Constitution of the Maritime Safety Committee of the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization - The Court will deliver its Advisory Opinion on 8 June 1960

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
Document File

Les rexseig2enents ~uivmts~ émanant $.uGreffe de la Cour
intclriationale de Justkcc,sont ni3 à la disposition de 1.u presse:

Ls Cour internationale de Justice tiendra le8 juin 1960 à ïtlheures
ac Palais da la Pzix, audiencepubliquepour la lecturede son
0 mis censult~.t;if de ln,ccinpcisition di: Comité de la .

La Baye, le 6 juin 1960.

Com1miqu4 Na. 60 1

The foilm:ing Lntamat!-on fron the Registry ~f the International
Cout oi Justice is com.~-mi¢sted to the Press:

0 The Inte~iakioiial Gorrt of Jl..~sticewill hold a publie sittingat
the lcace Pniace un .2 June 1960 at 11 a.n, Lt vil1 then deliver its
iks ildvi~ury Opinicri in the mxtter crincerning thc çonstitution of the
AiIsrtime Sc$c-ty Cornitteo.

ICJ document subtitle

- The Court will deliver its Advisory Opinion on 8 June 1960

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Constitution of the Maritime Safety Committee of the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization - The Court will deliver its Advisory Opinion on 8 June 1960
