Aegean Sea Continental Shelf (Greece v. Turkey) - Filing of Memorial by Government of Greece

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
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Peace Palace,The Hague Tel. 92 44 41 Cables:Intercourt, The Hague
I m

No. '7 714
18 ,Jul:!1977

Aegean Sea ContinentalShelf
- , - .-- .-- -- - -
(Greece -- Tlirkey)

----ng of Menorial by Governnent of Greece

The folloninginformation is conmniceted to the press by the

Registry of the International Court of .Justice:

On 18 July 1977, uiithin the tirrie-limit fimd for it by an Ordes
of 18 April last, the Governnent of Greece filed a P4emsrial on the
question of tne jurisdictionof the Court to entertain the dispute.

It 1-il1 be recalled that the case ms instituted befom: the
Court by the Governnent of Greece Dn 10 Augdst 1976, 3rd that the
Government of Turkey indicated on 26 Au:ast that it consideredthat
the Court had no jurisdiction to entertain it. By an Order of
11 September 1976, the Court declined to indicate certain interim

measures requested by the Gcveriznent of Creece, and decided that the
writtensroceedings should first be adürcssed to the question of its
jurisdiction. me time-lirnit for tic filinsof the f4enorial,
originally fixed for 18 April 1917, was extended to 18 Jluly at the
request of the Goverrnent of Zreece. The time-limit for the fi1Ln.g
of a Counter-Mernorial by the Goverr~nent of Turke-y is to expire on
24 dpril 1978.

. - -

ICJ document subtitle

- Filing of Memorial by Government of Greece

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Aegean Sea Continental Shelf (Greece v. Turkey) - Filing of Memorial by Government of Greece
