South West Africa (Ethiopia v. South Africa) - Representatives of the Parties at the hearings

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
Document File

The folloving5nTorrnation £rom the Registry of the International
Court of Justice 5s comiunicated to the Press:

At 3 p.m, on l~lünday, 15iiIarch, in the Pesce lalace at The Eiague,
the Internztionsl Gowt of Justice nill begin public hearings on the
rnorits in the SouthYkst dfrics cases (Ethiopin x. south iifricsg
Liberia x, South i~liicu). Proceedings against Southhfrlca nere
instituted on 4 Novonber 1960 by î~pplications of Ethiopia and Lib~ria.
On 20 Play 1961 the Court nade an Order. in vhich it fcund that
Efhicyfa ;md Liberia;Ter&in the same iriiersst and joined the
proceeilii~~s sa instituted. South dfrice tl~ereafter filed preliminary
objectionsLo the jurisdiction of the Court? rtnC the proceedingsan
the merits trere suspended. On 21 Decernber 1962 the Court delivered
a Judgment in vhich it rejected the four prellmimy objections rai~ed

by South Africa, and uphePd its jurisdiction. The intervenlng
pericd hss been accupied ~ith the I-mitten proceedings on the meritç
of the dispute.

'/fien he opens the public sitting on 15 March at j p.m., the
President of the Internztional Court of Justice~iill make a deelaration
to ~a~k the twentieth annivarsaryof the foundi~ig of the United
Nations, ivhichf~lls in 1965,

As' .theCcurt in its r~gular c~nposition does no* ixclude upon the
hench judges of the nationalities of the Parties, Ethiopia and Liberia

on the one hand And South dfrica on the otker hzve reapectivelychosen
to 8it a9 JUC?~ES -d -3c in accordancesrith Lhticle 31 of the Siztute
of the Court, SSr Louis ?T:yachukwu Eilbanef, Chief Justiceof the
Eastern Region cf Nigeria, the non. Jacques Tl-ieodore van Wyk,
Judge of the Ap;;eblate Division of the Supreme Court of South idsica.
Shese judges aE1hoc also sat in.thepreliminary objectionsphase of
the cases.

The Parties ail1 be represfnted as follons:

The 'Enpire of ~thio~ia:

Agents r B,F. Dr. Tesfaye Gebre-Egzy;

Hon, Ernest A. Gross,
Nilembercf the Ney{ York Bar 5

Mr. Edmaxd R. Ibfooxe,
Under Secre tary of Stateof Liberia;

l~b. Keith Hîghet ,
Iflemberof the Nev; York Bar:

The ., .,
-The Reaublic of Liberia:

B,E. hTr. NathanDarnes;

Kon. Ernest V. Gross,
Eilemberof the IiemYork Bar;

l<.rEdr;3rd R. ]doore,
Under Secretarycf State of Liberia;

MI. Keith Bighet,
Meniberof the New York Bar .'

The Republic of SouthAfrica:

Agents: ProfsssorJ.P. verbren van Themazt, S.C.,
Prof essor of International Law at the
TTnivorsity of South Africa and Consultant
to the Department of ForeignAffaire;

Mr. R. McGregor,
Deputy Ghief State Attorney;

Counsel: Mr. D.P, de Irilliers, S.C.,
Rlemberof the South 6frican Bu;

$4~. G. van R. Muller, S.C.,
Mernber of the South dfrican Bar;

Dr. P.J. Rabie, S.C.,
Merilber of the South llfrican Bas';

Mr . E.M. Grosskopf ,
Member of the S~uihAfricanBar;

Dr. I-I.J.0,van Heerden,
Member of the South 1ifrican'Barg

!:Ir. D.B.Sole,
Under Secretary, Dcpsrtment of Foreign
dffairs g

IJr.R.F. Botha,
liepartment of Foreignhffairsand Mvocate
of the Supreme Cawk of Southhfricnp

JTr. H.J. Allen,
Department of Bantu Administration and
Devel opment ;

Secrc-ta ry PTT.H, Reeae,
Department; of ForeignAffairs and Advocate
of the Supreme Court of South ilfrica.

ds a general rule the Couxt xi11 slt durlng hslf of each day

only , on M0ndap frum 3-6 p,n, and £son Tueeday ta Friday from
LO a.m. to 1 p.m., vith a brief adjourment after the first hom
and taenty minutes. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided
in @ench and English.

The Hague, U Warch 1965.

ICJ document subtitle

- Representatives of the Parties at the hearings

Document file FR
Document Long Title

South West Africa (Ethiopia v. South Africa) - Representatives of the Parties at the hearings
