Order of 10 September 1992

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Incidental Proceedings
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Bilingual Document File

INTERNATIONALCOURT OF JUSTICE REPORTS OF JUDGMENTS, ADVISORY OPINIONS AND ORDERS CASE CONCERNING PASSAGE THROUGHTHE GREAT BELT (FINLAND v.DENMARK) ORDER OF 10 SEPTEMBER 1992 COUR INTERNATIONALE DE JUSTICE RECUEIL DES ARRÊTS, AVIS CONSULTATIFS ET ORDONNANCES AFFAIRE DU PASSAGE PAR LE GRAND-BELT (FINLANDE c. DANEMARK) ORDONNANCE DU 10 SEPTEMBRE 1992 Officia1cita:ion PassagethroughtheGreatBelt(Finlandv. Denmark), OrderofIOSeptember199Z.C.Jeports1992,p. 348 Modeofficiel de cit:tion Passagepar leGrand-Belt(Finlandec.Danemark), ordonnancedu0septembre199C.Z.Recueil1992,p. 348 Salesnutnbe625 1 Nodeven:e ISBN 92-1-070685-4 INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE 1992 10September YEAR 1992 GeneralList No. 86 10 September1992 CASE CONCERNING PASSAGE THROUGH THE GREAT BELT (FINLAND V. DENMARK) ORDER The President of the International Court of Justice, Havingregard toArticle 48 ofthetatute ofthe Court,and to Article 89 of theules of Court, Havingregard tothe Application bythe Republic ofnland filedinthe Registry ofthe Court on 17May 1991,institutingproceedings againstthe Kingdom of Denmark in respect of adispute concerningpassagethrough the Great Belt(Storebælt), Havingregard tothe Order of 29July 1991by which the Court adjudi- cated upon arequest forthe indication ofprovisional measurespresented byFinland on 23 May 1991,in which Order the Court declared inter alia that, "pending a decision of the Court on the merits, any negotiation between the Parties with a viewto achieving a direct and friendlye- ment istobe welcomed", Having regard to theOrder made by the President of the Court on 29 July 1991fixing time-limits for the written proceedings, and to the Memorial filed byFinland andthe Counter-Memorial filed by Denmark within those time-limits; Whereas by a letter dated 3 September 1992,received in the Registry of the Court bytelefax the same day, the Agent of Finland, referring to the passage in the Court'sOrder of 29 July 1991quoted above, stated that a settlement of the dispute betweenland and Denmark had beenattained on that date; and whereas by the said letter the Agent of Finland accordingly notified the Court, pursuant to Article 89 of the Rules of Court, of the discontinuance of the case by Finland; Whereas by aletter dated 4September 1992,receivedin the Registryby telefax the same day, the Agent of Denmark, to whom a copy of the letter fromthe Agent of Finland had been communicated, stated that Denmark had no objection to the discontinuance, Places on recordthe discontinuance by the Republic of Finland of the proceedings instituted by the Application filed on 17May 1991 ;and Ordersthat the case be removed from the list. Done in English and in French, the Englishtext being authoritative,at the Peace Palace,The Hague, this tenth day of September, one thousand nine hundred and ninety-two,inthree copies, one ofwhich willbe placed in the archives of the Court and the others transmitted to the Govern- ment of the Republic of Finland and the Govemment of the Kingdom of Denmark, respectively. (Signed) R.Y. JENNINGS, President. (Signed) Eduardo VALENCIA-OSPINA, Registrar.

