Barcelona Traction, Light and Power Company - Time-limit within which Belgium may present a written statement of its observations and submissions on the objections

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Les renseignementssuiv~ntsémanantdu Greffede .laCourintern*
tionalede Justice,sontmis à la disposition dea presset

En l'affairede la BarcelonTraction,Light andPowerCompa.taL.,d.
introduitepar laBelgique contr e'Espagne,le Gouvernemene~pggnoka, dana
le délai fixépourle dép8tde son contre-mémoir(e21mai1960)~ présentédes
exceptions préliminairesla compétencede la Cour.

Aux termesde l'article62 du Règlemende la Cour,la procéduresur
le fondest suspenduedu faitdu dép6tdes exceptionest un délaiestfixé-
dans lequella partie contreaquellel'exceptionest introduite- en lies-
pèoela Belgique- peutprésenter un exposé écritontenantses observations
et conclusionsL'Agentdu Gouvernement belg aefaitvaloirque les exceptions
préliminaires soulevaid entquestions nombreuses, importante csoetlexes
qui entrainera4enun travailconsidérablpeourla préparation de ceobserva-
tionset conclusions.Parordonnancedu 20 juin1960, le Préaidentde la
Coura fixéau 5décembre 1960,la dated'expiratiodnu délai,

La Haye,le 22juin1960

CommunisuéNo, 60/18

The follov~ininfordationfromtheRegistry of thoIn~~~anal
Courtof Justiceis oommunicatetdo thePress.

In the oaseconcerningtheBarcelonaTraction,LightandPower
Company,Ltd.,in whichprooeedingswere institutedby Belgiumagainst
Spain,theSpanishGovernment has,withinthe time-lini ftixed forthe
filingof itsCounter-Memoria (21May 1960), filedPreliminaryObjections
to the jurisdictionf theCourt.

In accordauicwithArticle62 of theRulesof Court,the prooeedings
on the meritsare suspendeon thefilingof theObjections ana d time-limit
has to be fixedwithin whiothePartyagainstwhiohthe objection has been
raised- in this caseBelgium- may presenta writtenstatementof its
Observations and Submissio.sTheAgentfor theBelgianGovernment has
indicated thatthePreliminary Objectionsaisenumerousimportant and
complicatedquestionswhichwillinvolveoonsiderablw eork in the preparation
of theseObservationasndSubmissions. By an Orderof 20 Junel96o9the
Presidentof theCourthas fixed 5December1960as the time-limit.

TheHague,22 June 1960

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Barcelona Traction, Light and Power Company - Time-limit within which Belgium may present a written statement of its observations and submissions on the objections
