Iran brings a new case against the United States

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PeacePalace,25KJ TheHague.Tel. (0-3924441).CablesIntercout,heHague.


Membersof Court + Staff3-11-92(E) for immediate rclease
II II " 5-11-92(F)
P.O. Peace Palace6-11-92
No. 92/26
2 November 1992

Iran brings a new case against
the United States

The following informations communicatedto the Prese by the
Registry of the InternationalCourt of Justice:

Today, 2 November1992, the Islamic Republic of Iran filed in the
Registry of the Court an Application inatitutingproceedings againet
the United States of America with respectto the destruction of
Iranian oil platforme.

The Islamic Republic founthe juriedictionof the Court for the
purposes of these proceedingson Article XXI(2) of the Iran/United
States Treaty of Amity, Economic Relations and Consular Rights, aigned
at Tehran on 15August 1955.

In its Application Iran allegthat the destruction causedby
several warships of the Unitec!States Navy, on 19 October 1987 and
18 April 1988, to three offshore oil productcomplexes,owned and
operated for commercialpurposes by the National Iranian Oil Company,
constituted a fundamental breahf various provisions of the Treaty
particular to Articles 1 and X(l) of the Treaty which providein

"There shall be firm andenduring peace and sincere
friendship between the United States of America and


"Between the territoriesof the two High Contracting
Parties there shalle freedom of commerce and
navigation." The Islamic Republic accordingly requests the Court to

adjudge and declare as follows:

"(a) That the Court has jurisdiction.underthe Treaty of
Amity to entertain the dispute and to rule upon the
claims submitted by the Islamic Republic;

(b) That in attacking and destroyingthe oil platforms
referred to in the Applicationon 19 October 1987 and
18 April 1988, the United States breachedite
obligations tothe Islamic Republic, inter alia,

under Article 1 and X(l) of the Treaty of Arnityand
international law;

(c) That in adopting apatently hostile and threatening

attitude towardsthe Islamic Republic that culminated
in the attack and destructionof the Iranian oil
platforms, the United States breached the object and
purpoee of the Treaty of Amity, including Articles 1
and X(1), and internationallaw;

(d) That the United Statesis under an obligationto make
reparatione to the Ialamic Republic for the violation
of ita internationallegal obligations in an amount
to be determined by the Court at a subsequent stage

of the proceedings. The Islamic Republic reserves
the right to introduceand presentto the Court in
due course a precise evaluationof the reparations
owed by the United States; and

(e) Any other remedy the Court maydeem appropriate."

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Iran brings a new case against the United States
