Temple of Preah Vihear - Representatives of the Parties at the hearings

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I.C.J. --mmuniqué-
(Unoff icïa:

The follox7fing inf ornation from the Regis try of the Interna. tional
Court of Justice is comrnunicated to the Press:

men he opens the hearing of Thursday, 1 March 1962, at 10.30 a.ril.,
for the oral presentation of their argments by the Parties in the '
case concerning the Temple of Preah Vihear (~ambodia 1. ha il and)
(merits), the President of the International Court of Justice vrill
sny a fer vrords recalling that 15 February 1962 vras the fortieth
annivsrsary of the inauguration, in the grmt court-room of the
Peace Palace, of the Permanent Court of International Justice, 'at
v.rhich the Queen of the. Netherlaiids aiid distinguished Netherlands
and foreign public figures nere present. He ni11 refer briefly
to the origins of the establiskment of an international tribunal
and its subsequent development.

The Prcsidont will then open the hearings devoted to the oral
arguments in the above case.

The Parties ni11 be represented as follows


H.E. Truong Cang Member .of the Haut Conseil du Trône

as Agent and

H.E. Ouk Chhoum Minister-Counsellor at the Royal
Cambodian Embassy in France;.

assisted by:

Hon. De'm Acheson Member of the Bar of.the Supreme Cpurt
of the United States of America,

M. Roger ~'lnto Profossor at the Pnris Law F~iculty,

M. Paul Reuter Professor at the Paris Law Faculty


Colonel Ngin Karet Direc tor of the Survey Department. .of
the Royal Khmer Armed Forces

-s Expert ddviser;

M. Chan Youran General - Secretary of the delegation;

M. Chem Snguon Deputy General Secretary of .the.- .....

Thailand: 1.

H.S.H. Prince Ambassador of Thailand to the
'Vongsamahip Jayankura Nuthcrlands

as Agent;

M. R. Seni Pramoj . hlember of the Thai Bar,

M. Henri ROI-in Honorary Professor of the Free
University of Brussels , Advocate ût
the Court of Appe.21 of Brussels,
Menbar of the Perm<anent Court of
Arbitra tion,

The .... . .
The Rt. Hon. .-Sir Frank
Soskice, Q.C., 1:I.P. former Attorney-General of England,

Mr. James Nevins Hydc Men~ber of the Bar of the State of
New Yorkand Menber of the Bar of
the Supreme Court of the United States,
.. .

M. QIarcel ~lusny , Advocate nt the Court of Appeal of
. . ~russels, Lecturer, at the Free
. . University of Brussels,

Mr. J.G. Le Quesne f ' Member of the English Bar

-s Advocates and Counsel;

Lieutenant Ganeral Director-General, Royal Thai Survey
Busrindre Bhakdikul Department, Ministry of Defence,

Mr. Suk Perunavin Deputy Under-Secretary to the Office
of the Prime Minister,

Mr. Chinda Na Songkhla Deputy Secretary-Genera'l. to the
Civil Service Commission,

Lieutenant Colonel Phoon Lecturer, School of Surveying, Royal

.. .,o. A.a.achinta Thai Survey Department, Ministry .of
Def ence,
as Expert kdvisers;

Mr. Chapikorn Sreshthaputra Chief of the Le621 Division, Treaty
and Legal Department, Ministry of
Foreign Affairs,

Tdr. David S. Downs Solicitor, Supreme Court of
Jurisdiction, England,

as Juridical Advisers.

In addition, the Parties h3ve announced that they intend to
cal1 the following persons as expert aitnesses during the hearings:

Cambodia :

M. Suon Bonn former Governor of Kompong Thom, nt
present Inspector, Political and
Administrative ilff airs, Minis try of
the Interior (~ambodia) .

Thai land :

Professor Dr. Willem Dean of the International Training
Schermerhorn Center for Aerial Survey and Director
of the Consulting Department, residing
at Dclf t, the Nctherlmds ,
. .
Mr. Friedrich E. lickcrmcznn Dipl. Ing.,- lecturer at the International
Training Center and member of the

Internztionnl Training Center Consulting
Residence: Kanaalmeg 3, Delft, ' '

The Hague, 28 February 1962.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Temple of Preah Vihear - Representatives of the Parties at the hearings
