The Court forms a Chamber to deal with the case brought by El Salvador and Honduras

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LIRan-mr-mw-m-Bm- -y

Peace Palace, 2517 KJ The Hague. Tel. 92 44 41. Cables: IntercourtThe Hague

Telex 32323

- Communiqué
for ~mrnbdiatbr@/basb

No. 8719
11 May 1987

The Court forms a Chamber to deal with the case
brought by El Salvador and Honduras

The following information is conmunicated to the Press by the Registry
of the International Court of Justice:

By an Order of 8 May 1987 the Court unanimously decided to form a
Chamber to deal with the case, brought by El Salvador and Honduras, which
concerns the land, lnsular and maritime frontier dispute between those
two States.

On 11 December 1986, the Government of the Republic of El Salvador and
the Government of the Republic of Honduras jointly notified to the Registry
a Special Agreement concluded between them on 24 May 1986, which had corne
into force on 1 October 1986. That Special Agreement provided that the
land, island and maritime frontier dispute between those two States should
be heard by a Chamber to be formed by the Court.

The Court having been seised of a request by the two Parties relating
to the formation of a Chamber, unanimously decided, by an Order of
8 May 1987, to accede to that request and accordingly formed a special
Chamber of five judges to deal with that case. The Chamber is composed of
three Members of the Court together with two ad hoc judges appointed by the

Judges Oda,
Sir Robert Jennings,

Judges ad hoc Valticos,
Virally .

Judge Oda appended a declaration to the Order issued by the Court.

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Document Long Title

The Court forms a Chamber to deal with the case brought by El Salvador and Honduras
