et
qu'elle ((reconnaîtque, si elle le souhaite, la Yougoslavie pourra toujours
introduire devant la Cour une requête introductive d'instance par les
voies ordinaires));
17. Considérant que, par communication de son agent datée du
23 octobre 1997 et reçue au Greffe le 24 octobre 1997, la Yougoslavie a
fait tenir à la Cour ses observations sur la recevabilité des demandes
reconventionnelles formulées dans son contre-mémoire, compte tenu des
observations présentéespar la Bosnie-Herzégovine; et considérant que,
par lettre en date du 24 octobre 1997,le Greffier a communiqué copie des
observations du Gouvernement yougoslave au Gouvernement de la Bos-
nie-Herzégovine,en informant celui-ci, d'une part, que la Cour déciderait
de la suite de la procédure sur la base des documents dont elle était désor-
mais saisie et, d'autre part, que les agents des Parties seraient avisésde
cette décision entemps utile; et que, le mêmejour, le Greffier a portéles
mêmesrenseignements à la connaissance du Gouvernement yougoslave;
18. Considérant que, dans ses observations écrites, la Yougoslavie
souligne que la demande initiale et la demande reconventionnelle ont le
même fondementjuridique, à savoir la convention sur le génocideet les
règlesgénéralesde la responsabilité des Etats; qu'elle expose que:
«Les faits contestés rapportés dans la demande [principale] et la
demande reconventionnelle s'inscrivent les uns et les autres dans le
mêmeconflit tragique, a savoir la guerre civile en Bosnie-Herzégo-
vine, ... se sont produits sur un mêmeterritoire et au cours d'une
mêmepériode, et ... s'insèrent dans le mêmecontexte historique et
dans le cadre de la mêmeévolution politique));
et qu'elle en déduit que tous les faits ((invoqués à l'appui de la demande
[principale] et de la demande reconventionnelle sont liésentre eux de
façon a créerun lien factuel et juridique pertinent en l'espèce));
19. Considérant que la Yougoslavie soutient qu'«il existe un rapport
direct entre la seconde partie du contre-mémoire, c'est-a-dire la demande
reconventionnelle, et la première partie du contre-mémoire, c'est-a-dire
les moyens de défensedu défendeur)); que la demande reconventionnelle
et l'objet de la demande initiale ((sont directement liés));que
«[Iles faits sur lesquels se fonde la demande reconventionnelle et qui
sont exposésdans la seconde partie ... du contre-mémoire sont d'une
importance cruciale pour répondre à la question de l'imputabilitéau
défendeur des faits alléguéspar le demandeur));
et que les faits sur lesquels se fonde la demande reconventionnelle «sont
également pertinents pour qualifier les actes que le demandeur a présentés
comme des crimes de génocide)); APP1.ICATION l3F GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 17 XII 97) 254
is totally lacking" whereas, it "requests the Court to decide - having
heard the Parties as provided for in Article 80, paragraph 3, of the Rules
of Court - that the 'counter-claim' in question should not be joined to
the principal claim"; and whereas it "recognizes that Yugoslavia, should
it so desire, may always submit to the Court an application instituting
proceedings through the normal channels";
17. Whereas, by a communication from its Agent dated 23 October
1997 and received in the Registry on 24 October 1997, Yugoslavia sub-
mitted to the Court its observations on the admissibility of the counter-
claims set out in its Counter-Memorial, taking account of the observa-
tions submitted by Bosnia and Herzegovina; and whereas, by a letter
dated 24 October 1997, the Registrar sent a copy of the observations of
the Yugoslav Government to the Government of Bosnia and Herze-
govina, informing it that, on the one hand, the Court would decide the
remainder of the procedure on the basis of the documents presently before
it and. on the other hand. that the Agents of the Parties would be advised
of that decision in due course; and whereas, on the same day, the Regis-
trar transmitted the same information to the Yugoslav Government;
18. Whereas, in its written observations, Yugoslavia points out that
the original claim and the counter-claim are based on the same legal
ground, that is to sa,ythe Genocide Convention and the general rules of
State responsibility; whereas it submits that:
"The disputed facts of the claim and counter-claim are the facts of
the same tragic conflict, i.e., civil war in Bosnia and Herzegovina,
which happened in a single territorial and temporal setting, based on
the same historical background and within the framework of the
same political development";
and from this it infers "al1 relevant facts which form the basis of claim
and counter-claim are interrelated in such a way as to make a factual and
legal connection relevant to the issue";
19. Whereas Yugoslavia maintains that "there is a direct connection
between Part Two of the Counter-Memorial, i.e., the counter-claim, and
Part One of the Counter-Memorial, the defence of the Respondent";
whereas the counter-claim and the subject-matter of the claim "are
directly connected"; whereas
"the facts on which the counter-claim is based and which are con-
tained in Part Two . . . of the Counter-Memorial are of crucial
importance to answer the question of attribution to the Respondents
of acts alleged by the Applicant";
and whereas the facts on which the counter-claim is based "are also rele-
