Judgment of 12 November 1991

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JUDGMENT OF 12 NOVEMBER 1991 Mode officiel de ci:ation
Sentence arbitdu31juill1989,
arrêt, .I.J.Rec1991p. 53

Arbitral Awardof31J1989,
Judgment,I.C.J.Repo1991p. 53

"Oàevenie: 600 1
Sales number 12NOVEMBRE 1991








YEAR 1991 1991
12 November1991 No. 82




Internationalarbitrolaward - Applicationbased onArticle36,paragraph2,of
the Statute, requesting:Court to declare inexistenceor nullity of the award -
Recognitionby both Partiesthatproceedingsnot by wayof appeal - Jurisdiction

not disputed by Respondent.
Allegation of abusecfprocess.
Possibleeffectof absenceofarbitratorfrom meetingut whichawarddeliveredto
Inexistenceofaward'attributed tolackor fealmajority - Declarationappended
to award byPresident î?fTribunaldid not invalidatehisvote.

Nullityof award ongrounds ofexcès de pouvoirand insufficiencyof reasoning
- Second questionput to Tribunal by arbitration agreement tobe answered"In
the event of a negativeanswer" to thefirst question - No reply givento second
question - Whetherlackof replysupportedbysufficient reasoning - Criticismof
structureof award.

Interpretation by tribunalof provisionsof arbitration agreementgoverning its

competence - Roleof theCourtinnullityproceedingsnot todeterminewhatinter-
pretation might be prejerablebut to ascertainwhethertribunal actedin manifest
breach of competence conferredby arbitration agreement - Application of
relevantrulesof treaty interpretation- Ordinarymeaning ofwordsconfirmed by
Argument that Tribunal required to answer both questionsin any event -
Absence of agreementofPartiesto that effectwhenArbitrationAgreement drafted

- Argument that Triliunal'sanswer tofirst question was partially negative -
Interpretation ofexpre.ssion"negativeanswer" - Tribunal's answer tofirst ques-
tion wascompleteand affirmative answer. ProvisioninArbitraifionAgreement for drawingof boundary lineon a -ap
Decisionnot to attach rnapsuflicientlyrea-oAbsence ofrnapnot,in thecir-
cumstancesof thecase,suchan irregularityas would renderaward invalid.


Present: President Sir Robert JENNINGS; ice-PresidentODA;Judges LACHS,

In the case concerning the Arbitral Award of 31 July 1989,

the Republic of Guinea-Bissau,

represented by
H.E. Mr. FidélisCabral de Almada, Minister of State attached to the Presi-
dency of the Couincilof State of Guinea-Bissau,
as Agent;

H.E. Mr. FaliEmba.10,Ambassador of Guinea-Bissau to the Benelux coun-
tries and the European Communities,
as Co-Agent;

Mrs. Monique Chenlillier-Gendreau, Professor atthe University ofParis VII,
Mr. Miguel Galviio Teles, Advocate and former Member of the Council of
State of Portugal,
Mr. Keith Highet, Adjunct Professor of International Law at the Fletcher
School of Law and Diplomacy and Member of the Bars of New York and
the District of Columbia,
Mr. Charalambos Apostolidis, Lecturer at the University of Bourgogne,

Mr. Paulo Canelas ideCastro, Assistant Lecturer at the Law Faculty of the
University of Coiinbra,
Mr. Michael B. Fro~nan,Harvard Law School,

as Counsel;
Mr. Mario Lopes, Procurator-General of the Republic,
Mr. Feliciano Gomes, Chief of Staff of the National Navy,
as Advisers,


the Republic of Senegiil,
represented by

H.E. Mr. Doudou Tlliam, Advocate, former Bâtonnier, Member of the Inter-
national LawCon~mission,
as Agent; Mr. Birame Ndiaye, Professor of Law,
Mr. Tafsir Malick Ndiaye, Professor of Law,
as Co-Agents;

Mr. Derek W.Bowett,Q.C.,Queens' College,Cambridge; WhewellProfessor
of International Law, University of Cambridge,
Mr. Francesco Calpotorti, Professor of International Law, University of
Mr. Ibou Diaite, Professor of Law,
Mr. Amadou Diop, Legal Adviser, Embassy of Senegalto the Benelux coun-
Mr. Richard Meese, LegalAdviser, partner in Frere Cholmeley, Paris,

as Counsel,

composed as above,

after deliberation,
deliversthefollowing Judgment:

1. On 23 August 1989the Ambassador of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau to
the Netherlands filed in the Registry of the Court an Application instituting
proceedings against the Republic of Senegal in respect of a dispute concerning
the existence and validity of the Arbitral Award delivered on 31July 1989by an
arbitrationtribunal established pursuant toan Arbitration Agreement between
the two States dated 112March 1985.In order to found the jurisdiction of the
Court the Application relied on the declarations made by the two Parties

accepting the jurisdiction of the Court as provided for in Article 36, para-
graph 2, of the Statute:of the Court.
2. Pursuant to Article 40, paragraph 2, of the Statute, the Application was
comrnunicated forthwith by the Registrar to the Republic of Senegal; in
accordance with parajyraph 3 of that Article, al1other States entitled to appear
before the Court were:notified of the Application.
3. By an Order dated 1 November 1989the Court fixed time-limits for the
written proceedings (Memorial of Guinea-Bissau and Counter-Memorial of
4. Since the Court at that time included upon the Bench a judge of Sen-
egalese nationality, Jiidge Kéba Mbaye, Vice-President of the Court, but did
not include a judge of the nationality of Guinea-Bissau, the Government of
Guinea-Bissau, in exercise of its right under Article 31, paragraph 2, of the
Statute of the Court, chose Mr. Hubert Thierry to sit as judge ad hoc in the
5. On 18January 1990the Government of Guinea-Bissau filed in the Regis-

try of the Court a reqiiest, on the basis of Article 41 of the Statute of the Court
and Article 74of the P.ulesof Court, fortheindication of provisional measures.
Byan Order dated 2 March 1990,the Court, afterhearingthe Parties, dismissed
that request.
6. The Memorial and Counter-Memorial having been duly filed within the
time-limits fixed by the Court,the casebecame readyforhearing in accordance
with Article 54, paragraph 1,of the Rules of Court. 7. On 5 February 1991the term of office of Judge Mbaye came to an end in
accordance with the Statute. The Govemment of Senegal thereupon became
entitled, under Article 31, paragraph 3, of the Statute of the Court, to choose a
judge ad hocto sit in )thecase, and chose Judge Mbaye.
8. At public hearings held between 3and II April 1991,the Court heard oral
arguments addressed to it by the following :

Forthe Republicof Guinea-Bissau: H.E.Mr. FidélisCabral de Almada,
Mrs. Monique Chemillier-Gendreau,
Mr. Miguel Galvao Teles,
Mr. Keith Highet.

FortheRepublicof Senegal: H.E. Mr. Doudou Thiam,
Mr.Derek W. Bowett,Q.C.,
Mr. Francesco Capotorti.

In the course of the hiearings, questions were put to both Parties by Members
of the Court; replies in writing were filed in the Registry in accordance with
Article 61, paragraph 4, of the Rules of Court.
9. During the hearings, the Agent of Guinea-Bissau requested the Court to
authorize the calling, as a witness or expert witness of a person already
included, as an adviser, in the listof those representing that Statefurnished by it
to the Court; the Agent of Senegal, on the basis, interalia,of Article 57of the
Rules of Court, objected to this being done. After consideration, the Court
decided that it would not be appropriate to accede to the request of Guinea-

10. In the course of the written proceedings, the followingsubmissions were
presented by the Partiies :

On behalfof theReputblicof Guinea-Bissau,
in the Memorial :

"For the reasons set forth above, and for any other reasons adding to
or amending thein which it reserves the right to submit and elaborate on
during the subsequent written and oral proceedings, the Govemment of
Guinea-Bissau respectfully asks the Court to adjudge and declare :

- thatthe so-called'award' of 31July 1989isinexistentin view ofthe fact
that one of the two arbitrators making up the appearance of a majority
in favour of the text of the 'award',has,by adeclaration appended to it,
expressed a view in contradiction with the one apparent& adopted by
the vote;
- subsidiarily, that that so-called decision is absolutely nul1and void, as
the Tribunal failed to reply to the second question raised by the Arbi-
tration Agreement, whereas its reply to the first question implied a need
for a reply tobe given to the second,as it did not comply with the provi-
sions of the Arbitration Agreement by which the Tribunal was asked to
decide on the delimitation of the maritime areas as a whole, to do so by
a single line aindto record that line on a map, and as it has not given the
reasons for the restrictions thus improperly placed upon its jurisdic-
tion: - that the Government of Senegal is thus not justified in seeking to
require the Glovernment of Guinea-Bissau to apply the so-called award
of 31July 1989."

Onbehalfof the Republicof Senegal,

in the Counter-Mernorial :
"Considering the facts and argumentsstated above, the Government of
the Republic of lSenegalrequests the Court to :

1. Reject the Submissions of the Government of the Republic of
Guinea-Bissau dlirected at establishing the inexistence and, subsidiarily,
the nullity of the Arbitral Award of 3 1July 1989.
2. Adjudge and declare that the said Arbitral Award is valid and bind-
ing for the Repu'blicof Senegal and the Republic of Guinea-Bissau, which
have the obligation to apply it."

11. At the conclus,ion of its last oral statement, each Party presented sub-
missions identical ta those contained respectively in the Memorial and the

12. The events leading up to the present proceedings are as follows. On
26 April 1960 an Ag,reement by exchange of letters was concluded between
France, on its own behalf and that of the Communauté,and Portugal for the
purpose of defining ithemaritime boundary between the Republic of Senegal
(atthat time an autonomous Statewithin the Communauté)and the Portuguese
Province of Guinea. 'i'heletter of France proposed (interalia)as follows :

"As far as the outer limit of the territorial sea, theboundary shall consist
of a straight line drawn at240' from the intersection of the prolongation of
the land frontier and the low-water mark, represented for that purpose by
the Cape Roxo lighthouse.
As regards the contiguous zones and the continental shelf, the delimita-
tion shall be constituted by the prolongation in a straight line, in the same
direction, of the boundary of the territorial seas."

The letter of Portugal expressed its agreement to this proposal.
13. After the accession toindependence of Senegal and Guinea-Bissau a dis-
pute arose between them concerning the delimitation of their maritime areas.
This dispute was the subject of negotiations between them from 1977onward,
in the course of which Senegal asserted, interalia,that the line defined in the
1960 Agreement had been validly established, while Guinea-Bissau disputed
the validity of that Agreement and its opposability to Guinea-Bissau, and
insisted that the mariitime areas in question be delimited without reference to
the Agreement.

14. On 12 March 11985the Parties concluded an Arbitration Agreement for
submission of that dispute to an arbitration tribunal; the terms of the Agree-
ment, so far as relevaintto the questions now before the Court, were as follows :

"The Governrnent of the Republic of Senegal and the Government of
the Republic of Guinea-Bissau, ARBITRALAWARD (JUDGMENT) 5 8

Recognizing tlhatthey have been unable to settle by means of diplomatic
negotiation the dispute relating to the detemination of their maritime
Desirous, in view of their friendly relations, to reach a settlement of that

dispute as soon as possible and, to that end, having decided to resort to
Have agreed aefollows

Article 1

1. The Arbitration Tribunal (hereinafter called "the Tribunal") shall
consist of three ~nembersdesignated in the following manner :

Each Party shall appoint one arbitrator of its choice;
The third arb:itrator, who shall function as President of the Tribunal,
shall be appointed by mutual agreement of the two Parties or, in the
absence of such agreement, by agreement of the two arbitratorsafter con-
sultation with the two Parties.
2. ...
3. ...


The Tribunal is requested to decide in accordance with the noms of
international lavron the followingquestions :
1. Does the Agreement concluded by an exchange of letters on 26 April
1960,and which relates to the maritime boundary, have the force of law in
the relations between the Republic of Guinea-Bissau and the Republic of

2. In the everit of a negative answer to the first question, what is the
course of the line delimiting the maritime territories appertaining to the
Republic of Guiinea-Bissauand the Republic of Senegal respectively ?

Article 4

1. The Tribunal shall take its decisions only in its full composition.
2. The decisions of theTribunal relating to al1auestions of substance or
procedure, incluldingal1questions relatingto the iurisdiction of the Tribu-
nal and the interpretation of the Agreement, shallbe taken by a majority of
its members.

Article 9

1. Upon comlpletion of the proceedings before it, the Tribunal shall
infom the two Governments of its decision regarding the questions set
forth in Article 2.of the present Agreement.
2. That decision shall include the drawing of the boundary line on a
map. To that end, the Tribunal shallbe empowered to appointone or more
technical experts to assist it in the preparation ofuch map.
3. The Award shall state in full the reasons on which it is based.
4. ... Article IO
1. The Arbitral Award shall be signed by the President of the Tribunal
and bythe Registrar.The latter shall hand to the Agents ofthe two Parties a
certified copy in1the two languages.
2. The Award shallbe final and binding upon the two States which shall
be under a duty to take al1necessary steps for its implementation.


1. No activityof the Parties during the course ofthe proceedings maybe
deemed to prejutige their sovereignty overthe areas the subject of the Arbi-
tration Agreement.
2. ...
Done in duplicate in Dakar, on 12March 1985,in the French and Portu-

guese languages, both texts being equally authentic."
15. An Arbitration Tribunal was duly constituted under the Agreement, by
the appointment first of Mr. Mohammed Bedjaoui and then of Mr. André
Gros, Arbitrators, and of Mr. Julio A. Barberis, President. On 31July 1989the
Tribunal pronounced. the Award the existence and validity of which havebeen
challenged in the present proceedings. According to this Award it was adopted
by the votes of the President of the Tribunal and Mr. Gros, over the negative
vote of Mr. Bedjaoui.
16. The findings of the Tribunal may for the purposes of the present judg-
ment be summarized as follows. The Tribunal concluded that the 1960Agree-
ment wasvalid and cciuldbe opposed to Senegalandto Guinea-Bissau (Award,
para. 80); that it had to be interpreted in the light of the law in force at the date
of its conclusion (ibid:,para. 85); that

"the 1960Agreement does not delimit those maritime spaces which did not
existat that date, whether they be termed exclusiveeconomic zone, fishery
zone or whatever . . .",

but that

"the territorial sea, the contiguous zone and the continental shelf ... are
expressly mentioinedin the 1960Agreement and they existed at the time of
its conclusion" (i,bid.).
The Tribunal went on to say that:

"As regards th,econtinental shelf, the question of detennining how far
the boundary line extends can arise today, in view of the evolution of the
definition of the concept of 'continental shelf. In 1960,two criteria served
to determine the extent of the continental shelf: that of the 200-metre
bathymetric line and that of exploitability. The latter criterion involved
a dynamic conception of the continental shelf, since the outer limit would
depend on technological developments and could consequently move fur-
ther and further to seaward. In viewof the fact that the 'continental shelf'
existed in the international law in force in 1960,and that the definition of
the concept of that maritime space then included the dynamic criterion
indicated, it may be concluded that the Franco-Portuguese Agreement ARBITRALAWARD (JUDGMENT) 60

delimits the continental shelf between the Parties over the whole extent of
that maritime space as defined at present." (Award, para. 85.)

17. The Tribunal t.henexplainedthat

"Bearing in mind the above conclusionsreached bythe Tribunal andthe
wording of Article 2 of the Arbitration Agreement, in the opinion of the
Tribunal it is not called upon to reply to the second question.
Furthermore, in view of its decision, the Tribunal considered that there
was no need to append a map showing the course of the boundary line."
(Zbid.,para. 87.)

18. The operative clause of the Award was as follows:

"For the reasolnsstated above, the Tribunal decidesby two votes to one:

To reply as fa~llowsto the first question formulated in Article 2 of the
Arbitration Agrelement :The Agreement concluded by an exchange of let-
ters of 26April 1960,and relating to the maritime boundary, hasthe force
of law iii the relations between the Republic of Guinea-Bissau and the

Republic of Seriegal with regard solely to the areas mentioned in that
Agreement, namely the territorial sea, the contiguous zone and the con-
tinental shelf. The 'straight line drawn at 240"' is a loxodromic line."
(Para. 88.)

19. Mr. Barberis, 1)residentof the Arbitration Tribunal, appended a declar-
ation to the Award, and Mr. Bedjaoui, who had voted against the Award,
appended a dissenting opinion. The declaration of President Barberis read as
follows :

"1feelthat the reply given bytheTribunal to the first question put by the
Arbitration Agreement could havebeen more precise. 1would have replied
to that question as follows:
'TheAgreement concluded by an exchange of letters of 26April1960,

and relating to the maritime boundary, has the force of law in the rela-
tions between the Republic of Guinea-Bissau and the Republic of Sen-
egal with respect to the territorial sea, the contiguous zone and the
continental shelf,but does not have the force of law with respect to the
waters of the exclusive economic zone or the fisheryzone. The "straight
line drawn at :240° " mentioned in the Agreement of 26 April 1960is a
loxodromic lirie.'

This partially affirmative and partially negative reply is,in my view,the
exact description.of the legal position existingbetween the Parties. Assug-
gested by Guine,a-Bissau in the course of the present arbitration (Reply,
p. 248), this repl:ywould have enabled the Tribunal to deal in its Award
with the second question put by the Arbitration Agreement. The partially
negative replyto the first question would have conferred on theTribunal a
partialcompeten,ce to reply to the second, Le.,to dosoto the extent that the
reply to the first question would have been negative.

In that case, the Tribunal would have been competent to delimit the waters ofthe exclusiveeconomic zone* orthe fishery zone between the two
countries. The 'Tribunalthus could have settled the whole of the dispute,
because, by virtue of the reply to the first question of the Arbitration
Agreement, it v~ouldhave determined the boundaries for the territorial
sea, the contiguous zone and the continental shelf, as the Award has just

done and, by itljanswer to the second question, the Tribunal could have
determined the boundary forthe waters of the exclusive economiczone or
the fisheryzone,a boundary which mightor might not have coincided with
the line drawn by the 1960Agreement.
* 1refertothe 'waters'oftheexclusiveeconomiczone and 1thinkitnecessary
to beas specificsthis,becauseit sometimes occursthat the notionofthis zone
coversalsothecontinentalshelfas,forxample,inArticle56 ofthe1982 Montego

20. In his dissentiingopinion, Mr. Bedjaoui referred to the declaration by
President Barberis, vvhich,he said,
"shows to what an extent the Award is incomplete and inconsistent with
the letter and spirit of the Arbitration Agreement with regard to the single
line desired by the Parties. Since it emanates from the President of the

Tribunal himself, that Declaration, by its very existence as well as by
its contents, justifies more fundamental doubts as to the existence of a
majority and the reality of the Award." (Para. 1.)
21. A public sitting of the Tribunal was held on 31 July 1989for delivery of
the Award, at which President Barberis and Mr. Bedjaoui were present, but not
Mr. Gros. At that sitting, afterthe Award had been delivered, the representative
of Guinea-Bissau inldicatedthat, pending full reading of the documents and
consultation with hi!;Govemment, he resewed the position of Guinea-Bissau
regarding the applicability and validity of the Award, as he alleged that it did
not satisfy the requirements laid down by agreement between the two Parties.
After contacts between the Governments of the two Parties, in which Guinea-
Bissau indicated its seasons for not accepting the Award, the present proceed-

ings were brought before the Court by Guinea-Bissau.

22. The Court will first consider its jurisdiction. In its Application,
Guinea-Bissau fourids the jurisdiction of the Court on "the Declarations
by which the Repuiblic of Guinea-Bissau and the Republic of Senegal
have respectively accepted the jurisdiction of theCourt under the condi-

tions set forth in Axticle 36, paragraph 2, of the Statute" of the Court.
These declarations were deposited with the Secretary-General of the
United Nations, in the case of Senegal on 2 December 1985, and in the
case of Guinea-Bissau on 7 August 1989. Guinea-Bissau's declaration
contained no reservation; Senegal's declaration, which replaced a previ-
ous declaration of 3 May 1985,providedthat

"Senegal ma.y reject the Court's competence in respect of:
- Disputes in regard to which the parties have agreed to have

recourse to some othermethod ofsettlement ; ARBITRALAWARD (JUDGMENT) 62

- Disputes withregard to questionswhich, under international law,
fa11exclusivelywithinthejurisdiction ofSenegal."
That declaration w,asalsoexpressedasbeing applicable solelyto "al1legal
disputes arising after the present declaration..."

23. Senegalobserved that if Guinea-Bissauwere to challenge the deci-
sion of the Arbitration Tribunal on the merits, it would be raising a ques-
tion excluded frorn the Court's jurisdiction by the terms of Senegal's
declaration. According to Senegal, the dispute concerning the maritime
delimitation was the subject of the Arbitration Agreement of 12 March
1985and consequ<:ntlyfell into the category of disputes "in regard to
which the parties have agreed to have recourse to some other method of
settlement". Furthermore, in the view of Senegal, that dispute arose
before 2 December 1985,the date on which Senegal's acceptance of the
compulsory jurisdiction of the Court became effective, and is thus
excluded from the category of disputes "arising after" that declaration.
24. However, the Parties were agreed that there was a distinction
between the substantive dispute relating to maritimedelimitation, and the
dispute relating toitheAward rendered by the Arbitration Tribunal, and
that onlythe latterdlispute,which arose afterthe Senegalesedeclaration, is
the subject of the present proceedings before the Court. Guinea-Bissau
also took the position, which Senegal accepted, that these proceedings
were not intended by way of appeal from the Award or as an application

for revision of it. Tlhus,both Parties recognize that no aspect of the sub-
stantive delimitation dispute is involved. On this basis, Senegal did not
disputethat the Court had jurisdiction to entertainthe Application under
Article 36,paragraph 2,ofthe Statute. Inthe circumstances ofthe casethe
Court regards itsjurisdiction as established.

