South West Africa (Liberia v. South Africa) - On 29 November 1965, the Court will give its decision on South Africa's request for an inspection in loco

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GommunicruSNo. 65/22
(~11oficia )

The following information frorn the Registry of the International

Cowt af Justice is comunicated to the Press:

The Cowt wXi hold a public sitta in the Soirth Pkst Africa

cases on Manday, 29 Novembvr ast 3 p,m. to give its decision on

South Africafs requestfox an inspection in loco.

Ihe Hague, 24 Hotrember 1965,

Les renseignements suivants émanant du Greffe de la Cour

interna,tionale de Justice soi1-t;mis2~ la disposition de La Presse r

La Cou tiendra le lmdi 29 no~embxe, L 15 heures, une

audience publiqued~as lcs affaires du Sud-Ouest africah!

en vue de prononcer sa décision sur la denande de 1 IAfr ique du Sud

rela,tive mle visite sur les Lieux-.

La Haye, le 24 novembre 1965,

ICJ document subtitle

- On 29 November 1965, the Court will give its decision on South Africa's request for an inspection in loco

Document file FR
Document Long Title

South West Africa (Liberia v. South Africa) - On 29 November 1965, the Court will give its decision on South Africa's request for an inspection in loco