vant for qualification of the acts alleged by the Applicant as crimes of
20. Considérant que, dans ses observations écrites,la Yougoslavie se
réfèrenotamment à
((certains faits identiques...présentésà la fois à l'appui d'un rejet
des allégations du demandeur dont celui-ci estime qu'elles sont per-
tinentes pour l'imputation des faits alléguésau défendeuret à l'appui
de la demande reconventionnelle»;
et qu'elle explique en particulier que «les actes d'incitation directe et pu-
blique à commettre un génocideà I'encontre des Serbes)), pour lesquels
elleprie la Cour d'établirla responsabilitéde la Bosnie-Herzégovine, servent
aussi de moyen de défensecontre l'imputation qu'opère la demande prin-
cipale, dans la mesure où de tels actes «ont fortement influencél'attitude de
la population serbe en Bosnie-Herzégovine))et «sont d'une pertinence
toute particulièrepour décidersi la population serbe a agi sur lesordres des
autorités yougoslaves ... ou si elle a agi spontanément pour se protéger));
21. Considérant que la Yougoslavie fait par ailleurs valoir qu'elle
((s'accorde avec le demandeur pour considérer qu'une violation de la
convention sur le génocide nesaurait servir d'excuse à une autre violation
de la mêmeconvention)) mais que ((lesdeux Parties sont en désaccord sur
le point de savoir s'il y a eu violation de la convention sur le génocide,
c'est-à-dire génocidecontre la population musulmane et non serbe)); qu'elle
rappelle que «[l]e défendeur nie, pour différentes raisons, que des crimes
de génocide aient été perpétrés à I'encontre de la population musulmane
et non serbe)) et préciseque «[l']une des [raisons les] plus pertinentes est
l'absence d'une intention de commettre un génocide));qu'elle soutient que
«[Iles faits évoquésdans la seconde partie ... du contre-mémoire à
l'appui de la demande reconventionnelle, c'est-à-dire les crimes de
génocide commis à I'encontre de la population serbe en Bosnie-
Herzégovine,font partie intégrante des circonstances de la situation))
et sont pertinents ((pour déterminer les motifs et intentions des individus
qui ont commis des crimes à l'encontre des Musulmans)); et qu'elle
conclut que ces faits, pour lesquels elle prie la Cour d'établir la respon-
sabilitéde la Bosnie-Herzégovine, ((permettent de qualifier correctement
les faits alléguéspar le demandeur));
22. Considérant que la Yougoslavie prétend en outre que le deman-
deur, lorsqu'il
«s'est référéaux positions doctrinales et à la jurisprudence interna-
tionale concernant le lien de connexité directe entre la demande
reconventionnelle et l'objet de la demande [principale] ..., n'est pas
alléjusqu'au bout de l'interprétation du paragraphe Ide l'article 80
du Règlement telle que faite par la Cour));
qu'elle expose qu'une ((étudeattentive de la pratique de la Cour révèle
une évolution importante de l'interprétation dudit paragraphe)), la Cour
s'étant«écartéede [sa] position)) originaire selon laquelle ((une demande
reconventionnelle est en connexité directe avec I'objet de la demande de APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 17 XII 97)
20. Whereas. in its written observations, Yugoslavia, refers, inter uliu,
"some identical facts . .. presented as a basis for denying the allega-
tion of the Applicant which are, according to its view relevant for
attribution of alleged acts to the Respondent and as a basis for the
counter-claim" ;
and whereas it explains in particular that "acts of direct and public incite-
ment to commit genocide against the Serbs" for which it asks the Court
to establish the responsibility of Bosnia and Herzegovina, operate also as
a defence against the accusation made in the principal claim, in so far as
such acts "strongly influenced the attitude of the Serb people in Bosnia
and Herzegovina" and "are very relevant for deciding on whether the
Serb people acted under the orders of the Yugoslav authorities . . . or
spontaneously to protect itself';
21. Whereas Yugoslavia moreover Statesthat it "agrees with the Appli-
cant that a breach of the GenocideConvention cannot serve as an excuse
for another breach of the same Convention", but "the two Parties are in
dispute over existence of a breach of the GenocideConvention, Le., geno-
cide against the Muslim and non-Serb population"; whereas it note; that
"for different reasons, the Respondent denies the existence of crimes of
genocide against the Muslim and non-Serb population" and specifiesthat
"one of the very relevant reasons is the absence of intent to commit geno-
cide"; it maintains that
"the facts presented by Part Two .. . of the Counter-Memorial,
which constitute the basis for the counter-claim, Le., crimes of geno-
cide committed against the Serb people in Bosnia and Herzegovina
are part and parcel of the circumstances of the situation"
and are relevant "for identifying the motives and intentions of individuals
who committed crimes vis-à-vis Muslims"; and whereas it submits that
these facts, for which it asks the Court to establish the responsibility of
Bosnia and Herzegovina, "served for proper qualification of the acts
alleged by the Applicant";
22. Whereas Yugoslavia alleges moreover that the Applicant, when it
"referred to positions doctrinulc~.a~nd lujuri.sprudenc~einternutionulr
regarding the direct connection between the counter-claim and sub-