25. In this respect the Court would emphasize that, asthe Parties were
both agreed, these proceedings allege the inexistence and nullity of the
Award rendered bythe Arbitration Tribunal andare notby wayofappeal
from it or applicatiion for revision of it. As the Court had occasion to
observe with respect to the contention of nullity advanced in the case of
the Arbitral AwardMade by the KingofSpainon23 December1906:

"the Award is not subject to appeal and . .. the Court cannot
approach the consideration of the objections raised by Nicaragua to
the validity of the Award as a Court of Appeal. The Court is not
called upon to pronounce on whether the arbitrator's decision was
right or wrong. These and cognate considerations have no relevance
to the function. that the Court is called upon to discharge in these
proceedings, which isto decide whether the Award is proved to be a
nullityhaving 110effect." (I.C.J. Reports 1960p.2 14.) ARBITRALAWARD (JUDGMENT) 63

26. The Court willnow consider a contention by Senegalthat Guinea-
Bissau'sApplication isinadmissible,insofaras it seeksto use the declara-
tion of President Barberis for the purpose of casting doubt on the validity
of the Award (see paragraph 30below). Senegal argues that that declara-
tion is not part of1:heAward, and therefore that any attempt by Guinea-
Bissauto make use ofit for that purpose "must be regarded as an abuse of
processaimed at dleprivingSenegal ofthe rightsbelonging to itunder the
Award". Senegal arlsocontends that the remedies sought are dispropor-
tionate to the grolunds invoked and that the proceedings have been
brought for the puipose of delayingthe final solution of the dispute.

27. The Court considers that Guinea-Bissau's Application has been
properly presentecl in the framework of its right to have recourse to the
Court in the circuimstancesof the case. Accordingly, it does not accept

Senegal'scontention that Guinea-Bissau's Application, or the arguments
used in support of it,amount to an abuse of process.

28. Guinea-Bissau contends that the absence of Mr. Gros from the
meeting of the Arbitration Tribunal at which the Award was pronounced
amounted to a recognition thatthe Tribunal had failed to resolve the dis-
pute. Guinea-Bissa.uaccepts that at this meeting

"it wasnot intt:nded thata 'decision' shouldbetaken, and byaformal
and strict interpretation it would be possible to avoid applying to it
Article 4,para.graph 1[ofthe Arbitration Agreement],requiring that
the Tribunal blein its full composition...".
Guinea-Bissau however takes the view that this was a particularly im-

portant meeting of theTribunal and that theabsence of Mr. Gros lessened
the Tribunal's authority.
29. The Court notes that itisnot disputed that Mr. Gros participated in
the voting when thr:Award was adopted. Thereafterthe Award had to be
deliveredtothe Parties.Inthisrespect Article IO,paragraph 1,ofthe Arbi-
tration Agreement provided that the Award having been signed by the
President and the liegistrar, the Registrar was to "hand to the Agents of
the two Parties a certified copy in the two languages".This was done. A
meeting was held at which the Award was read. The absence of Mr. Gros
from that meeting could not affect the validity of the Award which had
already been adopt.ed.

30. The Court willnow examinethesubmissions ofGuinea-Bissau that
the Arbitral Awardl is inexistent, or subsidiarily that it absolutely nul1
and void. In support of its principal contention, thatthe Award isinexis- ARBITRAL AWARD (JUDGMENT) 64

tent, the Applicant claims that the Award was not supported by a real
majority. Guinea-Bissau does not dispute the fact that the Award was
expressed to have been adopted by the votes of President Barberis and
Mr. Gros; it contends however that President Barberis's declaration con-
tradicted and invalidated hisvote,thus leavingthe Award unsupported by
a realmajority. The Tribunal, having concluded,in replytothe firstques-
tion inthe Arbitration Agreement, thatthe 1960Agreement "has the force
of law in the relations between" the Parties, held that that was so "with
regard solely to the areas mentioned in that Agreement, namely, the terri-
torial sea, the contiguous zone and the continental shelf . .."(Award,
para. 88).However,,Guinea-Bissau drew attention to the fact that, in his
declaration, President Barberis stated that he would have replied to the
effect thatthe Agreement had the force of lawin the relations between the
Parties "with respect to the territorial sea, the contiguous zone and the
continental shelf, but does not have the force of law with respect to the
waters of the exclusive economic zone or the fishery zone .. ."(para-
graph 19above).
31. The Court considers that,in puttingforwardthisformulation,what

President Barberis had in mind wasthat the Tribunal's answer tothe first
question "could have been more precise" - to use his own words -, not
that it had to be more precise in the sense indicated in his formulation,
which was,in his vie:w,a preferable one, nota necessary one. In the opin-
ion of the Court, the formulation discloses no contradiction with that of
the Award.
32. Guinea-Bissau also drew attention to the fact that President Bar-
beris expressed the view that his own formulation "would have enabled
the Tribunalto deal in itsAward withthe secondquestion put bythe Arbi-
tration Agreement" and that the Tribunal would in consequence "have
been competentto tlelimit the waters of the exclusive economic zone or
the fisheryzone betvveenthetwo countries", in additionto the other areas.
The Court considers that the view expressed by President Barberis, that
the reply which he would have given to the first question would have
enabled the Tribuna.1to deal with the second question, represented, not a
position taken by hirnasto what the Tribunal wasrequired to do, but only
an indication of whaithe considered would have been a better course. His
positiontherefore could notbe regarded asstandingin contradiction with
the position adopteclby the Award.
33. Furthermore, even ifthere had been any contradiction, for either of
the two reasons re1ie:don by Guinea-Bissau, between the view expressed
by President Barberis and that stated in the Award, such contradiction
could not prevail over the position which President Barberis had taken
when voting for the:Award. In agreeing to the Award, he definitively
agreed tothe decisions, which itincorporated, asto the extent ofthe mari-
time areas govemed by the 1960Agreement, and as to the Tribunal not

being required to an.swerthe second question in viewof its answer to the
first. As the practice of internationaltribunals shows, it sometimes hap-
pens that a member of atribunal votes in favour of a decision ofthe tribu-na1 even though he might individually have been inclined to prefer
another solution. 17ie validity of his vote remains unaffected by the
expression of any such differencesin a declaration or separate opinion of
the member concenied, which are therefore without consequence forthe
decision of the tribunal.

34. Accordingly, inthe opinion ofthe Court,thecontention ofGuinea-
Bissauthatthe Award was inexistent for lack of a real majority cannot be

35. Subsidiarily, Guinea-Bissau maintains that the Award is, as a
whole, nul1and voi'd,on the grounds of excèsdepouvoir and of insuffi-
ciency of reasoning. Guinea-Bissau observes that the Tribunal did not
replyto the second qluestionput inArticle 2ofthe Arbitration Agreement,
and did not append tothe Award themap provided for in Article 9ofthat
Agreement. Itiscontendedthat these twoomissionsconstitute an excèsde
pouvoir.Furthemore, no reasons, itissaid, weregivenbythe Tribunalfor
itsdecision not to proceed to the second question, for not producing a
singledelimitation line, and for refusing to draw that line on amap.

36. The Court ail1 examine Guinea-Bissau's contentions, whether
presented as of excèsdepouvoiror as lack of reasoning, which are based
on the absence of a reply to the second question put by the Arbitration
Agreement, before dealing with those relating to the absence of a map.

37. On this first pioint,the Court would, for convenience, recall at the
outset that, acc0rdin.gto Article 2 of the Arbitration Agreement :

"The Tribunal isrequested to decide in accordance withthe norms
of international law on the following questions :
1. Does the Agreement concluded by an exchange of letters on
26April 1960,a.ndwhich relates to the maritime boundary, have the
force of law in the relations between the Republic of Guinea-Bissau
and the Republic of Senegal?
2. Inthe everitofanegativeanswer tothefirst question,what isthe

course of the liriedelimitingthe maritime territories appertaining to
the Republic of'Guinea-Bissau and the Republic of Senegal respec-
38. The Award, aifterdealing with some preliminary matters, analyses
the groundsupon which Guinea-Bissau based itsassertions that the 1960
Agreement did not have the force of law in its relations with Senegal
(paras. 35-79).The conclusion in paragraph 80 of the Award is that "the 1960Agreement is valid and can be opposed to Senegal andto Guinea-
Bissau". The Award then deals, in paragraphs 80to 86,with "the scope of
substantive validity of the 1960Agreement" and states that :
"the 1960Agreement does not delimit those maritime spaces which
didnot exist at.thatdate, whether they be termed exclusiveeconomic

zone,fishery zone or whatever.
On the other hand, the position regarding the territorial sea, the
contiguous z0n.eand the continental shelf is quite different. These
three concepts are expressly mentioned in the 1960Agreement and
they existed atthe time of its conclusion."

The Award goes on to say that, for the reasons explained in the passage
quoted in paragraphi 16 above,
"the Franco-Portuguese Agreement delimits the continental shelf
between the Parties over the whole extent of that maritime space as
defined at presi:ntW.

Then the Award continues, in paragraph 87

"Bearing in rnind the above conclusions reached by the Tribunal
and the actual vvordingof Article 2 of the Arbitration Agreement, in
theopinion oftheTribunal it isnot called upon to replyto the second
Finally, paragraph 88of the Award declares in its first sentence that:

"For the reasonsstated above,the Tribunal decidesbytwo votesto
one :
To reply as fc~llowsto the first question formulated in Article 2 of
the Arbitration Agreement: The Agreement concluded by an
exchange of letters on 26 April 1960,and relating to the maritime

boundary, has the force of law in the relationsbetween the Republic
of Guinea-Bissau and the Republic of Senegal with regard solely to
the areas mentialnedinthat Agreement,namely the territorial sea,the
contiguous zone and the continental shelf."
39. Guinea-Bissau's complaint onthe ground thatthe Tribunal did not
give an answer to the second question in Article 2 of the Arbitration
Agreement involves three arguments. It questions whether the Tribunal
really took a decisiocinotto givean answer; it contends that, even ifthere

was such adecision,there wasinsufficientreasoning in support ofit; and,
finally, itontests the validity of any such decision.

40. Astothe first ofthese three arguments,Guinea-Bissau suggeststhat
what theTribunal diclwasnotto decide not to answerthe secondquestionputto it; itsimply onnitted,for lack ofarealmajority, to reach any decision
at al1on the issue. In this respect Guinea-Bissau stresses that what is
referred to inthe first sentence of paragraph 87ofthe Awardas an "opin-
ion of the Tribunal" on the point appears in the statement of reasoning,
not in the operative clause of the Award;thatthe Award does not specify
the majority by which that paragraph wouldhavebeen adopted; and that

onlyMr. Gros could havevoted in favour ofthis paragraph. In the light of
the declaration made by President Barberis, Guinea-Bissau questions
whether any vote was taken on paragraph 87.
41. The Court recognizes that the structure of the Award is, in that
respect, open to criticism.Article 2of the Arbitration Agreement put two
questions tothe Tribunal;and theTribunal was,according to Article 9,to
"inform the two Governments of its decision regarding the questions set
forth inArticle 2". C:onsequently,itwouldhavebeen normal to include in
the operative part of the Award, Le.,in afinalparagraph, both the answer
givento thefirstquestion and the decision not to answerthesecond. Itisto
be regretted that this;course was not followed. However, when the Tribu-
nal adopted the Award by two votes to one, it wasnot onlyapproving the
content of paragraph 88, but was also doing so for the reasons already
stated inthe Award and, in particular, inparagraph 87.It isclearfrom that
paragraph, taken in its context, and also from the declaration of Presi-
dent Barberis, that the Tribunal decided bytwo votes to one that, asit had
given an affirmativeanswer to the first question, it did not have to answer
the second. By so doing, the Tribunal did take a decision: namely, not
to answer the second question put to it. The Award is not flawed by any
failure to decide.

42. Guinea-Bissau argues, secondly, that any arbitral award must, in
accordance with genieralinternational law, be a reasoned one. Moreover,
according to Article: 9, paragraph 3, of the Arbitration Agreement, the
Parties had specificallyagreed that "the Award shall state in fullthe rea-
sons on which it isbiised". Yet,according to Guinea-Bissau,the Tribunal
in this case did not give any reasoning in support of its refusa1to reply to
the second question put by the Parties or, at the very least, gave "wholly
insufficient" reasoning, which did not evenmakeitpossible to "determine
the line of argument followed" and did not "reply on any point to the
questions raised andldiscussed during the arbitral proceedings". On this
ground also, it is claimed that the Award is nul1and void.
43. In paragraph 87 of the Award, referred to above, the Tribunal,
"bearing in mind the ...conclusions" that it had reached, together with
"the wording of Article 2 of the Arbitration Agreement", took the view
that it was not calleclupon to reply to the second question put to it. This
reasoning is brief, and could doubtless have been developed further. But
the references in pairagraph 87 to the Tribunal's conclusions and to the ARBITRALAWARD (JUDGMENT) 68

wording of Article 2 of the Arbitration Agreement make it possible to
determine, without ~difficultyt,he reasons whytheTribunaldecidednot to
answerthesecond question. Byreferring to the wording ofArticle 2of the
Arbitration Agreement, the Tribunal was taking note that, according to
that Article,itwas asked, first,whether the 1960Agreement had "the force
of lawinthe relations" between Guinea-Bissau and Senegal, and then, "in
the event of a negative answer to the first question, what is the course of
the linedelimiting the maritime territories" of thetwocountries. Byrefer-
ring to the conclusions that it had already reached, the Tribunal was
noting that it had, in paragraphs 80 et seq.of the Award, found that the
1960Agreement, in respect of which it had alreadydetermined the scope
of its substantive validity, was "valid and can be opposed to Senegal
and to Guinea-Bissau". Having given an affirmative answer to the first
question, and basing itselfonthe actual text ofthe Arbitration Agreement,

the Tribunal found as a consequence that it did not have to reply to the
secondquestion. Thiatstatement of reasoning, while succinct, is clear and
precise. The second contention of Guinea-Bissau must also be dismissed.

44. Thirdly, Guiinea-Bissau challenges the validity of the reasoning
thus adopted by the Tribunal on the issue whether it was required to
answer the second question. In this respect Guinea-Bissau presents two

arguments :first that the Arbitration Agreement, on its true construction,
required an answer to the second question whatever might have been its
reply to the first; secondly, that in any event an answer to the second
question was required because the answer to the first question was in fact
partially negative.
45. Guinea-Bissau's first argument is that the Arbitration Agreement
was concluded on the basis of an agreement
"that a two-folclquestion should beposed to theTribunal,in order to

ensure that whatever [the Tribunal's] reply concerning the value of
the Franco-Portuguese exchange of letters, the Tribunal would be
called upon to proceed to a comprehensive delimitation of the mari-
time territories'".
In the viewof Guinea-Bissau, even iftheTribunalupheld the validity and
opposability of the 1960Agreement, the effect would not be to produce a
complete delimitation, and acomplete delimitation by a singleline wasthe
object and purpose of the Arbitration Agreement. Accordingly, Guinea-
Bissau is in effect contending that that Agreement required the Tribunal

to answer the second question whatever was its answer to the first.
46. In this connectionthe Court would first recall
"a rule consistently accepted by general international law inthe mat-
ter of international arbitration. Since the Alabama case, it has been
generally recognized, following the earlier precedents, that, in the ARBITRALAWARD (JUDGMENT) 69

absence of any agreement to the contrary, an international tribunal
has theright todecide asto itsownjurisdiction and hasthe power to
interpretforthis purpose the instruments which govern that jurisdic-
tion." (Nottebohm, Preliminary Objection, Judgment, I.C.J. Reports
1953, p. 119.)

In the present case, Article 4, paragraph 2,of the Arbitration Agreement
confirmed that the 'Tribunalhad the power to determine its ownjurisdic-
tion and to interpreitthe Agreement forthat purpose.
47. Byits argument set out above, Guinea-Bissau is in fact criticizing
the interpretation inthe Award ofthe provisions ofthe Arbitration Agree-
ment which determinetheTribunal's jurisdiction, and proposing another
interpretation. However, the Court does not have to enquire whether or
not the Arbitratiori Agreement could, with regard to the Tribunal's
competence, be interpreted in a number of ways, and if so to consider
which would have been preferable. Byproceeding in that way the Court
would be treating thierequest as an appeal and not as a recoursen nullité.
TheCourt could not act inthat way in the present case. It has simply to
ascertainwhether b:yrenderingthe disputed Award the Tribunal acted in
manifest breach of the competence conferred on it by the Arbitration
Agreement, either b~ydeciding in excess of, or by failing to exercise, its

48. Such manifest breach might result from, for example, thefailure of
the Tribunal properly to apply the relevant rules of interpretation to the
provisionsof theArbitration Agreementwhichgovernits competence. An
arbitration agreement (compromis d'arbitrage)is an agreement between
States which must be interpreted in accordance with the general rules of
international law governing the interpretation of treaties. In that respect
"the first duty of a tribunal which is called upon to interpret and
apply the provi!jionsofatreaty, isto endeavour to giveeffectto them

in their natural and ordinary meaning in the context in which they
occur. If the relevant words in their natural and ordinary meaning
make sense in t:heircontext, that is an end of the matter. If, on the
other hand, the words in their natural and ordinary meaning are
ambiguous or lead to an unreasonable result, then, and then only,
must the Court,,by resort to other methods of interpretation, seekto
ascertain what the parties really did mean when they used these
words." (Cornpetenceof the GeneralAssemblyfor theAdmission ofa
State to the United Nations, Advisory Opinion,I.C.J.Reports 1950,
P 8.)

The mle of interpret,ation according to the natural and ordinary meaning
of the words employed
"is not an absolute one. Where such a method of interpretation
results in a meaning incompatible with the spirit, purpose and con-
text ofthe clause or instrumentin which the words are contained, no ARBITRALAWARD (JUDGMENT) 70

reliance can be validly placed on it." (South WestAfrica, Pveliminary
Objections,Judgment, I.C.J.Reports1962,p. 336.)

These principlesare reflected in Articles3 1and 32of the Vienna Conven-
tion on the LawofTreaties, which may in many respects be considered as
a codification of exii~tingcustomary international law on the point.

49. Furthermore, when States sign an arbitration agreement, they are
concluding an agreement with a very specific object and purpose: to
entrust an arbitratiori tribunal with thetask of settlinga dispute in accord-
ance withthe termsagreed bythe parties, who define inthe agreement the
jurisdiction ofthe tribunal and determine itslimits. In theperformance of

the task entrusted to it, the tribunal "must conform to the terms by which
the Partieshave defiinedthis task" (Delimitationof theMaritime Boundary
inthe Guifof Maine..lrea,Judgment,I.C.J.Reports 1984,p. 266,para. 23).
50. In the presenit case, Article 2 of the Arbitration Agreement pre-
sented afirstquestion concerning the 1960Agreement, and then a second
question relating to delimitation. A reply had to be given to the second
question "in the event of a negative answer to the first question". The
Court notes that those last words, which were originally proposed by
Guinea-Bissau itself, are categorical. The situation in the present case dif-
fers from that faced by the Court or by arbitral tribunals when they had
to reply to successive questions which were not made conditional on each
other, and to each oifwhich some meaning had in any event to be attri-
buted in order for a rfeplytobe giventhereto, as for example in the caseof
the FreeZones of Up,~er Savoy and theDistrict of Gex(Order of 19August
1929,P.C.I.J.,Series ,4,No.22,p. 13),or CorfuChannel,Merits(Judgment,
I.C.J.Reports1949, p. 24).Where, however, successive questions were put
to the Court which were made conditional on each other, the Court

replied, or found no room to reply, according to whether or not the gov-
erning condition haclbeen fulfilled, as, for example, in Interpretationof
the Greco-BulgarianAgreement of 9 December 1927 (Advisory Opinion,
1932, P.C.I.J.,Series A/B, No. 45, pp. 70, 86-87); and Interpretation of
PeaceTreatieswith Bialgaria,Hungaryand Romania(FirstPhase,Advisory
Opinion,I.C.J. Repor.ts1950,pp. 65,67-68,75,76,77; Second Phase,Advi-
sory Opinion,ibid.,pp. 225,226,230).

