Nauru brings a case against Australia

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Yf-y-~ , t2 (5, {> <..' No. 89/7

22 May 1989

-auru brings a case against Australia

The following information is communicated to the Press by the
Registry of the International Court of Justice:

On 19 May 1989 the Republic of Nauru filed in the Registry of the

Court an Application instituting proceedings against the Commonwealth of
Australia in a dispute concerning the rehabilitation of certain phosphate
lands mined under Australian administration before Nauruan independence.

In its Applicatiion Nauru claims that Australia has breached the
trusteeship obligatioins it accepted under Article 76 of the
United Nations Charter and under Articles 3 and 5 of the Trusteeship
Agreement for Nauru of 1 November 1947. Nauru further claims that

Australia has breached certain obligations towards Nauru under general
international law.

The Republic of Nauru requests the Court:

"to adjudge and declare that Australia has incurred an
international legal responsibility and is bound to make

restitution or other appropriate reparation to Nauru for the
damage and prejudice suffered"; and further

"that the nature and amount of such restitution or reparation
should, in the absence of agreement between the parties, be
assessed and determined by the Court, if necessary, in a separate
phase of the proceedings ."

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Nauru brings a case against Australia