Bilingual Content

INTERNATIONALCOURT OF JUSTICE REPORTS OF JUDGMENTS, ADVISORY OPINIONS AND ORDERS CASE CONCERNING PASSAGE THROUGHTHE GREAT BELT (FINLAND v.DENMARK) ORDER OF 10 SEPTEMBER 1992 COUR INTERNATIONALE DE JUSTICE RECUEIL DES ARRÊTS, AVIS CONSULTATIFS ET ORDONNANCES AFFAIRE DU PASSAGE PAR LE GRAND-BELT (FINLANDE c. DANEMARK) ORDONNANCE DU 10 SEPTEMBRE 1992 Officia1cita:ion PassagethroughtheGreatBelt(Finlandv. Denmark), OrderofIOSeptember199Z.C.Jeports1992,p. 348 Modeofficiel de cit:tion Passagepar leGrand-Belt(Finlandec.Danemark), ordonnancedu0septembre199C.Z.Recueil1992,p. 348 Salesnutnbe625 1 Nodeven:e ISBN 92-1-070685-4 INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE 1992 10September YEAR 1992 GeneralList No. 86 10 September1992 CASE CONCERNING PASSAGE THROUGH THE GREAT BELT (FINLAND V. DENMARK) ORDER The President of the International Court of Justice, Havingregard toArticle 48 ofthetatute ofthe Court,and to Article 89 of theules of Court, Havingregard tothe Application bythe Republic ofnland filedinthe Registry ofthe Court on 17May 1991,institutingproceedings againstthe Kingdom of Denmark in respect of adispute concerningpassagethrough the Great Belt(Storebælt), Havingregard tothe Order of 29July 1991by which the Court adjudi- cated upon arequest forthe indication ofprovisional measurespresented byFinland on 23 May 1991,in which Order the Court declared inter alia that, "pending a decision of the Court on the merits, any negotiation between the Parties with a viewto achieving a direct and friendlye- ment istobe welcomed", Having regard to theOrder made by the President of the Court on 29 July 1991fixing time-limits for the written proceedings, and to the Memorial filed byFinland andthe Counter-Memorial filed by Denmark within those time-limits; Whereas by a letter dated 3 September 1992,received in the Registry of the Court bytelefax the same day, the Agent of Finland, referring to the passage in the Court'sOrder of 29 July 1991quoted above, stated that a settlement of the dispute betweenland and Denmark had been COUR INTERNATIONALE DE JUSTICE ANNÉE 1992 1992 10septembre Rôno86néral 10 septembre1992 AFFAIRE DU PASSAGEPARLEGRAND-BELT (FINLANDE c. DANEMARK) ORDONNANCE Le Présidentde la Cour internationale de Justice, Vul'article 48du Statut de la Cour etl'article 89de son Règlement, Vularequête déposéaeu Greffe de la Cour le 17mai 1991,par laquelle la Républiquede Finlandeaintroduitune instance contrele Royaume du Danemark au sujet d'un différend concernant le passage par le Grand- Belt (Storebælt), Vul'ordonnance du 29juillet 1991,par laquelle la Cour s'estprononcée surla demande en indication de mesures conservatoiresprésentéepar la Finlande le 23 mai 1991,et dans laquelle la Cour a déclaré notamment que,«en attendant une décisionde la Cour sur lefond,toute négociation entre les Partiesen vue deparvenirn règlementdirect etamiable serait la bienvenue », Vu l'ordonnance prise le 29juillet 1991par le Présidentde la Cour par laquelle il a fixéles dates d'expiration des délaispour le dépôtdes pièces de la procédureécrite;vu lemémoiredéposépar la Finlande etlentre- mémoiredéposéparle Danemark, dans les délais ainsifixés; Considérantque, par lettre du 3 septembre 1992,reçue au Greffe de la Cour par télécopiele même jour,l'agent de la Finlande, se référant au passage cité ci-dessusde l'ordonnance de la Cour en date du 29juillet 1991,a déclarquela Finlande etleDanemark étaientparvenus cejour-làattained on that date; and whereas by the said letter the Agent of Finland accordingly notified the Court, pursuant to Article 89 of the Rules of Court, of the discontinuance of the case by Finland; Whereas by aletter dated 4September 1992,receivedin the Registryby telefax the same day, the Agent of Denmark, to whom a copy of the letter fromthe Agent of Finland had been communicated, stated that Denmark had no objection to the discontinuance, Places on recordthe discontinuance by the Republic of Finland of the proceedings instituted by the Application filed on 17May 1991 ;and Ordersthat the case be removed from the list. Done in English and in French, the Englishtext being authoritative,at the Peace Palace,The Hague, this tenth day of September, one thousand nine hundred and ninety-two,inthree copies, one ofwhich willbe placed in the archives of the Court and the others transmitted to the Govern- ment of the Republic of Finland and the Govemment of the Kingdom of Denmark, respectively. (Signed) R.Y. JENNINGS, President. (Signed) Eduardo VALENCIA-OSPINA, Registrar.

ICJ document subtitle

Removal from list

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Document Long Title

Order of 10 September 1992