ject-matter of the claim . . . failed to reach the end of development of
the construction of Article 80, paragraph 1,of the Rules of Court";
whereas it submits that "careful study of the practice of the Court reveals
an important development of understanding of the said paragraph", the
Court having "departed from this [original] position" according to which
"a counter-claim is directly connected with the subject-matter of the256 APPLICATION DE CONVENTION GÉNOCIDE (ORD. 17 XII 97)
l'autre partie lorsqu'elle vise à rejeter cette demande ou à obtenir un arrêt
sur la responsabilité de l'autre partie)); et qu'elle souligne que la doctrine
a au demeurant mis en relief l'«absence de rigidité))qui caractérisele trai-
tement des demandes reconventionnelles;
23. Considérant que la Yougoslavie fait encore observer qu'«[i]l
semble que le demandeur estime qu'une demande reconventionnelle doit
se limiter exclusivement aux faits présentésdans la demande)) princi-
pale; qu'aux fins d'établirque «[clette opinion n'est pas fondéeen droit))
elle invoque le paragraphe 2 de l'article 49du Règlement, aux termes du-
quel «[l]econtre-mémoirecontient ... le cas échéant,un exposé additionnel
des faits)); qu'elle en infère que «[s]i le défendeurest autoriséà présenter
de nouveaux faits dans son contre-mémoire, il peut certainement le faire
également dans une demande reconventionnelle»; et qu'elle rappelle
qu'en I'occurrence les faits supplémentaires invoqués à la base de la
demande reconventionnelle sont en tout étatde cause ((pertinents pour le
rejet de la demande)) principale;
24. Considérant qu'au terme de ses observations écritesla Yougoslavie
conclut que «[l]a demande reconventionnelle présente un lien de connexité
directe avec l'objet de la demande [principale] et ... satisfait aux condi-
tionsdes paragraphes 1 et2 de l'article 80 du Règlement)); et qu'elle prie
en conséquence la Cour de «reje[ter] toutes les demandes que la Bosnie-
Herzégovine lui a soumises dans sa lettre du 9 octobre 1997));
25. Considérant que, saisie d'observations écrites complètes et
détailléesde chacune des Parties, la Cour est suffisamment informée des
positions qu'elles défendent quant à la recevabilitédes demandes présen-
téesà titre reconventionnel par la Yougoslavie dans son contre-mémoire;
et qu'il n'apparaît en conséquence pas nécessaired'entendre autrement
les Parties à ce sujet;
26. Considérant qu'il échetà présentd'examiner si les demandes you-
goslaves en question constituent des ((demandes reconventionnelles» au
sens de l'articl80 du Règlement et, dans l'affirmative, si elles remplissent
les conditions énoncéespar cette disposition;
27. Considérant qu'il est constant qu'une demande reconventionnelle
présente,au regard de la demande de la partie adverse, un double carac-
tère; qu'elle en est indépendante dans la mesure où elle constitue une
«demande» distincte, c'est-à-dire un acte juridique autonome ayant pour
objet de soumettre une prétention nouvelle au juge, et, qu'en même
temps, elle s'y rattache, dans la mesure où, formulée à titre ((reconven-
tionnel)), elle riposte à la demande principale; que le propre d'une
demande reconventionnelle est ainsi d'élargir l'objet initialdu litige en
poursuivant des avantages autres que le simple rejet de la prétention du
demandeur à l'action - par exemple, la condamnation de celui-ci; et
que, à ce titre, la demande reconventionnelle se distingue d'un moyen de
claim of the other party when it serves for a rejection of the claim and for
obtaining a judgment on the responsibility of the other party"; and
whereas it notes that academic writings have after al1 emphasized "the
lack of rigidity" which characterizes the treatment of counter-claims;
23. Whereas Yugoslavia also observes that "it seems that the Appli-
catit is of the opinion that a counter-claim has to be limited exclusively to
facts presented in [the main] claim"; whereas in order to establish that
"this opinion is not based on the law", it invokes Article 49, paragraph 2,
of the Rules of Court according to which "[the] Counter-Memorial shall
cotitain . . . any additional facts, if necessary"; whereas it infers from this
that "if the Respondent is entitled to submit new facts by a Counter-
Memorial, it can ceriainly do it by a counter-claim"; and whereas it notes
that in the present case, the additional facts invoked as a basis for the
counter-claim are, iri any event, "relevant for rejection of [the] claim";
24. Whereas at the end of its written observations Yugoslavia submits
that "the counter-claim is directly connected with the subject-matter of
the claim and the counter-claim meets the conditions of Article 80, para-
graphs 1 and 2, of the Rules of Court"; and whereas it accordingly
requests the Court "to reject al1requests of Bosnia and Herzegovina sub-
mitted by its letter of9 October 1997";
25. Whereas, having received full and detailed written observations
from each of the Parties, the Court is sufficiently well informed of the
positions they hold with regard to the admissibility of the claims pre-
sented as counter-claims by Yugoslavia in its Counter-Mernorial; and
whereas, accordingly, it does not appear necessary to hear the Parties
otherwise on the subject ;
26. Whereas it is now necessary to consider whether the Yugoslav
claims in question constitute "counter-claims" within the meaning of
