Arbitral Award Made by the King of Spain on 23 December 1906 - Extension of the time-limit for the filing of the Rejoinder of Nicaragua

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
Document File

The folloming information from the Registry of the International
Court of Justice is communicated to the Press:

In the case ~oncerning the ArbitralAward made by the King of
Spain on 23 Decernber 1906 ondu du vas ~icaragda) , Nicaragua
requested the extensionby two months of the time-limitfixed for
the filingof its Bejolnder,nhich vlas to expire on 3 Movember 1959-

Fallowing the consultation of the other Party, the Court,by an
Order of 7 Octobcr 1959j has rlecided to extend to 4 January 1960
the tine-liaitfor the filingof the Rejoinder.

In the case c~nccrningthe Aorial Tncident of 7 Novernber 1954
(~nitedStatesof Americn v, Union of Soviet Socialist ~e~ublics),
the Court, by an Order of 7 Octobes 1959 has removed fsom its list
the proceedings instituted by the United States of Bmerica by'the
Applicztionof 8 June 1959

In that Application, the Goverment of the United Stetes haà

relied on Article 36, paragragk 1, of the Statuteof the Court,
mhich psovides that the jurisdiction of the Court ~omprises al1
cases mhich thePartiesrefer to it. The United States stated that
they submittedto the Gourtrs jurisdi~tion for the purposes of this
case and indicated that it was open to the Governmentof the UUSR
to do the same: the Court! s jurisdiction viauld thus be confirmcd
md the Court could then s?djudiblzto.

The Applicationof the Goverr~mefit a£ tl-ieUnited States had

been ~omm~ieated to the Government a£ the 'ISSSBon the same day as
i-bT,vssfiled. From the r.cply received from this Government,it
appears that,it is not prepared %O accept the jurisdiction of the
Court in the case. Having noted this situation,the Court has
ordered the removal of the case from its list.

The Hme, 9 Octobrsr 1959

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Arbitral Award Made by the King of Spain on 23 December 1906 - Extension of the time-limit for the filing of the Rejoinder of Nicaragua
