Aerial Incident of 10 August 1999 (Pakistan v. India) - Hearings on the issue of the Court's jurisdiction to open on Monday 3 April 2000 at 10 a.m.

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Peace Palace, 2517 KJ The Hague. Tel.(31-70-302 23 23). Cables: Intercourt, The Hague.
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No. 2000/11
30 March 2000

Aerial incident of 10 August 1999

<Pakistan v. lndia)

Programme of the hearings due to open on Monda y 3 April at 10 a.m.
on the issue of the Court's jurisdiction

THE HAGUE, 30 March 2000. The programme of the public hearings which will open on Monday
3 April2000 at 10 a.m. before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the case concerning the Aerial
Incident of 10 August 1999 (Pakistan vIndia) is the following:

First round of oral arguments Second round of oral arguments

Monday 3 April: Pakistan Wednesday 5 April: Pakistan
Tuesday 4 April: lndia Thursday 6 April: India

The hearings will be held between l0 a.m. and 1p.m. As announced in Press Conununiqué
No. 2000/6 of 24 February 2000, they will be dedicated exclusively to the issue of the Court's jurisdiction to
deal with the dispute.

The delegation of Pakistan will be led by Mr. Amir A. Shadani, Chargé d'affaires ad interim

of the Embassy of Pakistan in the Netherlands, Acting Agent, and the delegation of India by
H.E. Mr. Prabhakar Menon, Ambassador oflndia to the Netherlands, Agent.


At the opening of the hearings on Monday 3.April2000, two new Members of the Court, Judges
Awn Shawkat Al-Khasawneh (Jordan) and Thomas Buergenthal (United States of America), will make the
solemn declaration provided for in Article of the Statute of the Court.

Judge Al-Khasawneh was elected by the General Assembly and the Security Council of the United
Nations on 3 November 1999 for a nine-year term starting on 6 February 2000 (see Press Communiqué
No. 99/47). Judge Buergenthal was elected on 2 March 2000 to succeed Judge Stephen M. Schwebel,
following the latter'sresignation; he will hold office for the remainder of Judge Schwebel's tenn, which will
expire on5 February 2006 (see Press CommuniquéNo. 2000/8).

In the above-mentioned case, since the Court did not include upon the Bench any judge of the
nationality of the Parties, the latter stated that they wished to choose ad hoc judPakistan bas chosen
Mr. Syed SharifUddin Pirzada to sît as judge ad hoc while India bas chosen Mr. B. P. Jeevan Reddy.

The two ad hoc judges will also rilake the solenm declaration provided for in Article 20 of the Statute
of the Court at the start ofthe sitting.

Website ofthe Court:

Information Department:
Mr. Arthur Witteveen, First Secretary (+ 31 70 302 23 36)

Mrs. Laurence Blairon, Information Offi.cer+ 31 70 302 23 37)
E-mail address: [email protected]

ICJ document subtitle

- Hearings on the issue of the Court's jurisdiction to open on Monday 3 April 2000 at 10 a.m.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Aerial Incident of 10 August 1999 (Pakistan v. India) - Hearings on the issue of the Court's jurisdiction to open on Monday 3 April 2000 at 10 a.m.