Article 80 of the Rules of Court and, if so, whether they fulfil the condi-
tions set out in that provision;
27. Whereas it is established that a counter-claim has a dual character
in relation to the claim of the other party; whereas a counter-claim is
independent of the principal claim in so far as it constitutes a separate
"claim", that is to Say an autonomous legal act the object of which is to
submit a new claim to the Court. and. whereas at the same time. it is
linked to the principal claim, in so fa; as, formulated as a ''counter"
claim. it reacts to it: whereas the thrust of a counter-claim is thus to
widen the original subject-matter of the dispute by pursuing objectives
other than the mere dismissal of the claim of the Applicant in the main
proceedings - for example, that a finding be made against the Appli-
cant; and, whereas in this respect, the counter-claim is distinguishable
from a defence on the merits;257 APPLICATION DE CONVENTION GENOCIDE (ORD.17 XII 97)
28. Considérant que, a l'article 80 de son Règlement, la Cour n'a pas
conféré unsens différent à l'expression ((demande reconventionnelle»;
que l'insertion de I'article 80 dans la sectiDn (((Procéduresincidentes)))
du titreIII (((Procédurecontentieuse))) du Règlement et les prescriptions
que cet article formule laissent apparaître qu'il ne saurait viser de simples
moyens de défenseau fond dont il appartient a la Courde connaître dans
l'exercice normal de sa compétence pour statuer sur les prétentions du
demandeur; et que la nécessitéde différencier demandes reconvention-
nelles et moyens de défensedans le système du Règlement ressort d'ail-
leurs à suffisance de la jurisprudence de la Cour:
((Considérantde surcroît que, si le Gouvernement de l'Iran estime
que les activités alléguéesdes Etats-Unis en Iran sont en étroite
connexitéjuridique avec l'objet de la requête des Etats-Unis, il lui est
loisible, en vertu du Statut et du Règlement de la Cour, de dévelop-
per à ce sujet sa propre argumentation devant la Cour, soit comme
moyen de défensedans un contre-mémoire, soit par la voie d'une
demande reconventionnelle présentée en vertu de I'article 80 du
Règlement... >)(Pcrsonncl diplonzatique et consuluire des Etuts- Unis
ù Tklzc~ranm, esures conservatoires,ordonnance u'lr15 dkcembre 1979,
C.1.J. Recueil 1979, p. 15, par. 24);
29. Considérant qu'en l'espèce, si lesconclusions no" et 2 du contre-
mémoirede la Yougoslavie tendent exclusivementau rejet des demandes de
la Bosnie-Herzégovine,les conclusions nos3 à 6 expriment en revanche des
demandes distinctes cherchant a obtenir, au-delà du rejet des demandes de la
Bosnie-Herzégovine, desréparations; et que de telles demandes constituent
des ((demandes reconventionnelles» au sens de l'article 80 du Règlement;
30. Considérant cependant qu'une demande doit normalement être
portéedevant le juge par la voie d'un acte introductif d'instance; que, s'il
est admis que certains types de demandes soient formulées à titre inci-
dent, c'est-à-dire dans le cadre d'une instance déjà en cours, c'est aux
seules fins d'assurer une meilleure administration de lajustice compte tenu
du caractère particulier des demandes en cause; qu'en ce qui concerne les
demandes reconventionnelles il s'agit essentiellement de réaliserune éco-
nomie de procès tout en permettant au juge d'avoir une vue d'ensemble
des prétentions respectives des parties et de statuer de façon plus cohé-
rente; et que la recevabilité des demandes reconventionnelles est néces-
sairement fonction des buts ainsi poursuivis et sujette à des conditions
propres à prévenir les abus;
31. Considérant que le défendeur ne saurait tirer parti de l'action
reconventionnelle pour porter devant lejuge international des demandes
qui excéderaientles limites dans lesquelles les parties ont reconnu sa com-
pétence; et que le défendeur ne saurait davantage imposer par cette voie
au demandeur n'importe quelle demande, au risque de porter atteinte aux
droits de celui-ci et de compromettre la bonne administration de la jus-
tice; et considérant que c'est pour ce motif qu'il est exigé,au para-
graphe 1 de l'article 80 du Règlement, que la demande reconventionnelle APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 17XII 97) 257
28. Whereas, in Article 80 of its Rules, the Court did not confer a dif-
ferent meaning on the expression "counter-claim"; whereas the inclusion
of Article 80 in Section D ("Incidental Proceedings") of Part III ("Pro-
ceedings in Contentious Cases") of the Rules of Court, and the provi-
sions set out in that Article show that it does not apply to mere defences
on the merits which the Court must hear in the normal exercise of its
functions to decide the Applicant's claims; and whereas the need to dif-
ferentiate between counter-claims and defences in the scheme of the
Rules of Court is moreover sufficiently clear from the jurisprudence of
the Court:
"Whereas, moreover, if the Iranian Government considers the
alleged activities of the United States in Iran legally to have a close
connection with the subject-matter of the United StatesApplication,
it remains open to that Government under the Court's Statute and
Rules to present its own arguments to the Court regarding those
activities either by way of defencein a Counter-Memorial or by way
of a counter-claim filed under Article 80 of the Rules of Court . .."
