Arbitral Award Made by the King of Spain on 23 December 1906 - Opening of the oral proceedings on 15 September 1960

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~ommwii~u4 No. 60/20

The following infornation £rom the Registryof the International
Court of Justiceis transmitted to the Press:

On Thursday,15 Ss.tembcr 1960, at 4 p.rn,, the Court vil1 hold a
public hearing for the opening of the oral procaedings in the case
concerning the JkbitraP Arijilmade by the King of Spain on 23 December

It tell b~ recalled that proceedingsin this cas& were instituted
on 1 July 1958 by nn Applicationfrom the Goverment of Honduras against
the Goverment of Nicaragua. Honduras and Nicaragua concluded, on
7 October 1894, a treaty calledthe Bonifla-Ghez Treaty, concerningthe
demarcation of the limits between the two countries, Article V of which
provided that in certain circumstances certain points in controversy
might be submit ted to the decision of the Governirnent of Spain, In
pursuance of this Treaty, arbitration mas requcsted of the King of Spain,
and the Awardmas made on 23 December1906. But the validity of the
llsbitral Anard and its implementation gave rise to a dispute between
the two States. Followinga remlution by the Organisationof Americavs
States, Honduraa and NicaraguaconcLudedan agreemznt at Washington on

21 July 1957 by virtue of which this dispute ~ould be aubmitted to the
Intornati~~l Court of Justice.

Fol1ai:mg the institutionof the proc eedings,the mitten plecdings
were filed on the folloirring datssr tlie iuiemoriro tfl theGovernment of
Honduras on 5 Jmuary 1959; the Coun-ter-Mernorial of the Governent of
Nicaragua 9n 5 May 1959; the Reply of the Bovermmt of Honduras on 3
August 1959; the Rejoinder of the Governent of Ricarfigus on 4 January
1960. The case became ready for heming oa the last-rnentioned date.

At the openingof the h~aring on 15 Septenber, the Court wilL proceed
to instal Dr, Roberto Ago, Professorof In-ternationdLam in the University
of Rome, and Professor FrnnciscoUrrutia HoLguin, hbassador of Colombia,

who have been respectively designated by the Government of Honduras md
the Goverment of Nicaragua, to si5 as Judgea ad hoc in thia case, in
accordance withArticle 71 of the Stntute af the Court.

The Agent for the ApplicantGoverratent mil1 then be called uponto

ThE Parties vci-11be representedby the persona &oso namas appear
on the appended List.

The Hague, 10 September 1960.
1 le Gouvernement du Honduras sera représenté par ;

The 'Cavernment of Honduras will be represented by :

Agent s
Agent s
. .

AncienPrésident de la Cour Suprgme de
justice du Honduras. . .

Former President of the Çupreme Court
of Hofiduras.

Ancien ministre des Affaires étrangeres
' du Honduras.

Former ~Enfster for Foreign Affajrs of
Elondura S.

Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plénipo-
tentiaire pres du Gouvernement des
Paya-Ba s,

Ambassador extra-rdinary and plenipotenk
tiayy tO the Lvt!~ rL:

Anbassa.$ extraordinaire et plénipu-
tent iaire pr ès le Gouvernemen trançais .

Ambassador extraordinary and plenipoten- '
tiary to the French Goverment.

- Conseils . .

M. Paul. GuggenheUri, ' Professeur ds dm it Internat ional à la
Faculté de droit de 1 IUniversit ét de
Ir Imtitut universitaire des Hairtes Etudes
Internatiomles de Genkve, 14ernbi.ede la

Cour permanentediarbitrage.

Prof essor of Fritermtional Law ini the Law
Facultg of Geneva and in the Graduate
Institute of Internattonal Studies'aD Geneva,
and Llenber of the Permanent Court of

M. Paul . ..M. Paul De Vis scher, Profësseur de droitinternational public
de liUniversit de buvain.

Professor of International public law at
the University of 1,ouvalil.

M. Herbert W. Briggs, Prof essew 'de droit hternatlonal de 11Un&-

versité de Cornell et directeur de IlThe
AmericanJournal of International lawfl.

Profesor of Internat tom l Zaw a% Cornel1
University, direceor of the dounal of
Internat ional Law.

Exprt, avocahau barreau de Genève,14.A.

Expert, Member of the Geneva Bar, KA.

ïe Gouvermment du Nicaragua sera repr&sent;8 par r

. The Govermeni of Nicaram will be represented by :

Ambassadeur du Nicaragua au Pays-Bas
et ministre en Belgique,

Ambassador of Nicaragua to the Netherlands
and ltinister to BeJgim.
. .

Dr.Diego NI Cbarnerm,

Ambassadox .

Profass~u re droitinterrxlti.od- à l'Uni-
versit 6 libre de. Bruxelles et ltiernbre de
la Cour permanente d 'arbitrage,

Professor of htemtional Law at the Free
University of Brussels , llember of the
Permanent Court of Arbitration.

M1 CamUo Barcia Trelle s Doyen de la Faculté de droit de 1 tuniver-
sité de Santiago de Compostela (~s~agne)

Dean of the Faculty of iaw at the
UniversiQ of Santiago de CompostelaM. Hildebrand0 Accioly, Professeur de droit interriational à 1lUni-
versity de Sao Paulo résil il)et Membre
de la Cour permanente d larbitrage.

Frofessor of International Law at the
University of Sao Paulo (Brazil) and Nernber
of the Permanent Court of Arbitration.

14, Philip C. Jessup, Professeur de droit international de 1iUni-
versité Columbia.

Prof essor of international Law of Columbia

M. Gaetano Morelli, Professeur de droit international à 11Uni-

versité de Rome et Membre de la Cour per-
manente d !arbitrage.

Prof essor of International Law at the
Univel-sity of Rome and Member of the
Permanent Caurt of Arbitration,

1.1.Antonio Valintoppi, Professeur de droit à 11Université de
Camerino (Italie)

Law at the University of
Professor of
Camerino (ltaly).

Conseil adjoint et secrétaires de la délégation
Assistant Counsel and Secretaries to the Dele gat ion

Dr. Jaime Somarriba Salazar, Conseiller de lthbassade du Nicaragua A
La Haye.

Counselor of the Nicaraguan Embassy to
The Hague

et le

Dr. Michel Waelbroe ck .

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Arbitral Award Made by the King of Spain on 23 December 1906 - Opening of the oral proceedings on 15 September 1960
