Northern Cameroons - The hearings on the Preliminary Objection will begin on 19 September 1963

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Les renseignements suivants, émanant du Greffe de la Cour
internztionde ae Justice, sont mis à la disposition de la presse z

La Cour international de Juatice se reunira le 16 septembre 1963.

Le 19 septembre slouvriront une &rie d'audiences consacrées à
entendre les Parties dans leaffaire du Cameroun septentrional, intro-
duite par requetedu Cameroun contre le Royaume-Uni de Grande- Bretagne
et diIrlande du Nord, Le Royaume-Uni a soulevéune exception préli-
minaire r clest sur cette exception quo porteront les plaidoiries.

La Baye, le 9 juillet 1963.

The foU~wing information fsm the Registry of the International
Court of Justice is communicated to the Press:

The Internationa lmrt of Jinçticewill reassernble on 16 September

PublLc sittlngswiU open on 19 Septemberfor the hearing of the
argumentsof the Parties in the case concerning the NorthernCameroons
in which proceedings were instituted by an Application of Cameroon
against the United Kingdom of Great Er-italnand Northern Ireland.
The United Kingdom has raised a preliminary objection -it is with
this objection that the oral arguments vfdl be concerned.

The Hague, 3 Juïy 1963.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Northern Cameroons - The hearings on the Preliminary Objection will begin on 19 September 1963
