Northern Cameroons - Extension of the time-limit for the filing of the Observations and Submissions of Cameroon on the United Kingdom's Preliminary Objection

Document Number
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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
Document File

(non officiel)

Les renseigner~~ents suivants, émanant du Greffe de la Cour '

international de Justice, sont mis à la disposition de la presse :

Par ordonnanc eu 27 novmbre 1962 en l'affaire du Cameroun
septentrional, la Cou internationa leJustice a report4 au
lermrs 1963 la date diexpiration du d6lai pour le dép6t par le
Cameroun de ses observations et conclusian sur Ifexception prélin
mimire soulevée en cette affaire par le Royaume-Uni.

Cette prolongation de delni n ét& accordée! à la demande du
Cameroun et avec liagr5ment du Rapme-Uni.

La H37ye, le 29 novembre 1962.

Communique NO. 62/30
(~no :idal)

The fnlhwing Snfrimztion fmm the Registry~f the Internati~nal
G~rt of Justhe fs comunicated tn the Press:

By an Order of 27 November 1462, the Intematirinel Cou& rif
Justice has extended tri1 March 1963 the the-limit frir the fillxig
of the Observatirins and Submissi~ns of Cameaun on the Prelîminan
Objectinn raised by the Unlted Kingdnm ln the Northern Caernons

The exbensim was grwted at the request -ifCamemun and with
' the agrement .ifthe United Kingdom.

The Hegue, 29 EJovember 1962.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Northern Cameroons - Extension of the time-limit for the filing of the Observations and Submissions of Cameroon on the United Kingdom's Preliminary Objection
