Aerial Incident of 27 July 1955 (Israel v. Bulgaria) - Representatives of the Parties at the hearings which will begin on March 16th, 1959

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Thefollowing information fron the Registry of the International
Court of Justice has Seen coiimnicated to the press:

The Iuternational Court of Justice will met on lbndzy the 16th
of Iflasch1359 at 4 p.m, at the Peace Palaceat the Hague.

The sitting will be the first in the oral hearings in the case of
the Aerial Incident of July 27th, 1955 submitted Go the Court on
October lbth, 1957 by Application of the Governriient of Israel against
the Peoplels Regublic of Mgaria. The proceedings will deal &th the

Preliminary Objectiom to the jurisdiction of the Court raisedby the
def endant .

It will be recalledthat the case was brought on account of the
destruction, on July 2?th, 1955,over the territory of the People's
Republic of Bulgaria, of a civilconstella;i;ion-aircraft belonging to
El iU Israel Airlines, Ltd., with consequential lossof life and
property . Follotring the depo sit of the Application the .Court fixed
the-lirnits for the filingof the first two pleadings, the biemorial of

the Israeli hvern~~ent and the Cowiter-llemorial of the Goverment of
Bulgaria; The thlimit fixed farthe ffling of the Couter-Hemorial
expired on December 9th, 1958, Villthinthat the-lhit the Goverruneni
of Bulgaria flled certain Prelhiinary Objections to the jurisdiction of
the Court. The proceedings on the meritswere thereupon suspended by
virtue of i'irticle 62 of the Mes of Court and a the-limit expiring
February3rd, 1959, was fixed within hrhich the Governent of Israel
might presant a written staternent of its Observations and Submissions
on the Objections. This documentwas filed within the prescribed
the-limit and the case was il-ienready for a hearing.

At the hearing on Narch 16th the Court TKLLIf'irst proceed to
the installation of lfr, Justice David raitein, of the Supreme Court
of Tsrael, and of Ph. Yareslav Jourek, a r~ieinber of the International
Law CommLssion of the United I\Tations who, in accordance 16th Article 31
of the Statuto of the Court, have been desig-mted by ihe Gaverment of
Israel and the &vermilent of Bukaria, respectlvely, to sit as Judges
ad hoc in this case.

,The Court will tl-iencal1 on the Parties which dl be represented
as f ollows :-

The Government of Israel:

Mr. ÇhabtaiRosenne, Legal ~~dvisor tu the Ministry for Foreign
riffairs of Israel as Agentt

assist cd by:

Mr. Fi. Shneerson, .... Mr, M..Shneerson, finister Plenipotentiary, Israelian Erhassy .
in Paris,

Mr, J.H. Lazarus, AssistantAttorney-Cenerail,

Mr. F. Landau, ~lsslst aant Ste-j~ttorney, and

filr.T. Meron, Assistant to the Legal Adviser of the DhLstry
for Foreign Affairs,
. .
as Counsel;

The Goverment of the People s Republic of Bulgaria:
.- -. . .

Dr. NissimMeirorah, as i~gent,

asslsted by:

Mr. Evpeni Kamenov,Envay Fxtraordrinary and Diinist erPlenipoten itary
of Bulgaria in France,

as Counsel, and by: I

Mr..Pierre Cot, Professeur agré~é of the French Law Faculties,

as Advocate,

The Hague, March 9th, 1959.

ICJ document subtitle

- Representatives of the Parties at the hearings which will begin on March 16th, 1959

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Aerial Incident of 27 July 1955 (Israel v. Bulgaria) - Representatives of the Parties at the hearings which will begin on March 16th, 1959
