South West Africa (Ethiopia v. South Africa) - Representatives of the Parties at the hearings which will begin on 2 October 1962

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I.C.J. Co~omuniqué62{23

Th? folloufing informationfrom the Registry of the International
Court of Justice is communicatedto the Press:

The International Court of Justicewill hold n public' sitting on
Tncsday, 2 Octobor 1962 at 4 p-m., in the Peace Palitce at The Hague.

The sitting the firçt in the oral heaslngs in the South !Test
Africm cenes brought befora the Court on 4 Movembcr 1960 by Applications
of the Governments of Ethiopie and Liberiaa:*:ainst the Goverment of the
Republic of South Sfsica.

On 30 Novernbes 1961 a documentsettingout certain Preliminary
Objectionsto the jurlsdictionof the Court w~s filed by the Govermcnt
of the Kegublic of South ~ifrica. The Observations and Submissions of
the Governmentsof Ethiopia and Liberia in regard to thcseObjections were
filed on 1 March 1962.

Duringthe coning hvarings, the Court will deal tvith the Praliminary
Objections .

Tho sittingwill be devoted first to the installetion of Sir Louis
N~achuktvu Mbanefo, Chief Justice of the High Court,Eastern regionof
Nigeria, and of the Bonour~ble JacquesTheodore van Wyk, Judgs of the

Apellate Division of the Supreme Court of SoUth Africa, who, in accordance
vith Article 31 of the Statute of the Court, have been designated by the
Govcrnments of Ethiopia and Liberiaand thc Governmentof the Republic of
South efrica, rcspectively, to sit ns judgcs ad hoc in this case.
Biographies of these judges ad hoc %re appended heret~.

The Partieswill be ropresented as folloas:

-he Govcrnmentof the Bepublic of Southdfrica:

Dr. J.R; 3:erLoren van Themaat, Liw ilidvisorto the I)ep;irtment of Foreign

Aff airs,

as Agent;

Mr. Ross McGregor, Beputy Statc Attorney,

as Sdditiaml Agent p

lfr, D.P. de Villiers, S.C., Member of the South hi'rican Bar,

Ph-, G. van RI Xull~r, SOC+ TiIember of the South African Bar,

es Gounsel;

MT. 3.S .F. Botha, Den2rtnent of Foreign .!iffais,

as idviserg

Er. F.D. Tothill,Departnent of Foreign Affairs,

as Eeçre tary.

The .,.. .- . .- .". ." .-....

The Govarnmentsof Ethiopia and Liberia:

- The Bonourable Embs t h, Gross, Member of the-New YorkBar,

as Agent and Counscl;
." -7
L ,*
. Mr . .Fdr~-ard R. ,M~'ore, 'Assi tant Abtorney 'General of I;fbariap, '

- . Mx, Leonard S. S~ndweiss, Memb~r of the Ncw York Bar,

as Counsel.

: .
'.L . . - 2, .
. .,,. - The Bague, 25- 3êptember' l96? - - . :''
-. .. . .
.. . - . . .. JACQUES THEODORV EAL)\!X, horn on 15 Junc 1913 at Vanrl-lynsdorp,
Cape Province, South Bfrica;

Obtained Bachelor of J+?Ls Degree at the University of Cape Tetm in

Obtained Bachelor of Laws Degree at the University of Cape Town

Admitted to the Bar in Januari~, 1936, and appointed Registrar to
the Judee President of the CapeProvincizl Division of the

Supreme Court of South Africa the sans year;

Comenced privatc practice at the Bar in Cape Torm in Jmuary, 1937.

hppoinked King 1s Gounsel in 1949.

Served as Acting Juae oi the Suprerne Court in 1351, 14.52 and 1953.

Appointed Judge of the Su?romeCourt (CG~ Provincial ~ivision)

in 1955.

Held hcf,ing Appointment as Judge of !q~peal in 1953;

Appointed as Judge2.n the Appellate Division of the Supremz Court
in 1961.

Up until 1955 xas also a brector of a large life filsurance company.

pas also served on the Council of the University of Cape Tom
and is Chaiman of the Table I:Ioui?Gain PresexvatiorlBoard. Fams
in pa~nership with his brother.

Fhrried to Maria 1,ia~dalenaLouw in 19.42 and has four sons.

SIR LOUIS b~~~~~dU PBfimFO: Chi~f Justice of Eastern Nigeria;

Sir Louis ltlbanefatvasborn at Onitsha, Eastern :*jigeria on13 May,
1911. Son of Cllizf Pbanef O, the Odu of Onitsha, he attended King is
College, Lagos, before proceeding ta the University Uollzge, Landon,
study law. He received the LL. B. Degree of the University or Landon in
1935 and later procecded to King's College, Cadarid$eUniversity, where
he obtained the 8.A- (~ons.) in 1937.

In the same year :IF seturned 'GO Iirigeriaai~d set up a legal
practice in his home kown of Oniksha, 85 served as a Legislater in
the Eastern House of 4sse~hlg froin 1950-52, md for part of the period
(1950-51) he was al~oa iizeiabeof the Higerian LogislativcCounc5l -
the central law-maI<tng body -inNigeria at the timz.

In1952 he vas desi~nated a Puisne Judge of the Suprei-fiCourt of
Nigeria, a position ha held uili;il1956 dien 11ewas assignedto the
In Deceriber. 1959 he was appointsd ta
Judiciary cilEastern LIigerie.
his present post of Cl-iief Justice of Eastertî iiJigeria.

Sir Louis is mrried to Elizabeth 3ona Colcer and ilas three sons.

ICJ document subtitle

- Representatives of the Parties at the hearings which will begin on 2 October 1962

Document file FR
Document Long Title

South West Africa (Ethiopia v. South Africa) - Representatives of the Parties at the hearings which will begin on 2 October 1962
