Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro) - Preliminary objections - Progress and conclusion of public h

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Peace Palace, 251KJ The Hague.Tel.(0 7302~)3abl2s: lntercourt, The Hague.

Telefax(07~3 6928). Telex 32323.


forffimmediate releaae

No. 96/17
6 May 1996

Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment
of the Crime of Genocide
(Bosnia and Herzegovina \', Yugoslavia <Serbia and Montenegro))


Progress and conclusion of public hearings

The following information is communicated to the Press by the Registry of the International
• Court of Justice:

The public hearings held by the Court on the preliminary objections filed by Yugoslavia (Serbia
and Montenegro) in the above case, which opened on Monday 29 April 1996, were concluded on

Friday 3 May 1996.

During the first roundral arguments, held behveen 29 April and 1 May, statements were

- on behalf of Yugoslavia (Serbiaand Montenegro),by H.E. Mr. Rodoljub Etinsand
Mr. Djordje Lopicié, Agentsugoslavia (Serbia and Monteneand by Mr. lan Brownlie,
Mr. Miodrag Mitié and Mr. Eric Suy, Counsel and Advocates;

- on behalf of Bosnia and Herzegovina, by H.E. Mr. Muhamed Sal:irbey, Agent of Bosnia and
Herzegovina; Mr. Phon van den BieseDeputy-AgentCounsel and Advocate; and by
Mr. Thomas Franck, Mr. Alain Pellet and Ms Brigitte Stem, Counscl and Advocates.

The second round took place on 2 and 3 May 1996. The speakers were:

- on behalfof Yugoslavia(Serbia and Mont~::ne H.E.M)r,Rodoljub EtînskAgent;
Mr. lan Brownlie and Mr. Eric Suy, Counsel and Advocales; and Mr. Gavro Perazié, Counsel;

- on behalf of Bosnia and Herzegovina, H.E. Mr. Muhamed Sacirbey, Agent;
Mr. Phon van den Biesen, Oeputy-AgCounsel and Advocate; and Mr. Thomas Franck,
Mr. Alain Pellet and Ms Brigitte Stern, Counsel and Advocates.

The Agent of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) and the Deputy-Agent of Bosnia and
Herzegovina rcad the final subniissions respective Governments.

The hearings on the preliminary objections now being concluded, the Court will begin to consider

its Judgment

The date of the public sitting at which the Judgment is to be read will be announced în a press

ICJ document subtitle

- Preliminary objections - Progress and conclusion of public hearings

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro) - Preliminary objections - Progress and conclusion of public hearings
