Certain Expenses of the United Nations (Article 17, paragraph 2, of the Charter) - List of the Governments whose representatives will make oral statements at the hearings which will begin on 14 May 19

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Com~uniqué No, 6 2/10

The follov~ing infornation£rom the Registry af the
Internationa Clourt of Justioe is connwiia?ted to the Press:

The International Court of Justice has fixed Monday,
14 May 1962, 10 .JO n.n, for the apening of the oral proaeedings
in the case of the Fin,w~inl obligations of Menbers of the United
Nations (drticle 17, para. 2 of the charter).

From inforaation just reaeived by the Registry, oral stntements
will be made by the representatives of the followingGovernrqents
(in the order in which the Registryhas re~eived intirmtion of
these sta tements )

Canada: representedby Mr. Marcel Cadieux, Assistant
Under-Secretnry and Legol ddviscr to the Departmen-t, of

United States of dnerica: xapresentedby the Hon. Abrm Chayes,
Legnl ddviser or the SGnte Department.

Iran: rspresentedby H.E. Dr. F, Admyat? Irani-m dnbassador
to the Ne-kherlands.

Nethcrlands: represented by Dr. TT. Biphngen, Lcgal J.dviser
to the Mnis try for Foreign dffairs .

-tai: roprasuntedby Prof essor Riccnrdo hlonnco, Head of
Diploinatic dffnirs nt tlzo Ministry of Foreign dffoirs.

The Hague, 17 April 1962.

ICJ document subtitle

- List of the Governments whose representatives will make oral statements at the hearings which will begin on 14 May 1962

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Certain Expenses of the United Nations (Article 17, paragraph 2, of the Charter) - List of the Governments whose representatives will make oral statements at the hearings which will begin on 14 May 1962