51. In fact in the present case the Parties could have used some such
expression asthattheTribunalshould answer the second question "tak-
inginto account" the replygivento the first,but they did not;theydirected
thatthesecond question should be answered only "in the event of a nega-
tive answer" to that first question. In that respect, the wording was very
different from thattobefound in another Arbitration Agreement to which
Guinea-Bissau is a Party, that concluded on 18 February 1983with the
Republic of Guinea. Bythat Agreement, those two States asked another
tribunal todecide on the legal value and scope of another Franco-Portu-
guese delimitation ~ronvention and annexed documents, and then, ARBITRALAWARD (JUDGMENT) 71

"according to the amswersgiven" to those initial questions, to determine
the "course of the boundary between the maritime territories" of the two
52. Faced with the problem presented by the prefatory words of the
second question, the Applicant stresses that, according to the Preamble
of the Arbitration Agreement, its object was to settlethe dispute that had
arisen between the two countries relating to the determination of their
maritime boundary.The first sentence ofArticle 2requested theTribunal
to decide on the twcsquestions put to it. The Tribunal was, according to
Article 9, to "infomn the two Governments of its decision regarding the
questionsset forth inArticle2".That decision wasto "include thedrawing
of the boundary lini:on a map". According to Guinea-Bissau, the Tribu-
nal wastherefore required to delimit byasingleline the whole ofthemari-
time areas appertaining to each State. As, for the reasons given by the
Tribunal, itsanswer to the first question put inthe Arbitration Agreement
could not lead to a comprehensive delimitation, it followed, in Guinea-

Bissau's view, that, notwithstanding the prefatory words to the second
question the Tribunal was required to answer that question and to effect
the overalldelimitat.iondesired by both Parties.
53. Itisuseful to irecall,in order to assessthe weightofthat line ofargu-
ment, the circumstances in which the Arbitration Agreementwas drawn
up. Following various incidents, Senegal and Guinea-Bissau engaged in
negotiations, from 1977to 1985,with regard to their maritime boundary.
Two opposing views were asserted. Senegal maintained that the Agree-
ment concluded in 1960between France, on itsownbehalf and that ofthe
Communauté,and Portugal had the force of law in the relations between
the two States, by virtue of theles relating to Statesuccession, andthat
the line defined byt:hatAgreement definedtheboundary. Guinea-Bissau
however consideredl that that Agreement was inexistent, nul1and void,
and in any case not opposableto it. From this it inferred that it would be
appropriate to proceed ex novoto a maritime delimitation between the
two States. When the time came to draft the Arbitration Agreement, Sen-
egal proposed that ,theTribunal should decide solely whether the 1960

Agreement had the force of law in the relations between the Parties.
Guinea-Bissau aske~dthat the Tribunal should be entrusted only with the
task of drawing the line delimiting the maritime territories in dispute.
Afterlengthydiscussions,it wasagreed that there should first be put tothe
Tribunal the question proposed by Senegal.Guinea-Bissau suggestedin
addition that, "in the event of a negative answer to the first question",
the Tribunal shoulci be asked to define the course of the delimitation
line. That form ofwqordswas ultimately adopted.
54. Itwillbeappa.rentthat the twoquestions hada completelydifferent
subject matter. The first concerned the issue whether an international
agreement had the force of law inthe relations between the Parties,while
the second was directed to a maritime delimitation in the event that that
agreement did not have such force. Senegal was countingon an affirma-
tive reply to the first question, and concluded that the straight line on abearing of 240°, adlopted by the 1960Agreement, would constitute the
singlelineseparating the whole ofthe maritime areas ofthe two countries.
Guinea-Bissau was counting on a negative answer to the first question,

and concluded that a single dividing line for the whole of the maritime
areas of the two countries would be fixed ex novoby the Tribunalin reply
to the secondquestion. The two States intendedtoobtain adelimitation of
the whole of their maritime areas by a singleline. But Senegal was count-
ing on achieving thiisresult through an affirmative answer to the first
question, and Guinea-Bissau through a negative answer to that question.
No agreement had been reached between the Parties as to what should
happen in the event of an affirmative answer leading only to a partial
delimitation, and asto what might bethe task oftheTribunalin such case.
The travauxpréparutoiresaccordingly confirm the ordinary meaning of
Article 2.
55. The Court considers that this conclusion is not at variance with the
circumstance that the Tribunal adopted as its title "Arbitration Tribunal
for the Determination of the Maritime Boundary: Cuinea-Bissau/Sen-
egal", or with its definition, in paragraph 27 of the Award, of the "sole
object of the disputi:" as being one relating to "the determination of the
maritime boundary between the Republic of Senegal and the Republic of
Guinea-Bissau, a question which they have not been able to settle by
means of negotiation ...".In the opinion of theCourt,that title and that
definition areto be read in the light of the Tribunal's conclusion, which
the Court shares,that, while its mandatedidinclude the making of a deli-
mitation of al! the maritime areas of the Parties,this fell to be done only
under the second question and "in the event of a negative answer to the

first question".
56. In short, although the two States had expressed in generalterms in
the Preamble of the Arbitration Agreement their desire to reach a settle-
ment of their dispute, their consent thereto had only been given in the
terms laid down by Article 2. Consequently the Tribunal did not act in
manifest breach of Utscompetence to determine its own jurisdiction by
deciding that it was inotrequired to answer the second question except in
the event of a negative answer to the first. The first argument must be
57. The Court now turns to Cuinea-Bissau's second argument. Apart
from its contention that, on a true construction, the Arbitration Agree-
ment required recouirseto the secondquestion whatever was the answer to
the first, Guinea-Bissau argues thatthe answer in fact given by theTribu-
nal to the first questiionwas a partially negative answer and that this suf-
ficed to satisfy the prescribed condition for entering into the second
question. Accordingly, and aswasto be shown by the declaration of Presi-
dent Barberis, the Tribunal was, it is said, both entitled and bound to
answer the second question.

58. It is true that the Arbitration Tribunal, when answering the first
question, in paragraph 88 of the Award, explained that the 1960 Agree- ARBITRALAWARD (JUDGMENT) 73

ment hadthe force of lawinthe relations between the Parties "with regard
solely to the areas rnentioned in that Agreement, namely the territorial
sea, the contiguous zone and the continental shelf'. Consequently "the

1960Agreement does not delimit those maritime spaces which did not
existatthat date, whether theybetermed exclusiveeconomiczone,fishery
zone or whatever" (Award,para. 85).
59. In his declaration appended to the Award reproduced in para-
graph 19above, President Barberis added that he would have preferred
that, in paragraph $18of the Award, an affirmative answer be given with
respect to the areas delimited by the 1960 Agreement, and a negative
answer with respect;to the areas not delimited by that Agreement. In his
opinion, such a partially negative wording would have conferred on the
Tribunal a partial irompetence to reply to the second question, and to
determine the boundary of the waters of the exclusive economiczones or
fishery zones between the two countries.
60. The Court w~ouldfirst observe that the Tribunal did not, in para-
graph 88 of its Awa~rd,adopt the form of words that President Barberis
would have preferred. Guinea-Bissau thus cannot base its arguments
upon a forrn of words that was not in fact adopted by the Tribunal. The
Tribunal found, inreply to the firstquestion,that the 1960Agreement had

the force of lawin th.erelations between the Parties, and atthe sametime it
defined the substantivescope of that Agreement. Such an answer did not
permit of a delimitation of the whole of the maritime areas of the two
States,and acomple:tesettlement ofthe disputebetween them. Itachieved
a partial delimitation. But that answer was nonetheless both a complete
and an affirmative answer to the first question; it recognized that the
Agreement of 1960had the force of law in the relations between Senegal
and Guinea-Bissau. The Tribunal could thus find, without manifest
breach of its compe:tence,that its answer to the first question was not a
negative one, and that itwasthereforenotcompetent to answer the second
question. In this respect also, the contention of Guinea-Bissau that the
entire Award is a nuillitymust be rejected.

61. Finally, Guiniea-Bissau recalls that, according to Article 9, para-
graph 2,of the Arbitration Agreement, the decision of the Tribunal wasto
"include the drawinigof the boundary line on a map", and that no such
map was produced by the Arbitration Tribunal. Guinea-Bissau contends
that the Tribunal also did not give sufficient reasons for its decision on
that point. It is contended that the Award should, for these reasons, be
considered wholly niulland void.
62. The Court observes thatthe Award Statesthat the 1960Agreement
"clearly determines the maritime boundary as regards the territorial sea,
the contiguouszone and the continental shelf' byadopting "a straightlinedrawn at 240" "(paras. 80and 85).TheAward Statesthat this terminology
"makes it possible to mle out any geodesic line", so that the line would
have to be a loxodromic line, which, moreover is in accordance with the
"sketch included in the preparatory work of the 1960 Agreement"
(paras. 86and 88). 'ïhen, after decidingnot to answer the second question,
the Tribunal adds that :"Furthermore, inviewofitsdecision, the Tribunal
considered that there was no need to append a map showing the course of
the boundary line."
63. The Court is unable to uphold the contention that the reasoning of
the Tribunal was iinsufficient on this point. The reasoning mentioned
above is, once again, brief but sufficient to enlighten the Parties and the
Court as to the reaisonsthat guided the Tribunal. It found that the boun-
dary line fixed by the 1960Agreement was a loxodromic line drawn at
240" fromthe point ofintersection ofthe prolongation oftheland frontier
and the low-water line of the two countries, represented for that purpose
bythe Cape Roxo lighthouse. Sinceitdidnot replytothe secondquestion,

itdid not have todefine any other line. Itthus considered that there wasno
need to draw on a map a line which was common knowledge, and the
definitivecharacteristics of which it had specified.
64. In viewof thlewording of Articles 2and 9of the Arbitration Agree-
ment, andthe positions taken by the Partiesbefore the Arbitration Tribu-
nal, it isopen to argumentwhether, in the absence of a reply tothe second
question, the Tribunal was under an obligation to produce the map en-
visaged by the Arbitration Agreement. The Court does not however
consider it necessaryto enter into such a discussion. In the circumstances
of the case, the absence of a map cannot in any event constitute such an
irregularity as would render the Award invalid. The last argument of
Guinea-Bissau istherefore also not accepted.
65. The submissions of Guinea-Bissau must accordingly be rejected.
The Arbitral Award of3 1July 1989isvalid and binding uponthe Republic
of Senegaland the liepublic of Guinea-Bissau, which have the obligation
to apply it.

66. The Court nonetheless takesnote ofthe fact thatthe Award has not
broughtabout aconnpletedelimitation ofthe maritime areas appertaining
respectively to Guinea-Bissau and to Senegal. It would however observe
that that result isdue to the wording of Article2 of the Arbitration Agree-
67. The Court has moreover taken note of the fact that on 12March
1991Guinea-Bissau filed in the Registry of the Court a second Applica-
tion requesting the Court to adjudge and declare :

"What should be, on the basis of the international law of the
sea and of al1the relevant elements of the case,including the future decision of th<:Court in the case concerning the arbitral 'award'of
31 July 1989, the line (to be drawn on a map) delimiting al1 the
maritime territories appertaining respectively to Guinea-Bissau
and Senegal."

It has also taken note of the declaration made by the Agent of Senegalin
the present proceedlings, according to which one solution

"would be to niegotiatewith Senegal,which has no objection to this,
a boundary for the exclusive economic zone or, should it prove
impossible to reach an agreement, to bring the matter before the

68. Havingregard to that Application and that declaration, and at the
close of a long and difficult arbitral procedure and of these proceedings
before the Court, the Court considers it highly desirable thatthe elements
of the disputethat were not settled by the Arbitral Award of 31July 1989
be resolved as soon as possible, as both Partiesdesire.

69. For these reasons,

(1) Unanimously,
Rejectsthe submission of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau that the Arbi-

tral Award given oni3 1July 1989by the Arbitration Tribunal established
pursuant to the Agreement of 12 March 1985between the Republic of
Guinea-Bissau and the Republic of Senegal, is inexistent;
(2) Byeleven votes to four,

Rejectsthe submission of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau that the Arbi-
tral Award of 31July 1989is absolutely nul1and void;

IN FAVOUR :Preside.nt irRobertJennings; Vice-îresidentOda; JudgesLachs,
Ago,Schwebel,:Ni,Evensen,Tarassov,Guillaume,Shahabuddeen; Judge
ad hoc Mbaye.
AcArNsTJ :udges Aguilar Mawdsley, Weeramantry,Ranjeva; Judge ad hoc
(3) Bytwelve votes to three,

Rejectsthe submission of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau that the Gov-
ernment of Senegal is not justified in seeking to require the Government
of Guinea-Bissau to applythe Arbitral Award of 3 1July 1989;and, onthe
submission tothat effect ofthe Republic of Senegal, findsthat the Arbitral ARBITRAL AWARD (JUDGMENT) 76

Award of31July 1989isvalid and bindingfor the Republic of Senegal and
the Republic of Guiinea-Bissau,which have the obligation to apply it.

IN FAVOUR:PresidentSirRobert JenningsVice-PresidenOda; JudgesLachs,
Ago, Schwebel. Ni, Evensen, Tarassov, Guillaume, Shahabuddeen,
Ranjeva; Judgead hoc Mbaye.

AGAINS Ju:dgesAguilarMawdsley,Weeramantry; Judge ad hoc Thierry.

Done in French a.ndin English, the French text being authoritative, at
the Peace Palace, TineHague,this twelfth day of November, one thousand
nine hundred and niinety-one,in three copies, one of which willbe placed
in the archives of the Court and the otherstransmitted to the Government
of the Republic ofuinea-Bissau andthe Government ofthe Republic of
Senegal, respectivel,~.

(Signed) R. Y. JENNINGS,

(Signed) Eduardo VALENCIA-OSPINA,

Judge TARASSOaV nd Judge ad hocMBAYE append declarations to the
Judgment of the Coi~rt.

Vice-President OIIA,Judges LACHS,NI and SHAHABUDDEa Eppend
separate opinions to the Judgment of theCourt.

Judges ACUILAR ~MAWDSLaE nd RANJEVaA ppend a joint dissenting

opinion, and Judge WEERAMANTa Rnd Judge ad hocTHIERRY dissenting
opinions, to theJudgment of the Court.

(Initialled) R.Y.J.
(Initialled) E.V.O.

Bilingual Content










JUDGMENT OF 12 NOVEMBER 1991 Mode officiel de ci:ation
Sentence arbitdu31juill1989,
arrêt, .I.J.Rec1991p. 53

Arbitral Awardof31J1989,
Judgment,I.C.J.Repo1991p. 53

"Oàevenie: 600 1
Sales number 12NOVEMBRE 1991








1991 ANNÉE 1991
Rôle général
no82 12 novembre1991



Sentence arbitrale internationale- Requête fondée sulre paragraphe 2 de
l'article36 du Statut par laquelleilestdemandéàla Courde déclarerl'inexistence
oulanullitédelasentence - Reconnaissancepar lesdeux Partiesquel'instancene
constituepas un appel - Compétencede la Cour non contestée par ledéfendeur.
Effetspossiblesde 1'absenced'unarbitrelorsde la séanceà laquellela sentence
est lue.
Inexistence de la sentence attribuée à l'absence d'une majorité véritable

- Déclarationjointe àlasentencepar leprésidentdu Tribunaln'invalidantpasle
Nullité alléguédee la sentencepour excèsde pouvoir et défaut demotivation
- Réponse devant être apporté àela seconde questionposéeau Tribunalpar le
compromis d'arbitrage«en cas de réponsenégative))à la première question
- Absencede réponse à la seconde question- Questionde savoirsi l'absencede
réponsereposesur une motivation suffisante - Critique de la structure de la
Interprétationpar un tribunaldes dispositionsdu compromis d'arbitragerégis-
sant sa compétence - Rôle de la Courdans une instance en nullité ne consistant

pas à déterminerquelleinterprétationpourraitêtrperéférablem, aià recherchersi
le tribunala manifestement méconnulacompétencequiluiavait été donné pear le
compromis - Application des règlespertinentes d'interprétation des traités
- Sens ordinairedesmots confirmépar les travauxpréparatoires.
Moyen suivant lequelle Tribunal étaittenu de répondreaux deux questions en
toutétatdecause - Absenced'accordentrelesParties àcet égard lorsela rédac-
tiondu compromisd'arbitrage - Moyen suivant lequella réponsedu Tribunalà la
premièrequestion était partiellement négative - Interprétationde l'expression
((réponsenégative)) - La réponsedu Tribunal à la premièrequestion était une
réponsecomplèteet affirmative. INTERNATIONAL COURTOF JUSTICE

YEAR 1991 1991
12 November1991 No. 82




Internationalarbitrolaward - Applicationbased onArticle36,paragraph2,of
the Statute, requesting:Court to declare inexistenceor nullity of the award -
Recognitionby both Partiesthatproceedingsnot by wayof appeal - Jurisdiction

not disputed by Respondent.
Allegation of abusecfprocess.
Possibleeffectof absenceofarbitratorfrom meetingut whichawarddeliveredto
Inexistenceofaward'attributed tolackor fealmajority - Declarationappended
to award byPresident î?fTribunaldid not invalidatehisvote.

Nullityof award ongrounds ofexcès de pouvoirand insufficiencyof reasoning
- Second questionput to Tribunal by arbitration agreement tobe answered"In
the event of a negativeanswer" to thefirst question - No reply givento second
question - Whetherlackof replysupportedbysufficient reasoning - Criticismof
structureof award.

Interpretation by tribunalof provisionsof arbitration agreementgoverning its

competence - Roleof theCourtinnullityproceedingsnot todeterminewhatinter-
pretation might be prejerablebut to ascertainwhethertribunal actedin manifest
breach of competence conferredby arbitration agreement - Application of
relevantrulesof treaty interpretation- Ordinarymeaning ofwordsconfirmed by
Argument that Tribunal required to answer both questionsin any event -
Absence of agreementofPartiesto that effectwhenArbitrationAgreement drafted

- Argument that Triliunal'sanswer tofirst question was partially negative -
Interpretation ofexpre.ssion"negativeanswer" - Tribunal's answer tofirst ques-
tion wascompleteand affirmative answer. Dispositiondu compromisd'arbitrageprévoyantle tracéde la lignefrontièresur
unecarte- Décisiondenepasjoindre unecartesuffisamment motivé- Absence
de carte ne constituant pas, dans les circonstancesde l'espèce,une irrégularité
susceptibled'entacherd'invaliditéla sentencearbitrale.

Présents:SirRobert JENNINGS P,résident;M. ODA,Vice-Présiden; M. LACHS,
M~~y~,jugesadhoc; M.VALENCIA-OSPIN GAe,ffier.

En l'affaire relatàvla sentence arbitrale du 31juillet 1989,

la Républiquede Guinée-Bissau,

S. Exc. M. FidélisCabral de Almada, ministre d'Etatà la Présidencedu
Conseil d'Etat de la Guinée-Bissau,

comme agent;
S. Exc. M. Fali Embalo, ambassadeur de Guinée-Bissauauprès des pays du
Benelux et des Communautés européennes,
comme coagent ;

MmeMonique Chemillier-Gendreau, professeur à l'université de Paris VII,
M. Miguel Galvao Teles, avocat et ancien membre du Conseil d'Etat du
M. Keith Highet, professeur adjoint de droit internationàlla Fletcher
School of Lawand Diplomacy et membre desbarreaux de New York et du
district de Columbia,
M. Charalambos Apostolidis, maître de conférencesl'universitéde Bour-
M. Paulo Canelas de Castro, assistaàla facultéde droit de l'universitéde
M. Michael B. Froman, Harvard Law School,

comme conseils;
M. Mario Lopes, procureur généralde la République,
M. Feliciano Gomes, chef d'état-majorde la marine nationale,

comme conseillers,

la Républiquedu Sénégal,

S. Exc.M. Doudou Thiam, avocat àla Cour, ancien bâtonnier, membre de la
Commission du droitinternational,
comme agent; ProvisioninArbitraifionAgreement for drawingof boundary lineon a -ap
Decisionnot to attach rnapsuflicientlyrea-oAbsence ofrnapnot,in thecir-
cumstancesof thecase,suchan irregularityas would renderaward invalid.


Present: President Sir Robert JENNINGS; ice-PresidentODA;Judges LACHS,

In the case concerning the Arbitral Award of 31 July 1989,

the Republic of Guinea-Bissau,

represented by
H.E. Mr. FidélisCabral de Almada, Minister of State attached to the Presi-
dency of the Couincilof State of Guinea-Bissau,
as Agent;

H.E. Mr. FaliEmba.10,Ambassador of Guinea-Bissau to the Benelux coun-
tries and the European Communities,
as Co-Agent;

Mrs. Monique Chenlillier-Gendreau, Professor atthe University ofParis VII,
Mr. Miguel Galviio Teles, Advocate and former Member of the Council of
State of Portugal,
Mr. Keith Highet, Adjunct Professor of International Law at the Fletcher
School of Law and Diplomacy and Member of the Bars of New York and
the District of Columbia,
Mr. Charalambos Apostolidis, Lecturer at the University of Bourgogne,

Mr. Paulo Canelas ideCastro, Assistant Lecturer at the Law Faculty of the
University of Coiinbra,
Mr. Michael B. Fro~nan,Harvard Law School,

as Counsel;
Mr. Mario Lopes, Procurator-General of the Republic,
Mr. Feliciano Gomes, Chief of Staff of the National Navy,
as Advisers,


the Republic of Senegiil,
represented by

H.E. Mr. Doudou Tlliam, Advocate, former Bâtonnier, Member of the Inter-
national LawCon~mission,
as Agent; M. Birame Ndiaye, professeur de droit,
M. Tafsir Malick Ndiaye, professeur de droit,
comme coagents;

M. Derek W. Bowett,Q.C., Queens' College,Cambridge; professeur de droit
international, titulaire de la chaire Whewell, Universitéde Cambridge,
M. Francesco Capotorti, professeur de droit internationala l'universitéde
M. Ibou Diaite, professeur de droit,
M. Amadou Diop, conseillerjuridique a l'ambassade du Sénégaa luprèsdes
pays du Benelux,
M. Richard Meese, conseiljuridique, associédu cabinet Frere Cholmeley, a

comme conseils,

ainsi composée,

après délibéréen chambre du conseil,
rend l'arrêstuivant:

1. Le 23 août 1989,l'ambassadeur de la Républiquede Guinée-Bissauaux
Pays-Bas a déposé auGreffe de la Courune requêteintroduisant une instance
contre la Républiquedu Sénégaa lu sujet d'un différend concernantl'existence
et la validitéde la sentence arbitrale rendue le 31juillet 1989par un tribunal
arbitral constitué en vertu d'un compromis d'arbitrage conclu entre les deux
Etats le 12 mars 1985. La requête invoque,pour fonder la compétencede la
Cour, les déclarationspar lesquelles lesdeux Parties ont accepté lajuridiction
de la Cour ainsi qu'il est prévuau paragraphe 2 de I'article 36 du Statut de la

2. En application du paragraphe 2 de I'article 40 du Statut, la requête aété
immédiatement communiquéepar le Greffier à la République du Sénégal;
conformémentau paragraphe 3 du mêmearticle, tous les autres Etats admis a
ester devant la Cour ont été informédse cette requête.
3. Par ordonnance du le' novembre 1989,la Cour a fixéles délaispour le
dépôt despiècesde la procédureécrite(mémoirede laGuinée-Bissauetcontre-
mémoiredu Sénégal).
4. La Cour comptant à l'époquesur le siègeun juge de nationalité sénéga-
laise, M. Kéba Mbaye,Vice-Présidentde la Cour, mais ne comptantaucun juge
de la nationalité de la Guinée-Bissau,le Gouvernement de la Guinée-Bissau,
dans l'exercicedu droit que lui confère leparagraphe 2 de I'article31du Statut
de la Cour, a désignM. Hubert Thierry pour siégeren qualitédejuge adhocen
5. Le 18janvier 1990,le Gouvernement de la Guinée-Bissau a déposé au
Greffe de la Cour une demande en indication de mesures conservatoires, en
vertu de I'article41du Statut de la Cour et de I'article 74deson Règlement.Par
ordonnance du 2 mars 1990,la Cour, après avoirentendu les Parties, a rejeté
cette demande.