(Uniterl Stutes Diplornatic und Consulur Staff in Tehran, Provisionul
Measurrs, Order of 15 December 1979, 1. C.J. Reports 1979, p. 15,
para. 24);
29. Whereas in the present case, although Submissions 1 and 2 in the
Counter-Memorial cjfYugoslavia relate exclusivelyto the dismissal ofthe
claims of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Submissions 3 to6, on the contrary,
set outseparate clairnsseeking relief beyond the dismissal of the claims of
Bosnia and Herzegovina; and whereas such claims constitute "counter-
claims" within the meaning of Article 80 of the Rules of Court;
30. Whereas, however, a claim should normally be made before the
Court by means of an application instituting proceedings; whereas,
although it is permitted for certain types of claim to be set out as inci-
dental proceedings, that is to Say, within the context of a case which is
already in progress, thisismerely in order to ensure better administration
of justice, given the specificnature of the claims in question; whereas, as
far as counter-clailî-isare concerned, the idea is essentially to achieve a
procedural economy whilst enablingthe Court to have an overview of the
respective claims of the parties and todecide them more consistently; and
whereas the admissibility of the counter-claims must necessarily relate to
the aims thus pursued and be subject to conditions designed to prevent
abuse ;
31. Whereas the Respondent cannot use a counter-claim as a means of
referring to an international court claims which exceed the limits of its
jurisdiction as recognized by the parties; and whereas the Respondent
cannot use that means either to impose on the Applicant any claim it
chooses, at the risk of infringing the Applicant's rights and of compro-
mising the proper administration of justice; and whereas it is for that
reason that paragraph 1of Article 80 of the Rules of Court requires that
the counter-claim "cornes within the jurisdiction of the Court" and "that258 APPLICATION DE CONVENTION GENOCIDE (ORD. 17 XII 97)
((relèvede la compétencede la Cour)) et ((soit en connexité directeavec
l'objet de la demande de la partie adverse));
32. Considérant qu'en l'espèceil est constant que les demandes recon-
ventionnelles de la Yougoslavie ont été«présentée[s]dans le contre-mé-
moire de la partie dont elle[s]émane[nt]et figure[nt] parmi ses conclu-
sions)), conformément au paragraphe 2 de l'article 80 du Règlement;
et que, si la Bosnie-Herzégovinereconnaît que ces demandes satisfont
à la condition de compétenceposéeau paragraphe 1 de cet article, en
revanche, elle conteste qu'elles satisfassent à l'exigence de connexité
qu'énoncecette mêmedisposition;
33. Considérantque leRèglementnedéfinitpas la notion de ((connexité
directe)); qu'ilppartient à la Cour d'apprécier souverainement,compte
tenu des particularités de chaque espèce,si le lien qui doit rattacher la
demande reconventionnelle à la demande principale est suffisant; et que,
en règle générale,le degré de connexité entre ces demandes doit être
évaluéaussi bien en fait qu'en droit;
34. Considérant que, dans la présente espècei,l ressort desconclusions
des Parties que leurs demandes respectives reposent sur des faits de même
nature; qu'elles s'inscriventdans le cadre d'un mêmeensemble factuel
complexe, puisque ces faits sont réputésavoir tous eu lieu sur le territoire
de la Bosnie-Herzégovineet au cours de la mêmepériode;et que la You-
goslavie expose en outre qu'elleentend se prévaloirde certains faits iden-
tiques à la fois pour repousser les allégationsde la Bosnie-Herzégovineet
pour obtenir condamnation de celle-ci;
35. Considérant que la Bosnie-Herzégovinea rappelé à juste titre le
caractère ergu omnes des obligations découlant de la convention sur le
génocide (voir Applicution de lu convention pour lu prkvention et la
répression du crime de génocide, exc~ytions prkliminuires, urrêt,C.I.J.
Recueil 1996, p. 615-616, par. 3l), et que les Parties ont reconnuà bon
droit qu'en aucun cas une violation de la convention ne pourrait servir
d'excuse à une autre violation de celle-ci; que, toutefois, l'argument tiré
de l'absence de réciprocitédans le système de la convention n'est pas
déterminant au regard de l'appréciationde la connexité juridique entre
les demandes présentées à titre principal eà titre reconventionnel, dans
la mesure où les deux Parties, par leurs demandes respectives, poursui-
vent le mêmebut juridique, à savoir l'établissementd'une responsabilité
juridique en raison de violations de la convention sur le génocide;
36. Considérant que, dans ses ordonnances du 8 avril et du 13 sep-
tembre 1993, la Cour a examinéles demandes en indication de mesures
conservatoires formuléespar chacune des deux Parties; et que, dans son
ordonnance du 13septembre 1993,elle s'estnotamment expriméecomme
((45.Considérant que la mesure que sollicite la Yougoslavie serait
de nature à protéger des droits que confère la convention sur le
génocide etqui relèventde ce fait de la compétenceprima fucie de la
Cour; que la Cour, sur la base des éléments de preuve etd'informa- APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER 17XII 97) 258
it is directly connected with the subject-matter of the claim of the
other party";
32. Whereas in the present case it is not disputed that the Yugoslav
counter-claims were "made in the Counter-Memorial of the party pre-
senting it, and . ..appear as part of the submissions of that party", in
accordancr with Article 80, paragraph 2, of the Rules of Court; and
whereas, although Bosnia and Herzegovina recognizes that these claims
meet the jurisdictional requirement set out in paragraph 1 of that Article,
it denies that they rneet the requirement of being directly connected with
the subject-matter of the claim, also set out in that Article;
33. Whereas the Rules of Court do not define what is meant by
"directly connected"; whereas it is for the Court, in its sole discretion, to
assess whether the counter-claim is sufficiently connected to the principal
claim, taking accourit of the particular aspects of each case; and whereas,
as a generril rule, the degree of connection between the claims must be
assessed both in fact and in law;
34. Whereas, in the present case, it emerges from the Parties' submis-
sions that their respective claims rest on facts of the same nature;
whereas they form part of the same factual complex since al1those facts
are alleged to have occurred on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina
and during the same period; and whereas Yugoslavia States, moreover,
that it intends to rely on certain identical facts in order both to refute the
allegations of Bosnia and Herzegovina and to obtain judgment against
that State;
35. Whereas Bosnia and Herzegovina was right to point to the ergu
ornnes character of the obligations flowing from the Genocide Conven-
tion (see Applicution of the Conv~ntionon the Prevention und Punishment
oj' thc Crime of (;enocide, Preliminary Ohjectiorzs, Jtrdgtnent, I.C.J.
