Land, Island and Maritime Frontier Dispute (El Salvador/Honduras; Nicaragua intervening) - Conclusion of the hearings

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Peace Palace, 2517 K.1The Hague. Tel. (070 -392 44 41). Cables: IiitercourtThe Hague.

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- Communiqué

for imtnediate reiease

No. 91/18
18 June 1991

-ancl, Island and Maritime Frontier Dispute
(El Salvador/Honduras; Nicaragua intervening)

The following information is communicated to the Press by the
Registry of the International Court of Justice:

The public hearings held by the Chamber of the Court dealing with
the case concerning the Land, Island and Maritime Frontier Dispute
(El ~alvador/Honduras ; Nicaragua intervening) , which opened on
Monday 15 April 1991, were concluded. on Friday 14 June 1991.

Honduras and El Salvador addressed the Chamber in iirst and second
rounds of oral argument on the fallowing topics: general questions
(15 to 23 April); six disputed segments of the land frontier between
El Salvador and Honduras (24 April to 28 ~ay); the Iegal situation of
the islands in the Gulf of Fonseca (28 to 31 May); the legal regime of
the waters of that Gulf (3 to 6 June); the legaP situation in regard to
waters outside the Gulf (1.0 to 13 June).

The statements on behalf of Honduras were mzde by

H.E. Mr. R. Valladares Sots, Agent; Messrs. Daniel Bardonnet,
Derek W. Bowett, René-Jean Dupuy, Plerre-Marie Dupuy,
Juli O Gonzalez Campos, Luis Igmcio Sanchez Rodriguez, Ale jandro Nieto
and Paul De Visscher, Advocates and CounseL.

The statements ri hhalf of El Salvador were made by
R.E. Dr. José Manuel 'Pacas Castro, Minister for Foreign Relations,
Counsel and Advocate; Dr. Alfredo Martinez Moreno, Agent ad Courisel;
Prof. Dr. Eduardo JimcSnez de Aréchaga, Dr. Keith Highet,

Dr. Elihu Lauterpacht, Prof. Prosper Weil and Dr. Francisco Roberto Lima,
Counsel and Advocates ; and Mr. Antfiony J. Oakley, Counsellor. El Salvador presented a witness, Mr. Avilés Domfnguez. The witness
was examined by Dr. Keith Highet and cross-examined by Mr. Luis Ignacio
Sanchez Rodrigue2 of Honduras, on 30 May.

On 14 June the Agents of both Parties presented the final
Submissions of their respective Governments.

Nicaragua submitted its observations with respect to the
subject-matter of its intervention on 7 June. On 10 June Honduras and
El Salvador presented their respective observations thereon; and on

13 June Nicaragua made its final presentation.

The statements on behalf of Nicaragua were made by
H.E. Mr. Enrique Dreyfus Morales, Minister for Foreign Affairs ;
H.E. Mr. Carlos Argüello Gomez, Agent and Counsel, and Mr. Ian Brownlie,
Counsel and Advocate.

The oral arguments now having been completed, the Chamber will begfn
to consider its Judgment. The date of the public Sitting at which the
Judgment is to be read will be announced in an ensuing Press Communiqué.

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Document Long Title

Land, Island and Maritime Frontier Dispute (El Salvador/Honduras; Nicaragua intervening) - Conclusion of the hearings