6. Le mémoire et le contre-mémoire ayant étédûment déposésdans les
délais fixéspar la Cour, l'affaire s'esttrouvéeen état conformémentau para-
graphe I de I'article 54du Règlement. Mr. Birame Ndiaye, Professor of Law,
Mr. Tafsir Malick Ndiaye, Professor of Law,
as Co-Agents;

Mr. Derek W.Bowett,Q.C.,Queens' College,Cambridge; WhewellProfessor
of International Law, University of Cambridge,
Mr. Francesco Calpotorti, Professor of International Law, University of
Mr. Ibou Diaite, Professor of Law,
Mr. Amadou Diop, Legal Adviser, Embassy of Senegalto the Benelux coun-
Mr. Richard Meese, LegalAdviser, partner in Frere Cholmeley, Paris,

as Counsel,

composed as above,

after deliberation,
deliversthefollowing Judgment:

1. On 23 August 1989the Ambassador of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau to
the Netherlands filed in the Registry of the Court an Application instituting
proceedings against the Republic of Senegal in respect of a dispute concerning
the existence and validity of the Arbitral Award delivered on 31July 1989by an
arbitrationtribunal established pursuant toan Arbitration Agreement between
the two States dated 112March 1985.In order to found the jurisdiction of the
Court the Application relied on the declarations made by the two Parties

accepting the jurisdiction of the Court as provided for in Article 36, para-
graph 2, of the Statute:of the Court.
2. Pursuant to Article 40, paragraph 2, of the Statute, the Application was
comrnunicated forthwith by the Registrar to the Republic of Senegal; in
accordance with parajyraph 3 of that Article, al1other States entitled to appear
before the Court were:notified of the Application.
3. By an Order dated 1 November 1989the Court fixed time-limits for the
written proceedings (Memorial of Guinea-Bissau and Counter-Memorial of
4. Since the Court at that time included upon the Bench a judge of Sen-
egalese nationality, Jiidge Kéba Mbaye, Vice-President of the Court, but did
not include a judge of the nationality of Guinea-Bissau, the Government of
Guinea-Bissau, in exercise of its right under Article 31, paragraph 2, of the
Statute of the Court, chose Mr. Hubert Thierry to sit as judge ad hoc in the
5. On 18January 1990the Government of Guinea-Bissau filed in the Regis-

try of the Court a reqiiest, on the basis of Article 41 of the Statute of the Court
and Article 74of the P.ulesof Court, fortheindication of provisional measures.
Byan Order dated 2 March 1990,the Court, afterhearingthe Parties, dismissed
that request.
6. The Memorial and Counter-Memorial having been duly filed within the
time-limits fixed by the Court,the casebecame readyforhearing in accordance
with Article 54, paragraph 1,of the Rules of Court. 7. Le 5 février 1991, le mandat de M. Mbaye a pris fin conformément au
Statut. Le Gouvernement du Sénégalétait désormaisen droit, en vertu du para-
graphe 3 de l'article 31du Statut de la Cour, de désignerune personne de son
choix pour siégeren l'espèceen qualitéde juge ad hoc,et a désignéM. Mbaye.
8. Au cours d'audiences publiques tenues du 3 au 11avril 1991,la Cour a
entendu les exposésoraux qu'ont prononcés devant elle :

Pourla Républiquede Guinée-Bissau: S. Exc. M.FidélisCabral de Almada,
MmeMonique Chemillier-Gendreau,
M. Miguel Galvao Teles,
M. Keith Highet.
Pour la République du Sénégal: S. Exc. M. Doudou Thiam,
M. Derek W.Bowett,Q.C.,

M. Francesco Capotorti.
Au cours des audiences, des questions ont été poséea sux deux Parties par des
membres de la Cour; des réponses écritesont été déposéeasu Greffe, confor-

mémentau paragraphe 4 de l'article 61 du Règlement.
9. Durant les audiences, l'agent de la Guinée-Bissau a demandé àla Cour
d'autoriser la citation, en qualité de témoin ou de témoin-expert, d'une
personne dont le nom figurait déjà, en qualité de conseiller, sur la liste des
représentants de cet Etat fournie par lui à la Cour; l'agent du Sénégal, se
fondant notamment sur I'article 57 du Règlement, y a fait objection. Après
examen, la Cour a décidéqu'il n'y avait pas lieu d'accéder à la demande de la

10. Au cours de la procédure écrite,les conclusions ci-après ont été présen-
téespar les Parties:

Au nom de la Républiquede Guinée-Bissau,
dans le mémoire :

«Le Gouvernement de la Guinée-Bissau par les motifs ci-dessus
exposés, et par tous les autres les complétant ou amendant qu'elle se
réservede produire et développerdurant la suite de la procédure écrite et
orale, prie respectueusement laCour de dire etjuger:

- que la prétendue ({sentence» du 31juillet 1989 est frappée d'inexis-
tence par le fait que, des deux arbitres ayant constitué en apparence
une majoritéen faveur du texte de la «sentence »,l'un a, par une décla-
ration annexe, exprimé une opinion en contradiction avec celle appa-
- subsidiairement, que cette prétendue décision est frappée de nullité
absolue, le Tribunal ayant négligéde répondre à la seconde question
poséepar le compromis d'arbitrage, alors que saréponse àla première
question ouvrait la nécessitéd'une réponseàla seconde, ne s'étantpas
conforméaux dispositions du compromis arbitral par lesquelles il était
demandé au Tribunal de décidersur la délimitation de l'ensemble des
espaces maritimes, de le faire par une ligne unique et d'en porter le
tracé sur une carte et n'ayant pas motivé lesrestrictions ainsi abusive-
ment apportées à sacompétence; 7. On 5 February 1991the term of office of Judge Mbaye came to an end in
accordance with the Statute. The Govemment of Senegal thereupon became
entitled, under Article 31, paragraph 3, of the Statute of the Court, to choose a
judge ad hocto sit in )thecase, and chose Judge Mbaye.
8. At public hearings held between 3and II April 1991,the Court heard oral
arguments addressed to it by the following :

Forthe Republicof Guinea-Bissau: H.E.Mr. FidélisCabral de Almada,
Mrs. Monique Chemillier-Gendreau,
Mr. Miguel Galvao Teles,
Mr. Keith Highet.

FortheRepublicof Senegal: H.E. Mr. Doudou Thiam,
Mr.Derek W. Bowett,Q.C.,
Mr. Francesco Capotorti.

In the course of the hiearings, questions were put to both Parties by Members
of the Court; replies in writing were filed in the Registry in accordance with
Article 61, paragraph 4, of the Rules of Court.
9. During the hearings, the Agent of Guinea-Bissau requested the Court to
authorize the calling, as a witness or expert witness of a person already
included, as an adviser, in the listof those representing that Statefurnished by it
to the Court; the Agent of Senegal, on the basis, interalia,of Article 57of the
Rules of Court, objected to this being done. After consideration, the Court
decided that it would not be appropriate to accede to the request of Guinea-

10. In the course of the written proceedings, the followingsubmissions were
presented by the Partiies :

On behalfof theReputblicof Guinea-Bissau,
in the Memorial :

"For the reasons set forth above, and for any other reasons adding to
or amending thein which it reserves the right to submit and elaborate on
during the subsequent written and oral proceedings, the Govemment of
Guinea-Bissau respectfully asks the Court to adjudge and declare :

- thatthe so-called'award' of 31July 1989isinexistentin view ofthe fact
that one of the two arbitrators making up the appearance of a majority
in favour of the text of the 'award',has,by adeclaration appended to it,
expressed a view in contradiction with the one apparent& adopted by
the vote;
- subsidiarily, that that so-called decision is absolutely nul1and void, as
the Tribunal failed to reply to the second question raised by the Arbi-
tration Agreement, whereas its reply to the first question implied a need
for a reply tobe given to the second,as it did not comply with the provi-
sions of the Arbitration Agreement by which the Tribunal was asked to
decide on the delimitation of the maritime areas as a whole, to do so by
a single line aindto record that line on a map, and as it has not given the
reasons for the restrictions thus improperly placed upon its jurisdic-
tion: - que c'estdonc à tortque le Gouvernement du Sénégap lrétend imposer
à celui de la Guinée-Bissau l'applicationde la prétenduesentence du
31juillet 1989))

Aunomde la Républiqud euSénégal,

dans le contre-mémoire :

«Au vu desfaits et argumentsexposésci-dessus, le Gouvernement de la
Républiquedu Sénégap lrie la Cour de :
1. Rejeter les conclusions du Gouvernement de la République de
Guinée-Bissautendant à faire établirl'inexistence et,subsidiairement, la
nullitéde la sentence arbitrale du 31juillet 1989;
2. Dire et juger que cette sentence arbitrale est valable et obligatoire

pour la République du Sénégal etla République de Guinée-Bissau, qui
sonttenues de l'appliquer. ))
11. Au terme de son dernier exposé oral,chacunedes Parties a présenté des

conclusions identiques à celles qui figuraient respectivement dans le mémoire
et le contre-mémoire.

12. Les événements quiont conduit à la présente instancesont les suivants :
le 26 avril 1960,un accord a été conclu,par échangede lettres, entre la France,
en son nom propre et au nom de la communauté,et le Portugal, en vuede défi-
nir la frontière maritime entre la République du Sénégal (qui à cette époque
était unEtatautonome de la communauté)etla provinceportugaise de Guinée.
Dans sa lettre, la France proposait notamment ce qui suit:

«Jusqu'à la limite extérieure des mers territoriales, la frontière serait
définiepar une ligne droite, orientéeà 240degrés,partant du point d'inter-
section du prolongement de la frontière terrestre et de la laisse de basse
mer, représenté à cet effet par le phare du cap Roxo.
En ce qui concerne les zones contiguës et le plateau continental, la déli-

mitation serait constituée par le prolongement rectiligne, dans la même
direction, de la frontière des mers territoriale))
La lettre du Portugal marquait I'accordde ce dernier sur cette proposition.

13. Après l'accessiondu Sénégal ed t e la Guinée-Bissau à l'indépendance,
un différends'estélevé entre les deux Etats au sujet de la délimitation deleurs
espaces maritimes. A partir de 1977, ce différend a faitl'objet entre eux de
négociationsau cours desquelles le Sénégaa l soutenu notamment que la ligne
définie dans l'accord de 1960 avait été valablement acquise, alorsque la
Guinée-Bissau a contesté lavalidité de I'accord etl'opposabilitéde celui-ci à la
Guinée-Bissau et a insistépour que les espaces maritimes en cause soient déli-
mitésen faisant abstraction de cet accord.
14. Le12mars 1985,les Parties ont conclu un compromis d'arbitrage en vue
de soumettre le différend à un tribunal arbitral. Lesdispositions du compromis

présentantde l'intérêptour lesquestions dont la Cour est saisie selisent comme
«LeGouvernement de la Républiquedu Sénégae lt leGouvernement de

la Républiquede Guinée-Bissau, - that the Government of Senegal is thus not justified in seeking to
require the Glovernment of Guinea-Bissau to apply the so-called award
of 31July 1989."

Onbehalfof the Republicof Senegal,

in the Counter-Mernorial :
"Considering the facts and argumentsstated above, the Government of
the Republic of lSenegalrequests the Court to :

1. Reject the Submissions of the Government of the Republic of
Guinea-Bissau dlirected at establishing the inexistence and, subsidiarily,
the nullity of the Arbitral Award of 3 1July 1989.
2. Adjudge and declare that the said Arbitral Award is valid and bind-
ing for the Repu'blicof Senegal and the Republic of Guinea-Bissau, which
have the obligation to apply it."

11. At the conclus,ion of its last oral statement, each Party presented sub-
missions identical ta those contained respectively in the Memorial and the

12. The events leading up to the present proceedings are as follows. On
26 April 1960 an Ag,reement by exchange of letters was concluded between
France, on its own behalf and that of the Communauté,and Portugal for the
purpose of defining ithemaritime boundary between the Republic of Senegal
(atthat time an autonomous Statewithin the Communauté)and the Portuguese
Province of Guinea. 'i'heletter of France proposed (interalia)as follows :

"As far as the outer limit of the territorial sea, theboundary shall consist
of a straight line drawn at240' from the intersection of the prolongation of
the land frontier and the low-water mark, represented for that purpose by
the Cape Roxo lighthouse.
As regards the contiguous zones and the continental shelf, the delimita-
tion shall be constituted by the prolongation in a straight line, in the same
direction, of the boundary of the territorial seas."

The letter of Portugal expressed its agreement to this proposal.
13. After the accession toindependence of Senegal and Guinea-Bissau a dis-
pute arose between them concerning the delimitation of their maritime areas.
This dispute was the subject of negotiations between them from 1977onward,
in the course of which Senegal asserted, interalia,that the line defined in the
1960 Agreement had been validly established, while Guinea-Bissau disputed
the validity of that Agreement and its opposability to Guinea-Bissau, and
insisted that the mariitime areas in question be delimited without reference to
the Agreement.

14. On 12 March 11985the Parties concluded an Arbitration Agreement for
submission of that dispute to an arbitration tribunal; the terms of the Agree-
ment, so far as relevaintto the questions now before the Court, were as follows :

"The Governrnent of the Republic of Senegal and the Government of
the Republic of Guinea-Bissau, Reconnaissant qu'ils n'ontpu résoudrepar voie de négociationdiplo-
matique le différendrelatif à la déterminationde leur frontière maritime,

Désirant, étantdonnéleurs relations amicales, parvenir au règlementde
ce différenddans lesmeilleursdélais,et à cet effetayant décidéde recourir
a un arbitrage,

Sont convenus de ce qui suit:

Article premier

1. Le Tribunal arbitral (ci-dessous appeléle Tribunal) sera composéde
trois membres désignésde la manière suivante :
Chaque Partie nommera un arbitre de son choix;
Le troisième arbitre qui fera fonction de président du Tribunal sera
nomméd'un commun accord, par les deux Parties; ou à défaut, cechoix
sera effectuéd'un commun accord, par les deux arbitres, après consulta-
tion des deux Parties.

3. ...

Il est demandé au Tribunal de statuer conformément aux normes du
droit international sur les questions suivantes:

1. L'accord conclupar un échangede lettres, le 26avril 1960,et relatif à
la frontière en mer, fait-il droit dans les relations entre la République de
Guinée-Bissauet la Républiquedu Sénégal?

2. En cas de réponsenégativeàla première question, quel est letracéde
la ligne délimitantles territoires maritimes qui relèvent respectivementde
la Républiquede Guinée-Bissau etde la Républiquedu Sénégal?

Article 4

1. Le Tribunal ne pourra statuer que s'ilest au complet.
2. Les décisionsdu Tribunal relatives àtoutes questions de fond ou de
procédure, y compris toutes les questions concernant la compétence du
Tribunal et l'interprétationdu compromis, seront prises à la majoritéde
ses membres.

Article 9

1. Quand lesprocédures devantle Tribunal auront pris fin, celui-cifera
connaître aux deux gouvernements sa décisionquant aux questions énon-
cées à l'article 2 du présent compromis.
2. Cette décisiondoit comprendre le tracéde la ligne frontièresur une
carte.A cette fin, le Tribunal sera habilitéa désigner un oudes experts
techniques pour l'assisterdans la préparationde cette carte.
3. La décision sera pleinementmotivée.

Recognizing tlhatthey have been unable to settle by means of diplomatic
negotiation the dispute relating to the detemination of their maritime
Desirous, in view of their friendly relations, to reach a settlement of that

dispute as soon as possible and, to that end, having decided to resort to
Have agreed aefollows

Article 1

1. The Arbitration Tribunal (hereinafter called "the Tribunal") shall
consist of three ~nembersdesignated in the following manner :

Each Party shall appoint one arbitrator of its choice;
The third arb:itrator, who shall function as President of the Tribunal,
shall be appointed by mutual agreement of the two Parties or, in the
absence of such agreement, by agreement of the two arbitratorsafter con-
sultation with the two Parties.
2. ...
3. ...


The Tribunal is requested to decide in accordance with the noms of
international lavron the followingquestions :
1. Does the Agreement concluded by an exchange of letters on 26 April
1960,and which relates to the maritime boundary, have the force of law in
the relations between the Republic of Guinea-Bissau and the Republic of

2. In the everit of a negative answer to the first question, what is the
course of the line delimiting the maritime territories appertaining to the
Republic of Guiinea-Bissauand the Republic of Senegal respectively ?

Article 4

1. The Tribunal shall take its decisions only in its full composition.
2. The decisions of theTribunal relating to al1auestions of substance or
procedure, incluldingal1questions relatingto the iurisdiction of the Tribu-
nal and the interpretation of the Agreement, shallbe taken by a majority of
its members.

Article 9

1. Upon comlpletion of the proceedings before it, the Tribunal shall
infom the two Governments of its decision regarding the questions set
forth in Article 2.of the present Agreement.
2. That decision shall include the drawing of the boundary line on a
map. To that end, the Tribunal shallbe empowered to appointone or more
technical experts to assist it in the preparation ofuch map.
3. The Award shall state in full the reasons on which it is based.
4. ... Article 10

1. La sentence arbitrale sera revêtuede la signature du président du
Tribunal et du greffier.Celui-ci remettra une copie conforme établie dans
les deux langues aux agents des deux Parties.
2. La sentence sera définitive et obligatoire pour les deux Etats qui
seront tenus de prendre toutes les mesures que comporte son exécution.
3. ...

Article 11

1. Aucune activité des Parties pendant la durée de la procédure ne
pourra être considérée comme préjugeantde leur souveraineté dans la
zone objet du compromis d'arbitrage.
2. ...

Fait endouble exemplaire àDakar, le 12mars 1985,en languesfrançaise
et portugaise, les deux textes faisant également foi.))

15. Un tribunal arbitral a étédûment constitué en vertu du compromis,
M. Mohammed Bedjaoui et M. André Gros ayant successivement étédésignés
comme arbitres et M. Julio A. Barberis comme président. Le 31juillet 1989le
Tribunal a rendu la sentence dont l'existence et la validitéont été contestées
dans laprésente instance. Selonses propres termes, cette sentenceaétéadoptée
par deux voix, celle du président du Tribunal et celle de M. Gros, contre une,
celle de M. Bedjaoui.
16. Aux fins du présent arrêt,les conclusions du Tribunal peuvent se résu-
mer comme suit: leTribunal aestiméque l'accord de 1960étaitvalableet oppo-
sable au Sénégalet àla Guinée-Bissau (sentence, par. 80); que l'accord devait
être interprétéà la lumière du droit en vigueur à la date de sa conclusion (ibid.,
par. 85); que

«l'accord de 1960ne délimitepas les espaces maritimes qui n'existaient
pas à cette date, qu'on les appelle zone économique exclusive, zone de
pêche ouautrement ..»;

mais que

«la mer territoriale, la zone contiguë et le plateau continental ...sont
expressément mentionnésdans l'accord de 1960et elles existaient àl'épo-
que desa conclusion » (ibid.).
Le Tribunal a poursuivi :

«En cequiconcerne le plateau continental, la question desavoirjusqu'à
quel point la ligne frontière se prolonge peut se poser aujourd'hui, étant
donné l'évolution accomplie par la définition du concept de ((plateau
continental)). En 1960deux critères servaient à déterminer l'étenduedu
plateau continental :celui de la ligne bathymétrique de 200 mètreset celui
de l'exploitabilité. Ce dernier impliquait une conception dynamique du
plateau continental, puisque sa limite extérieure était fonctiondu dévelop-
pement de la technologie et, par conséquent, susceptible de se déplacerde
plus en plus vers le large. En vertu du fait que le «plateau continental

existait dans le droit international en vigueur en 1960et que la définition
du concept d'un tel espace maritime comportait alors le critèredynamique Article IO
1. The Arbitral Award shall be signed by the President of the Tribunal
and bythe Registrar.The latter shall hand to the Agents ofthe two Parties a
certified copy in1the two languages.
2. The Award shallbe final and binding upon the two States which shall
be under a duty to take al1necessary steps for its implementation.


1. No activityof the Parties during the course ofthe proceedings maybe
deemed to prejutige their sovereignty overthe areas the subject of the Arbi-
tration Agreement.
2. ...
Done in duplicate in Dakar, on 12March 1985,in the French and Portu-

guese languages, both texts being equally authentic."
15. An Arbitration Tribunal was duly constituted under the Agreement, by
the appointment first of Mr. Mohammed Bedjaoui and then of Mr. André
Gros, Arbitrators, and of Mr. Julio A. Barberis, President. On 31July 1989the
Tribunal pronounced. the Award the existence and validity of which havebeen
challenged in the present proceedings. According to this Award it was adopted
by the votes of the President of the Tribunal and Mr. Gros, over the negative
vote of Mr. Bedjaoui.
16. The findings of the Tribunal may for the purposes of the present judg-
ment be summarized as follows. The Tribunal concluded that the 1960Agree-
ment wasvalid and cciuldbe opposed to Senegalandto Guinea-Bissau (Award,
para. 80); that it had to be interpreted in the light of the law in force at the date
of its conclusion (ibid:,para. 85); that

"the 1960Agreement does not delimit those maritime spaces which did not
existat that date, whether they be termed exclusiveeconomic zone, fishery
zone or whatever . . .",

but that

"the territorial sea, the contiguous zone and the continental shelf ... are
expressly mentioinedin the 1960Agreement and they existed at the time of
its conclusion" (i,bid.).
The Tribunal went on to say that:

"As regards th,econtinental shelf, the question of detennining how far
the boundary line extends can arise today, in view of the evolution of the
definition of the concept of 'continental shelf. In 1960,two criteria served
to determine the extent of the continental shelf: that of the 200-metre
bathymetric line and that of exploitability. The latter criterion involved
a dynamic conception of the continental shelf, since the outer limit would
depend on technological developments and could consequently move fur-
ther and further to seaward. In viewof the fact that the 'continental shelf'
existed in the international law in force in 1960,and that the definition of
the concept of that maritime space then included the dynamic criterion
indicated, it may be concluded that the Franco-Portuguese Agreement indiqué, on peut conclure que l'accord franco-portugais délimite le
plateau continental entre les Parties dans toute l'étenduede la définition
actuelle de cet espace maritime. » (Sentence, par. 85.)

17. Le Tribunal a ensuite expliqué :

«En tenant comptedes conclusions ci-dessus auxquelles le Tribunal est
parvenu et du libelléde l'article 2 du compromis arbitral, la deuxième
question, de l'avisdu Tribunal, n'appelle pas une réponsedesa part.
Au surplus, le Tribunal n'a pas jugé utile,étantdonné sa décision,de
joindre une cartecomprenant letracédela lignefrontière.»(Zbid.,par. 87.)

