South West Africa (Ethiopia v. South Africa) - Time-limits for the filing of the Reply of Ethiopia and Liberia and the Rejoinder of South Africa

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
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The following information from the Registry of the International

Court of Justice 5s communicatet do the Press:

In the South West Africa cases (~thiopb y. SouthAfrica;

Liberia v. South Afrlca), the Cowiter-bkmorial of Southafricahas been
filedand the Preaident of the Court has, by an Order of 20 cTanuary

1964, fixed 20 Jme 1964 as the the-Unit for the filing of the hply

* ofEthiopia and of Liberia, and20 November 1964for the fiZlng of the

Rejobder of SouthAfrica .

The Hague, 22 January 1964.


Les remei@mments suivants émanant du Greffe de La Cour inter-

e &tonale de Justioe sontrnia B la dispoaitlon &e la presse t

Dma leeaffaires da Sud-Ouest africiain(~thiopie c. Afrique du

Sud; Llbérfa o. Afrique du SUA), lt8frlque du Sud a d6posé soncontre-

rndmotre et le Prdaident de la Cour a, par ordomance du 20 janvier 1964,

f firéau 20 juin 1964 la date aiexphatfon du délad mur le dép& de la

réplique da 1iEthiopfe et du Lib8rfa et au 20 novembse 1964 la date

diexpiratiod nu délai pous le dtSpétde la duplique de l'Afrique du Sud.

La Raye, le 22 janvier 1964.

ICJ document subtitle

- Time-limits for the filing of the Reply of Ethiopia and Liberia and the Rejoinder of South Africa

Document file FR
Document Long Title

South West Africa (Ethiopia v. South Africa) - Time-limits for the filing of the Reply of Ethiopia and Liberia and the Rejoinder of South Africa
