Legality of Use of Force (Serbia and Montenegro v. France) - Conclusion of the hearings on provisional measures - The Court ready to consider its decision

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No. 99/20

12 May 1999

Legality of Use of Force
(Yugoslavia v. Belgium) lYugoslavia v. Canada) CYugoslavia v. France)

CYugoslavia v. Germanyl CYugoslavia v. ltalyl <Yugoslavia v. Netherlands)
(Yugoslavia v. Portugal) CYugoslavia v. Spain) (Yugoslavia v. United Kingdom)
<Yugoslavia v. United States of America)

Conclusion ofthe hearings on provisional measures

The Court ready to consider its decision

THE HAGUE, 12 May 1999. The public hearings concerning the requests for the indication
of provisional measun;s submitted by the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) in the
above-mentioned cases at the International Courtf Justice (ICJ) were concluded today, enabling
the Judges to start their deliberations.

In its requests, Yugoslavia asked the Court to arder thes involved to "cease immediately
[their] acts of use of force" and to "refrain from any act of threat or use of force" against the FRY.

At the opening of the hearings, on Monday 10 May 1999, five judges ad hoc took the oath
(Article31 of the Court's Statute provides that Parties which do not have any judge of their
nationality on the Bench may appoint a judge ad hoc). They are Messrs. Milenko Kreéa

(Yugoslavia), Patrick Duinslaeger (Belgium), Marc Lalande (Canada), Giorgio Gaja (Italy) and
Santiago Torres Bemardez (Spain).

The Court then beard the Parties. Yugoslavia, as the applicant State, spoke first for two hours

in a common statement for ali ten cases.ltwas followed by the respondent States in the Englîsh
alphabetical order. Bach State bad one hour to submit its arguments. The frrst round of oral
arguments was concluded on Tuesday 11 May 1999.

A second round of oral arguments was held today, Yugoslavîa having one hour at its disposai
and the respondent States 15 minutes each.

The Court's decision on theugoslav requests for provisional measures in the ten cases will

be delivered in the coming weeks. lt will be read at a public sitting on a date which will be
announced in a forthcoming press release.

Yugoslavia filed its requests for the indication provisional measures on 29 April 1999

when it instituted proceedings before the Court against the ten above-mentioned States, accusing
them ofbombing Yugoslav territory in violation oftheir obligation not to use force against another
State (for further details, see Press Communiqué 99/17). - 2 -

The verbatim records of the hearings are available on the Court's website (address:

Information Office:
Mr. Arthur Witteveen, Secretary of the Court (+ 31 70 302 2336)
Mrs. 'Laurence Blairon, Information Officer (+ 31 70 302 2337)
E-mail address: information@icj

ICJ document subtitle

- Conclusion of the hearings on provisional measures - The Court ready to consider its decision

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Legality of Use of Force (Serbia and Montenegro v. France) - Conclusion of the hearings on provisional measures - The Court ready to consider its decision
