Iran brings a case against the United States

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I'c:icèPiiltic2517 1CJThe Hague. Tel. (070 -92 44 41). Cables: Intercoiiit, The Hague.

Telefrix(070 -64 99 28). Telex 32323.

for immediate rclease

No. 89/6
17 May 1989

Iran brings a case against the United States

The following information is made available to the Press by the
Registry of the International Court of Justice:

The shooting-dom of an Iranian airliner by the United States
warship Vincennes on 3 July 1988 has been referred by Iran to the
International. Court of Justice .

In an Application filed on 17 May 1989, the Government of the
Islamic Republic of Iran refers to the Chicago Convention on
International Civil Aviation (19441, as amended, and the Montreal
Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of

Civil Aviation (19711, as well as to a decision given by the Council of
the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) on 17 March 1989;
it requests the Court to adjudge and declare:

-(a) that the ICAO Council decision is erroneous in that the
Government of the United States has violated the Chicago
Convention, including the Preamble, Articles 1, 2, 3 bis, and
44(a) and (h) and Annex 15 of the Chicago Convention as well as
Recommendat~ion 2.611 of the Third Middle East Regional Air

Navigation Meeting of ICAO;

-(b) that the Government of the United States has violated
Articles 1, 3 and 10 (1) of the Montreal Convention; and

-(c) that the Government of the United States is responsible to pay
compensation to the Islamic Republic, in the amount to be
determined by the Court, as measured by the injuries suffered
by the Islamic Republic and the bereaved families as a result

of these violations, including additional financial losses
which Iran Air and the bereaved families have suffered for the
disruption of their activities."

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Iran brings a case against the United States