18. Le dispositif de la sentence était ainsi libellé:

«Vu les motifs qui ont été exposésl,e Tribunal décidepar deux voix
contre une :

De répondreàlapremière question formuléedans l'article 2du compro-
mis arbitral de la façon suivant:l'accord conclu par un échangede lettres,
le 26 avril 1960,et relatif à la frontièreen mer, fait droit dans les relations
entre la Républiquede Guinée-Bissau et la Républiquedu Sénégal ence
qui concerne lesseuleszones mentionnéesdans cet accord, à savoirla mer
territoriale, la zone contiguë et le plateau continental. La «ligne droite
orientée à240"» est une ligne loxodromique. » (Par. 88.)

19. M. Barberis, présidentdu Tribunal, ajoint une déclarationàla sentence,
et M. Bedjaoui, qui a votécontre cette sentence, y a joint une opinion dissi-
dente. La déclarationde M. Barberis était ainsiconçue :

«J'estime que la réponsedonnéepar le Tribunal à la première question
posée par le compromis arbitral aurait pu être plusprécise. En effet,
j'aurais répondu à cette question de la façon suivante:

«L'accord conclu par un échangede lettres, le26avril 1960,et relatif
à la frontièreen mer, fait droit dans les relations entre la Républiquede
Guinée-Bissauet la Républiquedu Sénégal ence qui concerne la mer
territoriale, lazone contiguë et le plateau continental, mais il ne fait pas
droit quant aux eaux de la zone économiqueexclusive ou à la zone de

pêche.La «ligne droite orientée à 240"» viséedans l'accord du 26avril
1960est une ligne loxodromique. »

Cette réponsepartiellement affirmative et partiellement négative est,à

mon avis, la description exacte de la situation juridique existant entre les
Parties. Comme la Guinée-Bissau l'a suggéréau cours de cet arbitrage
(réplique,p. 248), cette réponse aurait habilitéle Tribunal à traiter dans
la sentence la deuxième question poséepar le compromis arbitral. La
réponsepartiellement négative à la première question aurait attribué au
Tribunal une compétencepartielle pour répondre à la deuxième, c'est-
à-dire pour le faire dansla mesure où la réponseà lapremière question eût
Dans ce cas, le Tribunal aurait été compétenptour délimiterleseaux de ARBITRALAWARD (JUDGMENT) 60

delimits the continental shelf between the Parties over the whole extent of
that maritime space as defined at present." (Award, para. 85.)

17. The Tribunal t.henexplainedthat

"Bearing in mind the above conclusionsreached bythe Tribunal andthe
wording of Article 2 of the Arbitration Agreement, in the opinion of the
Tribunal it is not called upon to reply to the second question.
Furthermore, in view of its decision, the Tribunal considered that there
was no need to append a map showing the course of the boundary line."
(Zbid.,para. 87.)

18. The operative clause of the Award was as follows:

"For the reasolnsstated above, the Tribunal decidesby two votes to one:

To reply as fa~llowsto the first question formulated in Article 2 of the
Arbitration Agrelement :The Agreement concluded by an exchange of let-
ters of 26April 1960,and relating to the maritime boundary, hasthe force
of law iii the relations between the Republic of Guinea-Bissau and the

Republic of Seriegal with regard solely to the areas mentioned in that
Agreement, namely the territorial sea, the contiguous zone and the con-
tinental shelf. The 'straight line drawn at 240"' is a loxodromic line."
(Para. 88.)

19. Mr. Barberis, 1)residentof the Arbitration Tribunal, appended a declar-
ation to the Award, and Mr. Bedjaoui, who had voted against the Award,
appended a dissenting opinion. The declaration of President Barberis read as
follows :

"1feelthat the reply given bytheTribunal to the first question put by the
Arbitration Agreement could havebeen more precise. 1would have replied
to that question as follows:
'TheAgreement concluded by an exchange of letters of 26April1960,

and relating to the maritime boundary, has the force of law in the rela-
tions between the Republic of Guinea-Bissau and the Republic of Sen-
egal with respect to the territorial sea, the contiguous zone and the
continental shelf,but does not have the force of law with respect to the
waters of the exclusive economic zone or the fisheryzone. The "straight
line drawn at :240° " mentioned in the Agreement of 26 April 1960is a
loxodromic lirie.'

This partially affirmative and partially negative reply is,in my view,the
exact description.of the legal position existingbetween the Parties. Assug-
gested by Guine,a-Bissau in the course of the present arbitration (Reply,
p. 248), this repl:ywould have enabled the Tribunal to deal in its Award
with the second question put by the Arbitration Agreement. The partially
negative replyto the first question would have conferred on theTribunal a
partialcompeten,ce to reply to the second, Le.,to dosoto the extent that the
reply to the first question would have been negative.

In that case, the Tribunal would have been competent to delimit the la zone économiqueexclusive*ou lazone de pêcheentre lesdeux pays. De
cette façon, le Tribunal aurait pu trancher le différend d'une manière
complète car,en vertu de la réponseàla premièrequestion du compromis

arbitral, il aurait déterminéla limite pour la mer territoriale, la zone
contiguë et le plateau continental, comme la sentence vient de le faire, et,
moyennant la réponse à la deuxième question,le Tribunal aurait pu déter-
miner la limite pour les eaux de la zone économiqueexclusive ou la zone
de pêche,limite qui aurait pu ou non coïncider avec la ligne établiepar
l'accord de 1960.

*Je meréfère aux«eaux » de la zone économiqueexclusiveetje crois néces-
le plateau continentalcomme,par exemple,àal'artic56ede la conventiondeussi
MontegoBayde 1982.»

20. Dans sonopinion dissidente, M. Bedjaoui s'est référ éla déclaration de
M. Barberis, laquelle,selon lui,

«montre combien la sentence est incomplète etnon conforme a la lettre et
à l'esprit du compromis quant à la ligne unique voulue par les Parties.
Emanant du président du Tribunal lui-même, cette déclaration,par son
existence autant que par son contenu, justifie de s'interroger plus fonda-
mentalement sur l'existence d'une majoritéet la réalitéde la sentence.»
(Par. 16.)
21. Le Tribunal a tenu une séance publique le 31 juillet 1989pour rendre
sa sentence; M. Barberis, président, et M. Bedjaoui, arbitre, y étaient pré-

sents, mais non M. Gros. A cette séance, après le prononcé,le représentant
de la Guinée-Bissau a déclaré qu'enattendant une lecture complète des docu-
ments et la consultation de son gouvernement, il réservaitla position de la
Guinée-Bissau quant à I'applicabilitéet à la validitéde la sentence, qui ne
répondait pas, selon lui, aux exigences poséesd'un commun accord par les
deux Parties. Alasuite de contacts entre lesgouvernements des Parties au cours
desquels la Guinée-Bissauaexposélesmotifsqu'elle avaitde ne pas accepter la
sentence, leGouvernement de la Guinée-Bissau a introduit la présente instance
devant la Cour.

22. La Cour examinera d'abord la question de sa compétence. Dans sa

requête,la Guinée-Bissau fonde la compétence de la Cour sur les «décla-
rations par lesquelles la République de Guinée-Bissau et la République
du Sénégalont accepté respectivement la juridiction de la Cour dans les
conditionsprévues a l'articl36,paragraphe 2,du Statut »de laCour. Ces
déclarations ont étédéposéesauprèsdu Secrétaire généralde l'Organisa-
tion des Nations Unies, le 2 décembre 1985 dans le cas du Sénégalet le
7 août 1989dans le cas de la Guinée-Bissau. Ladéclaration de laGuinée-

Bissau ne contenait pas de réserves. La déclaration du Sénégal,qui
remplaçait une déclaration antérieure du 3mai 1985,disposait que

«le Sénégalpeut renoncer à la compétence de la Courau sujet:
- des différends pour lesquels les parties seraient convenues
d'avoirrecours àun autre mode de règlement; waters ofthe exclusiveeconomic zone* orthe fishery zone between the two
countries. The 'Tribunalthus could have settled the whole of the dispute,
because, by virtue of the reply to the first question of the Arbitration
Agreement, it v~ouldhave determined the boundaries for the territorial
sea, the contiguous zone and the continental shelf, as the Award has just

done and, by itljanswer to the second question, the Tribunal could have
determined the boundary forthe waters of the exclusive economiczone or
the fisheryzone,a boundary which mightor might not have coincided with
the line drawn by the 1960Agreement.
* 1refertothe 'waters'oftheexclusiveeconomiczone and 1thinkitnecessary
to beas specificsthis,becauseit sometimes occursthat the notionofthis zone
coversalsothecontinentalshelfas,forxample,inArticle56 ofthe1982 Montego

20. In his dissentiingopinion, Mr. Bedjaoui referred to the declaration by
President Barberis, vvhich,he said,
"shows to what an extent the Award is incomplete and inconsistent with
the letter and spirit of the Arbitration Agreement with regard to the single
line desired by the Parties. Since it emanates from the President of the

Tribunal himself, that Declaration, by its very existence as well as by
its contents, justifies more fundamental doubts as to the existence of a
majority and the reality of the Award." (Para. 1.)
21. A public sitting of the Tribunal was held on 31 July 1989for delivery of
the Award, at which President Barberis and Mr. Bedjaoui were present, but not
Mr. Gros. At that sitting, afterthe Award had been delivered, the representative
of Guinea-Bissau inldicatedthat, pending full reading of the documents and
consultation with hi!;Govemment, he resewed the position of Guinea-Bissau
regarding the applicability and validity of the Award, as he alleged that it did
not satisfy the requirements laid down by agreement between the two Parties.
After contacts between the Governments of the two Parties, in which Guinea-
Bissau indicated its seasons for not accepting the Award, the present proceed-

ings were brought before the Court by Guinea-Bissau.

22. The Court will first consider its jurisdiction. In its Application,
Guinea-Bissau fourids the jurisdiction of the Court on "the Declarations
by which the Repuiblic of Guinea-Bissau and the Republic of Senegal
have respectively accepted the jurisdiction of theCourt under the condi-

tions set forth in Axticle 36, paragraph 2, of the Statute" of the Court.
These declarations were deposited with the Secretary-General of the
United Nations, in the case of Senegal on 2 December 1985, and in the
case of Guinea-Bissau on 7 August 1989. Guinea-Bissau's declaration
contained no reservation; Senegal's declaration, which replaced a previ-
ous declaration of 3 May 1985,providedthat

"Senegal ma.y reject the Court's competence in respect of:
- Disputes in regard to which the parties have agreed to have

recourse to some othermethod ofsettlement ; - desdifférendsrelatifsà desquestionsqui,d'après ledroitinterna-
tional, relèventdelacompétenceexclusivedu Sénégal ».
Cette déclaration précisaitaussiqu'elleest applicable seulementà «tous
lesdifférendsd'ordrejuridique néspostérieurement à laprésentedéclara-
23. Le Sénégaa l fait observer que sila Guinée-Bissaudevaitcontester
la décision du Tribunal arbitral quant au fond, elle soulèveraitlà une

question qui, aux termes de la déclaration du Sénégale ,st exclue de la
compétencede la Cour. En effet, selon le Sénégall,e différendrelatif la
délimitation maritime a fait l'objet du compromisd'arbitrage du12mars
1985 et rentre par suite dans la catégoriedes différendspour lesquels les
Parties sont convenuesd'avoir recours à un autre mode de règlement».
En outre, de l'avis du Sénégal,ce différendest néavant le 2 décembre
1985, date àlaquellel'acceptation par le Sénégadle lajuridiction obliga-
toire de la Cour a pris effet, et se trouve ainsi exclu de la catégorie des
différends néspostérieurement à cettedéclaration.
24. Toutefois, les Parties ont reconnu qu'ily avait lieu de distinguer le
différendde fond qui les oppose relativement àla délimitationmaritime,
de celui qui concerne la sentence rendue par le Tribunal, et que seul ce
dernier différend,qui est népostérieurement àla déclarationdu Sénégal,

fait l'objet de la présente instance devant la Cour. La Guinée-Bissaua
aussi adoptélaposition,acceptéepar leSénégal,selonlaquellelaprésente
instance ne doit pas être considéréecomme un appel de la sentence ou
commeune demande en revision de celle-ci.Ainsi, lesParties reconnais-
sentqu'aucun aspect du différenddefond relatif à ladélimitationn'esten
cause. Surcette base, le Sénéganl 'a pas contestéque laCour est compé-
tente pour connaître de la requêteenvertudu paragraphe 2de l'article36
du Statut. Dans lescirconstances de l'espèce,laCour considèresacompé-
tence comme établie.
25. A cet égard, laCour soulignera que, comme les deux Parties en
sont convenues,la présente instance constitue une action en inexistence
et en nullité de la sentence rendue par le Tribunal, et non un appel
de ladite sentence ou une demande en revision de celle-ci. Comme

la Cour a eu l'occasion de le relever à propos du grief en nullité pré-
sentédans l'affaire de la Sentence arbitralerendue par leroi d'Espagne
la sentence n'étant pas susceptible d'appel, elle [la Cour] ne peut
entreprendre l'examendesobjections soulevéespar le Nicaragua àla
validitéde la sentence comme le ferait une cour d'appel. La Cour
n'estpas appeléeà dire sil'arbitre abien ou maljugé. Cesconsidéra-

tions et celles qui s'yrattachent sont sans pertinence pour les fonc-
tions que laCour estchargéederemplir dans laprésenteprocédureet
qui sont de dire s'il est prouvéque la sentence est nulle et de nul
effet. (C.I.J. Recueil1960,p. 14.) ARBITRALAWARD (JUDGMENT) 62

- Disputes withregard to questionswhich, under international law,
fa11exclusivelywithinthejurisdiction ofSenegal."
That declaration w,asalsoexpressedasbeing applicable solelyto "al1legal
disputes arising after the present declaration..."

23. Senegalobserved that if Guinea-Bissauwere to challenge the deci-
sion of the Arbitration Tribunal on the merits, it would be raising a ques-
tion excluded frorn the Court's jurisdiction by the terms of Senegal's
declaration. According to Senegal, the dispute concerning the maritime
delimitation was the subject of the Arbitration Agreement of 12 March
1985and consequ<:ntlyfell into the category of disputes "in regard to
which the parties have agreed to have recourse to some other method of
settlement". Furthermore, in the view of Senegal, that dispute arose
before 2 December 1985,the date on which Senegal's acceptance of the
compulsory jurisdiction of the Court became effective, and is thus
excluded from the category of disputes "arising after" that declaration.
24. However, the Parties were agreed that there was a distinction
between the substantive dispute relating to maritimedelimitation, and the
dispute relating toitheAward rendered by the Arbitration Tribunal, and
that onlythe latterdlispute,which arose afterthe Senegalesedeclaration, is
the subject of the present proceedings before the Court. Guinea-Bissau
also took the position, which Senegal accepted, that these proceedings
were not intended by way of appeal from the Award or as an application

for revision of it. Tlhus,both Parties recognize that no aspect of the sub-
stantive delimitation dispute is involved. On this basis, Senegal did not
disputethat the Court had jurisdiction to entertainthe Application under
Article 36,paragraph 2,ofthe Statute. Inthe circumstances ofthe casethe
Court regards itsjurisdiction as established.

25. In this respect the Court would emphasize that, asthe Parties were
both agreed, these proceedings allege the inexistence and nullity of the
Award rendered bythe Arbitration Tribunal andare notby wayofappeal
from it or applicatiion for revision of it. As the Court had occasion to
observe with respect to the contention of nullity advanced in the case of
the Arbitral AwardMade by the KingofSpainon23 December1906:

"the Award is not subject to appeal and . .. the Court cannot
approach the consideration of the objections raised by Nicaragua to
the validity of the Award as a Court of Appeal. The Court is not
called upon to pronounce on whether the arbitrator's decision was
right or wrong. These and cognate considerations have no relevance
to the function. that the Court is called upon to discharge in these
proceedings, which isto decide whether the Award is proved to be a
nullityhaving 110effect." (I.C.J. Reports 1960p.2 14.) 26. La Cour examinera maintenant une affirmation du Sénégas lelon
laquellela requêtede la Guinée-Bissauseraitirrecevable, dans la mesure
où elleviserait utiliser ladéclarationdu présidentBarberis dans lebut de
jeter ledoutesur lavaliditédelasentence (voirparagraphe 30ci-après).Le
Sénégas loutient que cettedéclaration ne fait pas partie de la sentence et
qu'en conséquencetoute tentative de la Guinée-Bissaupour utilisercette
déclarationdans un tel butadoit êtrequalifiéed'abus de procédure,abus
visant à priver le Sénégaldes droits qui lui reviennent aux termes de la
sentence)). Le Sénégalsoutient aussi qu'il y a disproportion entre les
moyens invoqués et les conclusions présentéeset que l'instance a été
introduiteà l'effetde retarder la solution définitivedu litige.
27. La Cour considèreque la requêtede la Guinée-Bissaua été présen-
téede manière appropriée dans le cadre des voies de droit qui lui sont
ouvertes devant la Cour dans les circonstances de l'espèce.En consé-
quence,la Cour ne saurait accueillirla thèse du Sénégaslelonlaquellela

requêtede la Guinée-Bissauou les moyens qu'elle faitvaloir àl'appui de
celle-ciéquivaudraient à un abus de procédure.

28. La Guinée-Bissau soutient que l'absence de M. Gros lors de la
séancedu Tribunal arbitral au cours de laquelle la sentence a été lue
constitue commeun aveu de l'échecdu Tribunal à trancher le différend.
La Guinée-Bissauadmet que cetteséancen'était

«pas destinée à ((statue» et que par une interprétation formelle et
stricte il serait possible de ne pas lui appliquer l'article para-
graphe 1 [ducompromisd'arbitrage],exigeantque leTribunal fûtau
complet ..»
La Guinée-Bissau estime cependant qu'il s'agissait d'une séance du
Tribunal d'une particulière importance et que l'absence de M. Gros a
affaiblil'autorité duTribunal.
29. La Cour relève qu'iln'est pas contestéque M. Gros a participéau

vote lors de l'adoption de la sentence.Cette dernière devait être ensuite
communiquée aux Parties. A cet égard,le paragraphe 1de l'article 10
du compromis d'arbitrage prévoyaitque, la sentence ayant étérevêtue
de la signature du présidentdu Tribunal et du greffier, ce dernier devait
remettre «une copie conforme établiedans les deux langues aux agents
des deux Parties», ce qui a étéfait. Une séance a été tenue,au cours
de laquellela sentence a étlue.L'absence de M.Groslors de cetteséance
ne pouvait affecter la validitéde la sentenceantérieurement adoptée.

30. La Cour abordera maintenant les conclusions de la Guinée-Bissau
selon lesquellesla sentence arbitrale est inexistante ou, subsidiairement,
entachéede nullitéabsolue. Al'appui desathèseprincipale selonlaquelle ARBITRALAWARD (JUDGMENT) 63

26. The Court willnow consider a contention by Senegalthat Guinea-
Bissau'sApplication isinadmissible,insofaras it seeksto use the declara-
tion of President Barberis for the purpose of casting doubt on the validity
of the Award (see paragraph 30below). Senegal argues that that declara-
tion is not part of1:heAward, and therefore that any attempt by Guinea-
Bissauto make use ofit for that purpose "must be regarded as an abuse of
processaimed at dleprivingSenegal ofthe rightsbelonging to itunder the
Award". Senegal arlsocontends that the remedies sought are dispropor-
tionate to the grolunds invoked and that the proceedings have been
brought for the puipose of delayingthe final solution of the dispute.

27. The Court considers that Guinea-Bissau's Application has been
properly presentecl in the framework of its right to have recourse to the
Court in the circuimstancesof the case. Accordingly, it does not accept

Senegal'scontention that Guinea-Bissau's Application, or the arguments
used in support of it,amount to an abuse of process.

28. Guinea-Bissau contends that the absence of Mr. Gros from the
meeting of the Arbitration Tribunal at which the Award was pronounced
amounted to a recognition thatthe Tribunal had failed to resolve the dis-
pute. Guinea-Bissa.uaccepts that at this meeting

"it wasnot intt:nded thata 'decision' shouldbetaken, and byaformal
and strict interpretation it would be possible to avoid applying to it
Article 4,para.graph 1[ofthe Arbitration Agreement],requiring that
the Tribunal blein its full composition...".
Guinea-Bissau however takes the view that this was a particularly im-

portant meeting of theTribunal and that theabsence of Mr. Gros lessened
the Tribunal's authority.
29. The Court notes that itisnot disputed that Mr. Gros participated in
the voting when thr:Award was adopted. Thereafterthe Award had to be
deliveredtothe Parties.Inthisrespect Article IO,paragraph 1,ofthe Arbi-
tration Agreement provided that the Award having been signed by the
President and the liegistrar, the Registrar was to "hand to the Agents of
the two Parties a certified copy in the two languages".This was done. A
meeting was held at which the Award was read. The absence of Mr. Gros
from that meeting could not affect the validity of the Award which had
already been adopt.ed.

