Arbitral Award of 31 July 1989 (Guinea-Bissau v. Senegal) - Progress and conclusion of public hearings

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~1 Peace Palace, 2517 KJThe Hague. Tel.(07-392 44 41). Cables: Intercourt, The Hague.'
A- c \-
- Telefax (07- 364 99 28).Telex32323.
for imrnediate release

No. 91/12
11 April1991

ArbitralAward of'31 Julv 1989
XGuinea-Bissa u. lenenslZ

proare~~asnd conclusionof ~ublichearigg61

The following informatii oncommunicatet do thePressby the
Registryof the InterneitionC alurtof Justice:

The public hearings hel bdy theCourtin the case concerning the
Arbitral Awarodf 31 Jiily1989(Guinea-Bissav u. Seneaal),whichopened
on 3 April 1991, were concluded tod 11y,pril1991.

Duringthe firstroundof oral arguments, held betw3 eand
8 April 1991, statements we maede:

- on behalfof Guinea-Bissaub ,y H.E.Mr. FidélisCabralde Almada,Agent
of Guinea-Bissau; and by MPS.MonigueChemillier-GendreaM u,. Miguel
GalvaoTelesand Mr, Kefth HighetC ,ounsel.

- on behalfof Senegal,by H.E.Mr. Doudou Thiam, Agen of Senegal; and
by Mr. Derek W. Bowetatnd Mr. Francesco CapotortCio,unsel.

Questions were pu to theAgentsby JudgesGuillaume, Shahabuddeen
and Weeramantry.

The secondroundof oral arguments took placeon 9 and
11 April1991. The speakerswere:

- on behalf of Guinea-Bissa H.,E.Mr. FidélisCabralde Almada,Agentof
Guinea-Bissau; and1Yrs.Monique Chemillier-GendreM au,Miguel
GalvaoTelesandMr. Keith HighetC ,ounsel.

- on behalfof Senegal,H.E.Mr. DoudouThiam,Agentof Senegal; and
Mr. Derek W. BowettandMr. Francesco CapotortC i,unsel.

The Agentsof Guiiiea-Bissaaud Senegal presented tf henal
submissionsof theirriaspectiv Governments.

The oralargument1 n9ow being completed ,he Courtwill beginto

The dateof the Sittingat which the Judgmen is to be read wilble
announcedin a Press Communiqué.

ICJ document subtitle

- Progress and conclusion of public hearings

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Arbitral Award of 31 July 1989 (Guinea-Bissau v. Senegal) - Progress and conclusion of public hearings