Reports 1996, pp. 615-616, para. 31), and the Parties rightly recognized
that in no case could one breach of the Convention serve as an excuse for
another;and whereas, however, the argument drawn from the absence of
reciprocity in the scheme of the Convention is not determinative as
regards the assessment of whether there is a legal connection between the
principal claim and the counter-claim, in so far the two Parties pursue,
with their respective claims, the same legal aim, namely the establishment
of legal responsibility for violations of the Genocide Convention;
36. Whereas in iis Orders of 8 April and 13September 1993,the Court
considered the reqiiests for the indication of provisional measures made
by each of the Parties; and whereas, in its Order of 13September 1993,it
stated, inter uliu, as follows:
"45. Whereas the measure requested by Yugoslavia would be
appropriate to protect rights under the Genocide Convention, which
are accordingliy within the prima fàcie jurisdiction of the Court;
whereas, on the evidence and information available to it, the Court tion dont elle dispose, doit aussi reconnaître l'existence de certains
risques pour les personnes dont la Yougoslavie demande la protec-
tion; considérant cependant que la question qui se posA la Cour est
celle de savoir si les circonstances «exigent)>l'indication de mesures
conservatoires, conformément à l'article 41 du Statut;
46. Considérant que la Cour, ayant indiqué au paragraphe 52 A
de son ordonnance du 8 avril 1993que la Yougoslavie doit prendre
toutes les mesures en son pouvoir afin de prévenir le génocide, a
indiqué quelles étaient «en particulier)) les mesures appropriéesa
prendre par la Yougoslavie dans les circonstances de l'affaire, où il
existait un risque de génocide, non pas sur le territoire yougoslave,
mais en G os nie-~erzégovi nonsidérant en outre que, comme la
Cour l'a observé au paragraphe 45 de son ordonnance du 8 avril
1993, tant la Yougoslavie que la Bosnie-Herzégovinesont tenues de
l'incontestable obligation de faire tout ce qui est en leur pouvoir
pour prévenir la commission d'actes de génocide,et que la-cour a
indiquéau paragraphe 52 B de ladite ordonnance que tant la Bosnie-
Herzégovineque la Yougoslavie doivent ne prendre aucune mesure,
et veiller à ce qu'il n'en soit prise aucune, qui soit de nature à aggra-
ver ou étendre le différendexistant sur la prévention et la répression
du crime de génocide,ou aen rendre la solution plus difficile; que la
Cour n'estime pas que les circonstances, telles qu'elles se présentent
actuellement à elle, exigent une indication plus spécifiquede mesures
à l'adresse de la Bosnie-Herzégovineà l'effet de lui rappeler à la fois
les obligations qui sont incontestablement les siennes en vertu de la
convention sur le génocide et la nécessitéde s'abstenir de prendre
toute mesure du type envisagéau paragraphe 52 B de l'ordonnance
rendue par la Cour le 8 avril 1993)) (C.I.J. Recueil 1993, p. 346-
37. Considérant qu'au vu de ce qui précèdela Cour estime que les
demandes reconventionnelles présentées par la Yougoslavie sont en
connexité directe avec l'objet des demandes de la Bosnie-Herzégovine;
qu'en tant que demandes reconventionnelles elles sont dès lors recevables
et font partie de l'instance en cours;
38. Considérant qu'une décision rendue sur la recevabilité d'une
demande reconventionnelle compte tenu des exigences formulées à I'ar-
ticle 80 du Règlement ne saurait préjuger aucune question dont la Cour
aurait à connaître dans la suite de la procédure;
39. Considérant que, aux fins de protéger les droits que les Etats tiers
admis à ester devant la Cour tirent du Statut, la Cour donne instruction
au Greffier de leur transmettre copie de la présente ordonnance;
40. Considérant que lorsque, conformément aux dispositions de son
Règlement, la Cour décide,dans l'intérêd t'une bonne administration de APPLICATION OF GENOCIDE CONVENTION (ORDER17 XII 97) 259
must also recognize the existence of some risk to the persons whose
protection Yugoslavia seeks; whereas however the question for the
Court is whether the circumstances are such as to 'require' the indi-
cation of proviiiional measures, in accordance with Article 41 of the
46. Whereas by paragraph 52 A of its Order of 8 April 1993 the
Court, having indicated that Yugoslavia should take al1 measures
within its power to prevent genocide, indicated what 'in particular'
were the appropriate measures to be taken by Yugoslavia in the cir-
cumstances of i.hecase, where the risk was of genocide not on Yugo-
slav territory but in Bosnia-Herzegovina; whereas furthermore, as
the Court noted in paragraph 45 of its Order of 8 April 1993, both
Yugoslavia and Bosnia-Herzegovina are under a clear obligation to
do al1in their power to prevent the commission of any acts of geno-
cide, and by paragraph 52 B of that Order the Court indicated that
both Bosnia-Herzegovina and Yugoslavia should not take any action
and should ensure that no action is taken which might aggravate or
extend the existing dispute over the prevention or punishment of the
crime of genocide, or render it more difficult of solution; whereas
the Court does not find that the circumstances, as they now present
themselves to the Court, are such as tu require a more specific indi-
cation of measures addressed to Bosnia-Herzegovina so as to recall
to it both its undoubted obligations under the Genocide Conven-
tion, and the rieed to refrain from action of the kind contemplated
by paragraph 52 B of the Court's Order of 8 April 1993" (1.C. J.
