South West Africa (Ethiopia v. South Africa) - Hearing of 22 October 1962

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The following information lrom the Registq- of" the International
Court of Justice is communicated to the Prers:

At the hearingç of the InternationaC lourt of Jastice held on
22 October in the South West Africa cases, the hg~nt for Ethiop& an?

Liberia. delivered his oral rejoinder, Shen MY. de Villiers, for Safith
kfrica, and the Hancurable Ernest 1;.Gross, for Ethiopia and Liberia,
replied to the questions put to the P<a-ties by Judc;es Basdevant and
Sir Per cy Spender.

The Agent for South Lfrïca. an menrlrnent to his previous
Submisçions, considerec' to be necesszry in the light of the questions
Jud.5z Sir Fer cy Spcndcr ,
The Agent for Ethlopia and Liberiareque sted the Coud s

permission to comnt on thç amendment at a lzter hearing.

aie Court tlnthdrevrto dcli uerate.

The Hague, 22 October 1962.

C.I. J.

Lcs rcnseigncrncnts suiva.nts, 4r;l~nan-Ldu Grcffe de 12 Cour inter-
n2tionr.le de Justicc, sont n;s & 13 dispïsition di:la prossc:

Lors des zudionccs Gcnucs par 1:.Cour intcmationalc dc Justice
la 22 octobrecn Ics affeircs du Sud 0ucs-L africcin, 1ia:;ent de ItXthiopic
ct du Lib6ria 2 pro~once sc~ dtipliquc oj-~le, Ensuite, k dc Villiers,
au nom de 1riifritluedu Sud ct I 'honorablE en~cst ii. Gross, au noix dc
1'Ethiopiz et du Liberia, orrt r6;~ondu aux questions qui ~x?.iont Gi;e
pciséas aux lertics -ai: les juzcs Basdevant ct sir i7ercy Spcndcr.

L ligcnt de Iri2rique du Sud.a dhpo sriun mcndcincnt à ses conclusions
précedentes, ancndemcnt jug6 néccssair~ R 12, suitedes questions posecs

par le jute sir Percy Spendcr, Lie~ent dc lflkhiopie ~t du Liberia
a demand6 & la Gour 1'autarisatiu ne cm~uentcr cet cunender~ent Lors
d'une audience ult Grieure,

Le Cour s'estrctirEc poilr dclibcrer.

La Haye, le 22 octobre 1962,

ICJ document subtitle

- Hearing of 22 October 1962

Document file FR
Document Long Title

South West Africa (Ethiopia v. South Africa) - Hearing of 22 October 1962
