Legality of Use of Force (Serbia and Montenegro v. United Kingdom) - Provisional Measures - Programme of the hearings opening on Monday 10 May 1999

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Peace Palace 2517 KJ The Hague. Tel.(31-70-302 23 23). Cables: Intercourt, The Hague.

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No. 99/19
7 May 1999

Legality of Use of Force

(Yugoslavia v. Belgium) (Yugoslavia v. Canada) (Yugoslavia v. France)
(Yugoslavia v. Germany) (Yugoslavia v. Italy) (Yugoslavia v. Netherlands)
(Yugoslavia v. Portugal) (Yugoslavia v. Spain) (Yugoslavia v. United Kingdom)
(Yugoslavia v. United States of America)

Provisional Measures

Programme of the hearin op~ning on Monday 10 May 1999

THE HAGUE, 7 May 1999. The hearings scheduled to open on Monday 10 May 1999 at
the International Court Justice (ICJ) in the above-mentioned cases will take place from 10 a.m.
till 1 p.m. and from 3 p.m. till 6 p.m. each day.

They will begin with a preliminary common statement by Judge Christopher Weeramantry,
Vice-President of the Court, exercising the functions of the presidency in the ten cases.

Judges ad hoc will subsequently take the oath (Article the Court'sStatute provides that
Parties which do not have any judge oftheir nationality on the Bench may appoint ajudge ad hoc).

The Court will then hear therties. Yugoslavia, as the applicant State, will speak first for

two hours in a common statement addressed to ali ten cases. lt will be followed by the respondent
Statesin English alphabetical order. Each State will have approximately one hour to submit its

The delegationsof the Parties will be led by the following persons:

Yugoslavia: Mr. Rodoljub Etinski, Chief Legal Adviser in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

Belgium: Mrs. Raymonde Foucart, Director-General Legal Matters at the Ministryoreign
Affairs, Agent;

Canada: Mr. Philippe Kirsch, Legal Adviser to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and
International Trade, Agent;

France: Mr. Ronny Abraham, Director of Legal Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,


Germany: H.E. Mr. Eberhard U. B. J. von Puttkamer, Ambassador to the Netherlands, and
Mr. Gerhard Westdickenberg, Legal Adviserof the Federal Foreign Office, Agents; - 2 -

Italy: Mr. Umberto Leanza, Head of the Diplomatie Legal Service at the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, Agent;

Netherlands: Prof. Dr.J. G. Lammers, Acting Legal Adviser of the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, Agent;

Portugal: Mr. JoséMaria Teixeira Leite Martins, Head of the Legal Affairs Department of

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Agent;

Spain: Mr. Aurelio PérezGiralda, Director of the International Legal Department at the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Agent;

United Kingdom: Sir Franklin D. Berman, K.C.M.G., Q.C., Legal Adviser to the Foreign &
Commonwealth Office, Agent;.

United States of America: Mr. David R. Andrews, Legal Adviser, Department of State,


A press briefing wili be organized on Monday 10 May 1999 at 8.15 a.m. in the Press Room
(Room 5) of the Peace Palace at The Hague, seat of the Court. Media representatives are cordially

invited to attend. However, no filming will be allowed during the briefing.

The verbatim records of the hearings will be published daily on the Court's website (address:

Information Office:
Mr. Arthur Witteveen, Secretary of the Court (tel:+ 31 70 302 2336)
Mrs. Laurence Blairon, Information Officer (tel:+ 31 70 302 2337)

E-mail address: [email protected]

ICJ document subtitle

- Provisional Measures - Programme of the hearings opening on Monday 10 May 1999

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Legality of Use of Force (Serbia and Montenegro v. United Kingdom) - Provisional Measures - Programme of the hearings opening on Monday 10 May 1999
