Barcelona Traction, Light and Power Company - Extension of the time-limit fixed for the filing of the Government of Spain

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Les renseignements suivants Srii~.nandu Greffe de la Cour
internationald ee Justice sont mis 2 la disposition de la presse :

En l'affaire de la Baïcelona Traction, Xght and Power Conipany,
Limited(nouvelle requête : 1962) (Belgique c, ~spa~ne), le
Ciiuirernsment espügilola sollicité la prorogation du dilai fixé pour le
dépôt de son contre-mémoire, délai qui expiraitle ler juillet 1?65+
0 Le Cour, aprks zvoir consulté lragent du Gouvernement belge, a decidé
de proroger ce délai jus*' zu 31 d6cerifare1965, la suite de la
procedue étant réservée,

Ia Haye, le 11 juin 1365.

The following informütion from the Regisltryaf the International
Gourt of Justice is communicated to the Press:
In the case concerning the brcelona Traction, Lightand Povfer

Company, Lunited (New Application: 1962) between Belgium and Spain,
the Covernment of Spein liasrequested the extension of the the-limît
fined for the filhg of its Counier-I~Imorial, which was to expire on
1 July 1965. lifter consulting the Agent for the Govermerit; of Belgium,
the Court has deçided to extend this time-Emit to 31 Decmber 1965, the
subsequent p~ocedure being reserved for further decision.

The Esse, 11 June 19-65.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Barcelona Traction, Light and Power Company - Extension of the time-limit fixed for the filing of the Government of Spain
