South West Africa (Ethiopia v. South Africa) - Time-limit for the presentation by Ethiopia and Liberia of a written statement of their observations and submissions on the Preliminary Objections

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onniuniqué 2' 61/2~
-(Non officiel)

Les renseignements suivants&manant du Greffe de la Ccur
internationale de Justice sont mis à la disposition de la presse:

Dans les affairesdu Sud-Ouestafricain introduites pztr
1iEthiqpie et le Libéria contre la République sud-africaine, et
à la suite du dépt3t par le Gouvernement sud-africain de certaines

exceptions préliminaires à la compétence de la Cour, le Président
de la Cour a rendu une ordonnancefixant au ler mars 1962
le l'expiraticn du délai accordé& IfEthicpie et au Libéria pour
présenter l'exposé écritde leurs observationset conclusions su.
les exceptionspréliminaires.

La Haye, le 7 décembre 1961

Cornmuni ué Mo. 61/20

The following informaticn £rom the Registryof the International
Court of Juaticeis çomnunic~ted to the Press:

In the South West Mrica cases, mhichwere brought by Ethicipia
and Liberia against the Bepublicof South Af"s£ica,and folloriring the
filingof certain PreliminaryObjecticns to the jurisdiction of the
Court by the Government of the Republic of South Africa, the
President of the Court has made an Osder fixing 1 Alarch J962'as the
tirne-limbe for the presentationby Ethiopia and Liberia of a mieten

statementof their Observations and Submissionson the Preliminary
Objections .

The Hague, 7 December 1961

- I

ICJ document subtitle

- Time-limit for the presentation by Ethiopia and Liberia of a written statement of their observations and submissions on the Preliminary Objections

Document file FR
Document Long Title

South West Africa (Ethiopia v. South Africa) - Time-limit for the presentation by Ethiopia and Liberia of a written statement of their observations and submissions on the Preliminary Objections
