Application of the Convention of 1902 Governing the Guardianship of infants (Netherlands v. Sweden) - Sittings of September 26th, 1958

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Corfi~~wiiquCno 58/14
(Gan officiel)

Les i-enseignemants çuivc?iits,&mm?,r~tdu Greffe da la Cour inter-
nationale de Justice, ont Sté mi:;5 k disposit lori dc la presse :

lk Gour internationale de Justicc a tenuaujourd'hui 26 septembre
195e' dek audiences en l!affaire relative 2 l'a-plicatio de k
Convention de 1902 ?ow r&gler la tutelle des mineurs (~a~s-~as c. suéde).

H, 1. Bisch, professeur 5 L.,Facrilté de droit de ITUnfversittB
dl,hsterdam,ta f:rnlir& ltexpoué de la these dt.1Gouvernement des ?a>?s-Bas.
m L avo ccit du C-ouvernement suédois conmence i.a sa plaido Lrie à 1 'audie ncc
qui s1ouvrira le lundi 29 senembre à 15 heures .

22 !%ye, le 26 septembre 1958.

Communiquéno 5G/14

The following information fron the Registry of the Tnternational
Court of Justice has been communicate td the Press:

To-day, September2hth, 1958, the International Court of Justice
held ttm siltuigs In.the case concerning the application of the
Cornedion of 1902 governing the pardianshi? of infants (~etherlands
v, ~weden).
$1. 1.Kisch, Rrofessor of the- Law Facultg of the University of
Lnsterdarriconcluded the case for ihs l'therhnds Governint . On Wonday,

Septernber 29th,at 4 p.rn., Gounsel for Sweden will open the case for
tt at country.

The Hague, Septenber 26th, 1958.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Application of the Convention of 1902 Governing the Guardianship of infants (Netherlands v. Sweden) - Sittings of September 26th, 1958
