Legality of the Use by a State of Nuclear Weapons (Request for Advisory Opinion by the World Health Organization) - Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons (Request for Advisory Opinion by th

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PeacePahe, 2517 KITbe Hague TeL(070-30223 23).Cables:IntercouT,heHague.

Telefàx(070-36499 28).Telex32323.


for inmadiatereleaae

No. 96/21
28 June 1996

Leealitv of the Usebv a Stateof NuclearWea~onsin ArmedConflict
meauest for AdvisorvO~inionbv the WorldHealthOrganization)

Leealitv of the Threator Use of NuclearWeavons
meauest for Advisow O~inionbv the
GeneralAssemblvof the UnitedNations)

Advisow O~inionsto be deliveredon8 Julv 1996

Thefollowing informationis communicatedto the Pressby the Regisûy of the International
Court of Justice:

The Court will hold a public sitting at 10a.m.on Mondav 8 Julv 1996 in the Great Hall of
Justice of the Peace Palace in The Haguefor the purposeof delivering its AdvisoxyOpinions on
the requests made in the above cases by the World Health Organization and by the
GcncralAssembly of the United Nationsrespectively.


1.Thepublic sittingwill beheld in the GreatHallofJusticeof the Peace Palace,The Hague,
The Netherlands. Members ofthe Press will be entitledto attend on presentationof an admission
card, which rnay be obtained upon application. The tables reservedfor them are situated on the
far lefi of the public entrance of the courtroom.

2. Photographsmay be takenat the opening,duringthe fmt five minutes of the sitting; and
also for a few minutes towards its end. Filmingfor televisionpurposes is authonzed;
notice to be given as per paragraph6 below.

3. In the Press Room, locatedon the groundfloorof thePeace Palace(Room 5), the reading
of the Court'sOpinions will be relayedthrough a loudspeaker.

4. After the close of the sitting, a Press Communiqué willbe distributed in the Press Room
(Room No. 5).

5.Members of the Press who wish to make telephonecalls may use the public telephones
in the Post Office in the basement-ofthe Palace.

6. Mr. ArthurWitteveen, Secretary of the Court (Press and information Matters) (tel.
No. 31-70-302 23 36), will be available to deal with any requestsfor information by members of
the Press or for making arrangementsfo; televisioncoverage.

ICJ document subtitle

Legality of the Use by a State of Nuclear Weapons (Request for Advisory Opinion by the World Health Organization) - (Request for Advisory Opinion by the General Assembly of the United Nations) - Advisory Opinions to be delivered on 8 July 1996

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Legality of the Use by a State of Nuclear Weapons (Request for Advisory Opinion by the World Health Organization) - Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons (Request for Advisory Opinion by the General Assembly of the United Nations) - Advisory Opinions to be delivered on 8 July 1996
