The Court forms a Chamber to deal with the case submitted by Burkina Faso and Mali

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Peace Palace, 2517 KJ The Hague. 92 44 41 Cables: Intercourt, The Hague

for trnmediate release

No. 8516
10April 1985

The Court forms a Chamber to deal with the case
submitted by Burkina Fasoand Mali

The following informationis made available to the Press by
the Registry of the InternationalCourt of Justice:

Burkina Faso (formerlyUpper Volta) and Mali have submitted
toa specially formed chamber of the InternationalCourt of Justice
a dispute concerning the delimitationof a part of the land frontier

between the two States.

Details of the process by which the Chamber has been created
are given below.

On 20 October 1983the Government of Upper Volta (renamed
Burkina Faso in August1984) and the Government of Mali had notified
to the Registry a Special Agreement,concluded between them on
16September 1983,and having entered into force on the same date,
by which they had agreed to submit to a chamber of the Court a
dispute concerningthe delimitationof their common frontier.

The SpecialAgreement provided thatthis chamber was to be formed

pursuant to Article 26,paragraph 2, of the Statute of the Court.
This Article provides that the Courtmay form a chamber for dealing
with a particular case. TheParties, duly consulted by the President,
indicated on14 March1985 that theydesired the formation of a
chamber of five members, oE whom two would be judges ad hoc chosen
by themselves in accordancewith Article 31 ofthe Çtatute. This
Article provides for the right of a Party, when there is no judge
of its nationality uponthe bench, to cliocie judge ad h-c to sit
in the case.

Following... Following a decision to accede to the request of the two
Governments,on 3 April 1985 the Court adoptedby a unanimous vote
of Members present an Order whereby it constituteda Chamber which
will be seised with the case, and which will be composed as follows:

Judges Lachs,Ruda and Bedjaoui;
Judges ad hoc Luchaire and Abi-Saab.

It will be for the Chamber so formed to elect its ownPresident.

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Document Long Title

The Court forms a Chamber to deal with the case submitted by Burkina Faso and Mali