Reports 1993, pp. 346-347);
37. Whereas in the light of the foregoing. the Court considers that the
counter-claims submitted by Yugoslavia are directly connected with the
subject-matter of Bosnia and Herzegovina's claims; and whereas, as
counter-claims, they are therefore admissible and form part of the present
proceedings ;
38. Whereas a decision given on the admissibility of a counter-claim
taking account of the requirements of Article 80 of the Rules of Court in
no way prejudges any question with which the Court would have to deal
during the remainder of the proceedings;
39. Whereas in order to protect the rights which third States entitled
to appear before the Court derive from the Statute, the Court instructs
the Registrar to transmit a copy of this Order to them;
40. Whereas when, in accordance with the provisions of its Rules, the
Court decides, in the interests of the proper administration of justice, to260 APPLICATION DE CONVENTION &NOCIDE (ORD.17 XII 97)
la justice, de se prononcer en une seule et même instancesur les demandes
respectives des Parties, il importe qu'elle ne perde pas pour autant de vue
l'intérêtdu demandeur à ce qu'il soit statué sur ses prétentions dans un
41. Considérant que, au cours de la réunion que le Président de la
Cour a tenue le 22 septembre 1997 avec les agents des Parties (voir para-
graphe 7 ci-dessus), I'agent de la Bosnie-Herzégovine a indiquéque son
gouvernement demandait que l'affaire soit tranchée le plus rapidement
possible, qu'il était opposéà tout nouvel échange d'écrituressur le fond
et ~riait la Cour de fixer immédiatement une date Dour l'ouverture de la
procédure orale; que I'agent de la Yougoslavie a au contraire fait savoir
que, si la procédure devait se poursuivre, son gouvernement souhaitait
qu'un second tour de procédure écritesur le fond soit organisé; que les
deux agents ont étéinvités à exprimer leurs vues sur les délais qu'il
conviendrait de fixer pour le dépôtde nouvelles piècesau cas où la Cour
jugerait leur présentation nécessaire; et que I'agent de la Bosnie-Herzé-
govine a notamment préciséque son gouvernement serait en mesure de
présenter une répliquedans un délaide six mois à compter du dépôt du
contre-mémoire de la Yougoslavie - c'est-à-dire au plus tard le 23 jan-
vier 1998 -, que la répliqueait ou non à répondre aux demandes recon-
ventionnelles formulées par la Yougoslavie dans son contre-mémoire;
42. Considérant que, compte tenu des conclusions auxquelles elle est
parvenue ci-dessus quant à la recevabilité des demandes reconvention-
nelles yougoslaves, la Cour estime que le dépôt d'une réplique de la
Bosnie-Herzégovine et d'une duplique de la Yougoslavie, portant sur les
demandes soumises par les deux Parties, est nécessaire;et qu'il échet en
outre, aux fins d'assurer une stricte égalitéentre les Parties, de réserver
le droit, pour la Bosnie-Herzégovine, de s'exprimer une seconde fois par
écrit sur les demandes reconventionnelles de la Yougoslavie, dans une
piéce additionnelle dont la présentation pourrait faire l'objet d'une
ordonnance ultérieure;
43. Par ces motifs,
A) Par treize voix contre une,
Ditque les demandes reconventionnelles présentéespar la Yougoslavie
dans son contre-mémoire sont recevables comme telles et font partie de
l'instance en cours;
POURM : . Schwebel,Pr6sirlt'nt; MM. Oda, Bedjaoui, Guillaume, Herczegh,
Shi, Fleischhauer. Koroma, Vereshchetin,Parra-Aranguren, Kooijmans,
juges; MM. Lauterpacht, KreCa,juges ad hoc;
rule on the respective claims of the Parties in a single set of proceedings,
it must not, for al1that. lose sight of the interest of the Applicant to have
its claims decided within a reasonable time-period;
41. Whereas, during the meeting which the President of the Court held
on 22 September 1997 with the Agents of the Parties (see paragraph 7
above), the Agent of Bosnia and Herzegovina indicated that his Govern-
ment requested that the case be decided as soon as possible, was opposed
to any further exchange of written pleadings on the merits and asked the
Court immediately to set a date for the opening of the oral proceedings;
whereas the Agent of Yugoslavia, conversely, made it known that, if the
proceedings were to go forward, his Government wished to have a sec-
ond round of written pleadings on the merits; whereas the two Agents
