Constitution of the Maritime Safety Committee of the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization - Hearings of 2 to 4 May 1960

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Lc s rcnsc ignoncnt s suivnnt s 6nan,mi du Grcf fo de 1~ Cour inicrnat ionde

de Justicesont ris Ic disposition dc lc presse:

Au cours des uudicncas tanues los 2, j ot 4 n~i 1960 par l,~, Ccur inter-

fi?-tionalc de Justice En Irnffnirc de ln conpositiondu Cofiit; dc 1;; SGcurit&

lc rosréscntmt d~ Gouvcrnenisnt du B~y?~~c-lJnt, qui e poursuivi ct ternine

l'cx~os4 quril rivcit començ6 le 29 ,-.vril; lcs roprCsent~,,nts: du Liberia, du

Pznmn, dcs Etüts-Unis d~1Ù-.iSriquo,r?es Puys-BAS ct du Rcyc%ui*!s-TJni',qui ont

cl-iricufait un aecond expose' sur l~s poiizts nouvcaux soulcv6s dur2n-t lcs


Dcs qucstians ont Cté posees zux xepr6sontnnts pw iinii.las Juges C6rdova

et Sir Percy Spcndcr,questions auxquelles il a ét$ rependu.

Le Président n prononce la clôture des déb2.t~.

The f'cllcning inflrrrnnti~n frr.rnthe Rqis try of' the Internationel Court

of Justicnis cc~r7nunicated to the Press:

* Durinb tho hearings hcld on 2, 3 and 4 Tviay1960 by Internntîonnl

Gsurt of Justice in the nnttsr cf thc 1onstitul;icn of the Neritiise Safety

G~rmittec (~cquestfor Ldvioory Gpinicn), t!le fcallo:iri.nspanke~s viere

hesrd: The ropre~ent? oÎ th2 Goverment of'the UnitedKingdora who

continued 2nd conclu2edthe stat~ncnt ,:!hich he had becun on 29 :IpriLg th2

representativss of Libcric, P~nma, the United States cf b.ericn, th2

Nctherlnnds an? th.> Unitcd Kinedrrl, c~ch vf nhvn nsdc a second s'catencnt

cn nau pints rzlseddurin& the hmrings.

questivns nere put by Jvdges C:jrril:vand Sir Percy Spendex tcli-rhich

the reprLsentntives replied.

The Prcçident declarecl th? pu1)lic heerings clcsed.

Thc HaSc, 4 May 1960

ICJ document subtitle

- Hearings of 2 to 4 May 1960

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Constitution of the Maritime Safety Committee of the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization - Hearings of 2 to 4 May 1960
