Legal Consequences for States of the Continued Presence of South Africa in Namibia (South West Africa) notwithstanding Security Council Resolution 276 (1970) - The Court makes an Order rejecting the a

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Peace Palace. The Hague· Tel. 39 23 44 ·Cables: tntercourt, TheHague
. ,


No, 71/3
30 January 1971

Request for Advi.sory Opinion on ..the Legal Consequences for
States of the Continued Presence of South I~fricu in
Nami bia (South West Africa fnotwi thstanding Security
Co;mcil Resolution 276 (1970)

The following information is comrrn.rnicated to the Press by the
Registry of the Internatione.l Court of Justice:

By an Ortler made on 29 January 1971 the Court decided to reject
the application of the South Afrio2.n Government for leave, under
Article 31, paragraph 2, of the Ste.tute of the Court, to choose a
judge ad hoc to sit in the proceedings concerning the above­
mentioned request for an advisory opinion,

The decision of the Court was Ùi.ken by ten votes to five, and
two joint declarations expressing inability to concur with it were
appended to the Order, one by Judges Sir Gerald Fitzmaurice, Gros
and Petrén, the other by Judges Onyeama and Dillard.

·I'he Court also decided that the Organization of AfricB.n Unity
1·ras likely to be nble to furnish inform.-:.tion on the question put to
the Court and might for that purpose make an oral statement.

The Secretary-Gener,,-,.1of the United Nations and the following
Stntes, Finlo.nd, the Netherlands, H:i.ger:i.aIndia, South fa.fric.'.nda
the United States of America, hnve further nnnounced their intention
to present oral statements to the Court.

The date of the opening of the oral prooeedings will be
comrnunicated to the Press in due course.

ICJ document subtitle

- The Court makes an Order rejecting the application of the South African Government for leave to choose a Judge <i>ad hoc</i>

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Legal Consequences for States of the Continued Presence of South Africa in Namibia (South West Africa) notwithstanding Security Council Resolution 276 (1970) - The Court makes an Order rejecting the application of the South African Government for leave to choose a Judge <i>ad hoc</i>