were invited to express their views as tosuitable time-limits to be fixed for
the filing of further pleadings in the event that the Court decided that
their submission was necessary; and whereas the Agent of Bosnia and
Herzegovina specified, inter dia, that his Government would be in a
position to present a Reply six months from the date of filing of the
Counter-Memorial of Yugoslavia - that is, no later than 23 January
1998 - whether or not the Reply had to respond to the counter-claims
made by Yugoslavia in its Counter-Mernorial;
42. Whereas, takïng into account the conclusions it has reached above
regarding the admissibility of the Yugoslav counter-claims, the Court
considers that it is riecessary for Bosnia and Herzegovina to file a Reply
and for Yugoslavia to file a Rejoinder relating to the claims of both
Parties; and whereas it is necessary moreover, in order to ensure strict
equality between the Parties, to reserve the right of Bosnia and Herze-
govina to present its views in writing a second time on the Yugoslav
counter-claims, in an additional pleading which may be the subject of a
subsequent Order;
43. For these reasons,
(A) By thirteen votes to one,
Finds that the counter-claims submitted by Yugoslavia in its Counter-
Memorial are admissible as such and form part of the current proceed-
IN FAVOUR :President Schwebel ;Judges Oda, Bedjaoui,Guillaume,Herczegh.
Shi, Fleischhauer, Koroma, Vereshchetin,Parra-Aranguren, Kooijmans:
Judges ad hoc L.auterpacht,Kreca;
B) Par treize voix contre une,
Prescrit la présentation d'une réplique de la Bosnie-Herzégovine et
d'une duplique de la Yougoslavie portant sur les demandes soumises par
les deux Parties etixe comme suit les dates d'expiration des délais,que
les Parties ont acceptées,pour le dépôt de ces piècesde procédure:
Pour la réplique de la Bosnie-Herzégovine, le 23 janvier 1998;
Pour la duplique de la Yougoslavie, le 23 juillet 1998;
POUR: M. Schwebel,PrésidenM tM. Oda, Bedjaoui, Guillaume, Herczegh,
Shi, Fleischhauer, Koroma, Vereshchetin. Parra-Aranguren, Kooijmans,
,juges; MM. Lauterpacht, Kreta, juges ad hoc;
CONTRE :M. Weeramantry, Vice-Présiden;
Réserve la suite de la procédure.
Fait en français et en anglais, le texte français faisant foi, au Palais de
la Paix, à La Haye, le dix-sept décembremil neuf cent quatre-vingt-dix-
sept, en trois exemplaires, dont l'un restera déposéaux archives de la
Cour et les autres seront transmis respectivement au Gouvernement de la
Bosnie-Herzégovine et au Gouvernement de la République fédérativede
Le Président,
(Signé) Stephen M. SCHWEBEL.
Le Greffier,
(Signé) Eduardo VALENCIA-OSPINA.
M. KRECAj,uge ad hoc, joint une déclaration à l'ordonnance.
M. KOROMA j,ge, eM. LAUTERPACH jg,ead hoc,joignent à I'ordon-
nance les exposésde leur opinion individuelle.
M. WEERAMANTRV Yi,ce-Président, joint à l'ordonnance l'exposéde
son opinion dissidente.
(Purupllé) S.M.S.
(B) By thirteen votes to one,
Directs Bosnia and Herzegovina to submit a Reply and Yugoslavia to
submit a Rejoinder relating to the claims of both Parties and fi.xesthe
following dates, accepted by the Parties, as time-limits for the filing of
these pleadings :
For the Reply of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 23 January 1998;
For the Rejoinder of Yugoslavia, 23 July 1998;
IN FAVOUR:Presidorit Schwebel;Judges Oda, Bedjaoui,Guillaume,Herczegh,
Shi. Fleischhauei-,Koroma. Vereshchetin,Parra-Aranguren, Kooijmans;
Jutlgcs ad hoc Lauterpacht, Kreca;
AGAINST: Vice-P~wident Weeramantry ;
Reserves the subsequent procedure for further decision.
Done in French and in English, the French text being authoritative, at
the Peace Palace, l'he Hague, this seventeenth day of December, one
thousand nine huntlred and ninety-seven, in three copies, one of which
will be placed in the archives of the Court and the others transmitted to
the Government of'the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the
Government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, respectively.
(Signed) Stephen M. SCHWEBEL,
(Signed) Eduardo VALENCIA-OSPINA,
Judge uclhoc KRI:~.Aappends a declaration to the Order of the Court.
Judge KOROMAand Judge ud hoc LALJTERPACH aTpend separate
opinions to the Order of the Court.
Vice-President WEERAMANTRY appends a dissenting opinion to the
Order of the Court.
(Initiulled) SM .S.
(Initiulled) E.V.O.
Order of 17 December 1997