South West Africa (Ethiopia v. South Africa) - Hearings of 18 to 23 June 1965

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The f~lloi~iigg irîforiiation frow thc Registry of thc
I~tcrnatlonal Goil-rt :I Justice i~ ~ol~!i~uili~atc~ to tlic 2rcss:

IrL thc course of four public sittings in the South West Africa
cases (Ethiopia K. SOLI.~~lJLfrica; Liberia v. Sou-t1-i ikfrica).fror,l--
Frid-a)-, 18 to Iledi~c~day, 23 June 1963, the Gui~.rt coc!:.icnced the
l~earixg of witnesz;~~ aird expc~ts cnlled by South frica. a.

(1) Dr. Ii.ll,Ii,Eisclci~, Ph.D., Cor,i!;!issioner-Gcncral for 1

the Northcrn Sotho, aa a witness and expert,

Dr, Eisclezl was ~xaiîj.ncd hy Lr. G, vair II. Pîuller, S.E. on bcl~alf
of So~it1-i irfriça, nild iras questioxcd by the Presidellt of the Cor-rt
and Jud-ges Korctsky , Jcssus and Sir Louis Mbüncf o.

(2) Professor E. V2.n den liaag, Pil.D,, Professor of Social
Plliloso~l~y 2.t NEW York University, as nn expcrt.

Professor Van deil Ilaag wac cxmincd by Elr. D,P. clc Villicr~, S.C.
on behalf of South iLfrica. 2e will 'ne cro~s-cxaaincd by the
Honourablc Ernest A. Gross, ,"~gei~t for Ethiopir. aad Liberia, at

a later date.

I On 22 Ju:xc qucs%ions wcrE sut to both Parties by the Court.

@ The next hcarlng vsill be hcld at 10 n,m, on Ilednesday,
30 Junc. The Court will first hear the a;iswers to the questions
p3.t to the Parties oii 22 Junc, aiid will thcn rosur;.!ct!le hcariag

of cvidencc.

Thc Bngue, 25 Juno 1955.

ICJ document subtitle

- Hearings of 18 to 23 June 1965

Document file FR
Document Long Title

South West Africa (Ethiopia v. South Africa) - Hearings of 18 to 23 June 1965
