United States Diplomatic and Consular Staff in Tehran (United States of America v. Iran) - Case removed from the Court's list

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
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/?7,y . :1 -3%'
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Peace Palace, 2517 KJ The Hague. Tel. 92 44 41. Cables: Intercourt, The Hague

Teiex 32323

United States Diplo;r~tic 2nd Consular Stef f

-- Tchran

The follo-gin;: informôtior iz made avzilable tc the Press by the
Iiegistry oî the Internationzl Coxrt of Justice.

'fie President of the Isternational Court haç todciy, 12 May 1931,
lrade an Cirder recording the disc~ntinuunce of t'iz proceedings instituted
before the Cour5 by the ilnite2 States following the seizure of its
Ernbassy at Tehran ni? 4 iJ?verr;ber 1979 and the holding of' its diplornatic
and consular personnci as hostageç.

In the Judpnent Jeliverec? in thc case on 24 *Gay 1980 (press Communiqu6
Mo. 8@/5) the Sourt, in reçpnnse to 2 subrnission by the ilni te6 Statrs,
had reuerved its decision on the farm and amcunt of the reparation due
fron Irm, and the case zccordi~ç1.y remained c:lthe Court's liçt .

Eo~rever, lctters ~t2drcsseL to th? Court en bchalf of the United Stztes
Governxent 6n 6 April ans 1 May 1C81 nad? it clear the% tht Uni te?. States,
ir. consedaencl? of the comitrrients entercd into :)y it and Iran st Al~iers
or, 19 Janulry, dasired thct al1 currently pending proceedings before tha.
Court relating to its clzinç for rc-araticn be 3isccntinucd and that the
case FE removed fron the lis?.

Those letters ha-fin,? neer! t;ran:;:ni.ttedto Irari i~nd 20 observat;ions
havinq bcen receive6 fro~n itr (7-overracnt, the Fresiclent of' the Court has
~ow xadè the Ordcr recor'3in- t%e 2.:'Lscontinuancr e.nd .tii.recting that the
rase cz~ricernin~ Znited Sta%s Diplm~tic nrid Consular Staff in Tchran be
renovc3 fro:; the Coizrt's list .

ICJ document subtitle

- Case removed from the Court's list

Document file FR
Document Long Title

United States Diplomatic and Consular Staff in Tehran (United States of America v. Iran) - Case removed from the Court's list