30. The Court willnow examinethesubmissions ofGuinea-Bissau that
the Arbitral Awardl is inexistent, or subsidiarily that it absolutely nul1
and void. In support of its principal contention, thatthe Award isinexis-la sentence est frappée d'inexistence, la requérante soutient que la
sentencen'était pas fondéesurune majorité véritable.La Guinée-Bissau
ne contestepas que,selon letexte de lasentence, celle-ciavait adoptée
par lesvotes du présidentBarberis etde M.Gros; maiselle soutientque la
déclarationdu président Barberis contredisait etinvalidaitson vote,ôtant
ainsià la sentence le fondement d'une majorité véritable.Le Tribunal,
ayant conclu, en réponsea la premièrequestionposéedans lecompromis
d'arbitrage, que l'accord de 1960«fait droit dans les relations entres
Parties, a jugé qu'ilen était ainsien ce qui concerne les seules zones
mentionnéesdans cet accord, àsavoir la merterritoriale, lazonecontiguë
et le plateau continental.» (sentence,par. 88). La Guinée-Bissaua fait
toutefois remarquer que, dans sa déclaration, le président Barberis a
préciséqu'il aurait répondu àla question de façon àdire que l'accord
faisaitdroit dans lesrelationsentre les Parties cequi concerne la mer

territoriale, la zone contiguë et le plateau continental, mais]ilne fait
pas droit quant aux eaux de lazoneéconomiqueexclusiveou à la zone de
pêche ..» (ci-dessusparagraphe 19).
31. La Cour considère qu'en avançant cette formulation le président
Barberis avaità l'esprit le fait que la réponse du Tribunàlla première
question «aurait », selon les termes qu'il a employés, «pu être plus
précise»,etnon qu'elleaurait dû êtreplusprécisedans lesensindiquépar
sa formulation; cette dernière était, son avis, une formulation préfé-
rable mais non obligatoire. De l'avis de la Cour, cette formulation ne
révèleaucune contradiction avec celle de la sentence.
32. La Guinée-Bissaua aussiappelé l'attentionsur le fait que le prési-
dent Barberis a dit quesa propre formulation «aurait habilitéleTribunal
à traiter dans la sentence la deuxième question poséepar le compromis
arbitral » et qu'en conséquencele Tribunal «aurait étécompétent pour
délimiterles eaux de la zone économique exclusive ou la zone de pêche
entre lesdeux pays», enplusdesautresespaces. LaCour estimeque l'opi-

nion exprimée par le président Barberis selon laquelle la réponse qu'il
aurait lui-mêmedonnée a la premièrequestionaurait habilité leTribunal
à trancher la seconde question constituait, non une position qu'il avait
adoptée quant à ce que le Tribunal étaitdans l'obligation de faire, mais
seulement une indication de ce qui, à son avis, aurait étéune meilleure
façon de procéder. Sa position ne pouvait donc pas être considérée
comme étanten contradiction avec celle adoptée dansla sentence.
33. En outre, mêmes'iy l avaiteu,pour l'uneoul'autre desdeuxraisons
qu'invoque la Guinée-Bissau,une contradiction quelconque entre l'opi-
nionexpriméepar leprésident Barberis etcelleindiquéedanslasentence,
une telle contradiction nepouvaitprévaloircontre lapositionque leprési-
dent Barberis avait prise lorsqu'il avaitvotépour la sentence. En donnant
son accord à la sentence, il a définitivement acceptéles décisions que
celle-ci contenait quantàl'étendue des espacesmaritimes régispar l'ac-
cord de 1960,et quantau fait que leTribunal n'étaitpastenu de répondre
à la seconde question, vu la réponse qu'il avait donnée à la première.
Comme le montre la pratique des juridictions internationales, il arrive ARBITRAL AWARD (JUDGMENT) 64

tent, the Applicant claims that the Award was not supported by a real
majority. Guinea-Bissau does not dispute the fact that the Award was
expressed to have been adopted by the votes of President Barberis and
Mr. Gros; it contends however that President Barberis's declaration con-
tradicted and invalidated hisvote,thus leavingthe Award unsupported by
a realmajority. The Tribunal, having concluded,in replytothe firstques-
tion inthe Arbitration Agreement, thatthe 1960Agreement "has the force
of law in the relations between" the Parties, held that that was so "with
regard solely to the areas mentioned in that Agreement, namely, the terri-
torial sea, the contiguous zone and the continental shelf . .."(Award,
para. 88).However,,Guinea-Bissau drew attention to the fact that, in his
declaration, President Barberis stated that he would have replied to the
effect thatthe Agreement had the force of lawin the relations between the
Parties "with respect to the territorial sea, the contiguous zone and the
continental shelf, but does not have the force of law with respect to the
waters of the exclusive economic zone or the fishery zone .. ."(para-
graph 19above).
31. The Court considers that,in puttingforwardthisformulation,what

President Barberis had in mind wasthat the Tribunal's answer tothe first
question "could have been more precise" - to use his own words -, not
that it had to be more precise in the sense indicated in his formulation,
which was,in his vie:w,a preferable one, nota necessary one. In the opin-
ion of the Court, the formulation discloses no contradiction with that of
the Award.
32. Guinea-Bissau also drew attention to the fact that President Bar-
beris expressed the view that his own formulation "would have enabled
the Tribunalto deal in itsAward withthe secondquestion put bythe Arbi-
tration Agreement" and that the Tribunal would in consequence "have
been competentto tlelimit the waters of the exclusive economic zone or
the fisheryzone betvveenthetwo countries", in additionto the other areas.
The Court considers that the view expressed by President Barberis, that
the reply which he would have given to the first question would have
enabled the Tribuna.1to deal with the second question, represented, not a
position taken by hirnasto what the Tribunal wasrequired to do, but only
an indication of whaithe considered would have been a better course. His
positiontherefore could notbe regarded asstandingin contradiction with
the position adopteclby the Award.
33. Furthermore, even ifthere had been any contradiction, for either of
the two reasons re1ie:don by Guinea-Bissau, between the view expressed
by President Barberis and that stated in the Award, such contradiction
could not prevail over the position which President Barberis had taken
when voting for the:Award. In agreeing to the Award, he definitively
agreed tothe decisions, which itincorporated, asto the extent ofthe mari-
time areas govemed by the 1960Agreement, and as to the Tribunal not

being required to an.swerthe second question in viewof its answer to the
first. As the practice of internationaltribunals shows, it sometimes hap-
pens that a member of atribunal votes in favour of a decision ofthe tribu-parfois qu'un membre d'un tribunal vote en faveur de la décisionde ce
tribunal, mêmesi, personnellement, il aurait été enclin à préférer une
autre solution. La validité d'untel vote n'est pas affectéepar des diver-
gences de ce genre expriméesdans une déclarationou dans une opinion
individuelle du membre concerné,qui sontdèslorssansconséquencesur

la décisiondu tribunal.
34. Par suite, de l'avis de la Cour, la thèse de la Guinée-Bissauselon
laquelle la sentence est frappée d'inexistence pour défaut de majorité
véritablene peut êtreaccueilfie.

35. A titre subsidiaire, la Guinée-Bissau soutient que la sentence est

frappée dans son ensemble de nullité absolue à la fois pour excèsde
pouvoir et défaut de motivation. La Guinée-Bissauobserve que le Tribu-
nal n'a pas répondu à la seconde questionposée àl'article 2 du compro-
mis d'arbitrage etn'apasjoint àla sentence la carte prévuà l'article9 du
compromis.Cettedouble omissionconstitueraitun excèsde pouvoir. Par
ailleurs,aucune motivationn'aurait été donnéepar leTribunal àsa déci-
sion de ne pas passer à la seconde question, àla non-production d'une
ligneunique de délimitationetau refus de porter letracéde cette lignesur
une carte.
36. LaCour examinera lesgriefs tant d'excèsde pouvoirque de défaut
de motivation que la Guinée-Bissau tire de l'absence de réponse à la

seconde question posée par le compromis,avant d'aborder ceux concer-
nant l'absence de carte.

37. Dans la premièreperspective,la Cour rappellera tout d'abord, pour
plus de commodité,que selonl'article 2 du compromis :

«IlestdemandéauTribunalde statuerconformémentauxnormes
du droit international sur les questionssuivant:s
1. L'accord conclu par un échangede lettres, le 26 avril 1960,et
relatif la frontière en mer, fait-il droit dans les relations entre la

Républiquede Guinée-Bissauet la Républiquedu Sénégal?

2. En cas de réponsenégative à la première question, quel est le
tracé de la ligne délimitant les territoires maritimes qui relèvent
respectivement de la République de Guinée-Bissauet de la Répu-
blique du Sénégal? ))

38. La sentence, après divers développements liminaires, analyse les
raisons sur lesquelles la Guinée-Bissau se fondait pour affirmer que
l'accord de 1960 ne faisait pas droit dans ses relations avec le Sénégal
(par. 35-79).Elle conclut en son paragraphe 80que «l'accord de 1960estna1 even though he might individually have been inclined to prefer
another solution. 17ie validity of his vote remains unaffected by the
expression of any such differencesin a declaration or separate opinion of
the member concenied, which are therefore without consequence forthe
decision of the tribunal.

34. Accordingly, inthe opinion ofthe Court,thecontention ofGuinea-
Bissauthatthe Award was inexistent for lack of a real majority cannot be

35. Subsidiarily, Guinea-Bissau maintains that the Award is, as a
whole, nul1and voi'd,on the grounds of excèsdepouvoir and of insuffi-
ciency of reasoning. Guinea-Bissau observes that the Tribunal did not
replyto the second qluestionput inArticle 2ofthe Arbitration Agreement,
and did not append tothe Award themap provided for in Article 9ofthat
Agreement. Itiscontendedthat these twoomissionsconstitute an excèsde
pouvoir.Furthemore, no reasons, itissaid, weregivenbythe Tribunalfor
itsdecision not to proceed to the second question, for not producing a
singledelimitation line, and for refusing to draw that line on amap.

36. The Court ail1 examine Guinea-Bissau's contentions, whether
presented as of excèsdepouvoiror as lack of reasoning, which are based
on the absence of a reply to the second question put by the Arbitration
Agreement, before dealing with those relating to the absence of a map.

37. On this first pioint,the Court would, for convenience, recall at the
outset that, acc0rdin.gto Article 2 of the Arbitration Agreement :

"The Tribunal isrequested to decide in accordance withthe norms
of international law on the following questions :
1. Does the Agreement concluded by an exchange of letters on
26April 1960,a.ndwhich relates to the maritime boundary, have the
force of law in the relations between the Republic of Guinea-Bissau
and the Republic of Senegal?
2. Inthe everitofanegativeanswer tothefirst question,what isthe

course of the liriedelimitingthe maritime territories appertaining to
the Republic of'Guinea-Bissau and the Republic of Senegal respec-
38. The Award, aifterdealing with some preliminary matters, analyses
the groundsupon which Guinea-Bissau based itsassertions that the 1960
Agreement did not have the force of law in its relations with Senegal
(paras. 35-79).The conclusion in paragraph 80 of the Award is that "thevalable et opposable au Sénégae ltà la Guinée-Bissau».Puis elleaborde
aux paragraphes 80 à86 «le domaine de validité matérielde I'accord de
1960 ))et énonceque :

((l'accord de 1960ne délimitepas les espaces maritimes qui n'exis-
taient pasà cette date,qu'on les appelle zone économiqueexclusive,
zone de pêcheou autrement.

Par contre, en ce qui concerne la mer territoriale, la zone contiguë
et le plateau continental, la question seprésentetout autrement.Ces
trois notions sont expressément mentionnéesdans l'accord de 1960
et elles existaientl'époquede sa conclusion. »

La sentence ajoute que, pour les motifs exposésdans le passage citéau
paragraphe 16ci-dessus,
I'accord franco-portugais délimitele plateau continental entre les

Parties dans toute l'étenduede la définition actuellede cet espace
maritime ».
Puis la sentence poursuit en sonparagraphe 87 :

((En tenant compte des conclusions ci-dessusauxquelles leTribu-
nal est parvenu et du libelléde l'article du compromis arbitral, la
deuxième question,de l'avisdu Tribunal, n'appelle pasune réponse
de sapart. »

Enfin, le paragraphe 88de la sentence dispose ensa premièrephrase :

((Vulesmotifsquiont été exposés,leTribunal décide par deuxvoix
contre une :
De répondre à la première question formuléedans l'article 2 du
compromis arbitral de la façon suivante: l'accord conclu par un
échangede lettres, le26avril 1960,et relatifàla frontièreen mer,fait
droit dans les relations entre la République de Guinée-Bissau etla

Républiquedu Sénégae ln ce qui concerne lesseuleszones mention-
néesdans cetaccord, asavoirla merterritoriale, lazonecontiguëet le
plateau continental.
39. Seplaignant de ce que le Tribunal n'a pas apportéde réponse àla
seconde question figurant à l'article 2 du compromis, la Guinée-Bissau

développe à cet égardune triple argumentation: elle se demande si le
Tribunal a réellementpris la décisionde ne pasfournirune telle réponse;
elle prétend que,à supposer qu'ilyaiteu une décision,celle-ciétaitinsuf-
fisamment motivée;enfin elle en conteste lebien-fondé.

40. Pour cequi estdu premier de cestroisarguments,laGuinée-Bissau
suggèreque le Tribunal aurait non pas décidéde ne pas répondre à la 1960Agreement is valid and can be opposed to Senegal andto Guinea-
Bissau". The Award then deals, in paragraphs 80to 86,with "the scope of
substantive validity of the 1960Agreement" and states that :
"the 1960Agreement does not delimit those maritime spaces which
didnot exist at.thatdate, whether they be termed exclusiveeconomic

zone,fishery zone or whatever.
On the other hand, the position regarding the territorial sea, the
contiguous z0n.eand the continental shelf is quite different. These
three concepts are expressly mentioned in the 1960Agreement and
they existed atthe time of its conclusion."

The Award goes on to say that, for the reasons explained in the passage
quoted in paragraphi 16 above,
"the Franco-Portuguese Agreement delimits the continental shelf
between the Parties over the whole extent of that maritime space as
defined at presi:ntW.

Then the Award continues, in paragraph 87

"Bearing in rnind the above conclusions reached by the Tribunal
and the actual vvordingof Article 2 of the Arbitration Agreement, in
theopinion oftheTribunal it isnot called upon to replyto the second
Finally, paragraph 88of the Award declares in its first sentence that:

"For the reasonsstated above,the Tribunal decidesbytwo votesto
one :
To reply as fc~llowsto the first question formulated in Article 2 of
the Arbitration Agreement: The Agreement concluded by an
exchange of letters on 26 April 1960,and relating to the maritime

boundary, has the force of law in the relationsbetween the Republic
of Guinea-Bissau and the Republic of Senegal with regard solely to
the areas mentialnedinthat Agreement,namely the territorial sea,the
contiguous zone and the continental shelf."
39. Guinea-Bissau's complaint onthe ground thatthe Tribunal did not
give an answer to the second question in Article 2 of the Arbitration
Agreement involves three arguments. It questions whether the Tribunal
really took a decisiocinotto givean answer; it contends that, even ifthere

was such adecision,there wasinsufficientreasoning in support ofit; and,
finally, itontests the validity of any such decision.

40. Astothe first ofthese three arguments,Guinea-Bissau suggeststhat
what theTribunal diclwasnotto decide not to answerthe secondquestionseconde question qui lui était posée, mais qu'il aurait simplementomis,
fautede majoritévéritable,de prendre quelquedécisionque cesoitsur ce
point. Dans cette perspective,la Guinée-Bissausouligne que ce qui est,
selon la première phrase du paragraphe 87 de la sentence, un «avis du
Tribunal »sur la question ne se trouve quedans les motifs et non dans le
dispositif de la sentence; que cettedernière ne précisepas quelle majo-
ritéce paragraphe aurait étéadopté;et que seul M. Gros aurait pu voter
pour ce paragraphe; elle se demande, compte tenu de la déclaration du
président Barberis,siun vote est bien intervenusur le paragraphe 87.

41. LaCour reconnaît que la sentence est de cepoint de vue construite
d'une manière qui pourrait donner prise à la critique. L'article 2 du
compromis posait deux questions au Tribunal. Ce dernier, d'après l'ar-
ticle 9,devait faire((connaîtreaux deux gouvernements sa décisionquant
aux questions énoncées à l'article 2».Dèslors, il eût éténormal de faire
figurer dans le dispositif de la sentence, au paragraphe final de cette
dernière, tant la réponse fournieà la première question que la décision
prise de ne pas répondre à la seconde. Il est regrettable qu'iln'ait pas été
procédéde la sorte. Toutefois le Tribunal, en adoptant la sentence par
deux voix contre une, apar là mêmenon seulementapprouvé le contenu
du paragraphe 88,mais encore l'afait pour lesmotifs exposésantérieure-
ment dans la sentence et en particulier dans le paragraphe 87.11ressort

clairement de ce dernierparagraphe pris dans son contexte, comme d'ail-
leurs de la déclarationdu présidentBarberis, que le Tribunal a jugépar
deux voix contre une, qu'ayant répondu affirmativement à la première
question, il n'avait paà répondrea la seconde.Ce faisant le Tribunal a
bien pris une décision:cellede ne pas répondre àla secondequestionqui
lui étaitposée.La sentence n'est entachée d'aucune omission de statuer.

42. LaGuinée-Bissauexposeendeuxièmelieuque toutesentencearbi-
trale doit, conformément au droit international général,êtrmotivée.En
outre, selon le paragraphe 3 de l'article 9 du compromis, les Parties

avaientconvenu au casparticulier que «la décisionserapleinement moti-
vée ». Or, selon la Guinée-Bissau,le Tribunal n'aurait en l'espècedonné
aucune motivation pour fonder son refus de répondre à la seconde ques-
tion poséepar lesParties ou,à tout lemoins,aurait retenuune motivation
((absolumentinsuffisante ».Celle-ci ne permettrait ((mêmepas de déter-
miner le raisonnement qui aurait étésuivi » et ne répondrait «en aucun
point aux questions poséeset discutéespendant la procédure arbitrale ».
Sur ceterrain encorela sentenceserait nulle.
43. Au paragraphe 87 déjà cité,le Tribunal, «tenant compte des
conclusions )>auxquelles il était parvenu et «du libelléde l'article 2 du
compromis)),a estiméque la seconde question qui lui avait été posée
n'appelait pas deréponsede sapart. Lamotivationainsiretenue estbrève
et aurait pu être plus développéeM . ais les renvois opérés parle para-

graphe 87tant aux conclusions du Tribunal qu'au libelléde l'article2 duputto it; itsimply onnitted,for lack ofarealmajority, to reach any decision
at al1on the issue. In this respect Guinea-Bissau stresses that what is
referred to inthe first sentence of paragraph 87ofthe Awardas an "opin-
ion of the Tribunal" on the point appears in the statement of reasoning,
not in the operative clause of the Award;thatthe Award does not specify
the majority by which that paragraph wouldhavebeen adopted; and that

onlyMr. Gros could havevoted in favour ofthis paragraph. In the light of
the declaration made by President Barberis, Guinea-Bissau questions
whether any vote was taken on paragraph 87.
41. The Court recognizes that the structure of the Award is, in that
respect, open to criticism.Article 2of the Arbitration Agreement put two
questions tothe Tribunal;and theTribunal was,according to Article 9,to
"inform the two Governments of its decision regarding the questions set
forth inArticle 2". C:onsequently,itwouldhavebeen normal to include in
the operative part of the Award, Le.,in afinalparagraph, both the answer
givento thefirstquestion and the decision not to answerthesecond. Itisto
be regretted that this;course was not followed. However, when the Tribu-
nal adopted the Award by two votes to one, it wasnot onlyapproving the
content of paragraph 88, but was also doing so for the reasons already
stated inthe Award and, in particular, inparagraph 87.It isclearfrom that
paragraph, taken in its context, and also from the declaration of Presi-
dent Barberis, that the Tribunal decided bytwo votes to one that, asit had
given an affirmativeanswer to the first question, it did not have to answer
the second. By so doing, the Tribunal did take a decision: namely, not
to answer the second question put to it. The Award is not flawed by any
failure to decide.

42. Guinea-Bissau argues, secondly, that any arbitral award must, in
accordance with genieralinternational law, be a reasoned one. Moreover,
according to Article: 9, paragraph 3, of the Arbitration Agreement, the
Parties had specificallyagreed that "the Award shall state in fullthe rea-
sons on which it isbiised". Yet,according to Guinea-Bissau,the Tribunal
in this case did not give any reasoning in support of its refusa1to reply to
the second question put by the Parties or, at the very least, gave "wholly
insufficient" reasoning, which did not evenmakeitpossible to "determine
the line of argument followed" and did not "reply on any point to the
questions raised andldiscussed during the arbitral proceedings". On this
ground also, it is claimed that the Award is nul1and void.
43. In paragraph 87 of the Award, referred to above, the Tribunal,
"bearing in mind the ...conclusions" that it had reached, together with
"the wording of Article 2 of the Arbitration Agreement", took the view
that it was not calleclupon to reply to the second question put to it. This
reasoning is brief, and could doubtless have been developed further. But
the references in pairagraph 87 to the Tribunal's conclusions and to thecompromis n'en permettent pas moins de déterminer sans aucune diffi-
cultélesraisons qui ont conduit leTribunalnepasrépondre àlaseconde
question. En seréférantau libelléde l'article compromis,le Tribunal
constatait que, selon cet article, il lui étaitdemandé en premier lieu si
l'accordde 1960«fait droit dans lesrelationsntrelaGuinée-Bissauetle
Sénégal,puis,«en casde réponsenégative à la première question,quel est
letracéde la ligne délimitantlesterritoires maritimesesdeux pays. En
seréférantaux conclusionsauxquelles ilétaitparvenu,leTribunalconsta-
tait qu'ilavait, aux paragraphes 80 et suivants de la sentence, estiméque
l'accord de 1960,dont il avait fixéle domaine de validité matériel, était
«valable et opposable au Sénégalet àla Guinée-Bissau».Ayant apporté
une réponse affirmative a la première question et s'attachant au texte
mêmedu compromis, le Tribunal jugeait par voie de conséquencequ'il
n'avait pasàrépondre àla seconde.Cette motivation, bien que ramassée,

est claire et précise.Le deuxième argument de la Guinée-Bissaudoit lui
aussi êtreécarté.

44. La Guinée-Bissau contesteen troisièmelieu la valeur du raisonne-
ment ainsi retenu par leTribunal sur laquestion de savoirs'ilétaittenu de
répondre a la secondequestion. Dans cette perspective, la Guinée-Bissau
faitvaloir deux moyens :d'une part lecompromis correctement interprété
aurait exigé qu'ilsoit répondu àla seconde question quelle que soit la
réponse fournie à la première; d'autre part et en tout étatde cause une
réponse à laseconde question aurait étnécessairedu faitque laréponseà
la première était enl'espècepartiellement négative.
45. La Guinée-Bissausoutienttout d'abord que lecompromis avait été
conclu sur la base d'un accord sur

«la nécessitéde poser au Tribunal une double question afin de
s'assurer que, quelle que soit la réponse relative a la valeur de
l'échangede lettresfranco-portugais, latâche du Tribunal seraitbien
de procéder àune délimitation complètedes territoires maritime».

