Land, Island and Maritime Frontier Dispute (El Salvador/Honduras) - Chamber to hold first public sitting

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Peace Palace, 2517 KJ The Hague. Tel. 92 44 41. Cables lntercourt. The Hague

Telex 32323

for ~mmediaterelsase

No. 87/25
2 November 1987

Land, Island and Maritime Frontier Dispute
(El Salvador/Honduras)

Chamber to hold first public sitting

The following information is made available to the Press by the
Registry of the International Court of Justice:

The £ive-member Chamber formed by the Court on 8 May 1987 to deal
with a land, island and maritime frontier dispute between the Republic of
El Salvador and the Republic of Honduras is to hold a first public
sitting at the Peace Palace at 3 p.m. on Monday 9 November 1987 to enable
two judges ad hoc to inake the solemn declaration required by the Statute
and the Rules ofçourt .

As announced in Press Communiqué No. 87/15, the composition of the
Chamber is as follows: Judge José Sette-Camara, President of the Chamber;

Judges Shigeru Oda and Sir Robert Jennings; Judges ad hoc
Nicolas Valticos and Michel Virally, chosen respectively by Honduras and
El Salvador.

A succinct biography of each judge ad hoc is annexed hereto. Curriculum Vitae

Nicolas VALTICOS, of Greek nationality, born in 1918.
Judge at the European Court of Human Rights.
Secretary-General of the Institute of International Law.
Former Assistant Clirector-General of the International Labour Office.
Former Professor in the Faculty of Law at the University of Geneva.
Member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration.
Ad hoc judge at the International Court of Justice (1984-1985).

Studied law at the Ebculty of Law of the University of Paris.
Bachelor at Law (Licencié en droit) (1939). Ph.D. in Law (Docteur en
droit - doctorat d'Etat, mention très bien) (1948). Prizeman of the
Faculty of Law of the University of Paris (with award of two prizes for
his doctoral thesis, i.e., Prix de la Faculté and Prix Dupin Aîné,

Barrister at Law in Athens (1941).

Chief of section at the Commission administering Relief in Greece (under
the auspices of the International Committee of the Red Cross)

Joined the 1nternati.onal Labour Office in January 1949.

In 1955 appointed Chief of the Application of Conference Decisions
Division. In 1964 appointed Chief of the International Labour
Standards Department. From 1976 to 1981, Assistant Director-General,
Adviser for International Labour Standards.

Member and Chairman of various international arbitral tribunals and
commissions of inquiry.

Ad hoc Judge at the International Court of Justice (1984-1985)
(Case concerning the Continental Shelf, LibyaIMalta).

In 1986, elected Judge at the European Court of Human Rights.

Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Geneva

Member of the Inst itute of ~nternational Law,Secretary-General since

Member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration.Docto: ho-nor-.:--?:ciu,;a of the Universities uf Atliens (Greece), Leuwen

(Belgiun) and Utrecht (Netlierlands).

Corresponding member of the Academy of Athens.

Awarded the Professorship Henri Rolin of International Law (Belgium) for

Member of the Council of the International Institute of Human Rights.

Member of the American Society of International Law, of the
Société française de droit international, of the International Law
Association and of the Greek Society of International Law.

Commander of the Order of Honour (~reece), 1981.
Commander of the Order of Isab~lla la Catolica (Spain), 1986.
Officer of the Léglon d'honneur rance), 1982. Curriculum Vitae

Michel VIRALLY,bornat Autun(Saône-et-Loiroe) 6 January1922.

Professoat the 'UniversiofyLaw,Economicsand SocialSciences,
Paris,andat the GraduateInstituteof InternationaSltudies, Geneva;
Honorary Professaor thePacultyof Law of theUniversityof Geneva.

Doctorof Laws(11948),aureateof theUniversityof Paris,agrégé
of theFacultiesof Law (1952).

Lecturer(19491, Professoagrégé(1952),thenFullProfessor (1956)
of theChairof International Institutio ontheFacultyof Law,
Politicsand Economicsof the Universityf Strasbourg.Professorat the
StrasbourgInstituteof PoliticaSciences(1952-1961).Director of the
Instituteof ComparattveawandEconomics of Strasbourg(1957-1961).
ResearchFellow,Schoolof InternationaAlffairs, ColumbUiaiversity
(NewYork,1959-1961).Professor at the GraduateInstitutof
International StudieGseneva(since1961). Professor Extraordinoafry
thePhilosophyof Lawat theUniversity of Geneva(1962-1965).Ordinary
Professorof InternationaLaw (1965-19741H,eadof theDepartmentof
PublicInternational Laand International Organizatio(1965-1974a)t
theUniversityof Geneva.

Legal Counself theUnitedNationsMediator in Cyprus(1964).
Consultantof the UniteNations InstitutforTraining andReaearch

Representativef Franceto theSpecialCommitteeon Principlesof
International LaconcerningFriendlyRelationsandCo-operatioanmong
States(1967-1970). Memberof theFrench delegatioto varioussessions
of the United NatioGnsneralAssemblyand to the ViennConferenceon
theLaw of Treaties(1.968).

Counsel fotheFrenchGovernment in thearbitrations concernitnhe
aerialagreementof 27 March1946betweenFranceand theUnitedStates
(1963and 1978)and the delimitationf thecontinentaslhelf between
Franceand the UnitedKingdom(1976-19771a,nd for other governments
beforetheInternationa lourtof Justiceor arbitratribunals.

Memberand Presidenof a Chamberof the 1ranIUnitedtates Claims

Memberof theInstituteof InternationaLaw.

Directorof theKewe générale dedroitinternationaplublic. INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE
Peace Palace, 2517 KJ The Hague. Tel. 92 44 41. Cables: Intercourt. The Hague

Telex 32323

for ~mmediaterelsase

No. 87/25 Corr.
6 November 1987

Land, Island and Maritime Frontier Dispute

(El ~alvador/~onduras)

-hamber to hold first public sitting


The following correction is drawn to the attention of the Press by
the Registry of the International Court of Justice:

Contrary to the information provided in Press Communique No. 87/25

of 2 November 1987, Judge ad hoc Nicolas Valticos was chosen by
El Salvador and Judge ad hoc Michel Virally by Honduras.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Land, Island and Maritime Frontier Dispute (El Salvador/Honduras) - Chamber to hold first public sitting
