Continental Shelf (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya/Malta) - First stage of the oral proceedings

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Peace Palace, 2517 KJ The Hague. Tel. 92 44 41. Cables: Intercourt, The Hague


uno f ficial
for rmmediais release

No. 84/40
4 December 1984

--ntinental Shelf (Li-byan Arab JamahiriyaIMalta):

----t stage of the oral proceedings

The following information is made available to the press by the
Kegistry of the International Court of Justice:

Urtween 26 November 1984, the date of the opening of oral proceedirigs
in the case ïoncerning the Continental Shell (Libyan Arab ~amahiriya/Malta),

and 3 nercmber 1984, the Court heard the arguments put forward on behalf of
the Goverriement of Malta, which, as agreed between the Parties and approved
by the Court, put its case first.

At the beginning of the hearing held on 26 November 1984,
Mr. N. Valtiïos, the Judge ad hoc chosen by Malta to take part in the case,
made. tlie solcmn declaration --reqiiired by Article 20 of the Statute of the

' 1 . Hi.; biography appears iri Press Commtiniqiié No. 84/37.

'I'lic, folowing took part in this oral presentation of Malta's case-

Ili< Er, lenry Mr. E. i.Iizzi, Agent of Malta; Mr. E. T.aiiterpac:it,
?Ir. 1'. Weil and Mr. L Browrilie, Counsel.

'Tkto 1,ihyan Arnb Jamaliiriya is to begin the oral presentat-ion (JI ii
(.;iL;coii 'Tliiirsday 6 Lh?cember 1984 at IO a.m.

A 1 ist of tliose who appeared for t lie respective Parties bcfure t11t.
r is r;iven below: Tlie Government of MaLta is represented as fol lows:

Agent and Counsel: H.E. Mr. Edgar Mi~zi, Arnbassador;

Counsel: Mr. Tan ~rowrilie, ().(:., F.R.A., Ckiicliele

Professor of Public International Law,
University of Oxford; Fellow of Al1 Souls
College, Oxford;

Mr. El ihu Lauterpnclit, Q.C., Director of
the Research Centre for International LAW
and Reader in International Law, University

of Cambr idge ;

Mr. Prosper Wei 1, Professor at the University -

of Law, Econoinics and Social Sciences, Paris;

Scient if ic and
- - - --- -- -
-ech- - - - --s-rs: ---- Comnander Peter B. Heazley, O.R.R., F. K. T.C.S.,
R.N., (Ketd.), Hydrogrnphic Si~rvtyor;

Mr. Georges H. Mascle, Professor of Geology,

Dolmieu Iristitilte of Geology and Mineralogy,
Llniversity of Greri«hle;

$Ir. J.R.V. Prescott, Keader in Geography,
Univers i ty of Mc.1l)oiirne ;

Mr. Jean-René Vnnncy, Department of Dynamic
Geology, Pierre et Marie Ciirie University,
and Bepnrtment of Teaching and Kesearïh,
Sorbonrie Uriiversity, T',?ris;


---isted by: Mr. !<oger Scot t-O, Ass istaiit Secretary, Oil
Ilivision, 0ffii.e of tlic~ I'rinie Pliiiister,

Mr. Saviour Scerri, Petroleuni Geologist,
Oil Division, Office of tlie Prime Ministcr,

Mr. Flario Degiorgio, Petroleum Geologist,
Oil l)ivision, Of fic.63 of tlie Prinie,

Mal ta;

Mr. Tarcisio :amiil, Fil-st Secretary,
Enihnssy of Malt a t t) ilic Netli~rlarids:

Miss P1.1,., ildiiiinistrntivc Asqistant,
Off i c ,of'y tli~ l'rirlic.Pliriister, Pq.l,-ilta. Tlie Socialist People's Lihyan Arab Jamntiiriya is represented as

-a--- : Mr. Abdelrazeg El-Miirtadi Siileiman, Professor
of International Law at the University of

Garycunis, Benghazi;

Mr. YousseE Olnar Kherhish, Counsellor at the
Secretariat of .lustire;

Mr. Ibrahim Abdiil Aziz Omar, Counsellor at
the People's Bureau for Foreign Liaison;

Mr. Dereh W. Rciwett, C. K.i?. , Q. C., LL.D., F.B.A.,
Whewell Pro t esstir of lntrrnntioiial Law at the
University of Cambridge;

Mr. Herbert id. I:riggs, (:oldwin Smith Professor
oE International Law Emeritus, Corncll Universjty;

TZr. Cl aiidc-t\l l>c,rt C!?l 1iard, Wonorriry Ijtan,
l'roi essor of Tiitc.1-n;it ional I,nw ~nieritiis at thr3

1I1iiversi tir of l'<iris 1;

Mr. Keith IIigliet, Member OP the New York and
~istrict of Columbia Bars;

Mr. GÜnther .laenicke, Professor of International
Law ït ttie University of Frankfurt-am-Main;

Plr. Laurent Li~(,c~l~ini, I'rofessor of Jnternatiorlnl
Law at the University of Paris 1;

Mr. .Ic:in-Pi(,rrc, (luericiidec., Prof essor of
Int-crncit iounl 1 .iw at tli~ Llriiversity of Paris 1;

Ilr. \$alter 1). !;oliiei-, Mcmber c>f t tic New York
and 1)istrict of Columbia Kars;

Sir l'rancis 4. Vallat,, K.C.M.G., Q.C.,
Prof essor Fh6.r i !us of Tnternn t ional Law at

the University of London;

Mr. Moh;m,ioed Al <iwar, Ass is tnnt Professor of
Gt.ograpl?v, Al-Vat eli Universi l:;, Tripol i;

My. Scott Ii. Cdiiiotid.;, ln. t~-iiçL<>r oc C.11-tograpliy
ancl Di1 i(.trrr of Cart ogrnpl~ic Servic~~~. .~t Ilie

Liriivcr xi t v )f "I.iryl ;irid I3nl tiriior~ (-:niin1 v; Mr. Derk Jongsma, Senior Lecturer in Geology
at the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam;

Mr. Amin A. Missallati, Professor of Geology,
Al-Fateh University, Tripoli;

Mr. Muftah Smeida, Second Secretary, People's
Bureau for Foreign Liaison;

Mr. Mohamed A. Syala, Surveying Department,

Secretariat of Planning, Tripoli;

Ms. Victoria J. Taylor , Cartographer at the

University of Maryland Baltimore County;
Mr. Jan E. van Hinte, Professor of Paleontology

at the Vrije llniversitcit, Amsterdam;

Counsel : Mr. Rodman R. Bundy, Member of the New York Bar;

Mr. Richard Mecse, Docteur en droit;

Mr. Henri-Xavier Ortoli, M~mber of the
New York Bar.

ICJ document subtitle

- First stage of the oral proceedings

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Continental Shelf (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya/Malta) - First stage of the oral proceedings
