Border and Transborder Armed Actions (Nicaragua v. Honduras) - Extension of time-limit for Memorial

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
Document File

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PencePalace,2517KJ The Hague. Tel.(070 -92 44 41). Cables:Intercourt,The Hague.

Telefüx (070 - 6499 28).Telex 32323.


for immediate release
Distributed 6-9-89 (16.30)

To Members of the Court + staff
Post Office P.P. 6-9-89 (10.00) No. 89/19
6 September 1989

Border and Transborder Armed Actions (Nicaragua Honduras)

Extension of time-limit for Memorial

The following information is made available to the Press by the
Registry of the International Court of Justice:

On 31 August 1989 the President of the Court made an Order
extending, from 19 September 1989 to 8 December 1989, the time-limit
fixed for the filing of the Memorial of Nicaragua on the merits of its
dispute with Honduras.

Time-limits for written proceedings on the merits of the case had
been fixed by an Order of 21 April 1989 after the Court had, by its
Judgment of 20 December 1988, found that it had jurisdiction to entertain
the application by which the proceedings had been instituted by
Nicaragua, and that that application was admissible.

The extension of the time-limit, which was agreed to by Honduras,
was requested by Nicaragua by letter of 15 August 1989, in compliance
with a comrnitment to request such a postponement entered into by
Nicaragua in the context of agreements reached by the Presidents of the

Central American countries at Tela (Honduras) between 5 and 7 August 1989.

The question of extension of the time-limit for the Counter-Memorial
of Honduras (fixed at 19 February 1990) remains reserved.

ICJ document subtitle

- Extension of time-limit for Mémorial

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Border and Transborder Armed Actions (Nicaragua v. Honduras) - Extension of time-limit for Memorial
