Arbitral Award Made by the King of Spain on 23 December 1906 - Hearing of 15 September 1960

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Communiqué No. 60/21

The follav!ing infcr~iationfron the Registry of the Internntional
Court of Justiceis comnunicated tc the Press:

At 4 p.n. on Thwsday, 15 Septenber 1960, in the Pcace Palace at
The Hague, thc Court held th^first of the publichcaiBgs in the case
conceming the Arbitral hard nnde by thc King of Spain on 23 Decenber

1906 be on du 1.a~sicaragua).

The Pre~identof the Court begm with an announcencnt th3-t; Judge
Be~dcvant mas preventedby illness fron attending thc Court for the
a moment. He then procoeded to instal the two ad hoc Judgea app~ivlted
by the Pastics: Dr. Rob~rto Pmf essor cf Internationa law in the
University of Rame, and PrefessorFranciscoUrrutia Hclguin, :hbassador
~f Colanbia. Hming noted that the Lgentsof the Parties nere present,
the President Ghcn c~lled upiin the Agent for the Govcrnment nf Honduras.

The Agent for tlieGovernent of Honduras (li~rUlloa, Bondman
hbassador Go The ~ctherlmds )made a sliortatatenent , whereupon
Professor Paul De Visscher, Professor of Internatiünal Public Law at
the University of Louvain, one of the Counselfor that Govcrnmcnt, bagan
his speech. He will continueat the hearing of toeorrow, 16 Sagtenber,

whlcb wilP open at 10.30 a.n.

* Note for reprcsentative f the Press nith rc~nsd to
comuniaués issued during the hearln~s in the Case concorninq
the Hrbitral Avmd made by the King of Spain on 23 Docernbex 1906

Sincc ropresent~tive osfthe Prcss cm bc prcsent zt eech sitting
and obtain at the end of cnch day thc verbathi record af the daylç
proceedings, the Registry bes not propose to publishduring the hearing,
the customarycomI1miqués whicl-imeraly indicatethe nmes of the spozkers

and the date of the next heming. Honever, an exception will be made
whenever the next heasiw is fixed for a date other thm thc folloning
day .

S1ie Hague,15 Septerfior 1960

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Arbitral Award Made by the King of Spain on 23 December 1906 - Hearing of 15 September 1960
