South West Africa (Liberia v. South Africa) - Hearings of 24 au 27 May 1965

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The following information from the Registry of the International
Court of Justice is c0m~unicate2 to the Press:

In the course of l'ou- public sittings in the South Uest hfrica
cases (~tliiopia 1. Suu-th J;fricag Liberia v, Sotith dfrica) from lifonday,
2l+ta Thursday, 27 PLty 1965 the Court hesrd i~k. D .P. de Villivrs, S.C.,
conmence the oralrejoinder of South kfrica.

At the hearing of 2S. hiay the Pi-esiuent of the Court paid tribute
to the memorg of I-ielge !I.laesta$, raember or"the Court from 1946 to 1961

and its President trom 1958 to 1961, r;ho diedon 23 .5,!ky. He also
announced Yhat the Court had decided that as the fippiicants, subject ta
certâin reservations, haci concluded th~ir case beth on the law and the
facts, the Ziespondent ~~ould, afterconcluciing its oralre on the
legalissues, imedia,lely present its case upon the facts, during the
courseof which it woulci presentits witnesses and e:qerts. The
request of the Ilespondent for an inspection in loco *r:rouldnot be
deliberated on by the Court wtil alter al1 the evidencs had been

called aad the adtiresses of the Parties conclüdea.

At the hearing of 27 May the President aimouricecl .CI-iaat the
request of the Xespondent, the l'ipplicants making no abjection, the
Court granted en ad jourrment until Tueçday, 8 June t,oenable Xespondent
to consider full7neii matter stated to have been introduc~d by the
hpplicantsLate in the course of theLi. oral ~heply.

'he next hearing vn1X accordingly be hePd an Rresdsy, 6 June at
3 p a., when cairnsel for South hirica r.Jillcontinue the preser;tation
of the orai rejolrzder .

The Hague, 27 May 1965 ,

ICJ document subtitle

- Hearings of 24 au 27 May 1965

Document file FR
Document Long Title

South West Africa (Liberia v. South Africa) - Hearings of 24 au 27 May 1965