Or, de l'avisde la Guinée-Bissau, même si le Tribunal avait confirméla
validité et l'opposabilitéde l'accord de 1960,iln'en seraitpas résultéune
délimitation complète, alors qu'une telle délimitation par une ligne
unique constituait l'objet et lebut du compromis. Aussila Guinée-Bissau
soutient-elle en fait que ce compromis faisait obligation au Tribunal de
répondre àla seconde question quelle que fût sa réponsea la première.
46. A ce sujet, la Cour tientrappelerdèsl'abord

«une règleque ledroitinternationalcommun a consacréeen matière
d'arbitrage international.Depuis l'affairedeAlabama,ilest admis,
conformément à des précédents antérieurs, qu'à moind se conven- ARBITRALAWARD (JUDGMENT) 68

wording of Article 2 of the Arbitration Agreement make it possible to
determine, without ~difficultyt,he reasons whytheTribunaldecidednot to
answerthesecond question. Byreferring to the wording ofArticle 2of the
Arbitration Agreement, the Tribunal was taking note that, according to
that Article,itwas asked, first,whether the 1960Agreement had "the force
of lawinthe relations" between Guinea-Bissau and Senegal, and then, "in
the event of a negative answer to the first question, what is the course of
the linedelimiting the maritime territories" of thetwocountries. Byrefer-
ring to the conclusions that it had already reached, the Tribunal was
noting that it had, in paragraphs 80 et seq.of the Award, found that the
1960Agreement, in respect of which it had alreadydetermined the scope
of its substantive validity, was "valid and can be opposed to Senegal
and to Guinea-Bissau". Having given an affirmative answer to the first
question, and basing itselfonthe actual text ofthe Arbitration Agreement,

the Tribunal found as a consequence that it did not have to reply to the
secondquestion. Thiatstatement of reasoning, while succinct, is clear and
precise. The second contention of Guinea-Bissau must also be dismissed.

44. Thirdly, Guiinea-Bissau challenges the validity of the reasoning
thus adopted by the Tribunal on the issue whether it was required to
answer the second question. In this respect Guinea-Bissau presents two

arguments :first that the Arbitration Agreement, on its true construction,
required an answer to the second question whatever might have been its
reply to the first; secondly, that in any event an answer to the second
question was required because the answer to the first question was in fact
partially negative.
45. Guinea-Bissau's first argument is that the Arbitration Agreement
was concluded on the basis of an agreement
"that a two-folclquestion should beposed to theTribunal,in order to

ensure that whatever [the Tribunal's] reply concerning the value of
the Franco-Portuguese exchange of letters, the Tribunal would be
called upon to proceed to a comprehensive delimitation of the mari-
time territories'".
In the viewof Guinea-Bissau, even iftheTribunalupheld the validity and
opposability of the 1960Agreement, the effect would not be to produce a
complete delimitation, and acomplete delimitation by a singleline wasthe
object and purpose of the Arbitration Agreement. Accordingly, Guinea-
Bissau is in effect contending that that Agreement required the Tribunal

to answer the second question whatever was its answer to the first.
46. In this connectionthe Court would first recall
"a rule consistently accepted by general international law inthe mat-
ter of international arbitration. Since the Alabama case, it has been
generally recognized, following the earlier precedents, that, in the tion contraire, un tribunal international estjuge de sa propre compé-
tence et a le pouvoir d'interprétercet effet lesactes qui gouvernent
celle-ci. (Nottebohm, exception préliminaire, arrêt, C.I.J R.ecueil
1953,p. 119.)

Aussi bien au cas particulier le paragraphe 2 de l'article 4 du compromis
avait-il confirmé quele Tribunal arbitral avait compétence pour statuer
sur sa compétenceet interpréterpour ce faire le compromis.
47. Par le moyen susmentionné,la Guinée-Bissaucritique en réalité
I'interprétationdonnée dans la sentence des dispositions du compromis
qui déterminentlacompétencedu Tribunal, eten propose une autre. Mais
la Cour n'a pas àsedemander silecompromis étaitsusceptibleounon de
plusieurs interprétationsen cequi concerne lacompétencedu Tribunal, et
dans l'affirmative a s'interroger sur cellequieût étépréférable. En procé-
dantde la sorte, la Cour traiterait en effet la requêtecomme un appel et
non comme un recours en nullité. LaCourne sauraitprocéder de la sorte
en l'espèce. Elledoit seulement rechercher si le Tribunal, en rendant la

sentence contestée,amanifestement méconnu lacompétence qui lui avait
étédonnée par le compromis, en outrepassant sa compétenceou en ne
l'exerçant pas.

48. Une telle méconnaissance manifestepourrait par exemple résulter
de ce que le Tribunal n'aurait pas correctement appliquéles règlesperti-
nentes d'interprétation aux dispositions du compromis gouvernant sa
compétence.Tout compromis d'arbitrage constitue un accord entre Etats
qui doitêtreinterprété selonlesrèglesdu droitinternational générarlégis-
sant I'interprétationdes traités. Acet égard,

«le premier devoir d'un tribunal, appelé à interpréteretà appliquer
les dispositions d'un traité, estde s'efforcer de donner effet, selon
leur sens naturel et ordinaire, à ces dispositions prises dans leur
contexte. Silesmotspertinents, lorsqu'onleur attribue leur significa-
tion naturelle et ordinaire, ont un sens dans leur contexte, l'examen
doit s'arrêterla. En revanche, siles mots,lorsqu'on leurattribue leur
signification naturelle et ordinaire,sont équivoquesou conduisent à
des résultatsdéraisonnables,c'estalors - et alors seulement- que
la Cour doit rechercher par d'autres méthodesd'interprétation ce
que les parties avaient en réalitédans l'esprit quand elles se sont

servies des mots dont il s'agi».(Compétencede 1;Issemblée générale
pour l'admission d'un Etat aux Nations Unies, avis consultatiJ;
C.I.J.Recueil1950,p. 8.)
La règle d'interprétation selon le sens naturel et ordinaire des termes

((absolue. Lorsquecette méthoded'interprétationaboutit aun résul-
tat incompatible avecl'esprit, l'objet et lecontexte de laclause ou de
l'acte où les termes figurent,on ne saurait valablement lui accorder ARBITRALAWARD (JUDGMENT) 69

absence of any agreement to the contrary, an international tribunal
has theright todecide asto itsownjurisdiction and hasthe power to
interpretforthis purpose the instruments which govern that jurisdic-
tion." (Nottebohm, Preliminary Objection, Judgment, I.C.J. Reports
1953, p. 119.)

In the present case, Article 4, paragraph 2,of the Arbitration Agreement
confirmed that the 'Tribunalhad the power to determine its ownjurisdic-
tion and to interpreitthe Agreement forthat purpose.
47. Byits argument set out above, Guinea-Bissau is in fact criticizing
the interpretation inthe Award ofthe provisions ofthe Arbitration Agree-
ment which determinetheTribunal's jurisdiction, and proposing another
interpretation. However, the Court does not have to enquire whether or
not the Arbitratiori Agreement could, with regard to the Tribunal's
competence, be interpreted in a number of ways, and if so to consider
which would have been preferable. Byproceeding in that way the Court
would be treating thierequest as an appeal and not as a recoursen nullité.
TheCourt could not act inthat way in the present case. It has simply to
ascertainwhether b:yrenderingthe disputed Award the Tribunal acted in
manifest breach of the competence conferred on it by the Arbitration
Agreement, either b~ydeciding in excess of, or by failing to exercise, its

48. Such manifest breach might result from, for example, thefailure of
the Tribunal properly to apply the relevant rules of interpretation to the
provisionsof theArbitration Agreementwhichgovernits competence. An
arbitration agreement (compromis d'arbitrage)is an agreement between
States which must be interpreted in accordance with the general rules of
international law governing the interpretation of treaties. In that respect
"the first duty of a tribunal which is called upon to interpret and
apply the provi!jionsofatreaty, isto endeavour to giveeffectto them

in their natural and ordinary meaning in the context in which they
occur. If the relevant words in their natural and ordinary meaning
make sense in t:heircontext, that is an end of the matter. If, on the
other hand, the words in their natural and ordinary meaning are
ambiguous or lead to an unreasonable result, then, and then only,
must the Court,,by resort to other methods of interpretation, seekto
ascertain what the parties really did mean when they used these
words." (Cornpetenceof the GeneralAssemblyfor theAdmission ofa
State to the United Nations, Advisory Opinion,I.C.J.Reports 1950,
P 8.)

The mle of interpret,ation according to the natural and ordinary meaning
of the words employed
"is not an absolute one. Where such a method of interpretation
results in a meaning incompatible with the spirit, purpose and con-
text ofthe clause or instrumentin which the words are contained, no crédit.)) (Sud-Ouest africain, exceptions préliminaires,arrêt,C.I.J.
Recueil 1962, p. 336.)

Cesprincipes setrouvent traduits dans les articles 31et 32 de la conven-
tion de Vienne sur le droit des traités qui,a bien des égards,peuvent être
considéréssur ce point comme une codification du droit international

coutumier existant.
49. Par ailleurs les Etats, en signant un compromis d'arbitrage,
concluent un accord ayant un objet et un but bien particuliers: confier a
un tribunal arbitral le soin de trancher un différend selon les termes
convenus par lesparties. Cesdernières fixent dans I'accordlacompétence
du tribunal eten déterminentleslimites.Dans l'exercicede latâchequi lui
est confiée,letribunal ((doit s'entenir aux termes par lesquels les Parties
ont définicelle-ci)>(Délimitationdelafrontière maritimedansla régiondu
goIfedu Maine, arrêtC , .I.J.Recueil1984,p. 266,par. 23).
50. Dans la présente affaire, l'article 2 du compromis posait une
première question concernant l'accord de 1960,puis une seconde ques-
tion relativeàladélimitation.11devait êtrerépondu à la seconde question

«en cas de réponsenégative àla première question ».La Cour note que
ces derniers mots, proposés en leur temps par la Guinée-Bissau elle-
même,sont catégoriques. La situation en l'espèce estdifférentede celle
dans laquelle la Cour ou des tribunaux arbitraux ont pu se trouver
lorsqu'ils ont eà répondreades questions successivesnon conditionnées
les unes var les autres età chacune desauelles il convenait en tout état
de cause de donner un sens afin qu'une réponseleur soit fournie, comme,
par exemple, dans l'affaire des Zonesfranches de la Haute-Savoie et du
Pays de Gex(ordonnancedu 19août 1929,C.P.J. I. sérieA no22,p. 13)ou
dans celle du Détroitde Corfou,fond(arrêt,C.I.J.Recueil 1949, p.24).Tou-
tefois, lorsque des questions successives, conditionnées les unes par
les autres, ont étéposées à la Cour, cette dernière a répondu,ou n'a pas

jugépossible de répondre,selon que lacondition requiseétaitou non rem-
plie, comme, par exemple, dans les affaires relatives a l'Interprétationde
l'accordgréco-bulgaredu 9 décembre1927(avis consultatif:1932. C.P.J.I.
sérieA/B no45,p. 70,86-87) et à l'Interprétationdes traitésdepaix conclus
avec la Bulgarie,la Hongrie et la Roumanie (premièrephase, avis consul-
tatif:C.I.J.Recueil 1950, 65,67-68,75,76,77 ;deuxièmephase,avisconsul-
tatif:ibid.,. 225,226,230).
51. Enréalitéles Parties auraientpu utiliser en l'espèceune expression
telle que le Tribunal aurait dû répondre à la seconde question ((compte
tenu >)de la réponseapportée a la première, mais elles ne l'ont pas fait;
elles ont spécifiéqu'ilfallait répondre cette seconde question seulement
«en cas de réponsenégative» à la première. La formulation était à cet

égardtrès différentede celle figurant dans un autre compromis d'arbi-
trage auquel laGuinée-Bissauestpartie, lecompromis conclu le 18février
1983entre la Républiquede GuinéeetlaGuinée-Bissau. Eneffet,dans ce
compromis ces deux Etats demandaient àun autretribunal de se pronon-
cer sur la valeur juridique et la portée d'une autre convention-franco- ARBITRALAWARD (JUDGMENT) 70

reliance can be validly placed on it." (South WestAfrica, Pveliminary
Objections,Judgment, I.C.J.Reports1962,p. 336.)

These principlesare reflected in Articles3 1and 32of the Vienna Conven-
tion on the LawofTreaties, which may in many respects be considered as
a codification of exii~tingcustomary international law on the point.

49. Furthermore, when States sign an arbitration agreement, they are
concluding an agreement with a very specific object and purpose: to
entrust an arbitratiori tribunal with thetask of settlinga dispute in accord-
ance withthe termsagreed bythe parties, who define inthe agreement the
jurisdiction ofthe tribunal and determine itslimits. In theperformance of

the task entrusted to it, the tribunal "must conform to the terms by which
the Partieshave defiinedthis task" (Delimitationof theMaritime Boundary
inthe Guifof Maine..lrea,Judgment,I.C.J.Reports 1984,p. 266,para. 23).
50. In the presenit case, Article 2 of the Arbitration Agreement pre-
sented afirstquestion concerning the 1960Agreement, and then a second
question relating to delimitation. A reply had to be given to the second
question "in the event of a negative answer to the first question". The
Court notes that those last words, which were originally proposed by
Guinea-Bissau itself, are categorical. The situation in the present case dif-
fers from that faced by the Court or by arbitral tribunals when they had
to reply to successive questions which were not made conditional on each
other, and to each oifwhich some meaning had in any event to be attri-
buted in order for a rfeplytobe giventhereto, as for example in the caseof
the FreeZones of Up,~er Savoy and theDistrict of Gex(Order of 19August
1929,P.C.I.J.,Series ,4,No.22,p. 13),or CorfuChannel,Merits(Judgment,
I.C.J.Reports1949, p. 24).Where, however, successive questions were put
to the Court which were made conditional on each other, the Court

replied, or found no room to reply, according to whether or not the gov-
erning condition haclbeen fulfilled, as, for example, in Interpretationof
the Greco-BulgarianAgreement of 9 December 1927 (Advisory Opinion,
1932, P.C.I.J.,Series A/B, No. 45, pp. 70, 86-87); and Interpretation of
PeaceTreatieswith Bialgaria,Hungaryand Romania(FirstPhase,Advisory
Opinion,I.C.J. Repor.ts1950,pp. 65,67-68,75,76,77; Second Phase,Advi-
sory Opinion,ibid.,pp. 225,226,230).

51. In fact in the present case the Parties could have used some such
expression asthattheTribunalshould answer the second question "tak-
inginto account" the replygivento the first,but they did not;theydirected
thatthesecond question should be answered only "in the event of a nega-
tive answer" to that first question. In that respect, the wording was very
different from thattobefound in another Arbitration Agreement to which
Guinea-Bissau is a Party, that concluded on 18 February 1983with the
Republic of Guinea. Bythat Agreement, those two States asked another
tribunal todecide on the legal value and scope of another Franco-Portu-
guese delimitation ~ronvention and annexed documents, and then,portugaise de délimitation et de documents annexes, puis ((selon les
réponsesdonnées »a cespremières questions,defixer le«tracédelaligne
délimitantlesterritoires maritimes»desdeux pays.
52. Confrontée au problème posépar les mots introductifs de la
seconde question, la requérante souligne que, selon le préambule du
compromis, ce dernier avait pour objet lerèglementdu différend existant
entre lesdeux pays etrelatifla déterminationde leur frontière maritime.
La première phrase de l'article 2 demandait au Tribunal de statuer sur
lesdeuxquestions posées.LeTribunal devait,selon l'article9,faire «con-

naître aux deux gouvernements sa décisionquant aux questions énon-
cées àl'article 2».Cette décision devait((comprendre le tracéde la ligne
frontièresur une carte)). D'aprèsla Guinée-Bissau,le Tribunal étaitdès
lorstenu de délimiterpar une ligne unique l'ensemble des espaces mari-
times relevant de l'un et l'autre Etat. Comme, pour les motifs donnés
par le Tribunal, la réponsequ'il apportaità la première question posée
dans le compromis ne pouvait conduire à une délimitation complète,il
s'ensuivait,de l'avisde la Guinée-Bissau, que,nonobstant les mots intro-
ductifs de la secondequestion, le Tribunal étaittenu de répondreà cette
dernièreet de procéder à la délimitationcomplètevoulue par les Parties.
53. En vue d'apprécier la valeurde cette argumentation, il n'est pas
inutile de rappeler dans quelles conditions le compromis a été élaboré. A
la suite de divers incidents, le Sénéglt la Guinée-Bissauont mené,de
1977 a 1985,des négociationsconcernant leur frontière maritime. Deux
thèses sesontalorsopposées :le Sénégas loutenait que l'accord concluen

1960entre la France, enson nompropre etau nom delacommunauté,etle
Portugal faisait droit dans les relations entre les deux pays en vertu des
règles relatives la succession d'Etats et que la ligne fixéepar cet accord
déterminaitla frontière maritime. La Guinée-Bissau estimaitquant à elle
que cet accord était inexistant et nul et,en tout étatde cause, ne lui était
pasopposable. Elleendéduisaitqu'ilconvenait de procéder exnovoà une
délimitation maritime entre les deux pays. Lorsque vint le moment de
rédiger le compromis d'arbitrage, le Sénégaplroposa que le Tribunal se
prononce exclusivement sur la question de savoir si l'accord de 1960
faisait droit dans les relations entre les Parties. La Guinée-Bissau
demanda pour sapart que le Tribunal soit seulement chargéde tracer la
ligne délimitant les territoires maritimes en litige. Après de longues
discussions, un accord intervint pour que soit poséeen premier lieu au
Tribunal la question proposéepar le SénégalL . a Guinée-Bissau suggéra
en outre qu'«en casde réponsenégative a lapremière question»leTribu-

nal soit chargéde fixer le tracéde la ligne de délimitation.Cette formula-
tion futfinalement retenue.
54. On voitque lesdeux questions avaient des objets tout différents.La
première concernait le point de savoir si un accord international faisait
droitdans lesrelations entre lesParties; la seconde visaitocéderaune
délimitation maritime pour le cas où cet accord ne ferait pas droit. Le
Sénégal escomptaitune réponse positive à la première question et en
concluait qu'en pareil cas la ligne droite orientéeà 240" retenue par ARBITRALAWARD (JUDGMENT) 71

"according to the amswersgiven" to those initial questions, to determine
the "course of the boundary between the maritime territories" of the two
52. Faced with the problem presented by the prefatory words of the
second question, the Applicant stresses that, according to the Preamble
of the Arbitration Agreement, its object was to settlethe dispute that had
arisen between the two countries relating to the determination of their
maritime boundary.The first sentence ofArticle 2requested theTribunal
to decide on the twcsquestions put to it. The Tribunal was, according to
Article 9, to "infomn the two Governments of its decision regarding the
questionsset forth inArticle2".That decision wasto "include thedrawing
of the boundary lini:on a map". According to Guinea-Bissau, the Tribu-
nal wastherefore required to delimit byasingleline the whole ofthemari-
time areas appertaining to each State. As, for the reasons given by the
Tribunal, itsanswer to the first question put inthe Arbitration Agreement
could not lead to a comprehensive delimitation, it followed, in Guinea-

Bissau's view, that, notwithstanding the prefatory words to the second
question the Tribunal was required to answer that question and to effect
the overalldelimitat.iondesired by both Parties.
53. Itisuseful to irecall,in order to assessthe weightofthat line ofargu-
ment, the circumstances in which the Arbitration Agreementwas drawn
up. Following various incidents, Senegal and Guinea-Bissau engaged in
negotiations, from 1977to 1985,with regard to their maritime boundary.
Two opposing views were asserted. Senegal maintained that the Agree-
ment concluded in 1960between France, on itsownbehalf and that ofthe
Communauté,and Portugal had the force of law in the relations between
the two States, by virtue of theles relating to Statesuccession, andthat
the line defined byt:hatAgreement definedtheboundary. Guinea-Bissau
however consideredl that that Agreement was inexistent, nul1and void,
and in any case not opposableto it. From this it inferred that it would be
appropriate to proceed ex novoto a maritime delimitation between the
two States. When the time came to draft the Arbitration Agreement, Sen-
egal proposed that ,theTribunal should decide solely whether the 1960

Agreement had the force of law in the relations between the Parties.
Guinea-Bissau aske~dthat the Tribunal should be entrusted only with the
task of drawing the line delimiting the maritime territories in dispute.
Afterlengthydiscussions,it wasagreed that there should first be put tothe
Tribunal the question proposed by Senegal.Guinea-Bissau suggestedin
addition that, "in the event of a negative answer to the first question",
the Tribunal shoulci be asked to define the course of the delimitation
line. That form ofwqordswas ultimately adopted.
54. Itwillbeappa.rentthat the twoquestions hada completelydifferent
subject matter. The first concerned the issue whether an international
agreement had the force of law inthe relations between the Parties,while
the second was directed to a maritime delimitation in the event that that
agreement did not have such force. Senegal was countingon an affirma-
tive reply to the first question, and concluded that the straight line on al'accord de 1960 constituerait la ligne unique séparant l'ensemble des
espaces maritimes des deux pays. La ~uinée-~issau escomptait une
réponsenégativeàlapremière question eten concluait qu'une ligne sépa-

rative uniquepour l'ensembledes espacesmaritimes desdeux Etatsserait
fixée exnovo par le Tribunal en réponseà la seconde question. Les deux
Etats entendaient obtenir une délimitationde l'ensemblede leursespaces
maritimes par une ligne unique. Mais le Sénégal comptaitatteindre ce
résultat grâce à une réponse affirmative a la première question et la
Guinée-Bissau grâce a une réponse négativea cette même question.
Aucun accord n'était intervenuentre les Parties sur ce qui adviendrait,
dans l'hypothèse ouune réponse affirmativene conduiraitqu'à une déli-
mitation partielle, et surla tâcheconfier éventuellementauTribunal en
pareil cas. Lestravaux préparatoiresconfirmentparsuite lesensordinaire
de l'article 2.
55. LaCour considèreque cetteconclusion n'estpas en désaccordavec
le fait que le Tribunal s'est donnéle titre de ((Tribunal arbitral pour la
détermination de la frontière maritime, Guinée-Bissau/Sénégal»,ou
qu'il a, au paragraphe 27 de la sentence, préciséque «le seul objet du
différend ..porte ..sur la déterminationdela frontière maritime entre la
République du Sénégal et laRépublique de Guinée-Bissau, question
qu'ellesn'ont pu résoudrepar voiede négociation ..»De l'avisdelaCour,
cetitre etcette définitiondoivent être lusa lalumièrede la conclusion du
Tribunal, que la Cour partage, suivant laquelle, s'ilest vrai qu'il entrait
dans lamission de celui-cid'effectuerladélimitationdetous lesterritoires
maritimes des Parties,cette tâche ne lui incombait que dans le cadre de la
secondequestion et «en cas de réponsenégativeà lapremière question >).

