South West Africa (Ethiopia v. South Africa) - The Court will meet as early as possible in 1966 to begin its formal deliberations

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I.C.J. Cornmuni ue No 65/24

The following information frorn the Registry of the

International Court of Justice is comrnunicated to the Press:

--uth West Africa ---es
(Ethiopia -. South Africa;
~iberia -. South Africa)

The oral argument of the Parties having concluded, the Court
has had a general exchange of views in relation to the various
questions which arise in these cases. Folloaing this exchange
of views the Court has recessed to enable the individual rnernbers
of the Court to study these questions.

Under the established practice of the Court, after the hearing
is concluded, a period of time proportionate to the nature of the
case is allowed to judges in order that they may study the oral
arguments of the Parties.

The extended and cornplicated nature of this case is such that
this study will require a period of time sorneahat longer than usual.

The Court ail1 reassemble at The Hague as early as possible in
the New Year to begin its forma1 deliberations.

The Hague, 13 Decernber 1965.

C.I.J. Comriiuniquén065/24
Tnon-of f iciel)

Les renseignerilents suivants émanantdu Greffe de la Cour
internationzle de Justice sont mis à la disposition de la presse :

Affaires du Sud-Ouest afriain
7Kopië c. Afrique du Sud:

Les Parties ayant achevé leurs plaidoiries, la Cour a procédé à
un échange de vues d9ensemble sur les diverses questions qui se posent
en lVespèce. La.Cour sPest séparée apres cet échange de vues pour
permettre à chacun de ses membres dqexaminer ces questions.

DPaprès la pratique de la Cour, un délai approprié est donné aux
juges, après les plaidoiries, pour lvétude de lvargumentation des


Vu la longueur et la complexité des présentes affaires, cette
étude prendra un peu plus de temps que dPhabitude.

La Cour se réunira de nouveau à La Haye aussitôt que possible
en 1966 pour entamer son délibéré proprement dit.

La Haye, le 13 décembre 1965.

ICJ document subtitle

- The Court will meet as early as possible in 1966 to begin its formal deliberations

Document file FR
Document Long Title

South West Africa (Ethiopia v. South Africa) - The Court will meet as early as possible in 1966 to begin its formal deliberations
