Passage through the Great Belt (Finland v. Denmark) - Request for indication of provisional measures

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.acePalace,2517IU 'TheHague.Tel. (07-3924441). CablesIntercourt, The Hague.
- -
Telefax(070-36499 28).Telex32323.
Communiqué -
x,' A , y.r l jI unofficial
1 for imrnediate release

No. 91/15
24 May 1991

Case instituted by FinlandanainstDenmark:

Reauest:for indication of ~rovisional measures

The followinginformation is communicated to the Pressby the
Registryof the Interniîtiona Clourtof Justice:

As reportedin Prc-ssCommuniqué No. 91/14of 17 May 1991 the
Republicof Finland,oii17 May 1991, filedin the Registryof the Court
an Applicationinstituitin proceedings againstthe Kingdomof Denmarkin
respectof a disputeconceming the questionof passageof oil rigs
through the GreaB telt (StoreBaelt - one of the threestraitslinking
the Balticto the Kattegatand thenceto the NorthSea).

In its ApplicatiorF iinlandalsogavenoticeof its intention to
submit a request for tlieindication of provisional measuresunder
Article41 of the Statuteof the Court,which readsas follows:

"1. The Courtshallhave the powerto indicate,if it
considersthat circwnstances so require, any provisional
measureswhich oughtto be takento preservethe respective
rightsof eitherparty.

2. Pendingthe final decision, noticeof the measures
suggested shall forthwib teh givento the partiesand tothe

Finlandfiledits requestyesterday,23 May 1991,contendingthat
"construction work for the East Channel bridgewould prejudice the very
outcomeof the dispute"; tha"ttheobjectof the Application relates
preciselyto the rightof passagewhich the completionof the bridge
projectin its plannedformwill effectively deny"; and that "in
particular,the continiiatio of the construction work prejudicesthe
negotiating result whic:hthe Finnishsubmissionsin the Applicationaim
to attain". Finlandrequeststhe Court accordingly to indicate t following

"(1) Denmarkshould,pending the decisionby theCourt on
the meritsof the presentcase, refrainfromcontinuing or
otherwiseproceedingwith such construction workisn connection
with the plannedbridgeprojectover the East Channe of the
Great Beltas would impedethe passageof ships,includingdrill
shipsand oil rigs, toand fromFinnishportsand shipyards;"


"(2) Denmarkshould refrain fromany other actionthat
mightprejudicethe outcome of the presentproceedings."

ICJ document subtitle

- Request for indication of provisional measures

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Passage through the Great Belt (Finland v. Denmark) - Request for indication of provisional measures
