Land, Island and Maritime Frontier Dispute (El Salvador/Honduras) - Chamber to deliver a Judgment on Thursday, 13 September 1990 at 10 a.m.

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Peace Palace. 2517 KJ The Hague. Tel-39244 41). Cables: IntercounHague.

-. Telefax (070 - 364 99 28). Telex 32323.

; &L~WL&~#> t $4f'f& unofficial

I- d */ p :+Y for iminediate release
J 6 . i.i i-r ,C+.++,' No. 90/15
J * 9 *,r-5,!3,t /'f,-3,/ 5 September 1990
2 c -1 (/..* /.CI'

Land. Island an Maritime Frontier Dispute
(El Salvador/Honduras)

Auulication of Nicaragua for Permissit on Intervene

Chamberto delivera Judpmenton Thursdav.13 September1990
at 10 a.m.

The followinginfo:rmatio is communicatet do the Pressby the
Registryof the Internationa Courtof Justice.

The Chamberof the Court formed to dealwith the case concernin the
Land.IslandandMaritime Frontier Dispute(El Salvador/Honduras will
hold a public sitting o:nThursday,13 September, at 10 a.m.,for the
purposeof delivering its Judgmeo nt the Application for permissi ton
intervenein that casefiled byNicaragua underArticle 62 of the Statute.


1. The public sitting will be held in the GreatHall of Justiceof
the PeacePalace. Membersof the Press willbe entitledto attend it
after presentatio of a press identificatioc nardor an admission card,
whichmay be obtainedupon application.The tables reserved fo themare
situatedon the far leftof the publicentranceof the courtroom.

2. Photographs may be takenbefore the openina gnd duringthe first
fewminutes ofthe sitting; and alsoa fewminutes towards th end.
Filmingfor cinemaor television purposesis howeversubjectto special

3. In the Press Room, locatedon the groundfloorof the Peace
Palace(Room 5), the readingof the Court'sdecisionwill be relayed
througha loudspeaker.

4. After the close of the sitting, Press Communs iqmuésrizingthe

decisionwill bedistributed in the Press Room(No.5).

5. Members ofthe Press may use only the public teleph innese
Post Officein the basementof the Palace.

6. Mr. A.Th. Witteveen, SecreEl-Erian (extensio(t234)will bextension
233),or, in his absence,Mrs.N.
availableto dealwith any requests for information by members thef

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Land, Island and Maritime Frontier Dispute (El Salvador/Honduras) - Chamber to deliver a Judgment on Thursday, 13 September 1990 at 10 a.m.
