South West Africa (Ethiopia v. South Africa) - Hearing of 2 October 1962

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I.C.J. Communiqué NO. 62/24
(unof ficial)

The following inform:~i;ioi~ from the Regis try of the International
Court 05 Justiceis communicatedto the P-CSB:

Today, 2 October 1962, at 4 pan,, the Intermtiorial Court of
Justiccheld the first of the publichoarings on the Pscliminary

Objectl::,ns to the jurisdiction of th^ Court, raised by the
Governrnont of the Bcpublic of South Africa in the South >?est Africa
cases (~thio~ia 1. South Africag Libcsie +. South ~frica) .

After opening the sittingsn5 briefly recalling the stages in
the vtritten proceeclings covered since the instituticn of the cases
by Ethiopinand Liberia by tno kpplicatians filed on 4 Bovembor 1960
(sec Cornniuniquis No. 61/15 and 62/25), the Presid~nt of the Court
proc~ededto the installation of the tao judgco ad hoc designatedby
the L'articç iri accordancewith Article 31, pnragraphs 3 and 5 of the
Statute, nmely Sir Louis Vbancfo, Chief Justice GL the Blgh Court,
EasternEegion of TIigtlrii2,d~oignatcd by Ethiopia and Liberia acting
in concert, and the iionourable Jacques Thecdore van izryk, dudge of the
iippc\'lT.Division of the Supreme Court cf SouthAfrica, designatedby
'the Goverment of the Bepublscof South dfrica.

The President then announced thnt Judge ~drdova, n-ho vrüs provonted

by the atate of his hoalth fsom being présent at The IEague, rvould be
unable to sit in thc presentproccedinge.

Having notcd the preacncc in Court of khe rcprcsentativos of the
Parties, the Fresi.d.ent calPed upon the Agent for the Goverment of
the Republlc of South iifrica, DY. J. I',vcrlarer? van memaat, .T'.C.

Dr. vcrLeiren taiz Theaaak apened the case on beha,lf of the

Governmcntof the RepuSllc of Suuth Africa. Rc was folloned by
NI-.D. P. dc Villiesa, S. C., Plember of the South llfrlcan Bar, viho
begnn his addrc~sto the Co-~t on thc first an?.second Proliminary
Objections. He vil1 continue nÎ,thc hearing tornorrow, 3 October,
which will npcn at 10.30 a,n.


* ++

Rote for repr~sentat--eo sf the Press nith regard ta
communiqu6s issued ducing u--a- hearings in the 3outh
West Africa cases

Xincc rcprc.:entativcil of the P~eso Gan be prerentat si.tting
and obtxin üt ths end of ~nch dfiy the verbatirii record of the dayf s
proceedlngs, the Cegistry dr.icsnot proposc to publish during,the
hcaringo, daily cor~munlqué~ irhich mersly indicste the names of the

epeakcrs and the date cd the ncxt heming. Honcver, an exception
ail1 be mndo nhenevcr thc next hcnring is fixed for a date other than
the following norking day .

As a gonerzl rulc ths Court vil1 not sit on Sat~wday morning
during thesc procccdinge.

The Hague, 2 October 1962.

ICJ document subtitle

- Hearing of 2 October 1962

Document file FR
Document Long Title

South West Africa (Ethiopia v. South Africa) - Hearing of 2 October 1962