56. En définitive,si les deux Etats avaient expriméde manière géné-
rale, dans le préambuledu compromis, leur désirde parvenir à un règle-
ment de leurdifférend,ilsn'yavaient consenti quedans lestermesprévus
a l'article 2du compromis. Par voie de conséquence, leTribunal n'a pas
méconnu manifestement sa compétenceen ce qui concerne sa propre
compétence,en jugeant qu'il n'étaitpas tenu de répondre à la seconde
question, sauf en casde réponsenégativealapremière.Lepremiermoyen
doit êtreécarté.
57. La Cour va examiner maintenant le deuxième moyen présenté par
la Guinée-Bissau.Indépendamment de sathèse, selon laquelle une inter-
prétationexacte du compromis exigeait que l'on passât à l'examen de la
seconde question quelle que fût la réponse donnée a la première, la
Guinée-Bissau soutient que la réponse que le Tribunal a donnée en
l'espèceà lapremièrequestion étaitune réponse partiellementnégative et
que cela suffisait a remplir la condition prescrite pour aborder l'examen
de la secondequestion. Dèslors, et comme ledémontreraitla déclaration
du président Barberis,leTribunal aurait a lafoiseu ledroit etledevoir de
répondreà la seconde question.
58. Il est de fait que le Tribunal a répondua la première question au
paragraphe 88 de la sentence en précisantque l'accord de 1960faisaitbearing of 240°, adlopted by the 1960Agreement, would constitute the
singlelineseparating the whole ofthe maritime areas ofthe two countries.
Guinea-Bissau was counting on a negative answer to the first question,

and concluded that a single dividing line for the whole of the maritime
areas of the two countries would be fixed ex novoby the Tribunalin reply
to the secondquestion. The two States intendedtoobtain adelimitation of
the whole of their maritime areas by a singleline. But Senegal was count-
ing on achieving thiisresult through an affirmative answer to the first
question, and Guinea-Bissau through a negative answer to that question.
No agreement had been reached between the Parties as to what should
happen in the event of an affirmative answer leading only to a partial
delimitation, and asto what might bethe task oftheTribunalin such case.
The travauxpréparutoiresaccordingly confirm the ordinary meaning of
Article 2.
55. The Court considers that this conclusion is not at variance with the
circumstance that the Tribunal adopted as its title "Arbitration Tribunal
for the Determination of the Maritime Boundary: Cuinea-Bissau/Sen-
egal", or with its definition, in paragraph 27 of the Award, of the "sole
object of the disputi:" as being one relating to "the determination of the
maritime boundary between the Republic of Senegal and the Republic of
Guinea-Bissau, a question which they have not been able to settle by
means of negotiation ...".In the opinion of theCourt,that title and that
definition areto be read in the light of the Tribunal's conclusion, which
the Court shares,that, while its mandatedidinclude the making of a deli-
mitation of al! the maritime areas of the Parties,this fell to be done only
under the second question and "in the event of a negative answer to the

first question".
56. In short, although the two States had expressed in generalterms in
the Preamble of the Arbitration Agreement their desire to reach a settle-
ment of their dispute, their consent thereto had only been given in the
terms laid down by Article 2. Consequently the Tribunal did not act in
manifest breach of Utscompetence to determine its own jurisdiction by
deciding that it was inotrequired to answer the second question except in
the event of a negative answer to the first. The first argument must be
57. The Court now turns to Cuinea-Bissau's second argument. Apart
from its contention that, on a true construction, the Arbitration Agree-
ment required recouirseto the secondquestion whatever was the answer to
the first, Guinea-Bissau argues thatthe answer in fact given by theTribu-
nal to the first questiionwas a partially negative answer and that this suf-
ficed to satisfy the prescribed condition for entering into the second
question. Accordingly, and aswasto be shown by the declaration of Presi-
dent Barberis, the Tribunal was, it is said, both entitled and bound to
answer the second question.

58. It is true that the Arbitration Tribunal, when answering the first
question, in paragraph 88 of the Award, explained that the 1960 Agree-droit dans les relations entre les Parties «en ce qui concerne les seules
zones mentionnées dans cet accord, à savoir la mer territoriale, la zone
contiguë et le plateau continental. Par voie de conséquence, «l'accord
de 1960ne délimitepas les espacesmaritimesqui n'existaient pas àcette
date, qu'on les appelle zone économique exclusive, zone de pêcheou
autrement »(sentence,par. 85).
59. Leprésident Barberis,dans sa déclaration annexée àla sentence,
reproduite au paragraphe 19ci-dessus,avait ajouté qu'il aurait pour sa
part préféréqu'au paragraphe 88de lasentence ilsoitrépondudemanière
affirmativeen cequiconcerne lesespacesdélimitéspar l'accordde 1960et
négativeen ce qui concerne les espacesnon délimitéspar ledit accord. A
son avis, une telle formulation partiellement négativeaurait attribuéau
Tribunal unecompétencepartielle pour répondre à lasecondequestion et
pour déterminerlalimitedeseaux de lazoneéconomiqueexclusiveou de

la zone de pêche entreles deux pays.
60. La Cour observe en premier lieu que le Tribunal n'a pas, au para-
graphe 88 de sa sentence, adoptéla formulation qui aurait eu les préfé-
rences du président Barberis. La Guinée-Bissaune saurait donc fonder
son argumentation sur une rédaction qui en définitiven'apas étéretenue
par le Tribunal. En réalité,ce dernier a jugé,en réponse àla première
question, que l'accord de 1960faisait droit dans les relations entre les
Parties, tout en précisant la portée matérielledudit accord. Une telle
réponse ne permettait pas d'aboutirà une délimitationde l'ensemble des
espaces maritimes des deux Etats et de réglerentièrement le différend
existant entre eux. Elle aboutissaitune délimitationpartielle. Mais elle
n'en était pasmoins une réponse complèteet affirmative a la première
question; ellereconnaissait que l'accordde 1960faisaitdroit dans lesrela-
tions entre le Sénégalelta Guinée-Bissau.Dèslors,leTribunal a pu, sans

méconnaître manifestement sa compétence, juger que la réponse qu'il
avaitdonnée a la premièrequestion n'était pas négative,etuepar suite il
n'avait pas compétencepour répondre à la seconde. A cet égardégale-
ment, l'argumentation de la Guinée-Bissau selon laquelle la sentence
dans son ensemble est frappéedenullitédoit être écartée.

61. La Guinée-Bissau rappelle enfin que, selon le paragraphe 2 de
l'article 9du compromis, la décision du Tribunal devait ((comprendre le
tracéde la ligne frontièresurune carte», et qu'une telle carte n'a pas été
établieparleTribunal. La Guinée-Bissausoutientque ce derniern'aurait
en outre pas motivésuffisamment sa décisionsur ce point. La sentence

devrait pour ces derniers motifs être considéréceomme nulle dans son
62. La Cour observe que la sentence énonce que l'accord de 1960
«détermine clairement la frontière maritime pour ce qui a traitàla mer
territoriale, la zone contiguë et au plateau continental)) en retenant ARBITRALAWARD (JUDGMENT) 73

ment hadthe force of lawinthe relations between the Parties "with regard
solely to the areas rnentioned in that Agreement, namely the territorial
sea, the contiguous zone and the continental shelf'. Consequently "the

1960Agreement does not delimit those maritime spaces which did not
existatthat date, whether theybetermed exclusiveeconomiczone,fishery
zone or whatever" (Award,para. 85).
59. In his declaration appended to the Award reproduced in para-
graph 19above, President Barberis added that he would have preferred
that, in paragraph $18of the Award, an affirmative answer be given with
respect to the areas delimited by the 1960 Agreement, and a negative
answer with respect;to the areas not delimited by that Agreement. In his
opinion, such a partially negative wording would have conferred on the
Tribunal a partial irompetence to reply to the second question, and to
determine the boundary of the waters of the exclusive economiczones or
fishery zones between the two countries.
60. The Court w~ouldfirst observe that the Tribunal did not, in para-
graph 88 of its Awa~rd,adopt the form of words that President Barberis
would have preferred. Guinea-Bissau thus cannot base its arguments
upon a forrn of words that was not in fact adopted by the Tribunal. The
Tribunal found, inreply to the firstquestion,that the 1960Agreement had

the force of lawin th.erelations between the Parties, and atthe sametime it
defined the substantivescope of that Agreement. Such an answer did not
permit of a delimitation of the whole of the maritime areas of the two
States,and acomple:tesettlement ofthe disputebetween them. Itachieved
a partial delimitation. But that answer was nonetheless both a complete
and an affirmative answer to the first question; it recognized that the
Agreement of 1960had the force of law in the relations between Senegal
and Guinea-Bissau. The Tribunal could thus find, without manifest
breach of its compe:tence,that its answer to the first question was not a
negative one, and that itwasthereforenotcompetent to answer the second
question. In this respect also, the contention of Guinea-Bissau that the
entire Award is a nuillitymust be rejected.

61. Finally, Guiniea-Bissau recalls that, according to Article 9, para-
graph 2,of the Arbitration Agreement, the decision of the Tribunal wasto
"include the drawinigof the boundary line on a map", and that no such
map was produced by the Arbitration Tribunal. Guinea-Bissau contends
that the Tribunal also did not give sufficient reasons for its decision on
that point. It is contended that the Award should, for these reasons, be
considered wholly niulland void.
62. The Court observes thatthe Award Statesthat the 1960Agreement
"clearly determines the maritime boundary as regards the territorial sea,
the contiguouszone and the continental shelf' byadopting "a straightline«une lignedroiteorientéeà240"»(par. 80et 85).Lasentenceindique que
cetteformulation «permet d'écarter toutelignegéodésique »,de sorte que
la ligne devrait êtreloxodromique, ce qui est d'ailleurs conforme au
((croquisattaché aux travauxpréparatoires de l'accord de 1960 »(par. 86
et88).Puis,aprèsavoirdécidé denepas répondre à lasecondequestion, la
décisionajoute :«Au surplus, leTribunal n'apasjugéutile,étantdonnésa
décision,dejoindre une carte comprenant le tracéde la ligne frontière. ))

63. La Cour ne saurait accueillir la thèseselon laquelle la motivation
du Tribunal étaitinsuffisante sur ce point. La motivation rappelée ci-
dessus est, la encore, brève, mais suffisante pour éclairerles Parties et la
Cour sur les raisons quiont guidéleTribunal. Ce dernier a estiméquela
ligne frontière fixéepar l'accord de 1960étaitune ligne loxodromique
orientée à 240" partant du point d'intersection du prolongement de la

frontière terrestre et de la laisse de basse merdesdeux pays, représentéà
cet effet par le phare du cap Roxo. Ne répondant pas à la seconde ques-
tion, iln'aeuàfixer aucuneautre ligne.Dèslors,illuiestapparu inutile de
faireporter sur une carte une ligne connue de tous et dont il avaitprécisé
les ultimes caractéristiques.
64. Compte tenu de la rédactiondesarticles 2et9du compromis etdes
positions prises par les Parties devant leTribunal, on pourrait discuter de
la question de savoir si, en l'absence de réponsea la seconde question, le
Tribunal étaitdans l'obligation de dresser la carte prévueau compromis.
Mais la Cour n'estimepas nécessaired'entrer dansun tel débat.En effet,
et en tout étatde cause, I'absence de carte ne saurait constituer dans les
circonstances de l'espèceune irrégularitéde nature à entacher la sentence
arbitrale d'invalidité.Le dernier grief de la Guinée-Bissaune sauraitdès
lors être accueilli.

65. Lesconclusions dela Guinée-Bissaudoiventpar suiteêtreécartées.
La sentence arbitrale du 3 1juillet 1989est valable et obligatoire pour la
République du Sénégalet la République de Guinée-Bissau, qui sont
tenues de l'appliquer.

66. La Cour n'en constatepas moins que la sentence n'a pas abouti à
une délimitationcomplètedes espaces maritimes qui relèvent respective-

ment de la Guinée-Bissau etdu Sénégal.Maiselleobserveque cerésultat
trouve son origine dans la rédactionretenue a l'article 2du compromis.

67. La Cour a par ailleurs pris note du fait que la Guinée-Bissau a
déposéau Greffe de la Cour, le 12 mars 1991,une seconde requête lui
demandant de dire etjuger :

«Quel doit être,sur la base du droit international de la mer et de
tous les élémentspertinents de l'affaire, ycompris la future décisiondrawn at 240" "(paras. 80and 85).TheAward Statesthat this terminology
"makes it possible to mle out any geodesic line", so that the line would
have to be a loxodromic line, which, moreover is in accordance with the
"sketch included in the preparatory work of the 1960 Agreement"
(paras. 86and 88). 'ïhen, after decidingnot to answer the second question,
the Tribunal adds that :"Furthermore, inviewofitsdecision, the Tribunal
considered that there was no need to append a map showing the course of
the boundary line."
63. The Court is unable to uphold the contention that the reasoning of
the Tribunal was iinsufficient on this point. The reasoning mentioned
above is, once again, brief but sufficient to enlighten the Parties and the
Court as to the reaisonsthat guided the Tribunal. It found that the boun-
dary line fixed by the 1960Agreement was a loxodromic line drawn at
240" fromthe point ofintersection ofthe prolongation oftheland frontier
and the low-water line of the two countries, represented for that purpose
bythe Cape Roxo lighthouse. Sinceitdidnot replytothe secondquestion,

itdid not have todefine any other line. Itthus considered that there wasno
need to draw on a map a line which was common knowledge, and the
definitivecharacteristics of which it had specified.
64. In viewof thlewording of Articles 2and 9of the Arbitration Agree-
ment, andthe positions taken by the Partiesbefore the Arbitration Tribu-
nal, it isopen to argumentwhether, in the absence of a reply tothe second
question, the Tribunal was under an obligation to produce the map en-
visaged by the Arbitration Agreement. The Court does not however
consider it necessaryto enter into such a discussion. In the circumstances
of the case, the absence of a map cannot in any event constitute such an
irregularity as would render the Award invalid. The last argument of
Guinea-Bissau istherefore also not accepted.
65. The submissions of Guinea-Bissau must accordingly be rejected.
The Arbitral Award of3 1July 1989isvalid and binding uponthe Republic
of Senegaland the liepublic of Guinea-Bissau, which have the obligation
to apply it.

66. The Court nonetheless takesnote ofthe fact thatthe Award has not
broughtabout aconnpletedelimitation ofthe maritime areas appertaining
respectively to Guinea-Bissau and to Senegal. It would however observe
that that result isdue to the wording of Article2 of the Arbitration Agree-
67. The Court has moreover taken note of the fact that on 12March
1991Guinea-Bissau filed in the Registry of the Court a second Applica-
tion requesting the Court to adjudge and declare :

"What should be, on the basis of the international law of the
sea and of al1the relevant elements of the case,including the future de la Cour dans l'affaire relatiàela((sentence))arbitrale du 31juillet
1989,le tracé(figurésur une carte) délimitant l'ensemble des terri-
toires maritimes relevant respectivement de la Guinée-bissau et du
Sénégal. »

Elle a également pris note de la déclaration de l'agent du Sénégadl ans la
présenteinstance selon laquelle une

«solution serait de négocier avecle Sénégal,qui ne s'yoppose pas,
une frontière de la zone économiqueexclusive ou, siun accord n'est
pas possible, de porter l'affaire devant la Cour».

68. Au vu de cette requêteet de cette déclaration, et au terme d'une
procédure arbitrale longue et difficile et de la présenteprocédure devant
laCour, cette dernièreestime qu'ilseraitéminemment souhaitable que les

élémentsdu différend non régléspar la sentence arbitrale du 31 juillet
1989puissent l'êtredans les meilleurs délais,ainsique les deux Parties en
ont expriméle désir.

69. Par ces motifs,

1) Al'unanimité,
Rejette les conclusions de la République de Guinée-Bissau selon
lesquelles la sentence arbitrale rendue le 31juillet 1989par le Tribunal
constituéen vertu du compromis du 12mars 1985entre la Républiquede

Guinée-Bissau et la République du Sénégal estfrappéed'inexistence;
2) Par onze voix contre quatre,

Rejette les conclusions de la République de Guinée-Bissau selon
lesquelles la sentence arbitrale du 31 juillet 1989 est frappée de nullité

POURs :ir Robert Jennings,résident;M. Oda, Vice-Président ; M. Lachs,
Ago,Schwebel,Ni, Evensen,Tarassov,Guillaume,Shahabuddeen, juges;
M.Mbaye, juge ad hoc ;
CONTRE :MM. Aguilar Mawdsley,Weeramantry,Ranjeva, juges ;M. Thierry,
juge ad hoc ;
3) Par douze voix contre trois,

Rejette les conclusions de la République de Guinée-Bissau selon
lesquelles c'esta tort que le Gouvernement du Sénégap l rétend imposer à
celui de la Guinée-Bissau l'application de la sentencearbitrale du 31juil-
let 1989;et, sur lesconclusionsprésentées encesenspar la Républiquedu decision of th<:Court in the case concerning the arbitral 'award'of
31 July 1989, the line (to be drawn on a map) delimiting al1 the
maritime territories appertaining respectively to Guinea-Bissau
and Senegal."

It has also taken note of the declaration made by the Agent of Senegalin
the present proceedlings, according to which one solution

"would be to niegotiatewith Senegal,which has no objection to this,
a boundary for the exclusive economic zone or, should it prove
impossible to reach an agreement, to bring the matter before the

68. Havingregard to that Application and that declaration, and at the
close of a long and difficult arbitral procedure and of these proceedings
before the Court, the Court considers it highly desirable thatthe elements
of the disputethat were not settled by the Arbitral Award of 31July 1989
be resolved as soon as possible, as both Partiesdesire.

69. For these reasons,

(1) Unanimously,
Rejectsthe submission of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau that the Arbi-

tral Award given oni3 1July 1989by the Arbitration Tribunal established
pursuant to the Agreement of 12 March 1985between the Republic of
Guinea-Bissau and the Republic of Senegal, is inexistent;
(2) Byeleven votes to four,

Rejectsthe submission of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau that the Arbi-
tral Award of 31July 1989is absolutely nul1and void;

IN FAVOUR :Preside.nt irRobertJennings; Vice-îresidentOda; JudgesLachs,
Ago,Schwebel,:Ni,Evensen,Tarassov,Guillaume,Shahabuddeen; Judge
ad hoc Mbaye.
AcArNsTJ :udges Aguilar Mawdsley, Weeramantry,Ranjeva; Judge ad hoc
(3) Bytwelve votes to three,

Rejectsthe submission of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau that the Gov-
ernment of Senegal is not justified in seeking to require the Government
of Guinea-Bissau to applythe Arbitral Award of 3 1July 1989;and, onthe
submission tothat effect ofthe Republic of Senegal, findsthat the ArbitralSénégal,dit quela sentencearbitrale du 31juillet 1989est valable et obli-
gatoire pour la République du Sénégalet la République de Guinée-
Bissau, qui sont tenues de l'appliquer.
POURs:ir Robert Jennings,résident;M. Oda, Vice-PrésidenMt;M. Lachs,
Ago, Schwebel, Ni, Evensen, Tarassov, Guillaume, Shahabuddeen,
Ranjeva,juges;M. Mbaye,jugead hoc ;
CONTRE M: M. Aguilar Mawdsley,Weeramantry,juges; M. Thierry,juge
ad hoc.

Fait en français et en anglais, le texte français faisant foi, au Palais de
la Paix,à La Haye, le douze novembre mil neuf cent quatre-vingt-onze,
en trois exemplaires, dont l'un restera déposé auxarchives de la Cour et
les autres seront transmis respectivement au Gouvernement de la Répu-
blique de Guinée-Bissau et au Gouvernement de la République du

Le Président,

(Signé)R. Y. JENNINGS.
Le Greffier,


M. TARASSOjV u, e, et M. MBAYEj,ge adhoc,joignent des déclarations
à l'arrêt.

M. ODA,Vice-Président,et MM. LACHSN , I et SHAHABUDDEjE ug,s,
joignentà l'arrêt lesexposésde leur opinion individuelle.

MM. AGUILAR MAWDSLEeY t RANJEVA ju,ges, joignenàl'arrêt l'exposé
de leur opinion dissidente commune; M. WEERAMANTRjY u,e, et
M.THIERRY j,ge ad hoc,yjoignent lesexposésde leur opinion dissidente.



Award of31July 1989isvalid and bindingfor the Republic of Senegal and
the Republic of Guiinea-Bissau,which have the obligation to apply it.

IN FAVOUR:PresidentSirRobert JenningsVice-PresidenOda; JudgesLachs,
Ago, Schwebel. Ni, Evensen, Tarassov, Guillaume, Shahabuddeen,
Ranjeva; Judgead hoc Mbaye.

AGAINS Ju:dgesAguilarMawdsley,Weeramantry; Judge ad hoc Thierry.

Done in French a.ndin English, the French text being authoritative, at
the Peace Palace, TineHague,this twelfth day of November, one thousand
nine hundred and niinety-one,in three copies, one of which willbe placed
in the archives of the Court and the otherstransmitted to the Government
of the Republic ofuinea-Bissau andthe Government ofthe Republic of
Senegal, respectivel,~.

(Signed) R. Y. JENNINGS,

(Signed) Eduardo VALENCIA-OSPINA,

Judge TARASSOaV nd Judge ad hocMBAYE append declarations to the
Judgment of the Coi~rt.

Vice-President OIIA,Judges LACHS,NI and SHAHABUDDEa Eppend
separate opinions to the Judgment of theCourt.

Judges ACUILAR ~MAWDSLaE nd RANJEVaA ppend a joint dissenting

opinion, and Judge WEERAMANTa Rnd Judge ad hocTHIERRY dissenting
opinions, to theJudgment of the Court.

(Initialled) R.Y.J.
(Initialled) E.V.O.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Judgment of 12 November 1991
