Legal Consequences of the construction of a wall in the occupied Palestinian Territory - Request for Advisory Opinion - Conclusion of public hearings - Court ready to begin its deliberation

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No. 2004/12
25 February 2004

Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
(Reguest for advisory opinion)

Conclusion of public hearings

Court ready to begin its deliberation

THE HAGUE, 25 February 2004. The public hearings in the case concerning the Legal
Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (request for
advisory opinion) concluded today.

At the hearings, held from 23 to 25 February 2004, the following oral statements were

- on behalf of Palestine, by: H.E. Mr. Nasser Al-Kidwa, Ambassador, Permanent Observer of
Palestine to the United Nations, Head of Delegation; Ms Stephanie Koury, Member,
Negotiations Support Unit, Counsel; Mr. James Crawford, Whewell Professor of International

Law, University of Cambridge, Counsel and Advocate; Mr. Georges Abi-Saab, Professor of
International Law, Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva, Member of the Institute
of International Law, Counsel and Advocate; Mr. Vaughan Lowe, Chichele Professor of
International Law, University of Oxford, Counsel and Advocate;and Mr. Jean Salmon,
Professor Emeritusf International Law, Universitélibre de Bruxelles, Member of the Institute
of International Law, Counsel and Advocate;

on behalf of South Africa, by: H.E. Mr. Aziz Pahad, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and
Head of Delegation; Mr. M. R. W. Madlanga, Judge;

on behalff Algeria, by: Mr. Ahmed Laraba, Professor of International Law;

on behalfof Saudi Arabia, by: H.E. Mr. Fawzi A. Shobokshi, Ambassador and Permanent

Representative of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the United Nations in New York, Head of

on behalf of Bangladesh, by: H.E. Mr. Liaquat Ali Choudhury, Ambassador of Bangladesh to
the Netherlands;

on behalf of Belize, by: Mr. Jean-Marc Sorel, Professor at the Université de Paris 1

on behalfof Cuba, by: H.E. Mr. Abelardo Moreno Fernandez, Deputy Minister for Foreign

on behalf oflndonesia, by: H.E. Mr. Mohammad Jusuf, Ambassador the Republic oflndonesia
to the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Head ofDelegation; -2-

on behalf of Jordan, by: H.R.H. Ambassador Zeid Ra'ad Zeid Al-Hussein, Head of the
Delegation and Permanent Representative of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to the United
Nations, New York; and Sir Arthur Watts, K.C.M.G., Q.C., Senior Legal Adviser to the
Govemment of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan;

on behalf of Madagascar, by: H.E. Mr. Alfred Rambeloson, Permanent Representative of
Madagascar to the Office of the United Nations at Geneva and to the Specialized Agencies,
Head of Delegation;

on behalf of Malaysia, by: H.E. Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar, Foreign Minister of Malaysia,
Head of Delegation;

on behalf of Senegal, by: H.E. Mr. Saliou Cissé,Ambassador of the Republic of Senegal to the

Kingdom of the Netherlands, Head of Delegation;

on behalf of the Sudan, by: H.E. Mr. Abuelgasim A. Idris, Ambassador of the Sudan to the

on behalf of the League of Arab States, by: Mr. Michael Bothe, Professor of Law, Head of the
Legal Team;

on behalf of the Organization of the lslamic Conference, by: H.E. Mr. Abdelouahed Belkeziz,

Secretary General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference; and
Ms Monique Chemillier-Gendreau, Professor of Public Law, University of
Paris VII-Denis Diderot, Counsel.


The Court will now start its deliberation. The date of the public sitting at which the Court
will render its advisory opinion will be announced in a subsequent press release.


Information available on the Court's website

To retrieve the video archive of the hearings which took place from 23 to 25 February 2004,

please consult the Court's website ( Click on "Video streaming of the public
sittings of the Court" then select a particular half-day session. Names of delegations are indicated
in brackets.

To consult the written transcripts of the oral statements, please click on "Link to the regular

website of the Court" thenon "Docket" and lastly on the hyperlink with the name of the case Legal
Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (request for
advisory opinion). The transcripts can be found under "Oral Pleadings".

For information on the history of the proceedings, please consult Press Release 2004/5 (click
on "What's new" thenon "Latest press releases").

Information Department:
Mr. Arthur Witteveen, First Secretary of the Court (tel+ 31 70 302 23 36)

Mrs. Laurence Blairon and Mr. Boris Heim, Information Officers (tel: + 31 70 302 23 37)
E-mail address: [email protected]

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Legal Consequences of the construction of a wall in the occupied Palestinian Territory - Request for Advisory Opinion - Conclusion of public hearings - Court ready to begin its deliberation
