Constitution of the Maritime Safety Committee of the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization - Hearing of 26 April 1960

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
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The folloi~iria hf ornation from the Regia t ry of the Inliernational Court
of Justice 1s oomnuiiicated to the Press:

The Coui-t held a yub7ic sitting on Tussd3.y, 26 A?ril 1.960at 10.30 a.m.
at the Peace Falâce ai The Rzgue.

A recentlyelec.trd Wember of the Court,Dr. Ric~rclo Je Alfaro anma ma)
made the s~lem declarztion provided for in jsticle 20 of the Statute of the
Court ai~d Idas d.dyksta'.led.

The Cowt then hegm the hearicg of oral stato,i;~entsin connectiori ri ri th
a request for an Advisory Opinion submitted to it by the ï~ter-Goverr~r,ental
Maritime Consultdtive Organizatim.

The Fresidentrecalled that the opinion of the Court ;n2,sought on
the follo~;~ing question :-

TIIsthe &rithe Safety Comkttee of the Inter-Go~ernmental
* fiaritune Cansultativ Oerganization, rrbich tras elected on 15
Jauiuary1959, const itut ed in accordance with the Convention
for the Establishznt of the Organlzation?"

By an Order of 5 Aupst 1957 a thne lhit expiringon 5 ùecs~ber 1959
had been fixed for the submission of written statements by States considered
as likely to be ableto fumish inÎom.ation on the yucçtion, nümely the
Statesmernbers of the Organization. i~ritteilst2teilten.twere reccived from
France, Liberia, the United 2,tatzsof herica, the Republic of China, Fenama,
Switzerland, Italy, hennark,, bileUnited Klngdom of Great Britain 2nd Nortl-iern
Ireland, NomTay, the Ne thcri~~nds and India.

The desire to be hcard by the Court having subseque~tly been expressed
by the Governiaznt s of Italy, Liberia, the Net herlailds, iilorway, lanuna, the

United Kingdom and ihe United St~~tes of iheinica, the President at the hearing
called first upon the re-resentativ ef Liberia arid stated thzt the other
represerrtatives wod.d be taled upor! in -the follo::ing order i Panma,
United States of Jmerica, Italg, the Neiherlands, Nomay and the Uni-Led
0 Kingdom.

The States icioitj_ng in the oral procceàji-tgs aine repse sented bef ore
the Court as follows :-

Prof e::sorRiccardoihonaco, Chief of the 13epartrnen-kof Cont,entious
Matt ers of the kiinistry for Foreign Affairs.

The Konourable Edxard R. I.Zoore,Assistaizt Attorney-General

of LiberiaNethesla.nds :
Nr. -i, t~lphagon, Legal Adviser of the Winistry for Foreign
kiffairS. '

Nomay :
9-ir,FinnYeyersted, ~jirector of Legal llffalrs in the Norveglan
riinistry foi: Foreign Xf?airs.

. Dr. Octavio ~ibre~a, Presiclent of' the JiJational. Council.of Foreign
I.ff airs, in the cs.pacity of :&?bass ador .&xLsaor6iinory and

Plenipotsntiaqr on Sgecial Miss ton,

Unitvd Kingdom of Gre2.t
Britx2n and Morthem
Ireland :
Mr. F.P.. Vallat, Lleputy Legal Adviser to the Foreign Office, assistzd
by PIr. 0, Johnson,

United States
of herica:
147. Zric M. Hager, Legal Adviser of the Department of SteteJ asçi~ted by

Mrs, I.";.i<,-eiiling, Assistant to the Legal Adviser of the Depa~taewit
of State.

NP. Rocheforte L. T.iee:$alid Mr. Edward PLi ikore began the stateii?ent
on beha'if of the Liberfan Goverrcxdnt, Mr, Pseks wlll coiitinue this st2"ternent
2t the hearing to bs held by the Cowt on ?iednesdyr, 27 lipril at 10,20 a.m.

Note f os lnenresentatives of the Press rrith regard to

cornunisué ss~bed during the hea.rings h ille &,ter of the

Since representc?tives of the Press cm be :2resent setesch siiting 2nd
obtain 2t the end of eac11 day the v~rbatim record of the dey'sproceedings, the
Regist~y does not propose to publishduring the hearing, the cuçtomary
commiqués which me~ely indiczte the names of the speakers and the dete of
the next hearing, I-Io+~ever, an exception ?:il1 be made whenevel: the next
hearj-ng is fLxd for a d.ate other than the followlng dz;.*-.

The Hague, 24 Aprïl 19'60,

ICJ document subtitle

- Hearing of 26 April 1960

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Constitution of the Maritime Safety Committee of the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization - Hearing of 26 April 1960
